How to use SPARQL to query local ttl file? - sparql

I'm learning how to query ttl file that I retrieve from Wikipedia.
However, I stuck on getting the correct query to show the result that I seek for an answer.
Here is the example ttl file that I used.
# File name : WikipediaGraph.ttl
#prefix ns1: <> .
<,_Texas> ns1:2010population "117063" ;
ns1:2019population "123420" ;
ns1:areaSqKm "276.4" ;
ns1:areaSqMile "106.7" ;
ns1:popChange "5.43" ;
ns1:popPerSqKm "442" ;
ns1:popPerSqMile "1146" ;
ns1:state <> .
The sample question that I want to get an answer to listed below.
Which state(s) has the most cities in the list? *
Which state(s) has the most population in cities in the list? *
Which state(s) has seen its cities in the list grow the most? *
Therefore, I stuck from the beginning as I can't get the result from the simple query.
import rdflib
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal, Namespace, RDF
g.parse("WikipediaGraph.ttl", format='turtle')
results = g.query("""
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ns1: <>
?v rdf:type ns1:state .
for row in results:
Could you please advise how I should write to query the above question?


Improve sparql query to extract all the words of different categories from a Dbnary (dbpedia)

I am trying to retrieve from Dbnary database based on dbpedia all words belongigs to categorie of noun, adjectif, adverb and verb and their synonyms.
So far I get can access it just for one categorie but I would like to know how to improve my query to get all words from the 4 categories and their synonym with only one query rather than making one query per category (i.e 4 query and 4 files)
#Query for noun which work
?l a ontolex:LexicalEntry;
lime:language "fr";
ontolex:canonicalForm ?f ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun ;
ontolex:sense ?s .
?f ontolex:writtenRep ?w .
OPTIONAL { ?l dbnary:synonym ?syn ; rdfs:label ?synonyme .}
This query work , you can test it since dbnary in online :
but I wanted to upgrade the query below. When adding the following line on the previous query, it does not work :
#lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:verb ;
Any help will be fine.

Empty TDB2 Query Result

I have a problem with the command line tools of Apache Jena. I want to create a tdb2 database for a big turtle file. For this reason I used the tdb2.loader command as follows:
tdb2.tdbloader --loc ~/indexer ~/indexer/test.ttl
My test.ttl file contains entries of the form:
#prefix bbase: <> .
#prefix rdf: <> .
#prefix owl: <> .
#prefix dblp: <>
a dblp:Publication ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
dblp:authoredBy <> ;
dblp:bibtexType bbase:Inproceedings ;
dblp:listedOnTocPage <> ;
dblp:pageNumbers "98" ;
dblp:primaryElectronicEdition <> ;
dblp:doi "10.1109/RoMoCo.2013.6614591";
dblp:publicationType dblp:Inproceedings ;
dblp:publishedAsPartOf <> ;
dblp:publishedInBook "RoMoCo" ;
dblp:title "Design and navigation of wheeled, running, swimming and flying robots." ;
dblp:yearOfPublication "2013" .
Now my problem is that if I query the output (tdb2 file), by using the tdb2.tdbquery command, an empty table will be the result. My query searches for all entities having a dblp:doi property and the result should not be an empty table as you can see on the example above. My query file looks als follows:
PREFIX dblp: <>
?s dblp:doi ?o .
And my my tdb2.query command looks as follows:
./tdb2.tdbquery --loc=~/indexer/Data-0001 --query=~/indexer/query.rq
No matter what I'm doing, my result is always:
| s | o |
If I query the .ttl-files directly with the sparql command in the same manner as I use the tdb2.query command, I will get a reasonable result containing some entries.
Unfortunately I cannot find an answer to my question, neither in the Jena documentation nor in this forum. Can someone give me an answer or at least a hint what might go wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Your --loc parameter on the query should be the location where you created the TDB2 database i.e. ~/indexer

Getting a list of available hierarchies from

I'm interested in obtaining a list of available distinct hierarchies from The best-fit hierarchies, which I would like to list, are as follow:
As available through API section of this sample geography.
Desired results
I would like for the desired results to return:
How can I construct query that would actually produce that, I can get a list of available all geographies via:
PREFIX sdmx: <>
?a sdmx:refArea ?framework .
} LIMIT 10
I was trying something on the lines:
PREFIX fits: <>
?a fits ?framework .
} LIMIT 10
but naturally this syntax is not correct.
Starting on their SPARQL endpoint, you could do something like this --
Then, based on those results, you might try something like this, which results aren't exactly what you say you want, but might be better --
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?hierarchy
{ ?hierarchy rdfs:subPropertyOf <>
; rdfs:label ?label

SPARQL query failing to match literal on Pubchem RDF data

I have loaded part of the PubChem RDF data in Virtuoso and am trying to use SPARQL to query it, through iSQL.
While the following query works:
SELECT ?syno ?type ?value
?syno sio:is-attribute-of <> .
?syno rdf:type ?type .
?syno sio:has-value ?value .
} LIMIT 10;
I am not able to get any results for a query like (the value being taken from one of the above results):
SELECT ?syno
WHERE {?syno sio:has-value "AC1LXI26"};
In the previous case, I am simply trying to match a litteral.
Do I need to build an extra index? Is exact text match not supported in Virtuoso?
I solved my problem by simply adding #en at the end of the query string!
SELECT ?syno
WHERE {?syno sio:has-value "AC1LXI26"#en};

Getting time interval

Apologies if this has been asked before but it seems an obvious question for which I can't seem to get a working solution. I've loaded some data into Fuseki which contains statements comprising xsd:date information. I have written a query to extract these dates and I would like to find the duration (in days) between two specific date. A cut down query is shown below.
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX abc: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?entry
(date1 - date2) AS ?interval)
# Not the real query but you get the idea
?entry a abc:thing ;
abc:abcDateType1 ?date1 ;
abc:abcDateType2 ?date2 .
?interval is calculated correctly and seems to be in the form of an xsd:duration data type, my question is how do I extract the number of days it contains? Alternatively is there a better (standard) way of doing this.
Thank you for reading.
You will need to work with the lexical for of the XSD duration. It is likely to be for the form "PD...."
The answer should be call fn:days-from-duration, or a keyword for that function, but that isn't in the standard distribution at the moment.
One way would be to add unix-style timestamps related to a date, abstractly:
?blankNode eg:hasDate ?date
?blankNode eg:hasEpoch ?epoch
Then you can easily subtract the timestamp for one day from the other, and divide by 86400 to give the answer in day, e.g.:
SELECT ?entry
((?time1 - ?time2)/86400) AS ?interval)
# Not the real query but you get the idea
?entry a abc:thing ;
abc:abcDateType1 ?date1 ;
abc:abcDateType2 ?date2 .
?blankNode1 hasDate ?date1 .
?blankNode1 hasTime ?time1 .
?blankNode2 hasDate ?date1 .
?blankNode2 hasTime ?time1 .