Get count of distinct key field values from CDS - sql

I would like to ask if it is possible to get dynamically Count of distinct fields using ABAP.
Key in our CDS has 9 fields which is quite a lot but it is not possible to split because of historical decisions. What I need is code like below:
select count(distinct (lv_requested_elements)) from CDS_VIEW;
select count(*) from (select distinct lv_requested_elements from CDS_VIEW);
I know that it is possible to read the select into memory and get sy-dbcnt but I want to be sure that there is no other option.

I assume that most simple and straightforward way is to read the smallest field into memory and then count by grouped (distinctified) rows:
DATA(fields) = ` BLART, BLDAT, BUDAT`.
DATA: lt_count TYPE TABLE OF string.
SELECT (fields(6))
INTO TABLE #lt_count
GROUP BY (fields).
DATA(count) = sy-dbcnt.
CTE, that was mentioned, uses the same memory read, so you'll receive no performance gain:
A common table expression creates a temporary tabular results set, which can be accessed during execution of the WITH statement
If you going to count this key combination frequently, I propose to create consumption or nested CDS view which will do this on-the-fly.


What is the most performant way to rewrite a large IN clause?

I wrote an API using go and gorm that runs calculations on our database and returns the results.
I just hit the parameter limit for an IN condition when using an aggregate. Example query:
SELECT SUM(total_amount) from Table where user_id in(...70k parameters) group by user_id
One of my current edge cases has > 65535 user ids so my Postgres client is throwing an error:
got 66037 parameters but PostgreSQL only supports 65535 parameters
I'm not sure what the best way to approach this is. One that will handle the large amount of parameters for this edge case while not affecting my typical use case. Do I chunk the ids and iterate through multiple queries storing it in memory until I have all the data I need? Use ANY(VALUES)...
Obviously from the query I have very limited knowledge of Postgres so any help would be incredibly appreciated.
You can replace user_id IN (value [, ...]) with one of:
user_id IN (subquery)
user_id = ANY (subquery)
user_id = ANY (array expression)
Neither subqueries nor arrays exhibit the same limitation. The shortest input syntax would be:
user_id = ANY ('{1,2,3}'::int[]) -- make array type match type of user_id
Details and more options:
How to use ANY instead of IN in a WHERE clause with Rails?
Or you might create a (temporary) table tmp_usr(user_id int), import to it, maybe with SQL COPY or psql \copy instead of INSERT for best performance with very big sets, and then join to the table like:
SELECT SUM(total_amount)
FROM tbl
JOIN tmp_usr USING (user_id)
GROUP BY user_id;
BTW, GROUP BY user_id without including user_id in the SELECT list looks suspicious. May be a simplified example query.

Error: TABLE_QUERY expressions cannot query BigQuery tables

This s a followup question regarding Jordans answer here: Weird error in BigQuery
I was using to query reference table within "Table_Query" for quit some time. Now, following the recent changes Joradan is referring to, many of our queries are broken... I would like to ask the community advice for alternative solution to what we are doing.
I have tables containing events ("MyTable_YYYYMMDD"). I want to query my data for a period of a specific (or several) campaign. The period of that campaign is stored in a table with all campaigns data (ID, StartCampaignDate, EndCampaignDate). In order to query only the relevant tables, we use Table_Query(), and within the TableQuery() we construct a list of all relevant table names based on the campaigns data.
This query runs in various forms many times with different params. the reason for using wildcard function (rather than query the entire dataset), is performance, execution costs, and maintenance costs. So, having it query all tables and filter just the results is not an option as it drives execution costs too high.
a sample query will look like:
TABLE_QUERY([MyProject:MyDataSet] 'table_id IN
(SELECT CONCAT("MyTable_",STRING(Year*100+Month)) TBL_NAME
FROM DWH.Dim_Periods P
WHERE ID IN ("86254e5a-b856-3b5a-85e1-0f5ab3ff20d6")
AND DATE(P.Date) BETWEEN DATE(StartCampaignDate) AND DATE(EndCampaignDate))')
This is now broken...
My question - the info, which tables should you query is stored on a reference table, How would you query only the relevant tables (partitions) when "TableQuery" is no longer allowed to query reference tables?
Many thanks
The "simple" way I see is split it to two steps
Step 1 - build list that will be used to filter table_id's
FROM DWH.Dim_Periods P
WHERE ID IN ("86254e5a-b856-3b5a-85e1-0f5ab3ff20d6")
AND DATE(P.Date) BETWEEN DATE(StartCampaignDate) AND DATE(EndCampaignDate)
Note the change in your query to transform result to list that you will use in step 2
Step 2 - final query
'table_id IN (<paste list (TBL_NAME_LIST) built in first query>)')
Above steps are easy to implement in any client you potentially using
If you use it from within BigQuery Web UI - this makes you do a little extra manual "moves" that you might not be happy about
My answer is obvious and you most likely have this already as an option, but wanted to mention
This is not ideal solution. But it seems to do the job.
In my previous query I passed the IDs List as a parameter in an external process that constructed the query. I wanted this process to be unaware to any logic implemented in the query.
Eventually we came up with this solution:
Instead of passing a list of IDs, we pass a JSON that contains the relevant meta data for each ID. We parse this JSON within the Table_Query() function. So instead of querying a physical reference table, we query some sort of a "table variable" that we have put in a JSON.
Below is a sample query that runs on the public dataset that demonstrates this solution.
TABLE_QUERY([fh-bigquery:weather_gsod], 'table_id in
(Select table_id
(Select table_id,concat(Right(table_id,4),"0101") as TBL_Date from [fh-bigquery:weather_gsod.__TABLES_SUMMARY__]
where table_id Contains "gsod"
Regexp_Replace(Regexp_extract(SPLIT(DatesInput,"},{"),r"\"fromDate\":\"(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\""),"-","") as fromDate,
Regexp_Replace(Regexp_extract(SPLIT(DatesInput,"},{"),r"\"toDate\":\"(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\""),"-","") as toDate,
as DatesInput)) RefDates
WHERE TBLs.TBL_Date>=RefDates.fromDate
AND TBLs.TBL_Date<=RefDates.toDate
This solution is not ideal as it requires an external process to be aware of the data stored in the reference tables.
Ideally the BigQuery team will re-enable this very useful functionality.

5+ Intermediate SQL Tables to Arrive at Desired Table, Postgres

I am generating reports on electoral data that group voters into their age groups, and then assign those age groups a quartile, before finally returning the table of age groups and quartiles.
By the time I arrive at the table with the schema and data that I want, I have created 7 intermediate tables that might as well be deleted at this point.
My question is, is it plausible that so many intermediate tables are necessary? Or this a sign that I am "doing it wrong?"
Technical Specifics:
Postgres 9.4
I am chaining tables, starting with the raw database tables and successively transforming the table closer to what I want. For instance, I do something like:
CREATE TABLE gm.race_code_and_turnout_count AS
SELECT race_code, count(*)
FROM gm.active_dem_voters_34th_house_in_2012_primary
GROUP BY race_code
And then I do
CREATE TABLE gm.race_code_and_percent_of_total_turnout AS
SELECT race_code, count, round((count::numeric/11362)*100,2) AS percent_of_total_turnout
FROM gm.race_code_and_turnout_count
And that first table goes off in a second branch:
CREATE TABLE gm.race_code_and_turnout_percentage AS
SELECT t1.race_code, round((t1.count::numeric / t2.count)*100,2) as turnout_percentage
FROM gm.race_code_and_turnout_count AS t1
JOIN gm.race_code_and_total_count AS t2
ON t1.race_code = t2.race_code
So each table is building on the one before it.
While temporary tables are used a lot in SQL Server (mainly to overcome the peculiar locking behaviour that it has) it is far less common in Postgres (and your example uses regular tables, not temporary tables).
Usually the overhead of creating a new table is higher than letting the system store intermediate on disk.
From my experience, creating intermediate tables usually only helps if:
you have a lot of data that is aggregated and can't be aggregated in memory
the aggregation drastically reduces the data volume to be processed so that the next step (or one of the next steps) can handle the data in memory
you can efficiently index the intermediate tables so that the next step can make use of those indexes to improve performance.
you re-use a pre-computed result several times in different steps
The above list is not completely and using this approach can also be beneficial if only some of these conditions are true.
If you keep creating those tables create them at least as temporary or unlogged tables to minimized the IO overhead that comes with writing that data and thus keep as much data in memory as possible.
However I would always start with a single query instead of maintaining many different tables (that all need to be changed if you have to change the structure of the report).
For example your first two queries from your question can easily be combined into a single query with no performance loss:
SELECT race_code,
count(*) as cnt,
round((count(*)::numeric/11362)*100,2) AS percent_of_total_turnout
FROM gm.active_dem_voters_34th_house_in_2012_primary
GROUP BY race_code;
This is going to be faster than writing the data twice to disk (including all transactional overhead).
If you stack your queries using common table expressions Postgres will automatically store the data on disk if it gets too big, if not it will process it in-memory. When manually creating the tables you force Postgres to write everything to disk.
So you might want to try something like this:
with race_code_and_turnout_count as (
SELECT race_code,
count(*) as cnt,
round((count(*)::numeric/11362)*100,2) AS percent_of_total_turnout
FROM gm.active_dem_voters_34th_house_in_2012_primary
GROUP BY race_code
), race_code_and_total_count as (
select ....
from ....
), race_code_and_turnout_percentage as (
SELECT t1.race_code,
round((t1.count::numeric / t2.count)*100,2) as turnout_percentage
FROM ace_code_and_turnout_count AS t1
JOIN race_code_and_total_count AS t2
ON t1.race_code = t2.race_code
select *
from ....;
and see how that performs.
If you don't re-use the intermediate steps more than once, writing them as a derived table instead of a CTE might be faster in Postgres due to the way the optimizer works, e.g.:
SELECT t1.race_code,
round((t1.count::numeric / t2.count)*100,2) as turnout_percentage
SELECT race_code,
count(*) as cnt,
round((count(*)::numeric/11362)*100,2) AS percent_of_total_turnout
FROM gm.active_dem_voters_34th_house_in_2012_primary
GROUP BY race_code
) AS t1
JOIN race_code_and_total_count AS t2
ON t1.race_code = t2.race_code
If it performs well and results in the right output, I see nothing wrong with it. I do however suggest to use (local) temporary tables if you need intermediate tables.
Your series of queries can always be optimized to use fewer intermediate steps. Do that if you feel your reports start performing poorly.

Writing Efficient Queries in SAS Using Proc sql with Teradata

EDIT: Here is a more complete set of code that shows exactly what's going on per the answer below.
libname output '/data/files/jeff'
%let DateStart = '01Jan2013'd;
%let DateEnd = '01Jun2013'd;
proc sql;
FROM mydb.sale_volume AS sv
WHERE sv.category IN ('a', 'b', 'c') AND
sv.trans_date BETWEEN &DateStart AND &DateEnd
CREATE TABLE output.sums AS (
SELECT id, SUM(sales)
FROM mydb.sale_volue AS sv
ON =
WHERE sv.trans_date BETWEEN &DateStart AND &DateEnd
The goal is to simply query the table for some id's based on category membership. Then I sum these members' activity across all categories.
The above approach is far slower than:
Running the first query to get the subset
Running a second query the sums every ID
Running a third query that inner joins the two result sets.
If I'm understanding correctly, it may be more efficient to make sure that all of my code is completely passed through rather than cross-loading.
After posting a question yesterday, a member suggested I might benefit from asking a separate question on performance that was more specific to my situation.
I'm using SAS Enterprise Guide to write some programs/data queries. I don't have permissions to modify the underlying data, which is stored in 'Teradata'.
My basic problem is writing efficient SQL queries in this environment. For example, I query a large table (with tens of millions of records) for a small subset of ID's. Then, I use this subset to query the larger table again:
proc sql;
someValue = x AND
date BETWEEN a AND b
This works in a matter of seconds and returns 90k ID's. Next, I want to query this set of ID's against the big table, and problems ensue. I'm wanting to sum values over time for the ID's:
proc sql;
CREATE TABLE subset_data AS (
SUM(bigTable.value) AS total
ON =
For whatever reason, this takes a really long time. The difference is that the first query flags 'someValue'. The second looks at all activity, regardless of what's in 'someValue'. For example, I could flag every customer who orders a pizza. Then I would look at every purchase for all customers who ordered pizza.
I'm not overly familiar with SAS so I'm looking for any advice on how to do this more efficiently or speed things up. I'm open to any thoughts or suggestions and please let me know if I can offer more detail. I guess I'm just surprised the second query takes so long to process.
The most critical thing to understand when using SAS to access data in Teradata (or any other external database for that matter) is that the SAS software prepares SQL and submits it to the database. The idea is to try and relieve you (the user) from all the database specific details. SAS does this using a concept called "implict pass-through", which just means that SAS does the translation from SAS code into DBMS code. Among the many things that occur is data type conversion: SAS only has two (and only two) data types, numeric and character.
SAS deals with translating things for you but it can be confusing. For example, I've seen "lazy" database tables defined with VARCHAR(400) columns having values that never exceed some smaller length (like column for a person's name). In the data base this isn't much of a problem, but since SAS does not have a VARCHAR data type, it creates a variable 400 characters wide for each row. Even with data set compression, this can really make the resulting SAS dataset unnecessarily large.
The alternative way is to use "explicit pass-through", where you write native queries using the actual syntax of the DBMS in question. These queries execute entirely on the DBMS and return results back to SAS (which still does the data type conversion for you. For example, here is a "pass-through" query that performs a join to two tables and creates a SAS dataset as a result:
proc sql;
connect to teradata (user=userid password=password mode=teradata);
create table mydata as
select * from connection to teradata (
select a.customer_id
, a.customer_name
, b.last_payment_date
, b.last_payment_amt
from base.customers a
join base.invoices b
on a.customer_id=b.customer_id
where b.bill_month = date '2013-07-01'
and b.paid_flag = 'N'
Notice that everything inside the pair of parentheses is native Teradata SQL and that the join operation itself is running inside the database.
The example code you have shown in your question is NOT a complete, working example of a SAS/Teradata program. To better assist, you need to show the real program, including any library references. For example, suppose your real program looks like this:
proc sql;
CREATE TABLE subset_data AS
SUM(bigTable.value) AS total
FROM TDATA.bigTable bigTable
JOIN TDATA.subset subset
ON =
That would indicate a previously assigned LIBNAME statement through which SAS was connecting to Teradata. The syntax of that WHERE clause would be very relevant to if SAS is even able to pass the complete query to Teradata. (You example doesn't show what "a" and "b" refer to. It is very possible that the only way SAS can perform the join is to drag both tables back into a local work session and perform the join on your SAS server.
One thing I can strongly suggest is that you try to convince your Teradata administrators to allow you to create "driver" tables in some utility database. The idea is that you would create a relatively small table inside Teradata containing the ID's you want to extract, then use that table to perform explicit joins. I'm sure you would need a bit more formal database training to do that (like how to define a proper index and how to "collect statistics"), but with that knowledge and ability, your work will just fly.
I could go on and on but I'll stop here. I use SAS with Teradata extensively every day against what I'm told is one of the largest Teradata environments on the planet. I enjoy programming in both.
You imply an assumption that the 90k records in your first query are all unique ids. Is that definite?
I ask because the implication from your second query is that they're not unique.
- One id can have multiple values over time, and have different somevalues
If the ids are not unique in the first dataset, you need to GROUP BY id or use DISTINCT, in the first query.
Imagine that the 90k rows consists of 30k unique ids, and so have an average of 3 rows per id.
And then imagine those 30k unique ids actually have 9 records in your time window, including rows where somevalue <> x.
You will then get 3x9 records back per id.
And as those two numbers grow, the number of records in your second query grows geometrically.
Alternative Query
If that's not the problem, an alternative query (which is not ideal, but possible) would be...
SUM(bigTable.value) AS total
MAX(CASE WHEN bigTable.somevalue = x THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
If ID is unique and a single value, then you can try constructing a format.
Create a dataset that looks like this:
fmtname, start, label
where fmtname is the same for all records, a legal format name (begins and ends with a letter, contains alphanumeric or _); start is the ID value; and label is a 1. Then add one row with the same value for fmtname, a blank start, a label of 0, and another variable, hlo='o' (for 'other'). Then import into proc format using the CNTLIN option, and you now have a 1/0 value conversion.
Here's a brief example using SASHELP.CLASS. ID here is name, but it can be numeric or character - whichever is right for your use.
data for_fmt;
set sashelp.class;
retain fmtname '$IDF'; *Format name is up to you. Should have $ if ID is character, no $ if numeric;
start=name; *this would be your ID variable - the look up;
if _n_ = 1 then do;
call missing(start);
proc format cntlin=for_fmt;
Now instead of doing a join, you can do your query 'normally' but with an additional where clause of and put(id,$IDF.)='1'. This won't be optimized with an index or anything, but it may be faster than the join. (It may also not be faster - depends on how the SQL optimizer is working.)
If the id is unique you might add a UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX(id) to that table, otherwise it defaults to a Non-unique PI.
Knowing about uniquenes helps the optimizer to produce a better plan.
Without more info like an Explain (just put EXPLAIN in front of the SELECT) it's hard to tell how this can be improved.
One alternate solution is to use SAS procedures. I don't know what your actual SQL is doing, but if you're just doing frequencies (or something else that can be done in a PROC), you could do:
proc sql;
create view blah as select ... (your join);
proc freq data=blah;
tables id/out=summary(rename=count=total keep=id count);
Or any number of other options (PROC MEANS, PROC TABULATE, etc.). That may be faster than doing the sum in SQL (depending on some details, such as how your data is organized, what you're actually doing, and how much memory you have available). It has the added benefit that SAS might choose to do this in-database, if you create the view in the database, which might be faster. (In fact, if you just run the freq off the base table, it's possible that would be even faster, and then join the results to the smaller table).

SQL argument limit in Oracle

It appears that there is a limit of 1000 arguments in an Oracle SQL. I ran into this when generating queries such as....
select * from orders where user_id IN(large list of ids over 1000)
My workaround is to create a temporary table, insert the user ids into that first instead of issuing a query via JDBC that has a giant list of parameters in the IN.
Does anybody know of an easier workaround? Since we are using Hibernate I wonder if it automatically is able to do a similar workaround transparently.
An alternative approach would be to pass an array to the database and use a TABLE() function in the IN clause. This will probably perform better than a temporary table. It will certainly be more efficient than running multiple queries. But you will need to monitor PGA memory usage if you have a large number of sessions doing this stuff. Also, I'm not sure how easy it will be to wire this into Hibernate.
Note: TABLE() functions operate in the SQL engine, so they need us to declare a SQL type.
create or replace type tags_nt as table of varchar2(10);
The following sample populates an array with a couple of thousand random tags. It then uses the array in the IN clause of a query.
search_tags tags_nt;
n pls_integer;
select name
bulk collect into search_tags
from ( select name
from temp_tags
order by dbms_random.value )
where rownum <= 2000;
select count(*)
into n
from big_table
where name in ( select * from table (search_tags) );
dbms_output.put_line('tags match '||n||' rows!');
As long as the temporary table is a global temporary table (ie only visible to the session), this is the recommended way of doing things (and I'd go that route for anything more than a dozen arguments, let alone a thousand).
I'd wonder where/how you are building that list of 1000 arguments. If this is a semi-permanent grouping (eg all employees based in a particular location) then that grouping should be in the database and the join done there. Databases are designed and built to do joins really quickly. Much quicker than pulling a bunch of id's back to the mid tier and then sending them back to the database.
select * from orders
where user_id in
(select user_id from users where location = :loc)
You can add additional predicates to split the list into chunks of 1000:
select * from orders where user_id IN (<first batch of 1000>)
OR user_id IN (<second batch of 1000>)
OR user_id IN ...
the comments regarding "if these IDs are in your database, use joins/correlation instead" hold true. However, if your list of IDs comes from elsewhere, like a SOLR result, you can get around the temp table requirement by issuing multiple queries, each with no more than 1000 ids present, and then merging the results of the query in memory. If you place the initial list of ids in a unique collection like a hashset, you can pop off 1000 ids at a time.