WebdriverIO: Execution context is not available in detached frame - selenium

I'm trying to automate a flow that I've been doing at least once a day for the past 3 years. It's an unnecessarily convoluted process that is taking time out of my day. It's an internal proprietary system, so I can't give you any details about it, but suffice to say that I cannot change it. I have to try to automate it the way it is, and I'm stuck with the following error:
Execution context is not available in detached frame "https://..." (are you trying to evaluate?)
I'm using WebdriverIO with the default configuration, which uses Puppeteer internally. When I googled the error, I got a suggestion to add the following flags:
'--disable-web-security', '--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process'
I did that, but it didn't help:
logLevel: 'trace',
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: ['--disable-web-security', '--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process']
I want to try it out in the REPL to do some more debugging, but I haven't figured out how to add those args when launching the REPL:
npx wdio repl chrome
Everything I've tried so far has failed. If someone knows how to do it, please let me know.
I don't do web automation normally and I chose WebdriverIO, since I have used it in the past for mobile automation. I'm wondering if this is a Puppeteer specific issue and if it would work in Selenium, but I'm not quite sure how to set that up. Puppeteer was just working out of the box.
Any guidance on how to get past this error would be greatly appreciated.

Turns out it was pretty simple:
// Doing stuff inside the frame that causes the next page to show.
// Now that iFrame is gone and I have to switch out of it, to continue:
// After the above call the execution context is not in a detached frame anymore.


Trying to automate a web page and pause in debugger error [duplicate]

Everytime I try to access this website and open google-chrome-devtools I am unable to inspect any of the elements through the Inspector as the UI is having an overlay along with a message Paused in debugger.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check the Source tab, check under the Event Listener Breakpoints panel if you've set any breakpoints under 'Mouse'. I have cross checked that none of the Sources -> EventListenerBreakpoint are set.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check if the little octagonal stop/pause sign (at lower left of Chrome "Sources") is colored (blue or purple). I am not sure why do I need to do that additionally for selected websites.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion speaks about the Manual Steps.
All the solutions seem to point towards the manual process. But this issue seems to me the root cause behind Selenium being unable to getPageSource().
Code trials:
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe");
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Output: Chrome opens but doesn't navigates to the url.
So my questions are:
In which case can Paused in debugger error occurs?
Is it an error from the frontend development?
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
In which cases can the Paused in debugger error occur?
Anytime you are accessing this page with the dev tools open. The debugger; line will pause javascript execution, but browsers will ignore it if the dev tools are closed.
Is it an error from the frontend development?
In this case, no--they're deliberately trying to keep you out. The purpose of this function is to pause execution and then redirect your browser to a different page if it takes longer than 100ms to resume. I would speculate that this is designed to interfere with automated crawlers like selenium, because a regular user wouldn't be affected and a human developer can just hack around it.
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
My first recommendation would be to try running Selenium headlessly, if that's an option. If not, use the hotkey to resume execution (F8). You can use whatever method you like for generating a keypress; with the java.awt package it will look something like this:
Robot robot = null;
robot = new Robot();
catch(Exception e)
//handle failure
Remember that you have to trigger this within 100ms, so use whatever logic you like to detect the block and respond quickly. If you just want something quick and dirty, I would just make it spam F8 keypresses every 50ms for a period of time until you're certain the page has loaded.
EDIT: On further investigation, this page is extremely messy and hostile to anyone with the dev tools open. There is not one but several functions that trigger debugger;and they get called repeatedly on a timer for as long as you're on the page. Running headlessly seems like the best choice, unless you want to continue spamming F8 for the entire session.

Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions for Selenium debugging not working [duplicate]

Everytime I try to access this website and open google-chrome-devtools I am unable to inspect any of the elements through the Inspector as the UI is having an overlay along with a message Paused in debugger.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check the Source tab, check under the Event Listener Breakpoints panel if you've set any breakpoints under 'Mouse'. I have cross checked that none of the Sources -> EventListenerBreakpoint are set.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion says to check if the little octagonal stop/pause sign (at lower left of Chrome "Sources") is colored (blue or purple). I am not sure why do I need to do that additionally for selected websites.
The upvoted and accepted answer of this discussion speaks about the Manual Steps.
All the solutions seem to point towards the manual process. But this issue seems to me the root cause behind Selenium being unable to getPageSource().
Code trials:
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe");
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Output: Chrome opens but doesn't navigates to the url.
So my questions are:
In which case can Paused in debugger error occurs?
Is it an error from the frontend development?
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
In which cases can the Paused in debugger error occur?
Anytime you are accessing this page with the dev tools open. The debugger; line will pause javascript execution, but browsers will ignore it if the dev tools are closed.
Is it an error from the frontend development?
In this case, no--they're deliberately trying to keep you out. The purpose of this function is to pause execution and then redirect your browser to a different page if it takes longer than 100ms to resume. I would speculate that this is designed to interfere with automated crawlers like selenium, because a regular user wouldn't be affected and a human developer can just hack around it.
How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?
My first recommendation would be to try running Selenium headlessly, if that's an option. If not, use the hotkey to resume execution (F8). You can use whatever method you like for generating a keypress; with the java.awt package it will look something like this:
Robot robot = null;
robot = new Robot();
catch(Exception e)
//handle failure
Remember that you have to trigger this within 100ms, so use whatever logic you like to detect the block and respond quickly. If you just want something quick and dirty, I would just make it spam F8 keypresses every 50ms for a period of time until you're certain the page has loaded.
EDIT: On further investigation, this page is extremely messy and hostile to anyone with the dev tools open. There is not one but several functions that trigger debugger;and they get called repeatedly on a timer for as long as you're on the page. Running headlessly seems like the best choice, unless you want to continue spamming F8 for the entire session.

Karate-UI Automation - How to close Location allowance window (Chrome)

I am using Karate-UI Automation Software. I run my test scenario under Chrome browser. When I go to page where map is displayed (e.g. Mapbox) user is asked about Location allowance (screenshot) with buttons Allow and Deny. Is there some easy trick to confirm/deny/close dialog in scenario step? - in feature file.
location allowance
Thank you for your advice.
Is this the Chrome dialog that does not impact the flow of the test but just stays there and is somewhat irritating ? I'm sorry I haven't found a way to suppress that. Would be great if someone can find a way, I have tried all the flags here, but none of them worked: https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
We are experimenting with Karate-Robot to be able to handle some of these use-cases, but this is still experimental. We need people to try and contribute fixes, if you use this - take 0.9.6.RC1 because 0.9.5 has some issues.
Finally if you are facing a problem with plain HTML, please follow this process so that we can try and figure a solution or enhance the Karate syntax if needed: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/develop/examples/ui-test
It works perfectly if you use chromedriver. Refer below code snippet which currently I am using.
* def session = { capabilities: { alwaysMatch: { browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': { args: [ '--disable-geolocation', '--test-type' ] } } } }
* configure driver = { type: 'chromedriver', port: 9515, executable: '<Path to chromedriver>', webDriverSession: '#(session)'}

PhantomJS process keeps running in background after calling program.kill()

I'm using phantomjs and webdriverio to fetch and render a webpage that's loaded by javascript, then save it to be parsed later by cheerio.
Here's the code for that:
import phantomjs from 'phantomjs-prebuilt'
const webdriverio = require('webdriverio')
const wdOpts = {
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'phantomjs'
async parse (parseUrl) {
return phantomjs.run('--webdriver=4444').then(program => {
return webdriverio.remote(wdOpts)
.waitForExist('.main-ios', 100000)
.getHTML('html', true)
.then((html) => {
return html
Even though I call program.kill() I notice that the phantomjs in the list of processes, and it does use up quite a bit of RAM and CPU.
I'm wondering why the process doesn't terminate.
.close() just closes the window. There is a known bug, if it is the last window it stays open.
.quit() should do it, but there are issues associated with that as well.
PhantomJS bug report: https://github.com/detro/ghostdriver/issues/162
someone has a decent workaround posted at the bottom of that thread:
this fix shoots a SIGTERM to end it: (In python, but might be usefull)
# assume browser = webdriver.PhantomJS()
I like to just open a Docker container with my automation, and run it in there. Docker closes it up for me, however that is prolly out of scope for what you want to do.. i would recommend the above SIGTERM+quit method.
PhantomJS is a 2 component product. There is the Javascript which runs on the client (Whether web or other Script) side as part of your code. Then there is the part that runs as a server-side application (The command line call)
It has been my experience with PhantomJS that when an error is encountered, the PHantomJS server side "hangs" but is unresponsive. If you can update your call to this script to provide output logging, you may b able to see what the error is that PhantomJS application is encountering.
phantomjs /path/to/script/ > /path/to/log/file 2>&1
Hope this Helps! If you'd like me to clarify anything, or elaborate I'm happy to update my answer, just let me know in a comment, Thanks!

Mink and Sahi timing out on getContent

I've written a website scraper for use in a project.
I'm controlling Firefox through Sahi using Mink to visit each site and interact with any elements where necessary. I've managed to get this working perfectly on all sites I've tried except for one...
I'm trying to get the markup from https://www.o2.co.uk/shop/phones/
I'm using the exact same code for this page, as I have for all others:
// Configure driver
$this->driver = new \Behat\Mink\Driver\SahiDriver('firefox',
new \Behat\SahiClient\Client(
new \Behat\SahiClient\Connection(null, CRAWL_SERVER, 9999)
// Init session:
$this->session = new \Behat\Mink\Session($this->driver);
// Start session:
// Open the url
// Get the markup from the page
$markup = $this->session->getPage()->getContent();
When I use this code to attempt to get the markup from https://www.o2.co.uk/shop/phones/ Mink just seems to hang, waiting for something to happen.
It would seem that maybe something on this page is preventing either Sahi or Mink from returning the markup. I've also tried running other functions instead of getContent(), such as $this->session->wait(2000); and attempting to search through getPage using the find command.
If anyone has any idea as to why this is happening I would be very interested in finding out why and how I can make this work.
Why is Mink/Sahi timing out on this site?