How can I create an instance of KClass<MutableList<Foo<*>>>? - kotlin

I need to pass the type of a class as a parameter because of type erasure.
class Abc<T : Any>(private val clazz: KClass<T>)
I can get it to work when T is something like String, but I'm having trouble creating the argument for clazz when the type is KClass<MutableList<Foo<*>>>.
I've tried doing mutableListOf<Foo<*>>(), but then I get KClass<MutableList<out Foo<*>>> instead of KClass<MutableList<Foo<*>>>.
How can I create the KClass instance that I need?

If you need to construct an Abc<MutableList<Foo<*>>> so its methods end up taking and returning MutableList<Foo<*>>, it's enough to cast it:
val abc = Abc(MutableList::class) as Abc<MutableList<Foo<*>>>
(you could cast the argument to KClass<MutableList<Foo<*>>> instead, but this makes no difference).
But as Tenfour04's comment says, there are no different KClass instances for MutableList<Foo<*>>, MutableList<String>, etc. so:
you can't expect actually different behavior for Abc<MutableList<Foo<*>>> and Abc<MutableList<AnythingElse>> except for the casts the compiler inserts;
by using type erasure in this way, you are giving up some type safety, and make possible ClassCastExceptions far from the original cast.


Why does casting to a generic work without an instance of that type?

I've created 2 kotlin methods: one to check a type and another to cast an object. They look like:
fun Any?.isOfType(type: Class<*>): Boolean{
return type.isInstance(this)
// return `this is T` does NOT work.
fun <T> Any?.castToType(): T {
return this as T
// Works, albeit with a warning.
I've read some posts on generics and erasures, but I can't get over what seems to be a discrepancy.
Why is it that checking for the type of an object cannot be done with generics, but casting to a generic can?
The question is why:
fun <T> Any?.castToType() = this as T // compiles with warning
"works" but this won't even compile:
fun <T> Any?.isOfType() = this is T // won't compile
Actually both don't really work. In both cases the type is erased at runtime. So why does one compile and the other doesn't?
this is T cannot work at runtime since the type of T is unknown and thus the compiler has to reject it.
this as T on the other hand might work:
"hello".castToType<Int>() // no runtime error but NOP
"hello".castToType<Int>().minus(1) // throws ClassCastException
2.0.castToType<Int>().minus(1) // no runtime error, returns 1
In some cases it works, in others it throws an exception. Now every unchecked cast can either succeed or lead to runtime exceptions (with or without generic types) so it makes sense to show a warning instead of a compile error.
unchecked casts with generic types are no different from unchecked casts without generic types, they are dangerous but a warning is sufficient
type checks with generic types on the other hand are impossible at runtime
The official documentation explains type erasure and why is-checks with type arguments can't succeed at runtime:
At runtime, the instances of generic types do not hold any information about their actual type arguments. The type information is said to be erased. For example, the instances of Foo and Foo<Baz?> are erased to just Foo<*>.
Due to the type erasure, there is no general way to check whether an instance of a generic type was created with certain type arguments at runtime, and the compiler prohibits such is-checks such as ints is List or list is T (type parameter)
In my own words: I can't check whether A is B if I don't know what B is. If B is a class I can check against an instance of that class (that's why type.isInstance(this) works) but if B is a generic type, the runtime has no information on it (it was erased by the compiler).
This isn't about casting vs checking; it's about using generics vs class objects.
The second example is generic; it uses T as a type parameter. Unfortunately, because generics are implemented using type erasure, this means that the type isn't available at runtime (because it has been erased, and replaced by the relevant upper bound — Any? in this case). This is why operations such as type checking or casting to a type parameter can be unsafe and give compilation warnings.
The first example, though, doesn't use a type parameter; instead, it uses a parameter which is called type, but is a Class object, representing a particular class. This is a value which is provided at runtime, just like any other method parameter, and so you can call methods such as cast() and isInstance() to handle some type issues at runtime. However, they're closely related to reflection, and have some of the same disadvantages, such as fragility, ugly code, and limited compile-time checks.
(Kotlin code often uses KClass objects instead of Java Class objects, but the principle is the same.)
It may be worth highlighting the difference between class and type, which are related but subtly different. For example, String is both a class and a type, while String? is another type derived from the same class. LinkedList is a class, but not a type (because it needs a type parameter); LinkedList<Int> is a type.
Types can of course be derived from interfaces as well as from classes, e.g. Runnable, or MutableList<Int>.
This is relevant to the question, because generics use type parameters, while Class objects represent classes.

Is it possible to implement both List<SuperClass> and List<SubClass>?

Let's take the following code as an example:
val immutableList: List<Any> = listOf<String>()
val mutableList: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf<String>()
interface SuperList : List<Any>
interface SubList : SuperList, List<String>
As expected, assigning immutableList is allowed, which from my understanding of the docs is because it's marked to say it will only ever return values of T and never take them, so it doesn't matter if it's Any or a subclass.
Also as expected, assigning mutableList gives an error because it cannot offer that guarantee, as casting to MutableList<Any> would let you add an Any to a list of Strings and that would be bad.
I would expect the interface SubList to be fine for the same reason that immutableList is: List's generic functions will only give T, never take it, so returning a String would make both happy. However, its declaration throws the same error as mutableList:
Type parameter E of 'List' has inconsistent values: String, Any
Type parameter E of 'Collection' has inconsistent values: String, Any
Type parameter T of 'Iterable' has inconsistent values: String, Any
Why is this?
Things I've attempted, when trying to understand the cause:
Having SubList inherit from List<Any> directly rather than SuperList: Gives the same error, so this isn't due to something funky with the layers in the inheritance.
Having SuperList inherit from List<out Any> rather than List<Any>: Gives the error Projections are not allowed for immediate arguments of a supertype.
Having SuperList take a type parameter. This works but like... at that point why does SuperList even exist, lol. Much better for my use case to just take an entirely different approach to the goal than to do that.
My goal was a pair of Table and MutableTable types, and my initial idea was implementing this via extending List<List> and List<MutableList>, respectively. But I wanted to boil the question down to its simplest form, and so chose non-generic classes to use for the sample code.
I have other ideas on how to implement the types, so I'm not looking for an answer to that. I'd just like to understand the root issue that stops this particular approach from working, so that in the future I don't run into other pitfalls with it in ways that might be harder to dodge.

Is it possible to pass null type in place of generic type parameter?

I am going to use the following method from Spring Data Kotlin extensions:
inline fun <reified T : Any> MongoOperations.bulkOps(bulkMode: BulkMode, collectionName: String? = null): BulkOperations
The question is: can I somehow avoid specifying T assuming I do not want to provide entity class name (that's because I will explicitly specify collectionName, and in this case class type can be null). I would like to type something like:
val ops = mongoTemplate.bulkOps<null>(BulkOperations.BulkMode.UNORDERED, collectionName = "i_know_better")
Is there a type literal for null with which I can parameterize bulkOps?
I think the short answer is no.
You seem to confuse types with values. null is a value and not a type so it cannot be used as a type in generic methods.
In your specific example, even if you could use null, looking at the code what would you expect to happen?
inline fun <reified T : Any> MongoOperations.bulkOps(bulkMode: BulkMode, collectionName: String? = null): BulkOperations =
if (collectionName != null) bulkOps(bulkMode,, collectionName)
else bulkOps(bulkMode,
As you can see there's always being called. What would be the result of
I'm unfamiliar with the Spring Data so I can't really provide an alternative, but I'd say you either need to search for another method or use an appropriate class here. The generic type is marked as T : Any so presumably it can be any non-nullable type. I wonder if Unit would work. Again, I'm not sure what this class is used for.
To answer the question in general, you can use Nothing? to represent the type that only contains the value null.
That being said, as #Fred already said, the method you're considering here explicitly states T : Any, meaning only non-nullable types are allowed. And it makes sense given that the function is accessing the class of T.

How to get KClass of generic classes like BaseResponse<Iterable<User>>

If I try to get
I get error error only classes are allowed on the left hand side of class literal. I have searched and still not found how to get generic classes's type in kotlin.
You can't -KClass can only describe the class BaseResponse, and you can get a KClass instance that does that with BaseResponse::class.
What you have however, BaseResponse<Iterable<User>>, is a concrete type, which you can be represented as a KType instance. KType instances can be created, for example, with the createType function. This would look something like this:
// User
val userType = User::class.createType()
// Iterable<User>
val iterableOfUserType = Iterable::class.createType(arguments = listOf(KTypeProjection.invariant(userType)))
// BaseResponse<Iterable<User>>
val responseType = BaseResponse::class.createType(arguments = listOf(KTypeProjection.invariant(iterableOfUserType)))
I made the choice of making the type parameters both invariant, there's also factory methods in KTypeProjection to create covariant or contravariant types, as you need them.

Kotlin's reflection : Unknown type parameter

I am running some experiments on Kotlin's reflection.
I am trying to get a reflection object of a generic class with its argument.
In Java, that would be a ParameterizedType.
The way to get such a thing using Java's reflection API is a bit convoluted: create an anonymous subclass of a generic class, then get its super-type first parameter.
Here's an example:
#Suppress("unused") #PublishedApi
internal abstract class TypeReference<T> {}
inline fun <reified T> jGeneric() =
((object : TypeReference<T>() {}).javaClass.genericSuperclass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[0]
When I println(jGeneric<List<String?>>()), it prints java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String>, which is logical considering that Kotlin's List uses declaration-site out variance and that Java types have no notion of nullability.
Now, I would like to achieve the same kind of result, but with the Kotlin reflection API (that would, of course, contain nullability information).
Of course, List<String>::class cannot work since it yields a KClass. and I am looking for a KType.
However, when I try this:
inline fun <reified T> kGeneric() =
(object : TypeReference<T>() {})::class.supertypes[0].arguments[0].type
When I println(kGeneric<List<String?>>()), it prints [ERROR : Unknown type parameter 0], which is quite... well, anticlimactic ;)
How can I get, in Kotlin, a KType reflecting List<String> ?
To create a KType instance in Kotlin 1.1, you have two options:
To create a simple non-nullable type out of a KClass, where the class is either not generic or you can substitute all its type parameters with star projections (*), use the starProjectedType property. For example, the following creates a KType representing a non-nullable type String:
val nonNullStringType = String::class.starProjectedType
Or, the following creates a KType representing a non-nullable type List<*>:
val nonNullListOfSmth = List::class.starProjectedType
For more complex cases, use the createType function. It takes the class, type arguments and whether or not the type should be nullable. Type arguments are a list of KTypeProjection which is simply a type + variance (in/out/none). For example, the following code creates a KType instance representing List<String>:
val nonNullStringType = String::class.starProjectedType
val projection = KTypeProjection.invariant(nonNullStringType)
val listOfStrings = listClass.createType(listOf(projection))
Or, the following creates the type List<String>?:
val listOfStrings = listClass.createType(listOf(projection), nullable = true)
Both starProjectedType and createType are defined in package kotlin.reflect.full.
We're planning to introduce the possibility of getting a KType instance simply from a reified type parameter of an inline function which would help in some cases where the needed type is known statically, however currently it's not entirely clear if that's possible without major overhead. So, until that's implemented, please use the declarations explained above.