Sum all rows that have the same id in sqlite3 - sql

I'm using sqlite3, I have the following table:
"who" stands for the id of users. say who with id "4" stands for "John". John made 7 purchases. I would like to have a select query that sums all the shares of John. so the select query on shares based on who of "4" returns 113. how can I do that?

You want a where clause and a sum():
select sum(shares) as total_shares
from mytable
where who = 4
Or if you want the result for all users at once, with each user on a separate row:
select who, sum(shares) as total_shares
from mytable
group by who
You can also count how many records each user has if you like:
select who, sum(shares) as total_shares, count(*) as cnt
from mytable
group by who


Filter by number of occurrences in a SQL Table

Given the following table where the Name value might be repeated in multiple rows:
How can we determine how many times a Name value exists in the table and can we filter on names that have a specific number of occurrances.
For instance, how can I filter this table to show only names that appear twice?
You can use group by and having to exhibit names that appear twice in the table:
select name, count(*) cnt
from mytable
group by name
having count(*) = 2
Then if you want the overall count of names that appear twice, you can add another level of aggregation:
select count(*) cnt
from (
select name
from mytable
group by name
having count(*) = 2
) t
It sounds like you're looking for a histogram of the frequency of name counts. Something like this
with counts_cte(name, cnt) as (
select name, count(*)
from mytable
group by name)
select cnt, count(*) num_names
from counts_cte
group by cnt
order by 2 desc;
You need to use a GROUP BY clause to find counts of name repeated as
select name, count(*) AS Repeated
from Your_Table_Name
group by name;
If You want to show only those Which are repeated more than one times. Then use the below query which will show those occurrences which are there more than one times.
select name, count(*) AS Repeated
from Your_Table_Name
group by name having count(*) > 1;

Show duplicate rows(all columns of that row) where all columns are duplicate except one column

In below table, I need to select duplicate records where all columns are duplicate except Customer Type and Price for a particular week.
For e.g
Week Customer Product Customer Type Price
1 Alex Cycle Consumer 100
1 Alex Cycle Reseller 101
2 John Motor Consumer 200
3 John Motor Consumer 200
3 John Motor Reseller 201
I am using below query but this query doesn't show me both costumer type, it just shows me consumer count(*) for a combination.
select Week, Customer, product, count(distinct Customer Type)
from table
group by Week, Customer, product
having count(distinct Customer Type) > 1
I would like to see below result, that shows me duplicate values and not just the count(*) of duplicate row. I am trying to see customers assigned to multiple customer types in a particular week for a product and at the same time show me all columns. It doesn't matter if the price is different.
Week Customer Product Customer Type Price
1 Alex Cycle Consumer 100
1 Alex Cycle Reseller 101
3 John Motor Consumer 200
3 John Motor Reseller 201
WITH CustomerDistribution_CTE (WeekC ,CustomerC, ProductC)
select Week, Customer, product
from Your_Table_Name group by Week, Customer,
product having count(distinct CustomerType) > 1
FROM CustomerDistribution_CTE C
inner join Your_Table_Name Y on C.WeekC =Y.Week
and C.CustomerC =Y.Customer and C.productC =Y.product
Note :Please replace "Your_Table_Name" with exact table name and Try.
One way to achieve this, using generic SQL, is to use a "derived table" like this:
select x.*
from tablex x
inner join (
select Week, Customer, Product
from tablex
group by Week, Customer, Product
having count(*) > 1
) d on x.Week = d.Week and x.Customer = d.Customer and x.Product = d.Product
You can do that by using DISTINCT like
select DISTINCT Customer,Product,Customer_Type,Price from Your_Table_Name
will look for DISTINCT combination.
Note: This query if of SQL Server
From the expected result that you have pasted, it looks like you are not concerned about the week.
If you have a ID (incremental PK), it would be much simpler like below
select * from table where ID not in
(select max(ID) from table group by Customer, Product, CustomerType having count(*) > 1 )
This is tested on MySQL. Do you have a ID column?
In case you don't have a ID column, try the below:
select max(week) week, Customer, Product, CustomerType, max(price) from device group by Customer, Product, CustomerType;
I have not verified this one.
This will return your expected result set:
select *
from table
-- Teradata syntax to filter the result of an OLAP-function
-- (similar to HAVING after GROUP BY)
over (partition by Week, Customer, product) > 1
For other DBMSes you will need to nest your query:
select *
select ...,
over (partition by Week, Customer, product) as cnt
from table
) as dt
where cnt > 1
After re-reading your description above Select might be not exactly what you want, because it will also return rows with a single type. Then switch to:
select *
from table
-- Teradata syntax to filter the result of an OLAP-function
-- (similar to HAVING after GROUP BY)
qualify -- at least two different types:
min(Customer_Type) over (partition by Week, Customer, product)
<> max(Customer_Type) over (partition by Week, Customer, product)

Select statement with count

I want to count the number of ABC group using id.
SELECT group, count(id) as total FROM `user` WHERE group=`ABC`;
What's wrong?
Many thanks.
Include the columns in the select list in group by clause when using aggregate functions.
SELECT group, count(id) as total FROM user
WHERE group=`ABC`
GROUP BY group
Else simply get the count with out using other columns in the select statement.
SELECT count(id) as total FROM user
WHERE group=`ABC`
Try this:
SELECT group, count(id) as total FROM `user`
group by group having group like 'ABC';
If you want to get COUNT of users, who has the "group" field = "ABC"
SELECT count(id) as total FROM user WHERE group='ABC';
Also, it's better to avoid using SQL keywords in column names (GROUP is an SQL keyword)

Getting Number of records in oracle

Am trying to fetch the number of records in the table using Count(*) along with my query condition
Sample Table is
Id Name
1 Steven
2 smith
2 Ben
1 Willy
My query is
from STUD_Name where id='2'
for this it will display the output as "Smith" and "Ben", along with i need the total number of records in the STUD_NAME table.
By right it should display the total records as "4", please help me out to solve this issue and how to form the query in this case
SELECT name,
cnt as total_count
count(*) over () as cnt
FROM stud_name
) t
WHERE id = 2
Assuming that id is a numeric column the single quotes around the value 2 are not needed (and are actually harmful due to the implicit data type conversion that happens in the background)
What about:
,(select count(1) from STUD_Name) nrofstds
from STUD_Name std where'2'
select, CNT.count
, (select count(*) COUNT from STUD_NAME) CNT
where id='2'

Last Item In MySQL COUNT(*) Result?

Quick question... I have a query that checks for duplicates that looks like this:
SELECT COUNT( * ) AS repetitions, Name, Phone, ID, categoryid, State
FROM users
GROUP BY Name, Phone, State
HAVING repetitions > 1
this works but MySQL returns the first ID in a set of duplicates. For example, lets say I have 2 rows. ID for row one is 1 and ID for row two is 2 and Name, Phone and State have identical data... How can i get the above query to return the count but with the ID "2" instead of "1"?
Thanks! ;)
Use the max() aggregate function:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS repetitions, max(ID) FROM users GROUP BY Name, Phone, State HAVING repetitions > 1 ORDER BY ID DESC
not perfect but works
SELECT COUNT( * ) AS repetitions, Name, Phone, MAX(ID), categoryid, State
FROM users
GROUP BY Name, Phone, State
HAVING repetitions > 1