Error: option 'name' clashes with existing property 'name' on Command - react-native

Some context: I've recently been trying to update a react native project that uses expo, since I have not worked on the project for about four months. I believe I finally was able to successfully upgrade the project as expo is starting. The issue is that I am now having some trouble with some of the newer modules I just installed with npm. This error seems to be coming from me not knowing how to use the commander module. Additionally, I do not believe that I have a thorough understanding of modulues in react native/expo. I am using ubuntu 20.04 via windows terminal.
I did go to the website mentioned in the error. I believe that this link - - is what will solve my problem. However, I am confused as to where I should put the example file and how to use it.
I am not very well versed in modules for react native/expo and it is quite possible that I do not need to use this module (I thought that installing it would make my react native program run, but that does not seem to be the case).
Thus, I am looking for advice on either how to use this module, or on whether or not I should be using these modules (after updating node and then expo, the following modules could not be found every time I ran npm start, so I decided to install them using sudo npm install module_name -g since some other stackoverflow/github pages recommended that):
Any help would be appreciated, and I would be happy to provide any more information that would be relevant.

I was not able to figure out a way to make the project work with the above modules. So, I followed the advice of a post I made on the expo forums (I posted similar context there and also the answer that I wrote below).
If you do not want to click the link, here are the steps below:
Basically, I uninstalled expo using the following command: npm -g uninstall expo-cli --save && yarn global remove expo-cli. Then I proceeded to remove the .expo folder from my home directory. More details on these two steps can be found here.
After that, I reinstalled expo using npm install --global expo-cli, from the expo documentation, in the install section.
Then I closed my terminal, reopened it, and ran expo whoami. The command returned recommending an update, so I followed the provided update command (which I believe was just npm install --global expo-cli again).
I closed the terminal, reopened it, and ran expo whoami again. This time I was just met with "you are not logged into expo" (or something along those lines). So, everything seemed up to date.
I then went to project and ran npm start and it worked fine.
Note: You may need to use sudo for any uninstall and install commands above (your terminal will likely tell you if you do).
Note Clearing cache for npm and yarn may take some time. Additionally, the first time you run npm start may also take some time. I'd say all in all this took about two to three hours, but my computer is also not the best.


npm install -g eas-cli fails

I am a newbie to react-native and would like to start developing a react-native app.
I could have started developing by react-native-cli, but I heard there was something called Expo and a way to open an initial app with expo-cli.
I copied and pasted this code npm install -g eas-cli, but it gave me a huge long error message I put its screenshot below.
I have no idea about the system?? inside my computer.
I would be so grateful if anyone gives me a possible solution.
Thanks for your valuable time^^
=========== Edit ===========
So I read the first comment, and run this command on my Mac brew install nvm. It worked nicely and looked for more information for what to do from this point. Then I ran this command mkdir ~/.nvm, and I am stack now. I created a directory called .nvm, but so what from now??
Thanks a lot for taking your time to help me!!
You probably installed npm using sudo, or something like that.
I would recommend to install npm using nvm. It usually removes all those errors.

React Native Fails To Start Server With Error In #react-native-community/cli/build/commands/doctor/healthchecks/index.js

I just created a brand new React Native project, and I can't get it to run. The server always fails on the following:
} catch {}
SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
The only thing I've found on this issue is this thread, which ends with people saying to post this question on Stackoverflow, hence why I'm here. I've tried the usual: upgrading node versions, removing node_modules and reinstalling, restarting my machine, all to no avail. I even delved into the code to see if I could figure out what's going on, but nothing jumped out at me.
My hope is that others have run into this with new React Native projects and that someone can help me resolve it. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
Sigh.... Well after struggling with this for a day I found the workaround was to run npx react-native start in one console and then run npx react-native run-ios in another. I was just trying to do the latter by itself (which always worked in the past), and I guess that doesn't work anymore.
Probably your node and/or npm version is to old. Check by npm -v and node -v and update to latest version, or suggesting by react-native crew in dependencies from node site. Or if you use nvm try:
nvm install 16.14.0 && nvm alias default 16.14.0 && nvm use 16.14.0
Note that, this is for specific version. For latest, type:
nvm install --lts --latest-npm
nvm use x.x.x //latest installed version
This problem is due to node version. Upgrade your node verion above 12. It will solve the problem.
Use can either use nvm or directly install the node
if you are using android studio start it with command line
like this cd /path/to/android-studio/bin
then make sure its executable

npx from command line does not find imports?

I'm trying to run a simple hello.ts script from command line. This works if the script has no dependencies:
npx ts-node hello.ts
But as soon as I start adding some dependencies...
import _ from 'lodash';
It fails:
Cannot find module 'lodash' or its corresponding type declarations.
It keeps failing even if I install the dependencies globally. So how do I tell npx (or ts-node for that matter) to consider globally installed dependencies?
Using Node 16.9.1 (upgraded via Version Lens). The error seems to have disappeared after uninstalling/reinstalling the imported libraries a few times.
If you're using npm >=1.0, you can use npm link to create a local link to a package already installed globally. (Caveat: The OS must support symlinks.)
IE: npm install -g lodash && npm link lodash
However, this doesn't come without its problems.
npm link is a development tool. It's awesome for managing packages on your local development box. But deploying with npm link is basically asking for problems, since it makes it super easy to update things without realizing it.
As an alternative, you can install the packages locally as well as globally.
For additional information, see:
Are you using the n package by any chance? I used n to change from a newer version of node (16.2.0) to an older version of node (12.13.0), ran npm i and npx failed with a different error.
Using n to change back to 16.2.0 seems to have resolved the issue so I'm thinking perhaps it was an issue with package-lock.json or such

eslint with yarn and create-react-native-app

Has anyone made eslint work with create-react-native-app in vscode on Windows 10? It is so unstable it's making my skin itch!
Latest npm doesn't work with create-react-native-app so I installed yarn. Now I can create an app. But I have to do this with cmd prompt outside of vscode otherwise I get no QR code to launch app on my phone.
I tried to install eslint locally with yarn, and use airbnb linting rules - this fails - if I install it with npm it works and I can initialise it with airbnb rules. Yay! I now have linting in my project.....but wait! Now I cannot start my project anymore because:
react-native-scripts start
'react-native-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This is killing me!! It's taken about 8 hours of $%^#ing around and I haven't even got to try any react native coding yet! Is it supposed to be this insane just to set up the environment?!!?
Anyone have any suggestions? I googled and looked at github issues but I see no solutions for this.
Thanks in advance!
Version 1.5.2 of create-react-app has options for using npm instead of Yarn as well as using a specific npm version. Use create-react-app -h to view help.
Have you also tried adding the following to your VS Code settings when using Yarn?
"eslint.packageManager": "yarn"

react native doesn't recognize project

I've made a fresh clone of a react-native project which is 100% ok and working. Installed react-native-cli, trying to run react-native start in the project dir, but I get Command start unrecognized. Make sure that you have run npm install and that you are inside a react-native project.
I tried to init a fresh project just to test, and it worked fine, I was able to run react native commands there and everything worked.
It's definitely not an issue with my project because other people work on it as well and it's 100% ok and valid. This is some issue with react native or some other lib, I suppose. What could that be?
I'm using mac os sierra and project's react native version is 0.40.0
So, I've resolved this issue finally, and, to whoever it may concern: the problem wasn't with react-native. The problem was with npm. I was using yarn, and had npm 5 installed on my system. Also I had a postinstall script, which called rn-nodeify. rn-nodeify, in turn, on the final stage called npm (not yarn), and since it was npm 5 I was experiencing an npm 5 bug, which wiped out my modules. The bug is described e.g. here. Downgrading to npm 4 solved this issue for me.