HIVE Server 2 - Query - hive

I am trying to execute a large query with about 60 column select with aggregation function in java using Simba HS2 HiveJdbcDriver this query is fetching some rows however I encountered the below error:
java.sql.SQLException: [Simba][HiveJDBCDriver](500312) Error in fetching data rows: *org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException:Invalid OperationHandle: OperationHandle [opType=EXECUTE_STATEMENT, getHandleIdentifier()=f35bc652-40e9-4024-bca6-e9c28627a83a]:36:35;
I searched online and I haven't found any answer

Such Error might happen because of server error such as Heap Memory overflow


Non-reproducible SQL access control error in Snowflake

I'm facing a non-reproducible SQL error with Snowflake. I run a scheduled job on Databricks which writes to a snowflake table. Sometimes I get SQL access control error which is very strange given that I've required access level and the job succeeds sometimes. There isn't much literature on this issue apart from the error definition on SQLAlechemy. Below I've pasted the error with sensitive details obscured. I haven't been able to find the root cause of this error.
-> df_temp.to_sql("table_name", con3, if_exists='append', index=False, index_label=None)
ProgrammingError: (snowflake.connector.errors.ProgrammingError) 003001 (42501): SQL access control error:
Insufficient privileges to operate on table 'TABLE_NAME'
[SQL: INSERT INTO table_name (index, YYYYYXXXXX]
[parameters: XXXX]
(Background on this error at: ``)

Getting /usr/local/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq: Argument list too long error in BigQuery

I am trying to execute an sql query using standardsql in Bigquery which is 224116 characters long with the help of "bq query command line tool" and I am getting following error :
/usr/local/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq: Argument list too long error in BigQuery
Is there any workaround to overcome this error?
There is no error in my query as I am able to execute a smaller query with the same command.
There is no error in my query as I am able to execute a smaller query with the same command
I think you are hitting quotas!
Check Quota Policy for Queries
Maximum query length: 256 KB
Approximate size based on compression ratios
Is there any workaround to overcome this error?
you can try to split your code into few views and than use those views in main query, so your query will get smaller
in BQ Standard SQL use WITH (named subqueries) to reuse subqueries

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P004 and ORA-01555: snapshot too old

I am executing a insert into ... select ... from ... where ... SQL and got following error using Oracle:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P004
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 32 with name "_SYSSMU32_2039035886$" too small
I read the following doc: and
Saying ORA-12801 is caused by no enough processors to support parallel query. ORA-01555 error relates to insufficient undo storage or a too small value for the undo_retention parameter.
But how can I check related parameters to avoid such issue recur?
ORA-12801 is a generic error message and we must check the second message on the error stack to find the real error. From the manual:
ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server string
Cause: A parallel query server reached an exception condition.
Action: Check the following error message for the cause, and consult your error manual for the appropriate action.
There are literally thousands of different reasons for an ORA-12801 error, and that error almost never has anything to do with not enough processors. This is an example of how the site you linked to often contains bad or outdated information. Maybe 17 processes was "a lot" 17 years ago but it's not today. Unfortunately, that site is often the first result from Google.
For troubleshooting your second error, ORA-01555, check the UNDO retention, which is the amount of time in seconds, like this:
select value from v$parameter where name = 'undo_retention'
The amount of space available for the UNDO tablespace is also relevant:
select round(sum(maxbytes)/1024/1024/1024) gb
from dba_data_files
where tablespace_name like '%UNDO%';
Once again, see the manual for more information on the parameter.

System.OutOfMemoryException error while using nested cursors in sql server

i tried to execute the sql code given in this documentation :
Mirosoft documentation
everything is OK, but it take 1 minute to execute the query ( 4320 rows in results )
and it shows this error message :
can you help me in using nested cursors in sql server without causing Memory exceptions !
Thank you !

Query Failed Error: Unexpected. Please try again. Google BigQuery

I am unable to execute a simple select query (select * from [<DatasetName>.<TableName>] LIMIT 1000) with Google BigQuery. It is giving me below error:
Query Failed
Error: Unexpected. Please try again.
Job ID: job_51MSM2uo1vE5QomZA8Sv_RUE7M8
The table contains around 10 records. I am able to execute queries on other tables.
Job Id is - job_51MSM2uo1vE5QomZA8Sv_RUE7M8.
It looks like there was a temporary issue where we were seeing timeouts when querying tables that had been inserted to recently via streaming insert (tabledata.insertall()). We're currently addressing the underlying issue, but it should be working now. Please ping this thread if you see it again.