MSSQL on Linux, adhoc query: 'No transaction is active.' - sql

I am trying to perform an adhoc type SQL query, I want to send records from an instance of MSSQL in Windows to MSSQL in Ubuntu Server 20.04, the detail is that the reading it allows me and at the time of writing the said message appears, I explain:
When I want to add a record:
and it works for me,
But when I want to use it in an SP (I'm just adding the snippet where I call it):
SET #lQryStr = 'DELETE FROM [LINKEDSRV].' + #BDD + '.DBO.TABLE WHERE YEAR (p1) =' + CONVERT (VARCHAR, # lp1,1) + 'AND MONTH (p1) =' + CONVERT (VARCHAR, # lp1,1)
EXEC (#lQryStr)
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "LINKEDSRV" returned message "No transaction is active.". Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 312 A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
When I use it in other instances of MSSQL on Windows I have no problem, but it specifically happens to me on linux. Follow the tutorial for the RPC and MSDTC settings, redirect port 135 (RPC) and create the iptables. The user has the necessary permissions, since if he allows me to enter when I call him outside of an SP. Could you help me, I do not know if it is not a new feature allowed in MSSQL in Linux, if this helps both are DEVELOPER versions. I will appreciate your contributions.


Identical SQL query works on some tables but errors out on other tables same in the same DB

I'm a finance person (little programming background) so I maybe asking something obvious for database programming experts but will appreciate any advice
I'm accessing Oracle NetSuite database via ODBC from Microsoft SQL Management Studio
Connection as a Linked Server is established successfully
I'm trying to execute the following SQL statements:
select * from [NETSUITE_SB2].[SB-B].[Administrator].[VARIANCE] -- success
select * from [NETSUITE_SB2].[SB-B].[Administrator].[WTAX_JOB] -- "Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "NETSUITE_SB2" does not contain the table ""SB-B"."Administrator"."WTAX_JOB"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table."
Upon some testing, it appears that whether the query is successfully run depends on whether the table name contains "_" (underscore) - for all tables without underscore I've tried, it worked, for all tables with underscore that I've tried, it failed.
Can anyone help me figure out how to overcome this?
Thanks in advance!
Instead of using a 4-part name in SQL Server and having SQL Server generate a query for the linked server, try using the OPENQUERY function and passing a query in the target system's SQL dialect directly. Something like:
select *
from OPENQUERY([NETSUITE_SB2], 'select * from [SB-B].[Administrator].[WTAX_JOB]' )
I just encountered this myself in a new instance that I just set up. I had been using Suite Connect for 4+ years without running into this issue before.
I believe the issue with the situation here is the "[SB-B]" part of the name because it contains the "-" dash. I found that a "," comma or "." period were the issue with my name [Acme, Inc.]. Ether the period or comma threw the error.
The second part of the 4-part name is the NetSuite [Company Name] under General Settings Company Info. I changed the name in NetSuite and removed the comma and period and the problem went away. Maybe most special characters cause the issue?
Just remember you'll have to update your second part name in each query you created before.
While using OPENQUERY is a solution, I just don't like the extra quotes needed so I prefer normal SQL.

Must force MS SQL Server (2012) to return to it's "virgin" state when re-running an edited T-SQL script

Very often extremely trival edits cause my T-SQL scripts to fail when rerun from within a MS SQL Server 2012 edit window (e.g. "SqlQuery1.txt"). Frustratingly, there's no pattern to what (edits) cause this problem. Coping with this has forced me to jump through some wierd hoops.
An example: I changed exactly 1 character in a working query (from "Set #THisColumn = 1" to "Set #ThisColumn = 1"; the "H" was changed to "h'" to match the variable declaration). When the script was rerun MS SQL Server 2012 gave me this error:
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 54
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
My research shows this message gets thrown when there is a problem with a TABLE which should be impossible in the above case. The error is unimportant, my problem is much more general - having to use the following unsatisfactory "workaround":*
Copy the (edited) script into a new edit pane ("SQLQuery2.txt"). It works - until the next time it's edited. Which then forces me to use another edit pane ("SQLQuery3.txt"). Repeat ad nausum.
Having to do this supports the theory that the problem is somehow related to how the edit pane works - NOT the script. (Hence the title of this question)
Using this "workaround" destroys my train of thought while the resulting large number of open "scratchpad" windows causes me to lose track of what I was doing ("... lets see now, is it version 13, 17, 26 or 28 that is the last "known good" version?...).
My suspicion is that SQL considers every subsequent rerun as being a part (a continuation) of the FIRST invocation of that script. So it tries to be "helpful" (not!) by "optimizing" the query.
In a development environment this "assistance" is very premature - and exactly what I do NOT want to have happen. (First make it work...then optimize it.) How do I supress this undesirable behavoir?
From my research I know that my scripts must have lines like this one before creating a temporary table:
and for a temporary procedure:
GO -- Required before defining any procedure
The need to do this implies that my supposition may be correct (why else would you need to do it?).
What else has to be done so that every time I press the "execute" button I get a "clean restart" of SQL?
Other factors to keep in mind:
The script, invoked from Python 3.x, is periodically (and
frequently) run as batch/cron job (i.e. an automatically scheduled
task). This means that any form of manual intervention (e.g. using
tools like MS 2012 Management Studio etc.) is not an option.
Stored procedures aren't allowed, instead the python application reads a file of SQL commands that get passed to SQL for execution
(in effect emulating a user who types in those commands at a SQL
Finally the script must also work for users that have the minimum
possible (e.g "guest") privileges

Netezza “[08S01] Communication link failure” Loading External Data

Am getting:
ERROR [HY008] Operation canceled
ERROR [08S01] Communication link failure
When trying to upload external .txt file to Netezza database. I have done this in the past (just last week), but today receive this error. Am able to connect to DB, ran truncate and create table statements for the loading of this data, can select, etc...But yet no luck loading. It's around 200K records and here is my code:
SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL 'C:\\Users\\Documents\\Data Sources\\Finance_FY15_RT\\SBTPG\\TPG_INTUIT_RT_PRODIV_20150214.TXT'
Y2BASE 2000
ENCODING 'internal'
Have tried solution from only other post I could find on the subject:
ERROR [08S01] Communication link failure while inserting data in to external table in netezza
"I have found in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 TCP Chimney Settings were the culprit.
The Follwing Commands Fixed this issue for me:
netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global chimney=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled"
But, to no avail. Don't know what is causing this issue? Am on windows 7 using Aginity, Netezza version 7.0.4 Thanks!
Please try the following and see if it errors
SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL 'C:\\Users\\Documents\\Data Sources\\Finance_FY15_RT\\SBTPG\\TPG_INTUIT_RT_PRODIV_20150214.TXT'
(field1 varchar(20000))
Delim 199
Y2BASE 2000
ENCODING 'internal'
Appreciate the Help from #ScottMcG, after downloading the latest Netezza Driver ( I was able to complete this job. Still errored out (with same error) a couple times but also worked many with extensive testing.
I read another post similar and this error seems common the larger the records go. I read one where person was using an external table with a million+ records and errored out every time. If need be I (you) may need to split the data into smaller external tables for loading to one table/DB. Seems to start having problems around 200k+.
This is also from my laptop, so maybe much higher if you were on a box inside the Data Center. I would suggest the driver upgrade and then splitting to smaller files if necessary.
Thanks All!


I'm trying to query a set of files.
Out of the 15 I have to query 3 of them are returning the error:
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "Server name here" does not contain the table "system.lib.file". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
I am using SQL and made a linked server using the IBMDASQL driver.
Like I said, 3 files out of the 15 are only giving me this problem.
When I do a wrkobj on the files I see that public has all permission, and I've added the specific user account just in case.
When I connect using a basic ODBC and microsoft query I don't even see the file on the list. When I log directly into the iSeries I can see and manipulate the files. .
Now using the alternate file name. But getting an insert error. As asked, here is the code and then below the exact error.
The error message:
OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "PARKWAY-TRAIN" returned message "SQL0104: Token . was not valid. Valid tokens: .
Cause . . . . . : A syntax error was detected at token .. Token . is not a valid token. A partial list of valid tokens is . This list assumes that the statement is correct up to the token. The error may be earlier in the statement, but the syntax of the statement appears to be valid up to this point. Recovery . . . : Do one or more of the following and try the request again: -- Verify the SQL statement in the area of the token .. Correct the statement. The error could be a missing comma or quotation mark, it could be a misspelled word, or it could be related to the order of clauses. -- If the error token is , correct the SQL statement because it does not end with a valid clause.".
Msg 7343, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "IBMDASQL" for linked server "PARKWAY-TRAIN" could not INSERT INTO table "[PARKWAY-TRAIN].[S60017].[ORDERF912].[NC_NURS_ORD_REF]".
If I run just the Select portion of the code, I get a return 503 lines to be exact. It only fails when I throw in the insert portion of the code.
IBM says to correct the token. I've got no clue as to which token is in error to correct though.
The 'Table not found' error is very suspicious. Using STRSQL:
select table_name, table_schema,
base_table_name, base_table_schema, base_table_member,
system_table_name, system_table_schema
from systables
where table_name = 'NC_NURS_ORD_REF'
Check to see that the table named NC_NURS_ORD_REF in library ORDERF912 is really associated with the system table name NCORDER in the library ORDERF912.
The syntax error is equally suspicious. Given that this is a cross-system query, I doubt you'll be able to run it as-is from the IBM i STRSQL command. That would mean that the proper multi-system database configuration is set up on the i side.
I found someone with a similar problem and it looks like it's on the Microsoft side: I think his workaround was to use the OPENQUERY() form.
One thing you can definitely check on the IBM i side is whether journaling is turned on for ORDERF912.NC_NURS_ORD_REF. This is important because you need to use the right commit level. Take the results of the previous query against SYSTABLES and use the SYSTEM_TABLE_NAME to do a DSPFD. Look for the text 'File is currently journaled'. If the table is not journaled, you have several choices. The best choice is to start journaling the file, but if that's not available, try INSERT... WITH NC. Or turn off commitment control at the driver.
Also, have a look at the following IBM technote to make sure the linked server is set up properly:

Invalid object name 'PetDatabase.Sales'

Im trying to run the following to import a large volume of sales data in a text file into a database. When i run the following i get the error: "Invalid object name 'PetDatabase.Sales'
BULK INSERT PetDatabase.Sales
FROM 'C:\Temp\P1.txt'
FORMATFILE = 'C:\Temp\PetSales.Fmt'
Can anyone see whats causing my problem? I do have the tables within a folder; however, when i tried PetsDatabase.Tables.Sales it made no difference.
Ignore this answer. It was written when the question was tagged with mysql. Leaving the answer here to keep the comments.
Try using LOAD DATA INFILE instead.
Make sure PetDatabase.Sales exists in your text file.
Swap for whichever row and field terminator delimiters you're using. Here I'm using delimiters from a comma separated file
FROM 'c:\temp\p1.txt'
--Check the content of the table.
FROM PetDatabase
--Drop the table to clean up database.
FROM PetDatabase
Also, make sure the following doesn't apply to you:
If a SQL Server user is logged in using Windows Authentication, the user can read only the files accessible to the user account, independent of the security profile of the SQL Server process.
When executing the BULK INSERT statement by using sqlcmd or osql, from one computer, inserting data into SQL Server on a second computer, and specifying a data_file on third computer by using a UNC path, you may receive a 4861 error.
To resolve this error, use SQL Server Authentication and specify a SQL Server login that uses the security profile of the SQL Server process account, or configure Windows to enable security account delegation.
Is PetDatabase is schema name or database name?
If it is database name, then include schema name also like this if your schema name is dbo.