what's percentmemoryn in hive? - hive

Hive version:3.0.0
when I type $HIVE_HOME/bin/hiveserver2
I got:
WARN [main] conf.HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.map.aggr.hash.percentmemoryn does not exist
What's percentmemoryn and where can I find the relevant document ?
here's screenshot
Thanks for your help.


Apache Pig 0.12.0 on Hue not preprocessing statements as expected

I'm using Hue for PIG scripts on amazon EMR. I am using the declare and default statements as mentioned in the documentation.
I have some %default and %declare statements and it looks like they are
not preprocessed within Hue. Therefore, although the parameters are defined
in my script, the editor keeps popping in a parameter configuration window. If I leave the parameter blank, the job fails with an error.
Sample Script
%declare OUTPUT_FOLDER 'testingOutput01';
ts = LOAD 's3://testbucket1/input/testdata-00000.gz' USING PigStorage('\t');
STORE ts INTO 's3://testbucket1/$OUTPUT_FOLDER' USING PigStorage('\t');
Upon execution, it shows the pop-up window asking for values for OUTPUT_FOLDER. If I leave it blank it fails with the following error:
2015-06-23 20:15:54,908 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.Main - ERROR 2997:
Encountered IOException. org.apache.pig.tools.parameters.ParseException:
Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 12.
Was expecting one of:
<OTHER> ...
Is that the expected behavior? Is this a known issue or am I missing something?
Configuration details:
AMI version:3.7.0
Hadoop distribution:Amazon 2.4.0
Applications:Hive 0.13.1, Pig 0.12.0, Impala 1.2.4, Hue
The same behavior is seen with default instead of declare.
If you need any clarifications then please do comment on this question. I will update it as needed.
Hue does not support %declare with a default statement. It will be fixed with: https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-2508
The current temporary workaround is to put any value in the popup.

Hive error with the command show tables

I am using Apache-Hadoop and Hive as a setup. The hive do get connected with the Hadoop,tables are also created. But with the command show tables this exception occurs:Failed with the exception java.io.IOException:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException:Input Pattern file:/tmp/${hduser}/034cbea3-2b60-49f5-8284-d6fba957dda3/hive_2015-06-18_05-10-04_183_5811447541305606525-1/-local-10000 matches 0 files
What is the exception and how should i solve it. Please help me.
So please check out the file: vim $HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml, and you should check the <name>system:user.name, it's value should be hduser not ${hduser}.
please take the right/correct name for the user.

Avro : java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported type in record

Input: test.csv
Pig Script :
REGISTER required jars are registered;
A = LOAD 'test.csv' USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.CSVExcelStorage() AS (code:chararray);
STORE A INTO 'test' USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.avro.AvroStorage
'{"namespace":"com.pig.test.avro","type":"record","name":"Avro_Test","doc":"Avro Test Schema",
Getting a runtime error while STORE. Any inputs on resolving the same.
Error Log :
ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.SimplePigStats - ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backed error: org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter$AppendWriteException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported type in record:class java.lang.String
at org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter.append(DataFileWriter.java:263)
at org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.avro.PigAvroRecordWriter.write(PigAvroRecordWriter.java:49)
at org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.avro.AvroStorage.putNext(AvroStorage.java:722)
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigOutputFormat$PigRecordWriter.write(PigOutputFormat.java:139)
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigOutputFormat$PigRecordWriter.write(PigOutputFormat.java:98)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask$NewDirectOutputCollector.write(MapTask.java:558)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskInputOutputContextImpl.write(TaskInputOutputContextImpl.java:85)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.map.WrappedMapper$Context.write(WrappedMapper.java:106)
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigMapOnly$Map.collect(PigMap
2015-06-02 23:06:03,934 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.PigStatsUtil - 1 map reduce job(s) failed!
2015-06-02 23:06:03,934 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.SimplePigStats - Script Statistics:
Looks like this is a bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIG-3358
If you can, try to update to pig 0.14, according to the comments this has been fixed.

FAILED: Error in metadata:

when i am trying to show tables from hive databases the following error displays..
i granted permissions to ware house & Tables even though the error shows
hive> show tables;
FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
Thanks in advance.
this error occurs when hive CLI is terminated improperly.
exit from hive, give 'jps' command. some process named runjar will be there. kill it using ' kill -9 pid'
thats it. you are done.
plz ignore typo- replied from mobile

Syntax error when I try to load file .log

I have the next line:
(2013-03-21 14:36:21,686) WARN TP-Processor16 com.lolo.exc - fail load)
(2013-03-21 14:36:21,686) WARN TP-Processor11 com.lolo.exc - fail load)
it's a log4j log, and I have to use PIG to process it.
I'm not sure what kind of method I have to use.... textloader or pigstorage, let me know your thugts