Nullable variable in Kotlin - kotlin

I have this code example.
var nullAbleName: String? = null
var v = "I cannot be null"
//! v = nullAbleName // mismatch
nullAbleName = "abc"
v = nullAbleName // Now OK.
nullAbleName is a variable, and its value should be determined in run-time. What is the logic that 2nd assignment of v is OK? Is it that I am lucky because the compiler happens to know the nullAbleName has a value?

This is called smart-casting. The compiler is able to see that the local variable was most recently set to an explicit String, so it treats it as non-null. You may notice that the assignment is colored/highlighted differently by the IDE to show that is employing smart-casting.
This only works with local variables that have not been captured by a closure that modifies them (for instance, creating a callback instance that modifies the value of the local variable). So properties are ineligible for smart casting because they aren't local variables (and could be changed elsewhere) and local variables captured in closures aren't eligible (because they could be changed elsewhere by the closure).


Why is it giving a warning?

I replaced it with Val and the texts did not go away.
Edit: Changing it manually fixed it. But why "var" is it giving an error?
"Variable is never modified so it can be declared using 'val'"
In many languages, compile time validation yields information about the mutability of variables. Variables that do not change value during the execution of a function are invariables. In Kotlin (and some other languages) it is highly recommended to mark those invariables as such (by using the keyword val instead of var).
If you use val, then this has two consequences.
The obvious one is, that the value cannot change any longer. If you try to assign a new value later on, the compiler will yield a compile time error, and you must either assign the new value somewhere else, or change the val back to var. This ensures, that the original value is not accidentally changed.
val pi = 3.141d
for (...
pi = 3 // This will not compile
The less obvious effect is, that any reader of the scope will immediately see that the value will never change during the scope's existence. This is a great benefit in readability, as it signals any reader that variable changes happen elsewhere.
val myMessage = "..."
// Here I can be sure that myMessage is still "..."
It is therefore useful to mark invariables as val, as it helps read and understand the code and adds to safety in execution.
In Kotlin, var denotes a variable that can be reassigned different values, while val denotes a variable that cannot.
If you never reassign a var, it's better to show that you don't need this by using val instead. The compiler can do better optimizations and in particular smart casts with vals.
As a rule of thumb: if the compiler doesn't force you to use var, use val.

Lua closure reference to variable fails if declared in the same statement declaring the variable

This is a question about closures in Lua. I stumbled across a problem (and workaround) while trying to make an object registrar object as follows:
tracker = {
objList = {},
myRegister = function(self, obj)
table.insert(self.objList, obj)
return "hello"
myInit = function(self)
local i, obj
for i, obj in ipairs(self.objList) do
-- Note: As written, this does *not* work.
-- It *will* work if I separate the line into two parts as follows:
-- local myvar
-- myvar = tracker:myRegister({
local myvar = tracker:myRegister({
init = function(self)
-- This will generate an error complaining that myvar
-- is a global variable with a "nil" value
print("myvar = " .. myvar)
It seems that if I declare the local variable, "myvar", in the same statement which creates a closure, then the local variable is not accessible from the closure. If, however, I merely assign to an already-existing local variable, then that variable is accessible from the closure.
Obviously, I know how to fix this: Just declare myvar separately.
My question, however, is this: Why is this necessary? Is this by design, or is it a bug in the compiler and/or virtual machine? If it's by design, where is it documented? I'm particularly interested in whether this behavior has other implications, and what those might be, and I'm hoping that the documentation (again assuming this is the intended behavior) will shed some light on this.
Yes, this is the intended behavior.
It is documented in the Lua manual §3.5 – Visibility Rules
This feature allows you to write the following code:
print"Beginning of log"
local print =
print("%T", ...) -- Here you're invoking global "print"
-- inside this do-end block "print" is automatically adding current time
print"Some event"
print"Another event"
print"End of log"
In other words, while the shadowing object is being created, the original object is still accessible.
This is quite useful.

Are variable types permanent in Statically Typed Languages?

My understanding is that variable types are "checked" before run-time for statically typed languages.
I take this to mean that a var of type int can't ever be type string? Does this mean variable type can't change (within the same scope) throughout the program (in a statically typed language)?
Somebody mentioned "variable shadowing" but I'm pretty sure that only applies in different scopes.
var i = 'hi';
function foo() {
var i = 1;
My understanding of var shadowing is that i in the global scope is a different variable than i in the foo function scope and therefore their types are permanent and unrelated (in a static language, which JS is not). Is that right?
Somebody mentioned "variable shadowing" but I'm pretty sure that only applies in different scopes.
It depends on your definition of "scope", Rust, for example, allows the kind of shadowing that you're talking about, even within a single block:
fn main() {
let a: str = "hello";
let a: i32 = 3;
It could be argued that the declaration of a shadow variable implicitly ends the scope of the previous variable. But to quote from the Rust book:
Note that shadowing a name does not alter or destroy the value it was bound to, and the value will continue to exist until it goes out of scope, even if it is no longer accessible by any means.

Difference between dynamic and static type in Dart

Two questions.
Below is strong type.
String msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
And, below dynamic
var msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
Is there any difference between the two 'msg's above?
Second, if I use 'new' keyword to initiate a variable as below,
Map myMap = new Map;
Why to indicate the variable 'myMap' is a Map instance(Map myMap) as 'new' keyword already include the same meaning? So, isn't it okay just,
myMap = new Map;
Because the 'new' keyword already implies the newly initiated variable is both variable and Map type, I can't understand why normally 'Map' keyword is with the variable name, even 'var' also.
Does anyone have any idea about this (seems a little bit redundant) Dart grammar?
In regard to the first question, there will be no difference in what each msg variable contains.
For the Map question, the reason for specifying the type of a variable that is constructed at declaration is to allow some flexibility with subclasses. Take for example the following code:
class SubMap extends Map {
SubMap() : super();
Map map = new SubMap();
Here we have a variable map which contains a SubMap object as its value, however we are allowing it to contain values of type Map (or other types which subclass Map) at later times.
The main thing to remember with Dart is that it is optionally typed. When running your code, none of your type annotiations make any difference at all (unless you run in checked mode). What the type annotations are for is to help your IDE and other tools provide autocomplete help, possible warnings, etc. which other fully dynamic languages like Javascript cannot.
String msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
msg = 1; // exception in checked mode - int can not be assigned to String.
var msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
msg = 1; // ok in checked mode
Checked mode is the developer mode where type annotations are checked and create runtime exceptions when code violates them.
In unchecked (production) mode it makes no difference if you add a type annotation and which one. This is for performance reasons because checked mode is slower.
The declaration Map myMap = new Map() does three things:
it declares a variable named myMap with type-annotation Map,
it creates a new object using the Map constructor, and
it assigns the object to the variable.
The type annotation means that myMap has static type Map. The static type can give you some warnings at compile time, but it doesn't change anything at runtime.
The type annotation also adds a type check in checked mode, where any assignment to the variable is checked for being assignable to Map.
The object you create could be any object using any constructor. I regularly use new HashMap() instead of new Map(), and still assign it to a variable typed as Map.
Then the object is assigned to the variable, and the type check succeeds, if in checked mode.
The variable is independent of the value used to initialize it. If you later assign a string to the myMap variable, it will fail in checked mode.
So, the difference between the two msg variables is that one has a static type and a type check in checked mode.
For the code you show, there is no difference in behavior.
If the next line was var y = msg + 42;, then the typed version would give a warning (msg has static type String, and String.operator+ has type String->String, so the 42 has an invalid argument type), where the untyped version wouldn't warn you (msg has type dynamic so you probably know what you are doing).

Function/variable scope (pass by value or reference?)

I'm completely confused by Lua's variable scoping and function argument passing (value or reference).
See the code below:
local a = 9 -- since it's define local, should not have func scope
local t = {4,6} -- since it's define local, should not have func scope
function moda(a)
a = 10 -- creates a global var?
function modt(t)
t[1] = 7 -- create a global var?
t[2] = 8
print(a) -- print 9 (function does not modify the parent variable)
print(t[1]..t[2]) -- print 78 (some how modt is modifying the parent t var)
As such, this behavior completely confuses me.
Does this mean that table variables
are passed to the function by
reference and not value?
How is the global variable creation
conflicting with the already define
local variable?
Why is modt able to
modify the table yet moda is not able
to modify the a variable?
You guessed right, table variables are passed by reference. Citing Lua 5.1 Reference Manual:
There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and table.
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.
So nil, booleans, numbers and strings are passed by value. This exactly explains the behavior you observe.
Lua's function, table, userdata and thread (coroutine) types are passed by reference. The other types are passed by value. Or as some people like to put it; all types are passed by value, but function, table, userdata and thread are reference types.
string is also a kind of reference type, but is immutable, interned and copy-on-write - it behaves like a value type, but with better performance.
Here's what's happening:
local a = 9
local t = {4,6}
function moda(a)
a = 10 -- sets 'a', which is a local introduced in the parameter list
function modt(t)
t[1] = 7 -- modifies the table referred to by the local 't' introduced in the parameter list
t[2] = 8
Perhaps this will put things into perspective as to why things are the way they are:
local a = 9
local t = {4,6}
function moda()
a = 10 -- modifies the upvalue 'a'
function modt()
t[1] = 7 -- modifies the table referred to by the upvalue 't'
t[2] = 8
-- 'moda' and 'modt' are closures already containing 'a' and 't',
-- so we don't have to pass any parameters to modify those variables
print(a) -- now print 10
print(t[1]..t[2]) -- still print 78
jA_cOp is correct when he says "all types are passed by value, but function, table, userdata and thread are reference types."
The difference between this and "tables are passed by reference" is important.
In this case it makes no difference,
function modt_1(x) = "bar"
Result: both "pass table by reference" and "pass table by value, but table is a reference type" will do the same: x now has its foo field set to "bar".
But for this function it makes a world of difference
function modt_2(x)
x = {}
In this case pass by reference will result in the argument getting changed to the empty table. However in the "pass by value, but its a reference type", a new table will locally be bound to x, and the argument will remain unchanged. If you try this in lua you will find that it is the second (values are references) that occurs.
I won't repeat what has already been said on Bas Bossink and jA_cOp's answers about reference types, but:
-- since it's define local, should not have func scope
This is incorrect. Variables in Lua are lexically scoped, meaning they are defined in a block of code and all its nested blocks.
What local does is create a new variable that is limited to the block where the statement is, a block being either the body of a function, a "level of indentation" or a file.
This means whenever you make a reference to a variable, Lua will "scan upwards" until it finds a block of code in which that variable is declared local, defaulting to global scope if there is no such declaration.
In this case, a and t are being declared local but the declaration is in global scope, so a and t are global; or at most, they are local to the current file.
They are then not being redeclared local inside the functions, but they are declared as parameters, which has the same effect. Had they not been function parameters, any reference inside the function bodies would still refer to the variables outside.
There's a Scope Tutorial on with some examples that may help you more than my attempt at an explanation. Programming in Lua's section on the subject is also a good read.
Does this mean that table variables are passed to the function by reference and not value?
How is the global variable creation conflicting with the already define local variable?
It isn't. It might appear that way because you have a global variable called t and pass it to a function with an argument called t, but the two ts are different. If you rename the argument to something else, e,g, q the output will be exactly the same. modt(t) is able to modify the global variable t only because you are passing it by reference. If you call modt({}), for example, the global t will be unaffected.
Why is modt able to modify the table yet moda is not able to modify the a variable?
Because arguments are local. Naming your argument a is similar to declaring a local variable with local a except obviously the argument receives the passed-in value and a regular local variable does not. If your argument was called z (or was not present at all) then moda would indeed modify the global a.