Error 'Value cannot be null:nodeName' when creating new iteration - api

I'm getting an error when attempting to create a new Iteration using the Client SDK:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: nodeName
As a test, I tried creating it using Postman and the REST API—as suggested here—and it succeeded.
I've been using this successfully for quite a while now to stub out my sprint hierarchy for the year. This is the first such occurrence of this error—past year runs have gone off without a hitch. I haven't changed anything (that I know of) since last year's successful run.
As we can see, the iteration's Name property is being properly set. I tried Overloads instead of Shadows, but that didn't help.
How can I troubleshoot this to find out what nodeName is and how to populate it using the Client SDK?
Here's my code:
Module Main()
Private Sub AddYear(Year As Integer, Client As WorkItemTrackingHttpClient)
Dim oIterationYear As Classifications.Iteration
Dim dFinishDate As Date
Dim dStartDate As Date
dFinishDate = New Date(Year, 12, 31)
dStartDate = New Date(Year, 1, 1)
oIterationYear = New Classifications.Iteration(Client, TeamProject, Year, dStartDate, dFinishDate)
End Sub
End Module
Public Class Iteration
Inherits Base
Public Sub New(Client As WorkItemTrackingHttpClient, TeamProject As TeamProjects, Name As String, StartDate As Date, FinishDate As Date)
Me.New(Client, TeamProject, Name, StartDate, FinishDate, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub New(Client As WorkItemTrackingHttpClient, TeamProject As TeamProjects, Name As String, StartDate As Date, FinishDate As Date, Parent As Iteration)
MyBase.New(Client, TeamProject, Parent)
Me.StructureType = TreeNodeStructureType.Iteration
Me.FinishDate = FinishDate
Me.StartDate = StartDate
Me.Name = Name
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Base
Inherits WorkItemClassificationNode
Public Sub New(Client As WorkItemTrackingHttpClient, TeamProject As TeamProjects, Parent As Base)
Me.ProjectName = TeamProject.ToDescription
Me.Parent = Parent
Me.Client = Client
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
If Me.Parent.IsNothing Then
Me.Node = Me.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(Me, Me.ProjectName, Me.StructureType).Result <-- Error
Me.Node = Me.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(Me, Me.ProjectName, Me.StructureType, path:=Me.Path).Result
End If
End Sub
Public Shadows Property Name As String
If Me.Node.IsNothing Then
Name = Me._Name
Name = Me.Node.Name
End If
End Get
Set(Value As String)
Me._Name = Value
End Set
End Property
Private _Name As String
End Class
Note: this is a language-agnostic question, thus I've intentionally omitted the VB.NET tag. An answer can come in either VB.NET or C#—I'm fine with either one.
-- EDIT --
Based on the design suggestions found in the accepted answer, I've come up with this solution that works:
Public MustInherit Class Base
Public Sub New(Client As WorkItemTrackingHttpClient, TeamProject As TeamProjects, Parent As Base)
Me.Node = New WorkItemClassificationNode With {
.StructureType = StructureType,
.Name = Name
Me.ProjectName = TeamProject.ToDescription
Me.Parent = Parent
Me.Client = Client
Me.Name = Name
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
If Me.Parent.IsNothing Then
Me.Node = Me.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(Me.Node, Me.ProjectName, Me.StructureType).Result
Me.Node = Me.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(Me.Node, Me.ProjectName, Me.StructureType, path:=Me.Path).Result
End If
End Sub
Public Property Name As String
Return Me.Node.Name
End Get
Private Set(Value As String)
Me.Node.Name = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Essentially all I did was remove the base class' inheritance from WorkItemClassificationNode and store a node reference internally in all cases. I also simplified the Name property implementation.
As for why it suddenly stopped working with no change in my code, the only thing I can think of is the remote possibility that there was a change in the compiler that affected how the SDK evaluates the Shadows and Overloads keywords. That's a long shot, I know, but I'm at a complete loss otherwise.
Bottom line, it works now.

I can create new iteration using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi in Azure DevOps Services .NET SDK.
Please check out below example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri accountUri = new Uri("");
string personalAccessToken = "pat";
VssConnection _connection = new VssConnection(accountUri, new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, personalAccessToken));
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = _connection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
Iteration iteration = new Iteration(workItemTrackingHttpClient,2021, "projectName");
public class Iteration
WorkItemTrackingHttpClient client;
WorkItemClassificationNode node;
string project;
string path;
public Iteration(WorkItemTrackingHttpClient client, int Year, string project, string path=null) {
this.client = client;
node = new WorkItemClassificationNode();
this.project = project;
this.path = path;
IDictionary<string, object> DateAttr = new Dictionary<string, object>();
DateAttr.Add("startDate", new DateTime(Year, 1, 1));
DateAttr.Add("finishDate", new DateTime(Year, 12, 31));
node.Attributes = DateAttr;
node.Name = Year.ToString();
node.StructureType = TreeNodeStructureType.Iteration;
public void SaveNode()
var res = client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(node, project, TreeStructureGroup.Iterations, path).Result;
See below result:
I can reproduce above error Value cannot be null. Parameter name: nodeName. If i intentionally didnot set the node.Name = null; You can debug your code to check why the node name was not set.


Adding member to list overides previous members

I need to read from an Excel file a list of dogs with their birth date, and store them in a list. The read works well, and every time I add a new dog to the list, the list count grows. So far so good.
The problem is that when I add the 2nd record, the first record is replaced by the first record content, so I have two identical records. And so on with every new record. In the end, I have many same records - all with the value of the last dog.
The dog class is:
Public Class DogClass
Public Name As String
Public Dob As Date
Public Age As Integer
Public Sex As String
Public Sub setDogName(ByVal _name As String)
Name = _name
End Sub
Public Sub setDogDOB(ByVal _dob As Date)
Dob = _dob
End Sub
Public Sub setDogAge(ByVal _age As String)
Age = _age
End Sub
Public Sub setDogSex(ByVal _sex As String)
Sex = _sex
End Sub
End Class
The class of the list is:
Public Class DogsListClass
Public dogsList As New List(Of DogClass)
Public Function DodgsCnt() As Integer
DodgsCnt = dogsList.Count()
End Function
Public Function DogExsists(_dogName As String) As Boolean
Dim res As Boolean = False
For Each item As DogClass In dogsList
If item.Name = _dogName Then
res = True
End If
Return res
End Function
Public Sub AddDog(_dog As DogClass)
End Sub
End Class
The calling:
Dim tdog As New DogClass
Dim DogsList As New DogsListClass
tdog.setDogName(MyExcel.Cells(row_cnt, col_cnt).text)
tdog.setDogDOB(MyExcel.Cells(row_cnt, col_cnt + 1).value)
Any idea why the records are being overridden?
DogsList variable must be declared outside the Do...Loop, otherwise you are creating a "New" DogsList at each iteration and, based on this code, you should end up having one single item in the collection, not many.
Also, declaring DogsList in the loop, prevents you from using it outside in the rest of your code.

How to exchange two class by value ,not reference?

There are two classes in ArrayList.I want to exchange all their values but not their reference.For example , arraylist1(1) refers to the same class after exchanging , with its value changed.
If I change them in this way
Dim someclass1 as new someclass
Dim someclass2 as new someclass
arraylist1(1) = someclass1
arraylist1(2) = someclass2
temp = arraylist1(1)
arraylist1(1) = arraylist1(2)
arraylist1(2) = temp
It only exchange the reference.arraylist1(1) just refers to someclass2 but actually I want it refers to someclass1 with someclass2's value.
Now I just exchange their important properities one by one.
You need to copy properties yourself, one by one. You can make it a bit easier by adding two methods to your class:
Public Class SampleClass
Public Property Id As Integer
Public Property Name As String
Public Function Clone() As SampleClass
Return New SampleClass With
.Id = Me.Id,
.Name = Me.Name
End Function
Public Sub Init(input As SampleClass)
With Me
.Id = input.Id
.Name = input.Name
End With
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SwapValues(value1 As SampleClass, value2 As SampleClass)
Dim temp = value1.Clone()
End Sub
End Class
And then when trying to swap values:
SampleClass.SwapValues(list(0), list(1))

Using classes for JSON serialization

I need some help with understanding how classes can work with vb.NET and JSON.NET. I'm completely new to this. I've tried searching for answers, but I'm probably not asking the right questions. Here's my dilemma:
I have a JSON that I need to send to a REST API.
"providerAccountDescription":"A fine client.",
"providerAccountDescription":"A fine client.",
I ran this through to build my class as:
Public Class PaInfo
Public Property providerAccountName As String
Public Property providerAccountDescription As String
Public Property providerName As String
Public Property externalProviderIdentifier As String
End Class
Public Class addHubAcct
Public Property paInfo As PaInfo()
Public Property hubAccountName As String
End Class
From there, I'm trying to assign values to the class properties, but I don't quite understand how to pass the values for PaInfo to the property. Below is a snippet of code I'm using to assign values. If I try to assign a.paInfo = p, it errors:
error BC30311: Value of type 'PaInfo' cannot be converted to
If I don't pass anything through to a.paInfo, I get a zero-length string in the JSON serialization.
Private Sub serializeAcct()
Dim p As New PaInfo
Dim a As New addHubAcct
p.providerAccountName = "Test\name'This ""that and the other'"
p.providerAccountDescription = "acct desc"
p.providerName = "tester"
p.externalProviderIdentifier = "123456"
a.hubAccountName = "Tester"
a.paInfo = p 'Here's my hangup
Dim o As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a)
Dim deserializedProduct As addHubAcct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of addHubAcct)(o)
End Sub
Change the addHubAcct class like this:
Public Class addHubAcct
Public Property paInfo As New List(Of PaInfo)()
Public Property hubAccountName As String
End Class
And then change the bad line in serializeAcct() like this:
You likely have other problems as well, but that should get you past the current obstacle.
Using List and .ToArray is what I was missing with my original code.
Private Sub serializeAcct()
Dim p1 As New PaInfo
Dim ps As New List(Of PaInfo)
Dim a As New addHubAcct
p1.providerAccountName = "Test\name'This ""that and the other'"
p1.providerAccountDescription = "acct desc"
p1.providerName = "tester"
p1.externalProviderIdentifier = "123456"
a.hubAccountName = "Tester"
a.paInfo = ps.ToArray
Dim o As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a)
End Sub

Using Class Properties to return ODBC calls to another class

I have this class - CompLoc it returns two fields from a ODBC call.
I want to call the class like this.
dim myCompLoc as New CompLoc(company,location)
newCompany = mycompLoc.Company
newLocation = mycompLoc.Location
my Class.
Private _company As String
Public Property Company() As String
Return _company
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_company = value
End Set
End Property
Private _location As String
Public Property Location() As String
Return _location
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_location = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal loc As String, ByVal comp As String)
'select company,location from mysqlTable Where location = loc and company = comp'
_company = 'field from ODBC'
_location = 'field from ODBC'
End Sub
I need to pass to the ODBC company and location, to return company and location (I know...not always in our hands). I have this class that I want to populate from the ODBC call.
corp.EmpId = currentRecord(0).ToString
corp.FirstName = currentRecord(1).ToString
corp.LastName = currentRecord(2).ToString
corp.BasePay = Decimal.Parse(currentRecord(3).ToString)
corp.corpCompany = currentRecord(4).ToString
corp.corpLocation = currentRecord(5).ToString
I need to add to the end of this class ---
corp.newCompany = myCompLoc.Company
corp.newLocation = myCompLoc.Location
Can I have some quidance to build my myCompLoc class properly so that I can call it from corp and receive both properties with values. I can pass this around as an array or other method, but i want to do it a better way.
Here is how I solved this. corpSQL inherits company and location from a properties class
corp inherits from corpMySql
Dim corporation as New Corporation
Dim corp As New corpMySql
Dim newcorp = corp.Getcorp(corp.Company, corp.Location)
corporation.Company = newcorp.NewCompany
corporation.Plant = newcorp.NewLocation
I hope this makes sense. I was able to do what I set out to acheive, but I think another way is more fluid. Maybe using inheritence?

How to get the name of the class name used in a strategie pattern?

I have a contextStrategie :
Shared Sub New()
If ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.GetValues("Context").ToString = "Custom" Then
_context = New CustomHandler
_context = New XMLHandler
End If
End Sub
I'm trying (for test purpose) to obtain the name of the class used for my instance :
Dim context As ContextStrategie = New ContextStrategie()
'what I tried :
test.InnerText = context.GetType.Name
What I tried return ContextStrategie, which is useless to me.
Any way to obtain either CustomHandler or XMLHandler?
GetType is a function - try context.GetType().Name.