What is the last state of the model after training? - tensorflow

After fitting the model with model.fit(...), you can use .evaluate() or .predict() methods with the model.
The problem arises when I use Checkpoint during training.
(Let's say 30 checkpoints, with checkpoint_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, save_weights_only=True))
Then I can't quite figure out what do I have left, the last state of this model.
Is it the best one? or the latest one?
If the former is the case, one of 30 checkpoints should be same with the model I have left.
If the latter is the case, the latest checkpoint should be same with the model I have left.
Of course, I checked both the cases and neither one is right.

If you set save_best_only=True the checkpoint saves the model weights for the epoch that had the "best" performance. For example if your were monitoring 'val_loss' then it will save the model for the epoch with the lowest validation loss. If save_best_only=False then the model is saved at the end of each epoch regardless of the value of the metric being monitored. Of course if you do not use special formatting for the model save path then the save weights will be over written at the end of each epoch.


Tensorflow / Keras - Using both ModelCheckpoint: save_best_only and EarlyStopping: restore_best_weights

save_best_only: if save_best_only=True, it only saves when the model is considered the "best" and the latest best model according to the quantity monitored will not be overwritten. If filepath doesn't contain formatting options like {epoch} then filepath will be overwritten by each new better model.
restore_best_weights: Whether to restore model weights from the epoch with the best value of the monitored quantity. If False, the model weights obtained at the last step of training are used. An epoch will be restored regardless of the performance relative to the baseline. If no epoch improves on baseline, training will run for patience epochs and restore weights from the best epoch in that set.
If I train my model and save the best model and restore the weights of the best epoch... - am I not doing the same thing twice? Would it not just produce two model files, one for the epoch and one for the final model but both actually being the same?
Then if this is correct which would be the preferred method to use?
(As I understand, models are sometimes held in memory EarlyStopping for but not sure about model_checkpoint ModelCheckpoint)
The former saves the weights of the model at the epoch where it performed the best on the validation set, while the latter restores those saved weights into the model and use it for predictions.
When you save the weights of a model using the ModelCheckpoint callback during training, the weights are saved to disk (e.g., to a .h5 file) at specified checkpoints (e.g., after every epoch). The purpose of saving the weights is to be able to restore them later for predictions, in case you need to stop the training for some reason, or if you want to use the weights for inference on a different dataset.
Once the training is complete, you can restore the weights of the best performing model by loading them back into the model architecture, and then use the model for predictions.
The difference between early stopping and saving the weights using ModelCheckpoint is that early stopping saves the weights automatically based on a criterion (the performance on the validation set), while ModelCheckpoint saves the weights at specified intervals (e.g., after every epoch).
So, in the case of early stopping, you don't have to specify when to save the weights, because the algorithm stops training automatically and saves the weights when the performance on the validation set stops improving. On the other hand, with ModelCheckpoint, you have more control over when to save the weights, but you have to manually stop the training when the performance is no longer improving.
In summary, saving the weights during training allows you to persist the state of the model, so that you can continue training or use the model for predictions later.
In terms of preferred method, it depends on your use case. If you have limited memory, you may only keep the best model's weights in memory, and use the ModelCheckpoint to periodically save the best weights to disk. If memory is not a concern, you could keep all intermediate models in memory and use the EarlyStopping to stop training once the performance on the validation set stops improving.

Tensorflow Keras - Does Model.save() save the best model?

I have been training several models using 10-fold CV and added the ModelCheckpoint callback which saves the model with the lowest validation loss to an HDF5 file. However, for a while I would then call model.save(filepath) right after training.
I only came to the realization that the last call would probably save the model trained on the very last epoch and that the saved checkpoint is not being used at all. Is my assumption correct? If so, is it normal that the best models from the checkpoint files score lower than the ones saved with model.save()?

Saving model weights after each forward pass

I am doing research in explainable AI by looking at the patterns in weights as a function of model hyperparameters and input data. One of the things I'm examining is how weights progress from randomness (or initializer starting values) to stabilization, after learning completes. I'd like to, instead of saving weights every epoch, save them at every other or third forward pass. How would I do that? Must I tweak the 'period' argument to the Keras model checkpoint method? If so, what's an easy formula to set that argument? Thx and have a great day.
just pass save_freq=3 when instantiating the tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint.
Quoting the docs:
save_freq: 'epoch' or integer. When using 'epoch', the callback saves the model after each epoch. When using integer, the callback saves the model at end of this many batches. If the Model is compiled with steps_per_execution=N, then the saving criteria will be checked every Nth batch. Note that if the saving isn't aligned to epochs, the monitored metric may potentially be less reliable (it could reflect as little as 1 batch, since the metrics get reset every epoch). Defaults to 'epoch'.

Get TotalLoss of a Checkpoint file

I have 100s of checkpoint files and I need to pick one that will have the TotalLoss best suited to my needs.
How can I get that information through the python classes?
Edit: TF 1.x
TotalLoss is a value calculated on your data. The tensorflow model and it's weights do not store any dataset information. The rule of thumb would be: if you have to feed data to calculate a value, such as loss, gradient, accuracy etc. this can not be derived from the model alone and would not be visible from checkpoint, unless designed otherwise.
To calculate total loss of all the checkpoints you have to load each of them and run loss evaluation on the dataset you have.
To avoid reruns you can store the loss value in a variable and save it along with the model, so you can read it later.

What is the difference between saving a summary and saving the model in the logdir?

Using Tensorflow (tf.contrib.slim in particular) we are required to calibrate a few parameters to produce the graphs that we want at tensorboard.
Saving a summary interval is more clear for us what it does. It saves the value (or an average of them?) of a particular point in the graph at the interval provided.
Now checkpoints for saving the model itself why should be required at the training process? Does the model changes?.. Not sure how this works
You save the model to checkpoints because the Variables in the model, including neural network weights and biases and the global_step counter, keep changing during the training process. The structure of the model doesn't change. The saved checkpoints allow you to load the trained model for serving and to resume training later.