Use Vuelidate on a v-model with array - vue.js

I am using vuelidate ( on select option to require and it works when the v-model has a single name $v.selectedWorkflow.$model
<div class="form-group" :class="{ 'form-group--error': $v.selectedWorkflow.$error }">
<select v-model.trim="$v.selectedWorkflow.$model">
<option :value="undefined" selected disabled>Select a Workflow</option>
<option v-for="workflow in workflows"
:key="" :value="workflow">
However, when doing v-model with array, I got an error that $error is undefined or sometimes $model is undefined when using $v.usersForRole[].$model I am not sure if I'm doing the right syntax
<div class="form-group" :class="{ 'form-group--error': $v.usersForRole[].$error }">
<select v-model.trim="$v.usersForRole[].$model">
<option :value="undefined" selected disabled>Select a User</option>
<option v-for="user in role.users" :key="" :value="">
<div class="error" v-if="!$v.usersForRole[].required"></div>
here's my validations
validations: {
title: {
minLength: minLength(4)
slug: {
selectedWorkflow: {
usersForRole: {

Use $each for this requirement.
Ref link:
validations: {
title: {
minLength: minLength(4)
slug: {
selectedWorkflow: {
usersForRole: {
$each: {


Datalist disapearing in a simple vue example

Try to select from datalist while a data property is updated on a interval.
What is wrong in my code?
Mounted intervals:
setInterval((ctx) => { ctx.notification = "111"; }, 500, this);
setInterval((ctx) => { ctx.notification = "222"; }, 500, this);
data: {
notification: null,
id: 1,
name: "option 1",
id: 2,
name: "option 2",
id: 3,
name: "option 3",
My HTML code:
{{ notification }}
<input list='demoList' v-on:change="selectSymbolList(target.value)">
<datalist id="demoList">
<option v-for="item in this.demoList" v-bind:value="" v-bind:key="">{{ }}</option>
To cache the rendering of <input> and <datalist> (to isolate them from unrelated changes in the component's template), put them into a component:
Vue.component('demo-list', {
props: ['items'],
template: `<div>
<input list='demoList'>
<datalist id="demoList">
<option v-for="item in items" v-bind:value="" v-bind:key="">{{ }}</option>
Note this example requires the runtime compiler to compile the template string. Otherwise, render functions would be required instead of template.
Then use the component in your app's template:
<div id="app">
<div>{{ notification }}</div>
<demo-list :items="demoList"></demo-list>

Vue.js onchange using Base Select component

I am working through and attempting to alter an example piece of code, so that #change events are triggered from a base select input child component.
The base component is the following
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ label }}</label>
'is-valid': validator && !validator.$error && validator.$dirty,
'is-invalid': validator && validator.$error
#change="$emit('input', $"
v-for="opt in options"
:selected="value === opt.value"
{{ opt.label || 'No label' }}
export default {
props: {
label: {
type: String,
required: true
options: {
type: Array,
required: true,
validator (opts) {
return !opts.find(opt => typeof opt !== 'object')
value: {
type: String,
required: true
validator: {
type: Object,
required: false,
validator ($v) {
return $v.hasOwnProperty('$model')
and the child component has the reference
label="What do you love most about Vue?"
methods: {
changeItem (event) {
It appears the method is not being hit, it works as expected when I use a select input rather than the BaseSelect, so I suspect there is something missing or not quite right in the setup here.
You are emitting an input event, but listening for a change event:
#change="$emit('input', $"

Wrong parameter received in function call

Why do I receive subject (object that I want) on first item but MouseEvent from all other subject changes?
<template v-for="subject in subjects">
<select v-model="" class="form-control" #change="setNote(subject)">
<option v-for="vsub in validSubjects" :value="vsub.id_subject">{{ }}</option>
This works for me:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Choose a subject: ',
subjects: [{
name: "Maths"
}, {
name: "Science"
validSubjects: [{
id_subject: "1",
name: "Maths"
}, {
id_subject: "2",
name: "Science"
}, {
id_subject: "3",
name: "English"
methods: {
setNote(subject) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
{{ message }}
<template v-for="subject in subjects">
<select v-model="" class="form-control" #change="setNote(subject)">
<option v-for="vsub in validSubjects" :value="vsub.id_subject">{{ }}</option>

making select tag with vue-for

I am currently developing frontend with Argon for vue.js.
Free Argon template doesn't support type select for base-input so I decided to make it myself.
Here is my code:
// ...
<base-input alternative
addon-left-icon="ni ni-circle-08">
// ...
export default {
name: 'app-footer',
data() {
return {
genders: [
{ value: 0, text: 'Select Gender' },
{ value: 1, text: 'Male' },
{ value: 2, text: 'Female' }
// ...
<slot v-bind="slotData">
<select v-if="$attrs.type==='select'"
:class="[{'is-valid': valid === true}, {'is-invalid': valid === false}, inputClasses]"
aria-describedby="addon-right addon-left">
<option v-for="(option, index) in $attrs.options"
:class="[{'is-valid': valid === true}, {'is-invalid': valid === false}, inputClasses]"
aria-describedby="addon-right addon-left">
// ...
However, it only renders following html:
<select aria-describedby="addon-right addon-left" type="select" class="form-control"></select>
What is the problem here?
I found a solution. I used options for props. In vue.js options is a reserved keyword. I replaced it with optionlist and it works perfectly.

How To Check A Radio Button in Vue.JS 2 WITHOUT using v-model

I am trying to set the checked value of a Radio Button list in Vue.JS 2. I've reviewed existing articles here and tried them and also several different manual approaches and I just cannot get this to work at all.
I am NOT using v-model here as I'm working on a custom radio button list control which is consumed by a forms builder. This is further complicated by the fact that I am building, on top, a nested radio button list to handle nullable booleans. Putting that complexity aside, my radio component looks like this....
<div class="form__radio-list">
<span class="form__radio-list__intro">{{ introText }}</span>
<ul class="form__radio-list__options">
<li v-for="item in options"
:key="item.key ? item.key : item"
<input type="radio"
:id="item.key ? item.key.toKebabCase() : item.toKebabCase()"
:value="item.value != undefined ? item.value : item"
#change="$emit('change', $">
<label :for="item.key ? item.key : item">{{ item.text ? item.text : item }}</label>
export default {
props: {
def: {
type: String,
required: true
introText: {
type: String,
default: ''
options: {
type: Array,
required: true
initialValue: {
type: [String, Number, Boolean],
default: null
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
value: this.initialValue
methods: {
_parseValue() {
return this.value ? parseInt(this.value) : null
isChecked(item) {
const checked = item.value === this.value || item === this.value || item.value == this._parseValue()
this.$logger.logObject({ item, parentValue: this.value, checked }, 'Checking value for an item')
return checked
onInput($event) {
this.value = $
this.$emit('input', $
From the logging I can see that the value of 'checked' SHOULD be set correctly (but it isn't).
I also tried splitting the input tag into a 'v-if' statement so I'd have one with a checked parameter set and one without (although this felt horrible) and that worked from an HTML point of view (checked="checked" appeared where I would expect it to) but, on the browser neither of the 2 options were checked.
I am consuming the component through a boolean component renederer that looks like this...
<hh-radio class="form__radio-list--yes-no"
#change="$emit('change', $event)"
#input="$emit('input', $event)" />
export default {
props: {
def: {
type: String,
required: true
introText: {
type: String,
default: ''
initialValue: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: null
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
computed: {
options() {
return [{
key: 'yes',
text: 'Yes',
value: true
}, {
key: 'no',
text: 'No',
value: false
This is then consumed ultimately on a form like this...
<hh-yes-no class="editable-segment-field__bool"
#input="onInput" />
The value pass throughs seem to work fine - The key issue that I have is that it will NOT specify the currently selected item from any existing data.
I have tried suggestions here - Vue.JS radio input without v-model and here - Vue.JS checkbox without v-model without much success.
Using the example given me below I've tried to strip this back as far as I can, adding in pieces of the dynamic elements from my components as I go to identify the problem root.
I now have a simpler component which looks like this...
<div :class="`form__radio-list ${(this.def ? `form__radio-list--${this.def} js-${this.def}` : '' )}`">
<span class="form__radio-list__intro">{{ introText }}</span>
<ul class="form__radio-list__options">
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="awesome"
:checked="radio === 'Awesome'"
#change="radio = $">
<label for="awesome">Awesome</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="super"
:checked="radio === 'Super Awesome'"
value="Super Awesome"
#change="radio = $">
<label for="super">Super</label>
<span>Selected: {{ value }} | {{ radio }}</span>
export default {
props: {
def: {
type: String,
required: true
introText: {
type: String,
default: ''
initialValue: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: null
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// delete this
data() {
return {
value: this.initialValue,
radio: 'Awesome'
computed: {
options() {
return [{
key: 'yes',
text: 'Yes',
value: true
}, {
key: 'no',
text: 'No',
value: false
I managed to get this to fail as soon as I added name="isawesome" to the radio button items. It seems that when you introduce 'name' something goes awry. Surely I need 'name' to prevent multiple radio button lists interacting with each other or is this something that Vue handles which I've been unaware of.
Here is an working example:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
radio: 'Awesome'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<span>Vue is:</span> <br>
:checked="radio === 'Awesome'"
#change="radio = $"
<label>Super Awesome
:checked="radio === 'Super Awesome'"
value="Super Awesome"
#change="radio = $"
<span>Selected: {{radio}}</span>
This appears to be a bug / oddity with Vue.js. Using roli roli's example I was able to take both his example and my requirement and keep tweaking until they met in the middle so I could find out the problem via process of elimination.
Here is a copy of the component with both elements together. As #birdspider commented above, I would not expect this to work in HTML. In Vue, however, it DOES....
<div :class="`form__radio-list ${(this.def ? `form__radio-list--${this.def} js-${this.def}` : '' )}`">
<span class="form__radio-list__intro">{{ introText }}</span>
<ul class="form__radio-list__options">
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="yes"
:checked="value === true"
#change="value = $">
<label for="yes">Yes</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="no"
:checked="value === false"
#change="value = $">
<label for="no">No</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="awesome"
:checked="radio === 'Awesome'"
#change="radio = $">
<label for="awesome">Awesome</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="super"
:checked="radio === 'Super Awesome'"
value="Super Awesome"
#change="radio = $">
<label for="super">Super</label>
<span>Selected: {{ value }} | {{ radio }}</span>
export default {
props: {
def: {
type: String,
required: true
introText: {
type: String,
default: ''
initialValue: {
type: [String, Boolean],
default: null
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
value: this.initialValue,
radio: 'Awesome'
This will work completely fine and renders as 2 separate radio button lists - one for yes / no and one for awesome / super awesome. If you try and add a 'name' tag to the radio inputs then the checked state is no longer set in the radio button group at all.
---- UPDATE ----
This seems like a bug where an attempt to add 'name' should simply be ignored by Vue, but it isn't. However, this isn't the case if you create an ES5 style component in codepen (I am unable to repro this in codepen for this reason.)
Using ES6 style files, this component will not set any checked values (credit to #birdspider for half of this simplified example)...
<ul class="form__radio-list__options">
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="awesome" type="radio" name="isawesome"
:checked="radio === 'Awesome'"
<label for="awesome">Awesome</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="super" type="radio" name="isawesome"
:checked="radio === 'Super Awesome'"
value="Super Awesome"
<label for="super">Super</label>
<ul class="form__radio-list__options">
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="awesome" type="radio" name="other"
:checked="radio2 === 'other'"
<label for="awesome">other</label>
<li class="form__radio-list__options__item">
<input id="super" type="radio" name="other"
:checked="radio2 === 'another'"
<label for="super">another</label>
export default {
data() {
return {
radio: 'Awesome',
radio2: 'another'
methods: {
onChange(e) { = e
onChange2(e) {
this.radio2 = e
(if anyone can tell me how to get it running in Codepen or JS Fiddle like this then that would be great!)
If I remove the name attributes then it works.
If you put essentially the same thing in Codepen as a single Vue instance rather than a component file then that works too.