Gridsome: How to add Vue.use(MyPlugin) for a single page only? - vue.js

I have added ReCaptcha plugin using Vue.use(ReCaptcha, {some options}) in Gridsome main.js which is displaying on all pages.
How to add plugin for a particular page only in gridsome?

I've never used ReCaptcha or Gridsome before, but generally, if you install a plugin using npm, then the simplest way to use it on a single page would be to import the plugin to the specific component rendered on the route you want to use it on. i.e
/* === MyComponent.vue === */
import plugin from 'packageName';
// or
import { pluginExport } from 'packageName';
export Default{
// You can then use the plugin/pluginExport here
From there you should be able to use the package in that specific component as you normally would if you implemented it app-wide with Vue.use. In some cases, depending on how the plugin is meant to be used, you may need to register the imported plugin Module as a child component in the components object. Like this vuejs QR Code generator for example.


How to extend a component in Vue 3?

The import is working just fine in case I try to use the component from element-plus directly.
What I'm trying to do though, is to extend a component from element-plus library (it uses the composition api from Vue 3) and add some additional properties to my component and methods.
In Vue 2 it would look something like this:
export default {
extends: SomeComponent
In Vue 3 this seems to not be working anymore.
I've read about defineComponent but so far, without success implementing it.
Can someone shed me some lights? Thanks.
In order to extend a component that uses Composition API whereas another still uses Options API, we need to also do the setup, such as:
export default { extends: SomeComponent, setup: SomeComponent.setup }

Vue-Router add new route dynamically when there is a new component

I need to create a fully modular Vue project and I can't figure out how do I add or remove routes when there is a new component or a component is deleted.
Now I statically type all the routes that are available in my Sidebar menu. Let's say there are 10 menus in my sidebar, it means that I should type 10 routes in my routes.js file.
But I need this project to be modular. By saying modular what I mean is, I need to give the component list to the project, I think that I should do that with a .json file and let's say this file says that it has only 5 component available, then the related routes will be dynamically created in the routes.js file, and when one of them is deleted, the related route should be removed from the routes list as well. That is what I want.
I want to do that because I develop a single frontend with Vue for more than one device. These devices may have different options and menus, when the device and the frontend matches, only the available menus will be put in the sidebar, so I can't type all the routes statically as I've been doing the whole time.
Any advice would be appreciated.
You can loop through a list of routes and use the router.addRoute function to dynamically add them to your router instance (requires vue-router 3.5.0+), instead of loading them by default. You could do this from the created() hook of your main layout for example.
// app.vue
<router-view />
export default {
created() {
let routes = loadRoutes(); // insert your own function to get the correct routes here
routes.forEach(route => this.$router.addRoute(route))
If you need to be able to switch between different layouts on the same device (like a shared terminal for managers and employees) you can reset the routes array by creating a new router instance, or removeRoute (if you use v4.0+).

Vuepress dynamic routes and render as page?

I use vuepress as a mixed solution of static generated pages and dynamic pages in the SPA approach. The dynamic data source is a large database server, hence it can not use the additionalPages feature introduced in vurepress 1.x. That means dynamic routes was added using enhanceApp.js as below. Dynamic pages are rendered with extended layouts to share same page structure (header, footer).
// Foo is a layout component extends from Layout.vue
import Foo from './layouts/Foo.vue'
export default ({
Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
options, // the options for the root Vue instance
router, // the router instance for the app
siteData // site metadata
}) => {
{ path: '/foo/:id', component: Foo },
It works, however the layouts/Foo.vue is a component. It missing frontmatter, markdown syntax like normal markdown page does. The question is how to load a markdown page and pass to routes as component?
I'm still new to Vuepress, but I come across this comment in the source code that might be able to help you.
When Vue SFCs are source files, make them as layout components directly
I haven't finished reading all source code, so I'm not very sure I understand it correctly. But I guess when Vuepress find a vue component, it will not render it like a markdown file. It assumes you have your own style inside the .vue file. So I think that may be why you are missing what normal markdown page has.
However, if you need to mix a dynamic data source with static pages, you can try to use Vue in markdown to get what you want to achieve.

How to lazy load a plugin in Vue?

Vue plugins usually requires a global setup in app entrypoint by Vue.use(somePlugin). Doing so increases the bundle size for all pages, which is often bad and that it is better to defer the downloading of the module until when the module is actually being used, aka lazy loading or code spliting.
How do I lazy load a plugin if only one page in my Vue app needs it?
To answer the OP's question more directly: You can't lazy load a plugin.
According to the documentation, plugins by definition provide globally-accessible functionality and must be setup with Vue.use() before the Vue instance is created. Due to this, they'll always be bundled with the entire Vue instance (in a vendors chunk, for example).
What you want is to lazy load the functionality in a smaller scope, at a component level. Depending on the plugin, the plugin module should also support some sort of direct code importing at a component level, like this one does. Because it just uses import statements, they can be async loaded.
TL;DR: Anything using Vue.use() can't be lazy loaded. Async imports can.
One of the options is to call your plugin file in created/mounted hook and do the stuff you want.
Just import it on the specific page an example would be "Slide" from "vue-burger-menu"
import { Slide } from "vue-burger-menu"
export default {
components: {

How to access a constant in main.js in another js file in vue.js framework?

I have a vue.js application and in the main.js file I have configured the Vuei18n as per the documentation. This is working perfectly and in order to access this in other components, I have added this to new Vue() instance and this is now accessible (with this.$i18n).
Now I have created a validator.js file for validation rules and I need to use the this.$i18n there, but its not working. I have also tried Vue.prototype.$i18n but that too not working. Can someone help me to find out where I went wrong ?
 exporting the i18n variable
I'll assume your app is a vue-cli app, or at least that you use webpack to build it
and therefore can use ES modules.
Working with vue-i18n you would do something like the following:
// step 1: define the i18n object via new Vue18n
const i18n = new VueI18n({
// step 2: setup the Vue object to use this object:
new Vue({
... store, router.... whatever
Where messages contain all the JSON's with the translations keys and values.
I guess you already are doing something like this.
And now, in your validator module you need the very same i18n object you plugged to Vue.
Instead of trying to get to Vue in your validator, you can just plain export the i18n varible from main.js:
export {i18n}
So, in your validator.js file, you can just import it:
import {i18n} from '#/main.js' // or whatever is the path
This is pretty much how I'm solving the validator internationalization problem in my own application.
Important note: circular dependencies
If you're already importing the validator.js in your main.js, you won't be able to import i18n from main in your validator module. To avoid such a problem, you would move the i18n initialization and exportation to another module, such as i18n.js, so the validator and the main file can import it independently. 
 Without es6 modules
In case you're not using webpack or another bundler to bundle your code, you can still just export the i18n object to the window object:
window.i18n = i18n
and then use it from whatever file. You just need to be careful to store the i18n object in window before any file will try to access it.
I think what you're looking for is Custom Events. According to this documentation, you should be able to emit your variable with something like below
this.$emit('send-i18n', this.$i18n)
Still according to the documentation, try to use v-on:send-i18n to retreive your value.
Hope it works.