what does 'ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0' meaning? - iptables

ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0
This command appears in the process of connecting to wireguard vpn.

It's perhaps easiest to explain this in terms of three potential route considerations for wireguard.
When you create a wireguard interface, you obviously want packets going to the IP ranges you want to access through wireguard to go through that interface. So if you're accessing, say, via wireguard on wg0, you could just do ip route add dev wg0.
That works if you're just connecting to a private network. But what if you want everything routed through wireguard, for it to be your default route? That poses a complexity, because when you want everything routed through a wireguard interface, you obviously don't want wireguard's own packets routed through that interface; otherwise, they'd never go anywhere at all. Try ip route add dev wg0 and now nothing will work: packets transporting wg0 would try to go through wg0. You could add specific routes to each wireguard peer, but you might have many wireguard peers, so that would be inconvenient.
Instead, wg-quick uses a firewall mark (fwmark) so that routing can recognize packets for that interface, and handle them differently. By setting something like wg setconf wg0 fwmark 51820, wireguard can then add rules to treat wireguard packets and non-wireguard packets differently. Then, it creates a different routing table (eg, 51820, which you can see by ip route list table 51820), which non-wireguard packets go through, and routes them all through wg0, while wireguard packets go through the main table (what you see with ip route list). It uses a rule (not from all fwmark 0xca6c lookup 51820) to divert anything that isn't a wireguard packet to the 51820 table (you can see these rules with ip rule or ip -6 rule).
So now, why the from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0? You don't actually need this in many cases: wireguard packets will be routed on the main table, and non-wireguard packets will be routed on the table wg-quick creates. But what if your main routing table isn't just simply a default route? What if you've added other, more specific, routes, maybe for some private-address space VPN (the reason why I just had to figure out what this command did), or maybe to get to some of the peers in the first place: maybe they're on different interfaces?
To cover these situations, this third command adds a rule that first, looks up what the route for any packet (from all) would be on the main table (lookup main). Then, it sees how specific that route is, eg, what its prefix length is. If it's 0 (ie, a default route, or ::/0), it suppresses that route (suppress_prefixlength 0, which suppresses anything with a prefix length of its argument or less), and continues looking at the next rules. If it's more than 0 (eg,, then it uses that route.
Thus, you end up with rules that look like these from ip rule list (annoyingly, ip rule shows the firewall mark as hexadecimal, so 0xca6c, while wireguard sets it as decimal, so 51820):
32764: from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0
32765: not from all fwmark 0xca6c lookup 51820
32766: from all lookup main
A main table that might look something like this (ip route):
default via {gateway_ip} dev wlan0 proto dhcp metric 600 dev other_vpn proto kernel scope link src
And a "51820" table that looks like this (ip route list table 51820):
default dev wg0 scope link
So when a packet goes through these rules and tables:
At 32764, we go to the main table.
If the packet is going to, say,, then it will hit the route, and with the 24 prefix, that's where it will go.
If, on the other hand, matches default (, then rather than going to gateway_ip on wlan0, it will get suppressed by the suppress_prefixlength 0, and we'll continue.
At 32765, we check the fwmark. If it's not 0xca6c (ie, it's not a packet wireguard is sending to implement wg0), then we'll go to table 51820. And that's very simple: everything goes over wg0.
If the fwmark is 0xca6c, and thus it is a wireguard packet, then we'll go to 32766. That will bring us back to the main table, where, in this case, we'll match the default route, and the wireguard packets will go out through wlan0, as we want: we do, eventually, need to use our physical connection.

What it does?
For shorter and more straightforward explanation:
$ ip rule
from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0
This means, "check main table for routing decisions but discard any routes that have prefix 0 (or less)" (docs). So what it exactly mean? Given main table like this:
$ ip route show table main
default via dev wlp0s20f3 proto dhcp metric 600 dev wlp0s20f3 scope link
Rule above will discard default (which translates to therefore effective lookup table would look like:
#default via dev wlp0s20f3 proto dhcp metric 600 # ignored dev wlp0s20f3 scope link
How to use it?
Rules are processed from up-to-down (contrary to most-specific-to-least-specific route used by tables). Therefore it can be used to override just default route in main table while leaving more specific routes alone. For example:
$ ip rule
32764: from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0
32765: from all lookup 1234
32766: from all lookup main
$ ip route
default via dev wlp0s20f3 proto dhcp metric 600 dev wlp0s20f3 scope link
$ ip route show table 1234
default dev ppp0 scope link
In setup like above whole traffic will go through device ppp0 (via rule 32765, table 1234) with exception of which will go through device wlp0s20f3 (via rule 32764, table main).
This is super useful when you have dynamic routes (or just lot of custom ones) in main and you can't easily copy them to custom table (vide VPN case).
How to test it?
$ ip route get dev ppp0 table 1234
$ ip route get dev wlp0s20f3

if you use ip rule you will see the following output:
0: from all lookup local
32764: from all lookup main suppress_prefixlength 0
32765: not from all fwmark 0xca6c lookup 51820
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
your question is about line no.32764, it is used to routes all traffic via the tunnel instead of looking up in the [main] table.


Bro Script: Hardcoded IP addresses

Ich have one assignment and I need a little help. I have infected.pcap and the following task:
Hardcoded IP addresses Sometimes, malware contains hardcoded IP addresses to download their payload or to communicate with their command and control (C&C) server. Find all such communication. Hint: Such IPs have no preceding DNS request.
I need to solve it with Bro script. This was my idea, but unfortunatelly all my connections have no DNS request:
#load base/protocols/dns/main.bro
event file_timeout(f: fa_file)
for ( cid in f$conns )
print f$conns[cid]$dns;
print "DNS";
}else {
print "No DNS";
Do you know maybe what is wrong with my code?
I would suggest that you're using the wrong event for this. The file_timeout only occurs if a file transfer was occurring and then stopped without completing. A much more interesting event correlation would be:
Track DNS address lookup responses (I would likely use event
dns_A_reply(c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, a:
Record the addresses returned in a set; this will provide
you a set of all addresses that were discovered through a DNS query.
Examine outbound requests (where orig_h on the SYN is an internal
Check to see if the address in id$resp_h is in the set of
addresses step 2. If it is, return, if it isn't,
generate a notice since you have an outbound connection attempt with
no corresponding DNS lookup.

How to blacklist Splunk events from specific host and sourcetype

I have already asked this question on the Splunk website but didn't get any reply. I hope Stack Overflow users can help me.
I want to blacklist events with the debug keyword in them, from host host1 and sourcetype source::type. Can anyone help me with this? I know I can blacklist events either from host or sourcetype but not from both.
Here is the configuration I have tried:
# Props.conf
TRANSFORMS-set= setnull
REGEX = .*\s+Debug\s+.*
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
This works best just for host1 but I want other sourcetypes from host1 with Debug to be whitelisted.
Your event most probably contains an identifier of either the host or the sourcetype. If that is the case, you need to factor that into your regex and do the property match against the other property (i.e. if host1 is contained in the event's text, than you filter against the sourcetype in props.conf)
If I remember correctly there is a (more complicated) way to chain queues where you put all events from host1 that contain debug into a temporary queue and then only send events with both host and sourcetype to the nullQueue.

ip address updation in openflow

I am trying to modify the destination address for an incoming ping request at the switch using a POX controller. I use packet.next to modify the destination address. Once this address is modified I create a new packet with the incoming source IP and the new destination IP. But my pings aren't getting through. I also make sure that the nw destination of the message is modified before it is sent to the switch.
It will be really helpful if someone can help me solve this issue.
I'm using the l3_learning.py sample program present in Mininet.
I've added this condition in the handle_PacketIn function to the ifinstance(packet.next,arp).
My code
: : if str(packet.src)==str("00:00:00:00:00:19") and (inport)==19: packet.src = EthAddr("00:00:00:00:00:22") inport = 22 if str(packet.dst)==str("00:00:00:00:00:19") and inport==19: a1.protosrc = IPAddr("") a1.hwsrc = EthAddr("00:00:00:00:00:22")
I then send an ARP packet.
I have changed the nw_dst using ofp.match() –
I figured out what I was doing wrong. Instead of programming flows I was directly trying to modify the packets to redirect to the hosts. That was why I was unable to get a ping response.

How to display the ip address and port number in an text box that should be generated dynamically

Is there a way to display the system ip address and port number in a text box that is generated dynamically???
I want the system to put the ip address into a text box according to the machine.
Since you mentioned a text box, I can only postulate that you are talking about a web browser, and in that case 99.9% of the time you are talking about http and then 99.999% of the time a TCP connection. This means that your connection will have a 4-Tuple consisting of the source ip:port and the destination ip:port. In most cases the port numbers are fairly standard (80) for the destination (client).
Then you get into the very common issues of NAT and the like, so again I think you need to clarify what type of ip address you want. The publicly routable ip address is obtained server side and the LAN address will be obtained from the localhost.
For the more interesting case (publicly routable ip) I would just use a server side script (python, PHP, C, etc...) to read the incoming ip address and then use a little ajax to set the value of the text box. I did something similar for a project and it worked really well. Our client program was written in Python and C but this will give you an idea...
# Returns the client's public IP address (past any NATs)
def get_public_ip():
return urllib.urlopen('http://ddih.org/ip.php').read().strip()
I think something like set the inner html... from that webpage...
Hope this helps.
Your system does not have a port number. Port numbers are a software concept to differentiate different IP or UDP applications that might want to listen for connections on your IP address.
Also, it is quite possible to have more than one IP address. In fact, your system almost always has two if you count the loopback address ( Even if you don't these days even many consumer PC's have multiple ethernet jacks.
You didn't say you were using Win32 so I don't know that it will be useful to you, but here's some code I wrote once that puts all local IP addresses (loopback excepted) into a an MFC CComboBox. It's a bit more C-ish than I'd like to see these days, but here it is.
size_t const Max_Expected_Addresses = 20; // Something rediculous
unsigned long IPADDRTBL_Size = sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(MIB_IPADDRROW) * Max_Expected_Addresses;
if (GetIpAddrTable (IP_Address_Table, &IPADDRTBL_Size, TRUE) == NO_ERROR) {
for (DWORD i = 0; i < IP_Address_Table->dwNumEntries; i++) {
// Skip the loopback.
if (IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr == 0x0100007f) continue;
if (m_IP_Address == "") m_IP_Address = String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr);
m_IP_Address_List.AddString (String_Address(IP_Address_Table->table[i].dwAddr));
m_IP_Address_List is an MFC control defined as a CComboBox which gets filled in by this snippet.
m_IP_Address is a CString tied to an MFC textbox control (IIRC) which I use to store the currently selected (or first found on startup) IP address.

How can I load balance FastAGI?

I am writing multiple AGIs using Perl that will be called from the Asterisk dialplan. I expect to receive numerous similtaneous calls so I need a way to load balance them. I have been advised to use FastAGI instead of AGI. The problem is that my AGIs will be distributed over many servers not just one, and I need that my entry point Asterisk dispatches the calls among those servers (where the agis reside) based on their availability. So, I thought of providing the FastAGI application with multiple IP addresses instead of one. Is it possible?
Any TCP reverse proxy would do the trick. HAProxy being one and nginx with the TCP module being another one.
A while back, I've crafted my own FastAGI proxy using node.js (nodast) to address this very specific problem and a bit more, including the ability to run FastAGI protocol over SSL and route requests based on AGI request location and parameters (such as $dnis, $channel, $language, ...)
Moreover, as the proxy configuration is basically javascript, you could actually load balance in really interesting ways.
A sample config would look as follow:
var config = {
listen : 9090,
upstreams : {
test : 'localhost:4573',
foobar : 'foobar.com:4573'
routes : {
'agi://(.*):([0-9]*)/(.*)' : function() {
if (this.$callerid === 'unknown') {
return ('agi://foobar/script/' + this.$3);
} else {
return ('agi://foobar/script/' + this.$3 + '?callerid' + this.$callerid);
'.*' : function() {
return ('agi://test/');
'agi://' : 'agi://test/'
exports.config = config;
I have a large IVR implementation using FastAGI (24 E1's all doing FastAGI calls, peaks at about 80% so that's nearly 600 Asterisk channels calling FastAGI). I didn't find an easy way to do load balancing, but in my case there are different FastAGI calls: one at the beginning of the call to validate the user in a database, then a different one to check the user's balance or their most recent transactions, and another one to perform a transacion.
So what I did was send all the validation and simple queries to one application on one server and all the transaction calls to a different application on a different server.
A crude way to do load balancing if you have a lot of incoming calls on zaptel/dahdi channels would be to use different groups for the channels. For example suppose you have 2 FastAGI servers, and 4 E1's receiving calls. You can set up 2 E1's in group g1 and the other 2 E1's in group g2. Then you declare global variables like this:
Then on your dialplan you call FastAGI like this:
On channels belonging to group g1, that will resolve to serverg1 which will resolve to ip_of_server1; on channels belonging to group g2, CHANNEL(callgroup) will resolve to g2 so you get ${serverg2} which resolves to ip_of_server2.
It's not the best solution because usually calls start coming in on one span and then another, etc so one server will get more work, but it's something.
To get real load balancing I guess we would have to write a FastAGI load balancing gateway, not a bad idea at all...
Mehhh... use the same constructs that would apply to load balancing something like web page requests.
One way is to round robin in DNS. So if you have vru1.example.com and vru2.example.com you put two entries in DNS like...
... then from the dial plan agi(agi://fastagi.example.com/youagi) should in theory alternate between and And you can add as many hosts as you need.
The other way to go is with something a bit too complicated to explain here but proxy tools like HAProxy should be able to route between multiple servers with the added benefit of being able to "take one out" of the mix for maintenance or do more advanced balancing like distribute equally based on current load.