Using PyMongo, is there a way to add an index hint to an aggregate query?
None of these option works with PyMongo:
db.collection.aggregate(pipeline, {'hint': 'index_name'})
I don't believe this is supported.
Separately, hint specifies an index to use for the particular query; an aggregation pipeline can contain many queries. Simply specifying index name would be ambiguous.
Given a table that has two indexes on it, one sorted in the reverse from the other and given these two queries.
Select value From SomeTable wITH (INDEX(IV_Sort_Asc))
Select value From SomeTable wITH (INDEX(IV_Sort_Desc))
I've come across a case in SQL Server 2008 where the hints are ignored and in both cases the IV_Sort_Desc index is used instead of the first one.
I realize many people will immediately suggest to not supply the hint, however given my specific case this is not an option.
What would cause this and what can I do to fix it? Surely you would expect SQL Server to honour an index hint and not use a different one?
I ran into the same problem when I wanted SQL to use an index on a view. It turned out I had to use the NOEXPAND option as well:
Well i am new to this stuff ..I have created an index in my SP at start like follows
Create Index index_fab
ON TblFab (Fab_name)
Now i have query under this
select fab_name from TblFab where artc = 'x' and atelr = 'y'.
now Is it necessary to use this index name in select clause or it will automatically used to speed up queries
Do i have to use something like
select fab_name from TblFab WITH(INDEX(index_fab)) where artc = 'x' and atelr = 'y'.
or any other method to use this index in query
and also how to use index if we are using join on this table?
Firstly, do you mean you're creating the index in a stored procedure? That's a bad idea - if you run the stored procedure twice, it will fail because the index already exists.
Secondly, your query doesn't use the column mentioned in the index, so it will have no impact.
Thirdly, as JodyT writes, the query analyzer (SQL Server itself) will decide which index to use; it's almost certainly better at it than you are.
Finally, to speed up the query you mention, create an index on columns artc and atelr.
The Query Optimizer of SQL Server will decide if it the index is suitable for the query. You can't force it to use a specific index. You can give hints on which you want it to use but it won't be a guarantee that it will use it.
As the other people answered your question to help you to understand better, my opinion is, you should first understand why you need to use indexes. As we know that indexes increase the performance , they could also cause performance issues as well. Its better to know when you need to use indexes, why you need to use indexes instead of how to use indexes.
You can read almost every little detail from here .
Regarding your example, your query's index has no impact. Because it doesn't have the mentioned column in your query's where clause.
You can also try:
CREATE INDEX yourIndexName
ON yourTableName (column_you_are_looking_for1,column_you_are_lookingfor2)
Also good to know: If no index exists on a table, a table scan must be performed for each table referenced in a database query. The larger the table, the longer a table scan takes because a table scan requires each table row to be accessed sequentially. Although a table scan might be more efficient for a complex query that requires most of the rows in a table, for a query that returns only some table rows an index scan can access table rows more efficiently. (source from here )
Hope this helps.
An index should be used by default if you run a query against the table using it.
But I think in the query you posted it will not be used, because you are not filtering your data by the column you created your index on.
I think you would have to create the index for the artc and atelr columns to profit from that.
To see wether your index is used take a look at the execution plan that was used in the SQL Management Studio.
more info on indices: use the index luke
You dont need to include index in your query. Its managed by sql server. Also you dont need to include index in select if you want to make join to this table. Hope its clear.
You're index use "Fab_name" column which you don't filter on in your select statement, so it's of no use.
Since you're new to this, you might benefit from an index like this :
Create Index index_fab
ON TblFab (artc, atelr)
or maybe like this
Create Index index_fab
ON TblFab (atelr, artc)
...yes there are a lot of subtleties to learn.
For better performance:
List out the columns /tables which are frequently used,
Create index on those tables/columns only.
If index is properly set up, optimizer will use it automatically. By properly set up, I mean that it's selective enough, can effectively help the query etc. Read about it. You can check by yourself if index is being used by using "include actual execution plan" option in ssms.
It's generally not advised to use with(index()) hints and let optimizer decided by itself, except from very special cases when you just know better ;).
Lets say in the employee table, I have created an index(idx_name) on the emp_name column of the table.
Do I need to explicitly specify the index name in select clause or it will automatically used to speed up queries.
If it is required to be specified in the select clause, What is the syntax for using index in select query ?
If you want to test the index to see if it works, here is the syntax:
FROM Table WITH(INDEX(Index_Name))
The WITH statement will force the index to be used.
Good question,
Usually the DB engine should automatically select the index to use based on query execution plans it builds. However, there are some pretty rare cases when you want to force the DB to use a specific index.
To be able to answer your specific question you have to specify the DB you are using.
For MySQL, you want to read the Index Hint Syntax documentation on how to do this
How to use index in select statement? this way:
SELECT * FROM table1 USE INDEX (col1_index,col2_index)
WHERE col1=1 AND col2=2 AND col3=3;
SELECT * FROM table1 IGNORE INDEX (col3_index)
WHERE col1=1 AND col2=2 AND col3=3;
And many more ways check this
Do I need to explicitly specify?
No, no Need to specify explicitly.
DB engine should automatically select the index to use based on query execution plans it builds from #Tudor Constantin answer.
The optimiser will judge if the use of your index will make your query run faster, and if it is, it will use the index. from #niktrl answer
In general, the index will be used if the assumed cost of using the index, and then possibly having to perform further bookmark lookups is lower than the cost of just scanning the entire table.
If your query is of the form:
SELECT Name from Table where Name = 'Boris'
And 1 row out of 1000 has the name Boris, it will almost certainly be used. If everyone's name is Boris, it will probably resort to a table scan, since the index is unlikely to be a more efficient strategy to access the data.
If it's a wide table (lot's of columns) and you do:
SELECT * from Table where Name = 'Boris'
Then it may still choose to perform the table scan, if it's a reasonable assumption that it's going to take more time retrieving the other columns from the table than it will to just look up the name, or again, if it's likely to be retrieving a lot of rows anyway.
The optimiser will judge if the use of your index will make your query run faster, and if it is, it will use the index.
Depending on your RDBMS you can force the use of an index, although it is not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
In general you should index columns that you use in table join's and where statements
Generally, when you create an index on a table, database will automatically use that index while searching for data in that table. You don't need to do anything about that.
However, in MSSQL, you can specify an index hint which can specify that a particular index should be used to execute this query. More information about this can be found here.
Index hint is also seems to be available for MySQL. Thanks to Tudor Constantine.
By using the column that the index is applied to within your conditions, it will be included automatically. You do not have to use it, but it will speed up queries when it is used.
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE attribute = 'value'
Will use the appropriate index.
The index hint is only available for Microsoft Dynamics database servers.
For traditional SQL Server, the filters you define in your 'Where' clause should persuade the engine to use any relevant indices...
Provided the engine's execution plan can efficiently identify how to read the information (whether a full table scan or an indexed scan) - it must compare the two before executing the statement proper, as part of its built-in performance optimiser.
However, you can force the optimiser to scan by using something like
Select *
From [yourtable] With (Index(0))
Where ...
Or to seek a particular index by using something like
Select *
From [yourtable] With (Index(1))
Where ...
The choice is yours. Look at the table's index properties in the object panel to get an idea of which index you want to use. It ought to match your filter(s).
For best results, list the filters which would return the fewest results first.
I don't know if I'm right in saying, but it seems like the query filters are sequential; if you get your sequence right, the optimiser shouldn't have to do it for you by comparing all the combinations, or at least not begin the comparison with the more expensive queries.
I need to specify a Index hint for my HQL
method is of no use as it is appending the hint before the select clause,
though this can be achieved by NativeSQL but I just wanted to check is there a way we can achieve this in HQL rather then SQL
As per My understanding there is no support for specifying index hints in HQL currently as of version 3.6.5
though this can be achieved by specifying #NamedNativeQueries or by calling CreateSQLQuery() on query interface
You can find a technique I use to specify Query Hints here, you can adapt this to insert some custom SQL inside some specific HQL or ICriteria query.
In my example I'm only interested in adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) or OPTION (HASH JOIN) but the technique comments<->interceptor can be used to manipulate the generate SQL in any way.
I am creating sql queries and I have read in one book that when using NOT operator or LIKE operators Indexes do not work. How much true this statement is. How can we avoid this if the statement is true. How a query should be made to do the same work avoiding these operators.
What all other areas are there in sql server where Indexes are deferred.
Like statements that wildcard the leftside can not use an index if one is defined for the column:
WHERE column LIKE '%abc'
WHERE column LIKE '%abc%'
But either of these can use an index:
WHERE column LIKE 'abc%'
WHERE column LIKE 'abc'
Frankly, use LIKE for very simple text searching - if you're really needing a text search that performs well, look at Full Text Searching (FTS). Full Text Searching has it's own indexes.
The decision really comes down to the optimizer for which index to use, but something that ensures that an index will not be used it to wrap column values in function calls. This for example will not use indexes:
WHERE CHARINDEX(column, 'abc') > 0
WHERE CAST(column AS DATETIME) <= '2010-01-01'
Anywhere you are manipulating table data--especially changing the data type--will render an index useless because an index is of the unaltered values and there's no way to relate to altered data.
For like looks to this article:
SQL Performance - Indexes and the LIKE clause
For NOT operator using indexes will depend on particular query.
From within Query Analyzer is an option called "Show Execution Plan" (located on the Query drop-down menu). If you turn this option on, then whenever you run a query in Query Analyzer, you will get a query execution plan. Use this to analyze the effectiveness of your query. Based on the results, you may need to use another query or add better indexes. E.g. table scan means that indexes are not used, bookmark lookups mean you should limit the rows or use a covering index, if there's a filter you might want to remove any function calls from the where clause, sort can be slow.
The search term you need to explore this issue in more depth is sargable.
here is one article to get you started: