Kotlin, how can I make my code shorter in this spaghetti code? - kotlin

I'm working on readlines now and can I make this few if's shorter? I'm making a validation to what user is sending to me. The filed cant be empty or null. I have 3 important things that user has to write in field and every three times I have to check the same... .
fun readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation(): List<String> {
val entryId: String? = readLine()
if (!entryId.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val name: String? = readLine()
if (!name.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val tekst: String? = readLine()
if (!tekst.isNullOrEmpty()) {
return listOf(entryId, name, tekst)
} else {
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()
} else {
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()
} else {
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()

Try to avoid cognitive complexity one of the things is avoid nesting. Also when an if always returns something. An else statement is not needed
fun readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation(): List<String> {
val entryId: String? = readLine()
if (entryId.isNullOrEmpty()) {
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()
val name: String? = readLine()
if (!name.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val tekst: String? = readLine()
if (!tekst.isNullOrEmpty()) {
return listOf(entryId, name, tekst)
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()

You could do something like this:
fun readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation() : List<String> {
fun read(message: String): String? {
val line = readLine()
return if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) null else line
read(ENTER_DESCRIPTION_ID_TEKST)?.let { entryId ->
return listOf(entryId, name, tekst)
return readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation()
I wouldn't normally recommend nesting too much, but I feel like that's fairly readable with only three parameters, and the null checking means it short-circuits as soon as you run into a problem.

Making user to reenter all previous (independent!) values after his mistake in the middle of the input is a bad UI.
If user failed to correctly input some entry, you need to ask him to reenter only this single item (until he eventually do it right):
fun read(inputMessage: String, errorMessage: String = EMPTY_READLINE_ERROR): String {
var line: String? = readLine()
while (line.isNullOrEmpty()) {
line = readLine()
return line
With this auxilary function, whole program become a single-liner:
fun readlinesToAddEntryAndValidation() =
).map { read(it) }


Kotlin functional find single element

I am relatively new to Kotlin and I try to overcome a special case.
I am filtering a books store and want to verify that the length of the obtained list is exactly one unit shorter than the original one. Further I need to verify that the discarded element is under a specific state. Here is my example:
fun BookStoreVerified(bookStore: BookStore): Boolean {
val specialChapter = bookStore.stores
.flatMap { it.books }
.flatMap { it.chapters }.filter { it != null && it.state == Chapter.SPECIAL }
val total = bookStore.stores
.flatMap { it.books }
.flatMap { it.chapters }
val finalChapters = book.stores
.flatMap { it.books }
.flatMap { it.chapters }
.filter { it != null && it.state.isCorrect }
return (finalChapters.size + specialChapterFigure.size == total.size) && (specialChapter.size == 1)
My question is if there is a smarter way to compute the above operation. I would like to know if ander a scope like filter, map can we make reference to the previous object? ( get the length of the original list for instance ?)
You have Books where each Book contains a list of Chapters. You want to partition chapters from all the books according to some criteria.
With this in mind the partition function can be useful:
data class Chapter(val state: String)
data class Book(val chapters: List<Chapter>? = null)
fun main() {
val books = listOf(
Book(chapters = listOf(Chapter("a"), Chapter("SPECIAL"))),
Book(chapters = listOf(Chapter("c"), Chapter("d")))
val (specialChs, regularChs) = books
.flatMap { it.chapters ?: emptyList() }
.partition { it.state == "SPECIAL" }
println(specialChs) // [Chapter(state=SPECIAL)]
println(regularChs) // [Chapter(state=a), Chapter(state=c), Chapter(state=d)]
Now that you have specialChs and regularChs, you can check whatever invariants you want.
For example:
check(specialChs.size == 1 && specialChs.first().state ==
Edit: It is possible to abstract away the existence of null chapters inside a Book:
data class Book(val chapters: List<Chapter>? = null) {
val safeChapters: List<Chapter>
get() = chapters ?: emptyList()
then in your code you can flatMap { it.safeChapters } instead of .flatMap { it.chapters ?: emptyList() }

How to hand over Boolean operator as parameter in Kotlin?

I have a function which has quite a lot lines. In that function I have a .filter{} like:
fun getMyListForFoo(): List<Blub> {
//.. lot of lines
return myRepo.queryList()
.filter{ it.flag == Query.IS_FOO }
and then I have a second function just to retrieve queries which are NOT Foo:
fun getMyListForNotFoo(): List<Blub> {
//.. lot of lines
return myRepo.queryList()
.filter{ it.flag != Query.IS_FOO }
As you can the only difference is the == or != operator in the .filter function. Although I have all the previous lines duplicated..
I bet there is a nice Kotlin way to enhance this code?
Pass a predicate as a parameter to your function for filtering the list.
fun getMyList(predicate: (YourType) -> Boolean): List<Blub> {
//.. lot of lines
return myRepo.queryList()
val listForFoo = getMyList { it.flag == Query.IS_FOO }
val listForNotFoo = getMyList { it.flag != Query.IS_FOO }
OR, if you just want to pass a Boolean, you can also do that:
fun getMyList(filterFoo: Boolean): List<Blub> {
//.. lot of lines
return myRepo.queryList()
.filter {
val isFoo = it.flag == Query.IS_FOO
if(filterFoo) isFoo else !isFoo
I would use partition directly.
I created a sample in kotlinlang.org's playground and it looks like this:
// Given a "thing"
data class Thing(val id: Int, val isFoo: Boolean)
// Have a function that simplifies this:
fun filterThings(source: List<Thing>) = source.partition { it.isFoo }
// Alternatively, you could have a more generic one:
fun filterThings(source: List<Thing>,
predicate: ((Thing) -> Boolean)) = source.partition(predicate)
// And you can use either like so:
// Given the source
val source = listOf(Thing(1, true),
Thing(2, true),
Thing(3, false),
Thing(4, true),
Thing(5, false),
Thing(6, false))
// Filter them with the non-configurable version:
val results = filterThings(source)
// or the more configurable one where *you* supply the predicate:
val results = filterThings(source) { it.isFoo }
The results are going to be:
results.first is going to be the one that pass the predicate, and the rest will be in results.second:
results.first = [Thing(id=1, isFoo=true), Thing(id=2, isFoo=true), Thing(id=4, isFoo=true)]
results.second = [Thing(id=3, isFoo=false), Thing(id=5, isFoo=false), Thing(id=6, isFoo=false)]

Why 'add' method doesn't work for mutableListOf()?

I have my own converter from Strings to List
object TypeConverter {
fun stringToListLong(text: String): List<Long> {
val listLong = mutableListOf<Long>()
val listString = text.split(",").map { it.trim() }
listString.forEach {
return listLong
Then when I try to use it like below it shows the error(Unresolved reference: add)
val someString = "something"
var ids = TypeConverter.stringToListLong(someString)
ids.add(some long value)
You're returning a List<>, so ids is a List<>, therefore it does not have mutation operations. Make stringToListLong return MutableList<Long>.

Kotlin general setter function

I am new to kotlin. I wonder if this is possible
I wish to create a function that will change the value of the properties of the object and return the object itself. The main benefit is that I can chain this setter.
class Person {
var name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
try {
// the line below caused error
this[propName] = value
} catch(e:Exception){
var person = Person(null,null)
.setter(name, "Baby")
.setter(age, 20)
But I get error "unknown references"
This question is marked as duplicate, however the possible duplicate question specifically want to change the property of "name", but I wish to change anyProperty that is pass from the function to object. Can't seem to connect the dot between two questions. #Moira Kindly provide answer that explain it. thankyou
Why not just simplify your answer to
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person {
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
when (property) {
is KMutableProperty<*> ->
property.setter.call(this, value)
null ->
// no such property
else ->
// immutable property
Java reflection isn't needed, its only effect is to stop non-trivial properties from being supported.
Also, if you call it operator fun set instead of fun setter, the
this[propName] = value
syntax can be used to call it.
After googling around, I think I can provide an answer, but relying on java instead of kotlin purely. It will be great if someone can provide a better answer in kotlin.
class Person(
var name: String,
val age: Int
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person{
var isFieldExistAndNotFinal = false
val field = this.javaClass.getDeclaredField(propName)
val isFieldFinal = (field.getModifiers() and java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL == java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL)
if(!isFieldFinal) {
// not final
isFieldExistAndNotFinal = true
// final variable cannot be changed
else throw ( Exception("field '$propName' is constant, in ${this.toString()}"))
} catch (e: Exception) {
// object does not have property
println("$e in ${this.toString()}")
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
if (property is KMutableProperty<*>) {
property.setter.call(this, value)
return this;
usage like this
.setter(propName = "age", value = 30.00)
.setter(propName = "asdf", value = "asdf")
.setter(propName = "name", value = "A Vidy")
You have error because when you do this[propName] = value you are trying to use this as a list, but it is not a list, it is a Person and it doesn't overload the [] operator.
What you can do is to add a check for the property that is setted:
class Person {
privavar name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
if (propName == "name" && value is String?) {
it.name = value as String?
} else if (propName == "age" && value is Int?) {
it.age = value as Int?
} else {
// handle unknown property or value has incorrect type
Another more dynamic solution without reflection:
class Person {
private var fields: Map<String, Any?> = HashMap()
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
it.fields[propName] = value;
fun getName() = fields["name"]
If you want to get rid of the getters as well then you need to use reflection.

Is there a simple code for fun addDetail in Kotlin?

The following code can work well, but the code of fun addDetail(...) is too complex, is there a simple way to do that ? Thanks!
BTW, in the fun addDetail(...), aMListDetail maybe null, and aMListDetail?.innerListDetail maybe null.
data class MDetail (
val _id: Long
class DetailsHandler(mContext: Context = UIApp.instance) {
data class MListDetail(val innerListDetail: MutableList<MDetail>)
private var aMListDetail: MListDetail?
var mJson: String by PreferenceTool(mContext,"mySavedJson", "")
init {
aMListDetail= Gson().fromJson(mJson,MListDetail::class.java)
fun addDetail(aMDetail:MDetail){
if (aMListDetail==null){
if (aMListDetail?.innerListDetail==null){
}else {
mJson = Gson().toJson(aMListDetail)
fun addDetail(aMDetail: MDetail) {
if (aMListDetail?.innerListDetail == null) {
aMListDetail = MListDetail(mutableListOf(aMDetail))
} else {
mJson = Gson().toJson(aMListDetail)
fun addDetail(aMDetail: MDetail) {
if (aMListDetail?.innerListDetail == null) {
aMListDetail = MListDetail(mutableListOf())
mJson = Gson().toJson(aMListDetail)
You don't need null-safe ?. operators in your add() call, since at that point you've already checked that aMListDetail != null and innerListDetail != null.
BTW, in the fun addDetail(...), aMListDetail maybe null,
Why not fix the problem at the source? You initialize it in the constructor, then tell Kotlin it could be set to null, but actually you never do this!
If you remove the unused nullability, the code simplifies to:
class DetailsHandler(mContext: Context = UIApp.instance) {
data class MListDetail(val innerListDetail: MutableList<MDetail>)
var mJson: String by PreferenceTool(mContext,"mySavedJson", "")
// can even be val
private var aMListDetail: MListDetail
init {
aMListDetail= Gson().fromJson(mJson,MListDetail::class.java)
fun addDetail(aMDetail:MDetail){
mJson = Gson().toJson(aMListDetail)
If your real code doesn't initialize it at the beginning, consider by lazy or by notNull.
and aMListDetail?.innerListDetail maybe null.
Only is aMListDetail is null, which you should avoid as above.
Finally, if you really need aMListDetail to be null sometimes, you can write
aMListDetail?.let {
(which does nothing if aMListDetail is null)
fun addDetail(aMDetail:MDetail){
if (aMListDetail?.innerListDetail==null){
}else {
mJson = Gson().toJson(aMListDetail)