Jackson skip field serialization - custom configuration - kotlin

i have custom jackson configuration in kotlin:
class JacksonConfiguration {
fun objectMapper(): com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
.apply {
registerModules(customJavaTimeModule(), KotlinModule())
configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
private fun customJavaTimeModule() = JavaTimeModule().apply {
addSerializer(String::class.java, StringSerializerTypeHandler())
private class StringSerializerTypeHandler : JsonSerializer<String?>() {
#Throws(IOException::class, JsonProcessingException::class)
override fun serialize(value: String?, jgen: JsonGenerator?, provider: SerializerProvider?) {
var outputValue: String = value.toString()
if (!value.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// logic for changing the string - removing diacritics
} else {
//provider?. // what here?
// jgen?.writeString(value)
// dont serialize the field at all - just skip it
What's important is that i do not want that field to be serialized at all when the field value is null or empty.
I can not get rid of else block - then I will have error:
Can not write a field name, expecting a value
I want to set this logic globally.

Solution 1:
I had to override this method:
override fun isEmpty(provider: SerializerProvider?, value: String?): Boolean {
return value.isNullOrEmpty()
Then i can get rid of else block.


Implementing observable properties that can also serialize in Kotlin

I'm trying to build a class where certain values are Observable but also Serializable.
This obviously works and the serialization works, but it's very boilerplate-heavy having to add a setter for every single field and manually having to call change(...) inside each setter:
interface Observable {
fun change(message: String) {
println("changing $message")
class BlahVO : Observable {
var value2: String = ""
set(value) {
field = value
fun toJson(): String {
return Json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)
println(BlahVO().apply { value2 = "test2" })
correctly outputs
changing value2
I've tried introducing Delegates:
interface Observable {
fun change(message: String) {
println("changing $message")
class default<T>(defaultValue: T) {
private var value: T = defaultValue
operator fun getValue(observable: Observable, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return value
operator fun setValue(observable: Observable, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
this.value = value
class BlahVO : Observable {
var value1: String by Observable.default("value1")
fun toJson(): String {
return Json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)
println(BlahVO().apply { value1 = "test1" }) correctly triggers change detection, but it doesn't serialize:
changing value1
If I go from Observable to ReadWriteProperty,
interface Observable {
fun change(message: String) {
println("changing $message")
fun <T> look(defaultValue: T): ReadWriteProperty<Observable, T> {
return OP(defaultValue, this)
class OP<T>(defaultValue: T, val observable: Observable) : ObservableProperty<T>(defaultValue) {
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
super.setValue(thisRef, property, value)
class BlahVO : Observable {
var value3: String by this.look("value3")
fun toJson(): String {
return Json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)
the result is the same:
changing blah!
Similarly for Delegates.vetoable
var value4: String by Delegates.vetoable("value4", {
property: KProperty<*>, oldstring: String, newString: String ->
changing value4
Delegates just doesn't seem to work with Kotlin Serialization
What other options are there to observe a property's changes without breaking its serialization that will also work on other platforms (KotlinJS, KotlinJVM, Android, ...)?
Serialization and Deserialization of Kotlin Delegates is not supported by kotlinx.serialization as of now.
There is an open issue #1578 on GitHub regarding this feature.
According to the issue you can create an intermediate data-transfer object, which gets serialized instead of the original object. Also you could write a custom serializer to support the serialization of Kotlin Delegates, which seems to be even more boilerplate, then writing custom getters and setters, as proposed in the question.
Data Transfer Object
By mapping your original object to a simple data transfer object without delegates, you can utilize the default serialization mechanisms.
This also has the nice side effect to cleanse your data model classes from framework specific annotations, such as #Serializable.
class DataModel {
var observedProperty: String by Delegates.observable("initial") { property, before, after ->
println("""Hey, I changed "${property.name}" from "$before" to "$after"!""")
fun toJson(): String {
return Json.encodeToString(serializer(), this.toDto())
fun DataModel.toDto() = DataTransferObject(observedProperty)
class DataTransferObject(val observedProperty: String)
fun main() {
val data = DataModel()
data.observedProperty = "changed"
This yields the following result:
Hey, I changed "observedProperty" from "initial" to "changed"!
Custom data type
If changing the data type is an option, you could write a wrapping class which gets (de)serialized transparently. Something along the lines of the following might work.
class ClassWithMonitoredString(val monitoredProperty: MonitoredString) {
fun toJson(): String {
return Json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)
fun main() {
val monitoredString = obs("obsDefault") { before, after ->
println("""I changed from "$before" to "$after"!""")
val data = ClassWithMonitoredString(monitoredString)
data.monitoredProperty.value = "obsChanged"
Which yields the following result:
I changed from "obsDefault" to "obsChanged"!
You however lose information about which property changed, as you don't have easy access to the field name. Also you have to change your data structures, as mentioned above and might not be desirable or even possible. In addition, this work only for Strings for now, even though one might make it more generic though.
Also, this requires a lot of boilerplate to start with. On the call site however, you just have to wrap the actual value in an call to obs.
I used the following boilerplate to get it to work.
typealias OnChange = (before: String, after: String) -> Unit
#Serializable(with = MonitoredStringSerializer::class)
class MonitoredString(initialValue: String, var onChange: OnChange?) {
var value: String = initialValue
set(value) {
onChange?.invoke(field, value)
field = value
fun obs(value: String, onChange: OnChange? = null) = MonitoredString(value, onChange)
object MonitoredStringSerializer : KSerializer<MonitoredString> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("MonitoredString", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MonitoredString) {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): MonitoredString {
return MonitoredString(decoder.decodeString(), null)

Compilation throws `None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied`

Trying to implement a custom JSONB binding that maps to an object containing a map. Generated code throws a None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied error caused by the following line:
val SOME_FIELD: TableField<SomeRecord, Jsonb?> = createField(DSL.name("meta"), SQLDataType.JSONB.nullable(false).defaultValue(DSL.field("'{}'::jsonb", SQLDataType.JSONB)), this, "", JsonbBinding())
Here's my configuration:
class JsonbBinding : Binding<Any, Jsonb> {
private val mapper = ObjectMapper()
override fun converter(): Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
return object : Converter<Any, Jsonb> {
override fun from(dbObject: Any?): Jsonb {
if (dbObject == null) return Jsonb()
val props = mapper.readValue<MutableMap<String, Any>>(dbObject.toString())
return Jsonb(props)
override fun to(userObject: Jsonb?): Any? {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(userObject)
override fun fromType(): Class<Any> {
return Any::class.java
override fun toType(): Class<Jsonb> {
return Jsonb::class.java
override fun sql(ctx: BindingSQLContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.render()?.let {
if (it.paramType() == ParamType.INLINED) {
} else {
override fun register(ctx: BindingRegisterContext<Jsonb>) {
ctx.statement().registerOutParameter(ctx.index(), Types.VARCHAR)
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun set(ctx: BindingSetSQLOutputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetResultSetContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetStatementContext<Jsonb>) {
override fun get(ctx: BindingGetSQLInputContext<Jsonb>) {
throw SQLFeatureNotSupportedException()
Also, it seems like the line causing problems is mapping database data to JOOQ's default JSONB object. Is that what's causing the issue? Is there anything I may want to do about it? Is there some other way of doing mapping database JSONB data to a map by JOOQ?
I think you're confusing the type variables on Binding<T, U> here:
T is the database / JDBC type (in this case org.jooq.JSONB)
U is the user type (in this case Any)
You have to implement the binding the other way round: Binding<JSONB?, Any?>. Since jOOQ already takes care of properly binding the JSONB type to JDBC, you can probably do with your Converter<JSONB?, Any?> implementation alone, and attach that to your generated code instead:
class JsonbConverter : Converter<JSONB?, Any?> { ... }
Also, you don't have to use your own Jsonb type to wrap JSON data here.

How to use Internationalization in tornadofx

I am trying to use internationalization in a Kotlin application using the tornadofx framework.
I have created a properties file and depending on the selected language the correct file is loaded. But when I want to change the language in the running application the UI does not update accordingly.
For internationalization you should use a companion object to get the related translation anywhere in your application.
First of all your translation class should know which is the actual selected language/locale. For this I use an enum with the possible locales for the application:
fun setLocale(locale: SupportedLocale) {
if (SupportedLocale.supportedLocals.contains(locale)) {
actualLocal = locale.local
//Good practice would be to store it in a properties file to have the information after restart
} else {
//Throw a warning or sth with your preferred logger
Then we need a method which gets the particular string value from your resource bundle like:
operator fun get(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): String {
val bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, actualLocal)
return MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString(key), *args)
In JavaFx applications (also TornadoFX) you should use StringBindings (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/beans/binding/StringBinding.html) for example to bind a label text property to your translated string. For that we will implement a special method:
fun createStringBinding(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): StringBinding {
return Bindings.createStringBinding(Callable { get(key, *args) }, Settings.languageProperty())
Now you can use your object like this:
Here an runnable example:
enum class SupportedLocale(val local:Locale) {
companion object {
val supportedLocals: List<SupportedLocale>
get() = SupportedLocale.values().toList()
class MyLang {
companion object {
private const val BUNDLE_NAME = "Language" //prefix of your resource bundle
private var actualLocal = Locale.getDefault()
fun setLocale(locale: SupportedLocale) {
if (SupportedLocale.supportedLocals.contains(locale)) {
actualLocal = locale.local
//Good practice would be to store it in a properties file to have the information after restart
} else {
//Throw a warning or sth with your preferred logger
operator fun get(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): String {
val bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, actualLocal)
return MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString(key), *args)
fun createStringBinding(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = BUNDLE_NAME) key: String, vararg args: Any): StringBinding {
return Bindings.createStringBinding(Callable { get(key, *args) }, Settings.languageProperty())
fun main() {
println("My translation: " + MyLang.createStringBinding("MyApp.MyTranslation").get())
//The get() here is only to get the string for assign a property its not needed like in the example
If you need any explanations or its unclear. Just ask! Its just written down maybe I forgot something to explain.

Kotlin Enum with String Room TypeConverter

I'm fetching json that has a 'type' field that contains a string, and I want to store this in my model object as an Enum with a string value.
The API I'm working with doesn't return all the information in one fetch, so once I have all the data I call my setProperties method.
All of my primitives are stored correctly in memory & my room db, but my Type class isn't converted. Any idea whats wrong with my type converter?
// Enum
enum class Type(var value: String) {
// data class
data class FeedItem(#PrimaryKey override var id: Int) : Item(id) {
var type: Type? = Type.UNKNOWN
// other props...
fun setProperties(itemToCopy: FeedItem) {
this.type = itemToCopy.type
// set other props
// TypeConverter
class TypeConverter {
fun toString(type: Type?): String? {
return type?.value
fun toType(value: String?): Type? {
return when(value) {
Type.ARTICLE.value ->Type.ARTICLE
Type.COMMENT.value -> Type.COMMENT
else -> Type.UNKNOWN

Kotlin general setter function

I am new to kotlin. I wonder if this is possible
I wish to create a function that will change the value of the properties of the object and return the object itself. The main benefit is that I can chain this setter.
class Person {
var name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
try {
// the line below caused error
this[propName] = value
} catch(e:Exception){
var person = Person(null,null)
.setter(name, "Baby")
.setter(age, 20)
But I get error "unknown references"
This question is marked as duplicate, however the possible duplicate question specifically want to change the property of "name", but I wish to change anyProperty that is pass from the function to object. Can't seem to connect the dot between two questions. #Moira Kindly provide answer that explain it. thankyou
Why not just simplify your answer to
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person {
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
when (property) {
is KMutableProperty<*> ->
property.setter.call(this, value)
null ->
// no such property
else ->
// immutable property
Java reflection isn't needed, its only effect is to stop non-trivial properties from being supported.
Also, if you call it operator fun set instead of fun setter, the
this[propName] = value
syntax can be used to call it.
After googling around, I think I can provide an answer, but relying on java instead of kotlin purely. It will be great if someone can provide a better answer in kotlin.
class Person(
var name: String,
val age: Int
fun setter(propName: String, value: Any): Person{
var isFieldExistAndNotFinal = false
val field = this.javaClass.getDeclaredField(propName)
val isFieldFinal = (field.getModifiers() and java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL == java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL)
if(!isFieldFinal) {
// not final
isFieldExistAndNotFinal = true
// final variable cannot be changed
else throw ( Exception("field '$propName' is constant, in ${this.toString()}"))
} catch (e: Exception) {
// object does not have property
println("$e in ${this.toString()}")
val property = this::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == propName }
if (property is KMutableProperty<*>) {
property.setter.call(this, value)
return this;
usage like this
.setter(propName = "age", value = 30.00)
.setter(propName = "asdf", value = "asdf")
.setter(propName = "name", value = "A Vidy")
You have error because when you do this[propName] = value you are trying to use this as a list, but it is not a list, it is a Person and it doesn't overload the [] operator.
What you can do is to add a check for the property that is setted:
class Person {
privavar name:String? = null
var age:Int? = null
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
if (propName == "name" && value is String?) {
it.name = value as String?
} else if (propName == "age" && value is Int?) {
it.age = value as Int?
} else {
// handle unknown property or value has incorrect type
Another more dynamic solution without reflection:
class Person {
private var fields: Map<String, Any?> = HashMap()
fun setter(propName:String, value:Any): Person{
return this.apply {
it.fields[propName] = value;
fun getName() = fields["name"]
If you want to get rid of the getters as well then you need to use reflection.