BootstrapVue b-table toggleDetails opens multiple row details - vue.js

I have an issue with Bootstrap Vue table showDetails for row.
When I open website for the first time and I click show details button it shows details with loading state, fetch the data and then when completed shows the details.
However when I hide the expanded row and click show Details for another row, after the fetch both of them are expended. Meaning I can see details of 2 rows.
(If I open and hide X of rows, after I expand one more, all previously opened and hiden X details will be visible)
Thank you for help!
Toggle details Method:
toggleDetails(item) {
if (item._showDetails) {
this.$set(item, '_showDetails', false)
} else if (this.listType === MEETING_LIST_TYPE.history) {
this.$set(item, '_showDetails', true)
} else {
item._showDetails = true
item.busy = true
meeting: item,
listType: this.listType
}).then(() => {
item.busy = false
Fetch method (action):
showMeetingDetails({ commit }, { meeting, listType }) {
return fetchMeetingDetails(meeting).then(res => {
commit('SET_MEETING_DETAILS', { meeting: res, listType })
SET_MEETING_DETAILS(state, { listType, meeting }) {
switch (listType) {
state.todayMeetings = =>
m.meetingID === meeting.meetingId
? { ...m, ...meeting, _showDetails: true }
: m
state.allMeetings = =>
m.meetingID === meeting.meetingId
? { ...m, ...meeting, _showDetails: true }
: m

Hello I figure out the solution. :D
So the problem was with vue reactivity when I was trying to change the value for the item which was inside the list and trying to jump over vuex a bit.
Helpful link here:
To solve this problem I added mutations in my vuex for _showDetails and also busy state to show spinner when I am loading details row data. I also found out that in row item from bootstrap table, there are a lot of useful properties like index.
That all helped me to write cleaner mutations with usage of Vue.set()
Bellow my code. Probably I could still fix the methods naming ^^. If you have any ideas how to make it even simpler or cleaner I will appreciate!
Vue template (inside b-table):
<b-button id="detailsBtn" class="mr-2">
<b-icon v-else icon="dash" #click="toggleDetails(row)"></b-icon>
my toggleDetails() function:
toggleDetails(row) {
if (row.item._showDetails) {
this.hideShowDetails(row, false)
} else {
showDetails(row) {
if (this.listType === MEETING_LIST_TYPE.history) {
this.hideShowDetails(row, true)
} else {
listType: this.listType,
index: row.index,
isBusy: true
this.hideShowDetails(row, true)
meeting: row.item,
listType: this.listType,
index: row.index
hideShowDetails(row, showDetails) {
listType: this.listType,
index: row.index,
showDetails: showDetails
My action:
fetchMeetingDetails({ commit }, { meeting, listType, index }) {
return fetchMeetingDetails(meeting).then(res => {
commit('SET_MEETING_DETAILS', { meeting: res, listType, index })
My mutations:
SET_MEETING_DETAILS(state, { listType, meeting, index }) {
Vue.set(state.meetings[listType], index, {
_showDetails: true,
busy: false
TOGGLE_MEETING_DETAILS(state, { listType, index, showDetails }) {
Vue.set(state.meetings[listType], index, {
_showDetails: showDetails
TOGGLE_BUSY_MEETING(state, { listType, index, isBusy }) {
Vue.set(state.meetings[listType], index, {
busy: isBusy
I hope someone might find it helpful! Cheers!


I'm writing el-tree using vuejs,it doesn't select what i checked

I'm writing el-tree using vuejs,it doesn't select what i checked.
anyone knows why?
enter image description here
empty-text="Loading, please wait"
created() {
const userId = this.$route.params && this.$route.params.userId;
if (userId) {
getAuthUserMenu(userId).then((response) => {
this.form = response.user;
this.$nextTick(() => {
let checkedKeys = response.checkedKeys
checkedKeys.forEach((value) => {
this.$, true ,false);
I try to select from the tree component.
I expect that seleted what i choose.

Delete item from pinia state

I am new to vue and I have just started using pinia. I wanna delete an item from array but it does not work
here is my store
import {defineStore} from 'pinia'
export interface ObjectDto {
input: string,
interface ObjectDtoInterface {
objects: Array<ObjectDto>
export const useSearchHistoryStore = defineStore('objectsStore', {
state: (): ObjectDtoInterface => {
return {
objects: [] as ObjectDto[]
actions: {
add(dto: ObjectDto) {
if (this.objects
.filter(shd => dto.input === shd.input)
.length === 0) {
delete(obj: ObjectDto) {
this.objects = this.objects.filter(e => !(e.input === obj.input))
and here is the function from different .ts file
function delete(obj: ObjectDto) {
add action works perfect, it adds item to the state but when I try to delete an item, nothing happens. The data I pass to delete method is 100% good because I checked this many times
Filter does not mutate the original object, you need to reasing
delete(obj: ObjectDto) {
this.objects = this.objects.filter(e => !(e.input === obj.input))
more info

I have event duplication after action was moved in store object

In my laravel 5.8 / vue 2.5.17 / vuex^3.1.0 I have a problem that with dialog opened I have event duplication.
I have an event for item deletion :
In my vue file:
mounted() {
bus.$on('dialog_confirmed', (paramsArray) => {
if (paramsArray.key == this.deleteFromUserListsKey(paramsArray.user_list_id)) {
this.runDeleteFromUserLists(paramsArray.user_list_id, paramsArray.index);
bus.$on('onUserListDeleteSuccess', (response) => {
this.is_page_updating = false
this.showPopupMessage("User lists", 'User\'s list was successfully deleted!', 'success');
bus.$on('onUserListDeleteFailure', (error) => {
this.is_page_updating = false
this.showRunTimeError(error, this);
this.showPopupMessage("User lists", 'Error adding user\'s list !', 'error');
}, // mounted() {
methods: {
confirmDeleteUserList(user_list_id, user_list_title, index) {
this.confirmMsg("Do you want to exclude '" + user_list_title + "' user list ?", {
key: this.deleteFromUserListsKey(user_list_id), user_list_id: user_list_id, index: index
}, 'Confirm', bus);
}, //confirmDeleteUserList(id, user_list_title, index) {
deleteFromUserListsKey(user_list_id) {
return 'user_list__remove_' + user_list_id;
runDeleteFromUserLists(user_list_id, index) {
this.$store.dispatch('userListDelete', { logged_user_id :, user_list_id : user_list_id } );
}, // runDeleteFromUserLists() {
and in resources/js/store.js :
state : {
userLists: [],
actions : {
userListDelete(context, paramsArray ) {
method: ( 'delete' ),
url: this.getters.apiUrl + '/personal/user-lists/' + paramsArray.user_list_id,
}).then((response) => {
let L = this.getters.userLists.length
for (var I = 0; I < L; I++) {
if ( == this.getters.userLists[I].id) {
this.getters.userLists.splice(this.getters.userLists.indexOf(this.getters.userLists[I]), 1)
context.commit('refreshUserLists', this.getters.userLists);
bus.$emit( 'onUserListDeleteSuccess', response );
}).catch((error) => {
bus.$emit('onUserListDeleteFailure', error);
}, // userListDelete(context, paramsArray ) {
confirmMsg (based on )is defined in my mixing :
confirmMsg: function (question, paramsArray, title, bus) {
this.$'dialog', {
title: title,
text: question,
buttons: [
title: 'Yes',
default: true, // Will be triggered by default if 'Enter' pressed.
handler: () => {
bus.$emit('dialog_confirmed', paramsArray);
title: '', // Button title
handler: () => {
} // Button click handler
title: 'Cancel'
it worked ok, until I moved userListDelete method from my vue file into store.js.
As a result on 1st event item is deleted ok, the the second item raise error that item was not found and I do not know event is doubled...
How to fix it ?
I still search for valid decision :
I uploaded live demo at : wdemo will be opened.
Please, try to go to “User's lists” by link at top left menu
and back several times. When on “User's lists” page I try to delete 1 user list it is deleted, but I got several messages
and url in “network” section of my browser :
Looks like events are duplicated. And looks like that is move between pages number of guplications is raised.
Why and how to fix it ?
I use #click.prevent in triggering the event to show confirm delete message.
There is “ Add Demo Data” to add more demo rows.
Well, it is quite obvious.
Take a closer look at the Vue component lifecycle diagram.
Your component is mounted each time you enter a route.
So, bus.$on inside your mounted block executed each time you enter this route.
I suggest you move bus event handlers to some other location. For example app.js/ App.vue mounted hook or directly into the store. Since all you do inside handler is calling store actions.

Is there a way to do pagination with firebase realtime database (vuejs)?

I'm trying to paginate my data from firebase realtime database.
Do I have to change to firestore ? Where all is explain in Google's doc ( or it's also possible with rtdb ?
Here is my code (i'm using vue js) :
loadConcerts ({commit}) {
commit('setLoading', true)
.startAt( / 1e3)
.then(data => {
const concerts = []
data.forEach(element => {
id: element.key,
title: element.val().title,
day: element.val().day,
ticketlink: element.val().ticketlink,
description: element.val().descriptio
commit('setLoadedConcerts', concerts)
commit('setLoading', false)
(error) => {
commit('setLoading', false)
I would like to add pagination after 10 results, or infinite scrolling.
I have also had similar problem with pagination. The documentation seems to be insufficient i.e they show you how to go to next page but not how to move back to the previous page. Its just frustrating really.
I am using firestore
Below is how i implemented a simple pagination. I have already configured VueFire , Firebase and BootstrapVue i'll head straight to the code.
What to do different that no one shows you.
Use VueFire programmatic binding instead of declarative binding see here
To get firstVisible item in firebase run[0]
<b-button-group size="lg" class="mx-2">
<b-button :disabled="prev_btn" #click="previous" >«</b-button>
<b-button :disabled="next_btn" #click="next">»</b-button>
import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/auth'
import { db } from '../main'
export default {
name: 'Countries',
data () {
return {
countries: [],
limit: 2,
lastVisible: '',
firstVisible: '',
next_btn: false,
prev_btn: true
methods: {
next () {
if (!this.next_btn) {
// bind data with countries
this.$bind('countries', db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').startAfter(this.lastVisible).limit(this.limit))
// set last and first visible items
db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').startAfter(this.lastVisible).limit(this.limit).get().then(documentSnapshots => {
this.lastVisible =[ - 1]
this.firstVisible =[0]
}).then(() => {
// Peep on the next next query to see if it gives zero
.then(snap => {
if (snap.size === 0) {
//disable button if the next peeped result gets zero
this.next_btn = true
// enable previous button
this.prev_btn = false
} else {
// enable next button if peeped result is not zero
this.next_btn = false
// enable previous button
this.prev_btn = false
previous () {
// Ensure previous is not zero
db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').endBefore(this.firstVisible).limitToLast(this.limit).get().then(snap => { return snap.size })
.then(size => {
//confirm is not zero here
if (size !== 0) {
//bind the previous to countries
this.$bind('countries', db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').endBefore(this.firstVisible).limitToLast(this.limit))
// Set last and first visible
db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').endBefore(this.firstVisible).limitToLast(this.limit).get().then(documentSnapshots => {
this.lastVisible =[ - 1]
this.firstVisible =[0]
}).then(() => {
// peep the next previous query
.then(snap => {
if (snap.size === 0) {
//if next peeped previous button gets 0 disable
this.prev_btn = true
this.next_btn = false
} else {
//if next peeped result is does not get 0 enable buttons
this.prev_btn = false
this.next_btn = false
mounted () {
// run first query and bind data
this.$bind('countries', db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').limit(this.limit))
// set last and first Visible
db.collection('Countries').orderBy('createdAt').limit(this.limit).get().then(documentSnapshots => {
this.lastVisible =[ - 1]
this.firstVisible =[0]
}).then(() => {
// peep to check if next should be on or off
.then(snap => {
if (snap.size === 0) {
this.next_btn = true

Using conditional class with store getters: not updating class

I have a div with a conditional class that works well when the app is loaded, but it's not updated when the store data change.
The code in my vue component looks like this
<span class="week-day"
v-bind:class="{ complete: isDayComplete(day) }"
v-for="day in daysInWeek"
> </span>
And I have ...mapGetters(['isDayComplete']) in my computed object.
The getter looks like this
isDayComplete(state) {
return (day) => {
console.log(`called isDayComplete(${day})`)
const formattedDay = moment(day, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
if (state.daysData[formattedDay]) {
if (state.daysData[formattedDay].meals.length > 0) {
console.log(`day ${day} is complete`);
return true;
} else {
console.log(`day ${day} is NOT complete`);
return false;
} else {
console.log(`no data for day ${day}`);
return false;
I update my meals data in a mutation
updateMeals(state, meals) {
_.forEach(meals, (meal) => {
And I have an action that commits that mutation
loadMeals({ state, commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((response) => {
return resolve();
So whenever I call loadMeals the class is not updated if one day changes its status (complete/not-complete). If I reload the page, the class is set correctly.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
It's a common reactivity problem. You can make deep copy (use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())) to make data reactive:
updateMeals(state, meals) {
_.forEach(meals, (meal) => {
state.daysData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.daysData))
#ittus answer was correct. I found another way to achieve this that maybe could
help someone else.
add another mutation on the store
updateCompletedDays(state) {
const newState = [];
_.forEach(state.daysData, (currentDayData, currentDay) => {
if (currentDayData.meals.length > 0) {
state.completedDays = newState;
commit this mutation after meals are updated
change isDayComplete getter to
isDayComplete(state) {
const formattedDay = moment(day, 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return state.completedDays.indexOf(formattedDay) !== -1;
Basically when using reactivity going deep into arrays/object will not work, better have arrays of aggregated data (check also Vue.set api)