Adding a manually generated private key on bitcoin node - bitcoin

We are hosting a bitcoin node to handle deposits on our website. Now, we generate new addresses on the node via RPC call. The problem is that the client is afraid of losing the private keys in case of server failure for example.
So what I purposed is that we can have a master key and an increment counter to generate any number of private keys from that. With this, we just have to back up the master key and we can re-generate all the private keys again in case we lose data on the server.
The issue here is that the bitcoin node will only notify us about new transactions when the address is generated on the node itself and we cannot modify the way the node generates new addresses.
I have 2 questions:
Am I on the right path?
How can I add the manually generated private keys on the node so that the node will notify me when a new transaction is received on those keys?
Thank you.

bitcoind's wallet already does the "generate keys from a single seed" thing for you. So you could simply make multiple backups of the wallet (see the "backupwallet" RPC method).
However, bitcoins should really not be stored on a website, and if you are handling withdrawls, you really need a much more secure setup in general or you will be robbed.
If you are only taking payments/deposits and not doing withdrawls, it is still inadvisable to allow your website to access the private keys. Instead, maintain a wallet offline, and use the "importaddress" RPC method to maintain a watch-only copy of your "wallet" on the webserver. Be sure before you ship products, that you verify payments with a full node independent of the webserver as well.
Note that no matter where you store your wallet, you should make at least several backups initially, and don't forget to also backup any metadata you need to properly deliver your products/services and minimise your tax liabilities.


CoTurn Data Usage Stats on Multi User System

We want to track each users turn usage seperately. I inspected Turn Rest API, AFAIU it is just used to authorize the user which already exists in Coturn db. This is the point I couldn't realize exactly. I can use an ice server list which includes different username-credential peers. But I must have initialized these username-credential peers on coturn db before. Am I right? If I am right, I do not have an idea how to do this. Detection of user's request to use turn from frontend -> Should generate credentials like this CoTURN: How to use TURN REST API? which I am already achieved -> if this is a new user, my backend should go to my EC2 instance and run "turnadmin create user command" somehow -> then I will let the WebRTC connection - > then track the usage of specific user and send it back to my backend somehow.
Is this a true scenario? If not, how should it be? Is there another way to manage multiple users and their data usage? Any help would be appreciated.
AFAIU to get the stats data, we must use redis database. I tried to used it, I displayed the traffic data (with psubscribe turn/realm//user//allocation//traffic ) but the other subscribe events have never worked ( psubscribe turn/realm//user//allocation//traffic/peer or psubscribe turn/realm//user//allocation/*/total_traffic even if the allocation is deleted). So, I tried to get past traffic data from redis db but I couldn't find how. At redis, KEYS * command gives just "status" events.
Even if I get these traffic data, I couldn't realize how to use it with multi users. Currently in our project we have one user(in terms of coturn) and other users are using turn over this user.
BTW we tried to track the usage where we created peer connection object from RTCPeerConnection interface. I realized that incoming bytes are lower than the redis output. So I think there is a loss and I think I should calculate it from turn side.

How to collect PKs used in bitcoins

From my humble understanding of bitcoins, it uses public key system. My question: How can I collect public keys or certificates that were used in bitcoins on the Internet? For example, I have previously collected public keys used in the 305.x certificates. But, now I need public keys known to be used for bitcoins. Is there any way?
The entire set of Bitcoin transactions ever performed is actually available online. Any Bitcoin client will, when it first starts up, download the entire transaction log. So that's one way to do it. Just use either a client library, or run a client and parse what it downloads.
If you're happy to collect it manually, just go to, and you can browse all transactions there.

Implementing a "Snapshot and Subscribe" in Redis

I wish to use Redis to create a system which publishes stock quote data to subscribers in an internal network. The problem is that publishing is not enough, as I need to find a way to implement an atomic "get snapshot and then subscribe" mechanism. I'm pretty new to Redis so I'm not sure my solution is the "proper way".
In a given moment each stock has a book of orders which contains at most 10 bids and 10 asks. The publisher receives data for the exchange and should publish them to subscribers.
While the publishing of changes in the order book can be easily done using publish and subscribe, each subscriber that connects also needs to get the snapshot of the current order book of the stock and only then subscribe to changes in the order book.
As I understand, Redis channel never saves information, so the publisher also needs to maintain the complete order book in a hash key (Or a sorted set. I'm not sure which is more appropriate) in addition to publishing changes.
I also understand that a Redis client cannot issue any commands except subscribing and unsubscribing once it subscribes to the first channel.
So, once the subscriber application is up, it needs first to get the key which contains the complete order book and then subscribe to changes in that book. However, this may result in a race condition. A change in the book order can be made after the client got the key containing the current snapshot but before it actually subscribed to changes, resulting a change which it will never see.
As it is not possible to use subscribe and then use get in a single connection, the client application needs two connections to the Redis server. At this point I started thinking that I'm probably not doing things in the proper way if I need more than one connection in the same application. Anyway, my idea is that the client will have a subscribing connection and a query connection. First, it will use the subscribing connection to subscribe to changes in order book, but still won't not enter the loop which process events. Afterwards, it will use the query connection to get the complete snapshot of the book. Finally, it will enter the loop which process events, but as he actually subscribed before taking the snapshot, it is guaranteed that it will not miss any changed that occurred after the snapshot was taken.
Is there any better way to accomplish my goal?
I hope you found your way already, if not here we goes a personal suggestion:
If you are in javascript land i would recommend having a look on Meteor.js they do somehow achieve the goal you want to achieve, with the default setup you will end up writing to mongodb in order to "update" the GUI for the "end user".
In any case, you might be interested in reading about how meteor's ddp protocol works: and

Reclaiming expired keys in Redis

I'm trying to solve the following problem in Redis.
I have a list that contains various available keys:
I'd like to be able to pop an element off of the list and use it as a key with an expires.
After the expires is up, I'd like to be able to push this number back onto MASTER for future use. I don't see any obvious way to do this, so I'm soliciting for a creative one.
The best method would be to get called back by Redis when the key expires and then take action.
However, callbacks support is still to be added (
You can either use a Redis version that contains a custom/community modification to support this feature (like the last one in the link I've posted), or worse :): start tracking keys and timeouts in your client app.

How is Redis used in Trello?

I understand that, roughly speaking, Trello uses Redis for a transient data store.
Is anyone able to elaborate further on the part it plays in the application?
We use Redis on Trello for ephemeral data that we would be okay with losing. We do not persist the data in Redis to disk, and we use it allkeys-lru, so we only store things there can be kicked out at any time with only very minor inconvenience to users (e.g. momentarily seeing an incorrect user status). That being said, we give it more than 5x the space it needs to store its actual working set and choose from 10 keys for expiry, so we really never see anything get kicked out that we're using.
It's our pubsub server. When a user does something to a board or a card, we want to send a message with that delta to all websocket-connected clients that are subscribed to the object that changed, so all of our Node processes are subscribed to a pubsub channel that propagates those messages, and they propagate that out to the appropriately permissioned and subscribed websockets.
We SORT OF use it to back, but since we only use the websockets, and since is too chatty to scale like we need it to at the moment, we have a patch that disables all but the one channel that is necessary to us.
For our users who don't have websockets, we have to keep a list of the actions that have happened on each object channel since the user's last poll request. For that we use a list which we cap at the most recent 100 elements, and an auxilary counter of how many elements have been added to the list since it was created. So when we're answering a poll request from such a browser, we can check the last element it reports that it has seen, and only send down any messages that have been added to the queue since then. So that gets a poll request down to just a permissions check and a single Redis key check in most cases, which is very fast.
We store some ephemeral data about the active status of connected users in Redis, because that data changes frequently and it is not necessary to persist it to disk.
We store short-lived keys to support OAuth logins in Redis.
We love Redis; once you have an instance of it up and running, you want to use it for all kinds of things. The only real trouble we have had with it is with slow-consuming clients eating up the available space.
We use MongoDB for our more traditional database needs.
Trello uses Redis with Socket.IO (RedisStore) for scaling, with the following two features:
key-value store, to set and get values for a connected client
as a pub-sub service
Look at the code for RedisStore in Socket.IO here:
Example of Socket.IO with RedisStore: