Breakline after matching pattern with awk - awk

I have this kind of file
A 1,2,3,4
B 1
C 1,2
I would like to get with awk this output :
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
B 1
C 1
C 2
C 3
tried code:
sed 's/,/\n&/g' file
Any idea with awk?

Could you please try following, using multiple field separator concept, written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk.
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ ,]"} {for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){print $1,$i}}' Input_file
2nd solution: splitting 2nd field value.
awk '{num=split($2,arr,",");for(i=1;i<=num;i++){print $1,arr[i]}}' Input_file

$ awk '{gsub(/,/,ORS $1 OFS)}1' file
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
B 1
C 1
C 2
And if you really want THAT output from THAT input, you need to add END{print "C 3"} in the end...
Edit Please see #EdMorton's comment for a pitfall.


How can I remove a string after a specific character ONLY in a column/field in awk or bash?

I have a file with tab-delimited fields (or columns) like this one below:
cat abc_table.txt
a b c
1 11;qqw 213
2 22 222
3 333;rs2 83838
I would like to remove everything after the ";" on only the second field.
I have tried with
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR>=1 && sub (/;[*]/,"",$2){print $0}' abc_table.txt
but it does not seem to work.
I also tried with sed:
's/;.*//g' abc_table.txt
but it erases also the strings in the third field:
a b c
1 11
2 22 222
3 333
The desired output is:
a b c
1 11 213
2 22 222
3 333 83838
If someone could help me, I would be very grateful!
You need to simply correct your regex.
awk '{sub(/;.*/,"",$2)} 1' Input_file
In case you have Input_file TAB delimited then try:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {sub(/;.*/,"",$2)} 1' Input_file
Problem in OP's regex: OP's regex ;[*] is looking for ; and *(literal character) in 2nd field that's why its NOT able to substitute everything after ; in 2nd field. We need to simply give ;.* which means grab everything from very first occurrence of ; till last of 2nd field and then substitute with NULL in 2nd field.
An alternative solution using gnu sed:
sed -E 's/(^[^\t]*\t+[^;]*);[^\t]*/\1/' file
a b c
1 11 213
2 22 222
3 333 83838
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/[^\t]*/&\n/2;s/;[^\t]*\n//;s/\n//' file
Append a unique marker e.g. newline, to the end of field 2.
Remove everything from the first ; which is not a tab to a newline.
Remove the newline if any.
N.B. This method can be extended for selective or all fields e.g. same removal but for the first and third fields:
sed 's/[^\t]*/&\n/1;s//&\n/3;s/;[^\t]*\n//g;s/\n//g' file

awk with empty field in columns

Here my file.dat
1 A 1 4
2 2 4
3 4 4
3 7 B
1 U 2
Running awk '{print $2}' file.dat gives:
But I would like to keep the empty field:
How to do it?
I must add that between :
column 1 and 2 there is 3 whitespaces field separator
column 2 and 3 and between column 3 and 4 one whitespace field separator
So in column 2 there are 2 fields missing (lines 2 and 4) and in column 4
there are also 2 fields missing (lines 3 and 5)
If this isn't all you need:
$ awk -F'[ ]' '{print $4}' file
then edit your question to provide a more truly representative example and clearer requirements.
If the input is fixed-width columns, you can use substr to extract the slice you want. I have assumed that you want a single character at index 5:
awk '{ print(substr($0,5,1)) }' file
Your awk code is missing field separators.
Your example file doesn't clearly show what that field separator is.
From observation your file appears to have 5 columns.
You need to determine what your field separator is first.
This example code expects \t which means <TAB> as the field separator.
awk -F'\t' '{print $3}' OFS='\t' file.dat
This outputs the 3rd column from the file. This is the 'read in' field separator -F'\t' and OFS='\t' is the 'read out'.
For GNU awk. It processes the file twice. On the first time it examines all records for which string indexes have only space and considers continuous space sequences as separator strings building up FIELDWIDTHS variable. On the second time it uses that for fixed width processing of the data.
a[i]:s get valus 0/1 and h (header) with this input will be 100010101 and that leads to FIELDWIDTHS="4 2 2 1":
1 A 1 4
2 2 4
3 4 4
3 7 B
1 U 2
| | | |
100010101 - while(match(h,/10*/))
\ /|/|/|
4 2 2 1
$ awk '
for(i=1;i<=length;i++) # all record chars
a[i]=((a[i]!~/^(0|)$/) || substr($0,i,1)!=" ") # keep track of all space places
m=i # max record length...
if(NR!=0) { # only do this once
for(i=1;i<=m;i++) # ... used here
h=h a[i] # h=100010101
while(match(h,/10*/)) { # build FIELDWIDTHS
print $2 # and output
}' file file
And output:
You need to trim off the space from the fields, though.

awk: Search missing value in file

awk newbie here! I am asking for help to solve a simple specific task.
Here is file.txt
As you can see a single number (the number 4) is missing. I would like to print on the console the number 4 that is missing. My idea was to compare the current line number with the entry and whenever they don't match I would print the line number and exit. I tried
cat file.txt | awk '{ if ($NR != $1) {print $NR; exit 1} }'
But it prints only a newline.
I am trying to learn awk via this small exercice. I am therefore mainly interested in solutions using awk. I also welcome an explanation for why my code does not do what I would expect.
Try this -
awk '{ if (NR != $1) {print NR; exit 1} }' file.txt
since you have a solution already, here is another approach, comparing with previous values.
awk '$1!=p+1{print p+1} {p=$1}' file
you positional comparison won't work if you have more than one missing value.
Maybe this will help:
seq $(tail -1 file)|diff - file|grep -Po '.*(?=d)'
Since I am learning awk as well
awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{i++;if(i!=$1){print i;i=$1}}' file
`awk` explanation read each number from `$1` into array `i` and increment that number list line by line with `i++`, if the number is not sequential, then print it.
cat file
awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{i++;if(i!=$1){print i;i=$1}}' file

AWK: Divide any element of any row by some element of another row

I have got a text file with some structure like this:
2 2 4 5 6
1 9 7 6 2
1 5 2 8 5
I want to be able to divide any element of any row by an element of another row. For example if I wanted to divide the 3rd element of the 1st row by the 2nd element of the 3rd row that would give:
4/5 = 0.8
Couldn't figure out a smart way to do this with AWK. Suggestions?
This MAY be what you want but it's hard to tell without more details and the expected output:
$ awk -v num=1,5 -v den=3,3 '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) cell[NR","i]=$i} END{print (cell[den] ? cell[num]/cell[den] : "NaN")}' file
$ awk -v num=3,4 -v den=1,2 '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) cell[NR","i]=$i} END{print (cell[den] ? cell[num]/cell[den] : 0)}' file
If (i1, j1) and (i2, j2) are the coordinates of the numerator and the denominator, you can do this :
awk 'NR=='$i1'{a=$'$j1'} NR=='$i2' {b=$'$j2'} END {print a"/"b " = " a/b}' file

awk keep only the first and last value on comma-seaparated field

Hi' I am trying to keep only first and last value of comma-separated field on my data. Following is how my input data would look like
a 1 y 1,2,4,3,6,2,1
b 2 y 3,56,3,2,1
c 3 n 4,3,2,1,4
I just want to keep first and last value on the 4th coulmn of my data so that my data would look like this:
a 1 y 1,1
b 2 y 3,1
c 3 n 4,4
Can you anyone help me how to do this? Thank you
Try this:
awk -F, -vOFS=, '{print $1,$NF}' input.txt
-F, input field separator
-vOFS=, output field separator
$1 the 1st field
$NF the last field
Try this awk command:
awk '{size = split($4,numbers,",")} {print $1" "$2" "$3" "numbers[1]","numbers[size]}'
This splits the fourth field into an array, saves the size as size, prints the first 3 fields, then the first and last elements of the numbers array.
awk -F, '{ printf "%s,%s\n", $1, $NF}' should do the job!
If your other fields can contain commas:
$ awk '{sub(/,.*,/,",",$NF)}1' file
a 1 y 1,1
b 2 y 3,1
c 3 n 4,4
If not:
$ awk '{sub(/,.*,/,",")}1' file
a 1 y 1,1
b 2 y 3,1
c 3 n 4,4