structured data type for driving instructor or other learning center - seo

Trying to find a proper type of structured data for driving school/driving instructor. According Google recommendations "Use the most specific LocalBusiness sub-type possible; for example, Restaurant, DaySpa, HealthClub, and so on."
Looking at LocalBusiness sub-types
More specific Types
there is nothing related AutomotiveBusiness maybe can be used, but its sub-types are more related to the machinery, but not the education side.
Looking at Organization branch, there is EducationalOrganization, but there is nothing for additional learning courses
Any suggestions?

The semantics of a hierarchical structure with HTML heading elements for your web page, the content of which your business represents can help.
The most important element such as H1 represents the subject of the content, which in your case is the name of your business.
This business of yours offers services such as driving courses. The name of these courses can be specified as the content of element H2 or H3, if element H2 is already in the content, for example, it can be something similar to "Our services or offers".
Based on such a hierarchical structure, you can create your structured data and this will meet Google's requirement:
Your structured data should be a true representation of the
page content.
Thus, it might make sense to set your top-level type such as LocalBusiness, and specify the business name, legal business name, business description, and other properties that you can find in the Schema and Google documentation.
To specify your courses, you can use the makesOffer property and embed the Offer type to this property, which in turn has an itemOffered property in which you can nest the Course type. This can be a good solution for a list of your courses, which you can represent in structured data as an array.
Also, you can use subjectOf property for Course type embed.
In turn, the Course type has the property such as provider in which you can set the name of your business and this will create a reciprocal link between your business and the course (s) that the business offers, i.e. create linked data.
If the page content has a call to action, then you might consider embed the OrganizeAction type in the potentialAction property.


What is the naming convention for the JOINing resources?

Two resources:
The database table name is user_product and it describes relation between user and product. However, endpoint POST /user/{id}/product/{id} would indicate updating a specific product under user, as opposed to creating a new relation.
I have therefore named the resource POST /user/{id}/product/{id}/purchase, which defines fictional resource purchase. After all, this is what the data in the table represents.
I am aware that the original dissertation describing REST principles does little to standardise naming. I'd like to know what are industry established conventions for naming resource that identifies a relationship between two resources?
I would guess that your purchase is stored in a database somewhere and the actual purchase assigned its own ID. Why not use that ID directly as in /purchases/{purchase-id}?
Your example /user/{id}/product/{id}/purchase won't work if one user has more than one purchase of the same product. Unless of course the resource either signals "The user has at least one purchase of product X" or returns a list of all purchases of product X for that user - which looks more like a query (which is fine to assign its own resource).
I have therefore named the resource POST /user/{id}/product/{id}/purchase.
Please be aware that you don't include method names (like POST) in resource names. And why the POST? Is it for creating/modifying the relation - or did you mean GET to get some information about the relation?
I am aware that the original dissertation describing REST principles does little to standardise naming. I'd like to know what are industry established conventions for naming resource that identifies a relationship between two resources?
No, but if you want some hints then I wrote a piece on this subject here:

In SOA architecture should single API do everything or API should be split as multiple action

We have an app which is exposing a RESTful API to a UI for purchasing an item. I have a question regarding API design. Lets say the following action should be taken in order
Item to be chosen for purchase
Next give the address to be delivered to
My question is: should we design a single API which gets both data perform both? Or should we design two API calls - one that creates a purchase record and second that update the address to be delivered to?
The recommended SOA approach is to choose coarse-grained services, which would seem to argue the minimum amount of API calls.
However, from a business point of view, item selection and purchase and item delivery are two very different concerns that should be separate components in your architecture. For item selection, you need to consider things like inventory and pricing. For delivery address, you need to consider user address lists, address validation, shipping, and taxation.
Those two components are not likely to interact much except maybe some external association between an item id and address id. For this reason, I'd recommend two API calls. Functionally, this would also allow your API users do things like update the delivery address without re-purchasing an item, send the bill to one address and the item to another address, etc.
As you state that you design a RESTful API you usually start by designing resources instead of the intended calls. Later on, resource representations can be chosen that include other resources for optimised HTTP request counts.
You might want to choose to proceed the following way:
Model the item list resource (GET - lists all items, POST - allows item creation) /items/
Model the address list resource /addresses/
Model the item instance resource /items/item/resourceId
Model the address instance resource /addresses/address/resourceId
Now all of your resources are available you can think about usage patterns. All your resources are generically available and can be mashed up.
Possible approaches to answer your questions would be:
Extend the item instance resource with the needed address details (coarse grained as lreeder stated)
Model a resource /deliverydetails/ as list and instance resource containing item(s) and address, make the deliverydetails to be queried by item id or whatever your use case fits best
Hope that helps!
Btw. you are automatically following SOA approaches with a Resource Oriented Design. Interfaces will be naturally fitting your business requirements and generic enough to support more advanced use cases.
Here is a good example

Embed Ektron smartform in another Ektron smartform

(Using Ektron version 8.6.1)
Say I have a smartform ContactInfo, something like:
I would like to create another smartform (e.g. NewsArticle) and "embed" ContactInfo inside
My solution thus far has been to include a Resource Selector field to add a reference to an existing smartform instance. I would prefer to make the association at the configuration level, to make the data entry workflow more intuitive.
I'm using Bill Cava's ContentTypes and generating classes from smartform XSDs, so it would also make the presentation code more natural and type-safe in that embedded fields could be accessed directly (rather than having to make another request based on a reference ID, which may or may not be an ID to the smartform I'm expecting).
I gather this is not possible out of the box; I'm not opposed to hacking Workarea code to make something like this work. Does anyone have experience with a scenario like this?
I heard from an Ektron rep that they are planning on elevating the role of smartforms in an upcoming summer release - can anyone offer some more info to that point? Perhaps smartform composition like I've described will be supported?
Currently it isn't possible to do smartform composition. Depending on why/if you actually need a second smartform definition, you could just define the contact info in the news article.
If the contact info smartforms are related to the news articles in a one to many or many to many fashion, then using the resource selector as you have is the only way that I know of to create the relationship you are looking for.
If the relationship is one-to-one or many-to-one, then I'd suggest doing away with the separate smartform definition.
If you can clarify the workflow you are trying to achieve for the content authors, I might be able to respond better.
The Content Types would represent the data in the CMS. Suppose, as in your example, a NewsArticle contains a reference to a ContactInfo. Embedding the ContactInfo inside your NewsArticle might make sense from a presentation perspective, but it turns your ContentTypes into a one-way data model. You would lose the ability to construct a new NewsArticle and persist it into the CMS.
What might work well for you is to leave the content types as-is, with the id of the ContactInfo from the resource selector. Then create a NewsArticleDisplayModel... essentially a view model that contains the news article data plus ContactName and ContactEmail.
Now, if you need the contact info to be searchable, you could get really fancy with CMS Extensions and hook into the OnBeforePublish event to update searchable metadata with the name from the ContactInfo, so that the NewsArticle can be searched for using the values from the other "embedded" resource. That could get kinda tricky, though... ideally you'd have to also hook into the publish events of the ContactInfo objects in case something changes on that side, too. Then do you create a custom database table to track which NewsArticle content ids are using a particular ContactInfo?
Your solution can get as complex as it needs to, but I would keep the content blocks separate. If nothing else, you'll end up with a more maintainable and upgradable solution.

DDD Aggregate Root / Repository Structure

I am new to this, so my understanding is still flaky.
I have a Person model and an AccountType model in my project. Each person references an account type.
Now if my understanding is correct a Person is definitely an aggregate root, whereas the AccountType probably isn't as the entries in the account type table are going to be pretty much static and are certainly have no meaning outside of a Person.
However when I create a new person I need to set the account type, so it would seem I need a repository to access the account type to assign to the user, but the repository code I have only allows aggregate roots to be accessed.
What would be the correct way to structure this?
I think that AccountType is another aggregate root which is referenced from the Person aggregate root.
It's absolutely normal to have many simple aggregate roots, see Vaughn Vernon articles, see part 1, p. 5:
On one project for the financial derivatives sector using
[Qi4j], Niclas [Hedhman] reported that his team was able to
design approximately 70% of all aggregates with just a
root entity containing some value-typed properties. The remaining 30% had just two to three total entities. This doesn't indicate that all domain models will have a 70/30 split. It
does indicate that a high percentage of aggregates can be
limited to a single entity, the root.
In your question it's not quite understood, what is the problem with accessing repositories to initialize the aggregate root's properties:
However when I create a new person I need to set the account type, so it would seem I need a repository to access the account type to assign to the user, but the repository code I have only allows aggregate roots to be accessed.
The initialization of the Person class should be handled by PersonFactory.
The PersonFactory is a service, so it can have reference to AccountTypeRepository to find a suitable AccountType instance and return a fully constructed Person instance of that type.
update: Also I'd like to add a note that referencing your AccountType by id works equally well. It's all matter of convenience, sometimes it's more convenient(only for displaying, not for modifying, of course) to access the references directly if you use GUI frameworks with rich data binding capabilities like WPF or Spring MVC so you can directly access this properties to display in View. If you are using the id approach, this may force you to create ViewModels (FormBeans) even for the simple Entities.
Regarding the lookup-based solution, it works well for very simple enum-like fields, I suppose that AccountType is something more complex than that and belongs to the knowledge level (see the discussion of the question).
Returning to the choice between aggregates and value object(also see this), it depends on the abstraction level and configuration capabilities of your information system.
From the point of view of the Account class it may look like a value object, you can replace one AccountType with another: it will be just like switching between Color value objects, but from the point of the knowledge level your user may want to customize the behavior of the system for selected AccountType, for example change discounts for specific "Premium" accounts. So if you have the knowledge level, AccountType will be something with an identity which leads you to creating a separate repository.
The most important thing is (assuming AccountType has an entity with an ID and is not a simple enum)...
Account Type and Person should only reference each other by ID.

Data Mapper API - unsure about organisation

Let's say we have "User" and a "Hotel" model classes. I'd use a User_Mapper and Hotel_Mapper to load/save/delete etc. I want to then have the user be able to mark their "favourite" hotels. In the database I have my user_favourite_hotels table which is a simple link table along with say a field for subscribing to hotel updates.
When listing out the user's favourite hotels, how would you expect this to work from an API point of view? A part of me thinks that this should be a "findFavouritesByUserId" method on the Hotel_Mapper, but other than saying it "feels" right - however a colleague suggests that the "favourites" is owned by the user and should therefore be on the User_Mapper.
Perhaps I should have a User_Hotel_Favourites_Mapper? I was thinking of incorporating the "favourites" data in to the User object so it's saved and loaded whenever the User object is. I'm not sure whether it'd be better to split it out in to it's own object and mapper however.
I'd appreciate any advice on how best to setup the API for the above and any pros/cons/experiences.
Thanks very much,
This (admittedly retired) patterns&practices guide to designing data tier components suggests that you put the method in the mapper of the type of object that you're getting back from the call.
If you have methods that return a particular type of business entity, place these methods in the Data Access Logic Component for that type. For example, if you are retrieving all orders for a customer, implement that function in the Order Data Access Logic Component because your return value is of the type Order. Conversely, if you are retrieving all customers that have ordered a specific product, implement that function in the Customer Data Access Logic Component.
So, in your example, it would go in the Hotel Mapper as it is returning Hotels.
If you want to store favorite hotels for the user, you are using the UserMapper, which notices that domain object for User has changes favorites, and updates both tables for users and for user_favorite_hotels ( you just need the hotel IDs ).
When you are retrieving favorite hotels of some user, you use HotelMapper and set filter to be based on User, because you will be working with instances of Hotel.
Considering that this was asked more than 2 years ago, I'm not sure if an answer matters to you now. But here's what I think anyway.
If User could have multiple types of favourites (including Hotels), it may make sense to have a UserFavourites abstraction to cover all possible types of favourites. UserFavourites could expose a getItems() method to get the underlying Favourites.
This could be managed with the help of a manager class to return the appropriate Favourites object(FavouriteHotels for example) on which the getItems() method can be called.