How to download a shared item on google colab using wget? - google-colaboratory

I have a shared link like the below
but I am unable to download it google colab using the command
Few suggestion on the internet were to use the below command
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O FILENAME
but this didn't work. Any help is appreciated!

You can use gdown
!gdown --id 1tfBFavijh4UTG4cGqIKwhcklLXUDuY0D

Add a retry option after certificate check to the command. An example below
wget --no-check-certificate -r '' -O


Installing Helidon on WSL

I would like to install Helidon SE on WSL Ubunto. I cannot find the steps in the documentation located at Can someone provide these or send me a link to the instructions? I've searched Google to no avail. Thanks.
Helidon in both of its flavors is a set of libraries that you use via Maven. I think the documentation covers this pretty well.
Hi just place it in your /usr/local/bin/:
sudo curl -LJ -o /usr/local/bin/helidon \ && \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helidon
Happy coding!

How can i download tensorflow tf_files

I am trying Tensorflow for poets and I can not download the example files.
curl \
| tar xz -C tf_files
If using cURL doesn't work try using
in the address bar of your browser. The file should download automatically or you should be prompted.
Then just create the tf_files directory locally:
mkdir tf_files
Finally extract:
tar -xzf flower_photos.tgz -C tf_files

Download (all) files via FTP with explicit TLS/SSL encryption

I've been trying to download files from FTP with explicit TLS/SSL encryption from one server to another using Debian. I tried a lot of commands like ftp and wget but none of them worked and said Login is incorrect. I searched whole Stack Overflow and Google.
I tried ftp and wget like this:
wget -m --user=username --password=password ftp://ip
ftp user#ip
Thanks in advance.
wget must be version 1.18 or above. The following was tested on 1.19.1
wget -r --level=5 -m --no-remove-listing --reject "index.html" -c --progress=dot -N --secure-protocol=auto --no-proxy --no-passive-ftp --ftp-user=XXXXX --ftp-password=YYYYY --no-check-certificate ftps://
Here is the link on how to build wget

trying to download a dataset from a website

I am trying to download a dataset from a website but I can't download the whole folder .. I have to download each file separately which will need a lot of time. I am wondering if there is anyway to download the whole folder at a time??
The website link:
Use wget with the -r switch to turn on mirroring.
This command will do what you want:
wget --no-parent -r
It'll produce a mirror copy of everything from that directory on down.
These two for cycles run in bash should do it:
for S in S{001..109}; do
mkdir ${S}
cd ${S}
for R in R{01..14}; do
wget "$file"
wget "${file}.event"
cd ..

ssh wget download jdk

I've SSHed into one of my VPS and I'm trying to install java on it. Not really sure how to go about downloading but I am trying to use wget to download and install JDK7 from the Oracle website.
this file in particular:
To download the file, it requires authentication and I don't know how to do that through wget.
SOmeone please help
# rpm
wget --no-cookies \
--no-check-certificate \
--header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" \
"" \
-O jdk-7-linux-x64.rpm
# ubuntu
wget --no-cookies \
--no-check-certificate \
--header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" \
"" \
-O jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz
# then
tar -xzvf jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz
To download the file, it requires authentication and I don't know how
to do that through wget.
To be more accurate it requires license agreement.
If you have SSH access to the server you can copy file using scp command
scp /<path to the file>/jdk-7u40-linux-x64.rpm user-name#server-name:/tmp/
Then you go to the server by ssh and find it in /tmp/ folder