Customized aggregation algorithm for gradient updates in tensorflow federated - tensorflow

I have been trying to implement this paper . Basically what I want to do is sum the per client loss and compare the same with previous epoch. Then for each constituent layer of the model compare the KL divergence between the weights of the server and the client model to get the layer specific parameter updates and then doing a softmax and to decide whether an adaptive update or a normal FedAvg approach is needed.
The algorithm is as follows-
I tried to make use of the code here to build a custom federated avg process. I got the basic understanding that there are some tf.computations and some tff.computations which are involved. I get that I need to make changes in the orchestration logic in the run_one_round function and basically manipulate the client outputs to do adaptive averaging instead of the vanilla federated averaging. The client_update tf.computation function basically returns all the values that I need i.e the weights_delta (can be used for client based model weights), model_output(which can be used to calculate the loss).
But I am not sure where exactly I should make the changes.
def run_one_round(server_state, federated_dataset):
server_message = tff.federated_map(server_message_fn, server_state)
server_message_at_client = tff.federated_broadcast(server_message)
client_outputs = tff.federated_map(
client_update_fn, (federated_dataset, server_message_at_client))
weight_denom = client_outputs.client_weight
# todo
# instead of using tff.federated_mean I wish to do a adaptive aggregation based on the client_outputs.weights_delta and server_state model
round_model_delta = tff.federated_mean(
client_outputs.weights_delta, weight=weight_denom)
#client_outputs.weights_delta has all the client model weights.
#client_outputs.client_weight has the number of examples per client.
#client_outputs.model_output has the output of the model per client example.
I want to make use of the server model weights using server_state object.
I want to calculate the KL divergence between the weights of server model and each client's model per layer. Then use a relative weight to aggregate the client weights instead of vanilla federated averaging.
Instead of using tff.federated_mean I wish to use a different strategy basically an adaptive one based on the algorithm above.
So I needed some suggestions on how to go about implementing this.
Basically what I want to do is :
1)Sum all the values of client losses.
2)Calculate the KL divergence per layerbasis of all the clients with server and then determine whether to use adaptive optimization or FedAvg.
Also is there a way to manipulate this value as a python value which will be helpful for debugging purposes( I tried to use tf.print but that was not helpful either). Thanks!

Simplest option: compute weights for mean on clients
If I read the algorithm above correctly, we need only compute some weights for a mean on-the-fly. tff.federated_mean accepts an optional CLIENTS-placed weight argument, so probably the simplest option here is to compute the desired weights on the clients and pass them in to the mean.
This would look something like (assuming the appropriate definitions of the variables used below, which we will comment on):
def round_function(...):
# We assume there is a tff.Computation training_fn that performs training,
# and we're calling it here on the correct arguments
trained_clients = tff.federated_map(training_fn, clients_placed_arguments)
# Next we assume there is a variable in-scope server_model,
# representing the 'current global model'.
global_model_at_clients = tff.federated_broadcast(server_model)
# Here we assume a function compute_kl_divergence, which takes
# two structures of tensors and computes the KL divergence
# (as a scalar) between them. The two arguments here are clients-placed,
# so the result will be as well.
kl_div_at_clients = tff.federated_map(compute_kl_divergence,
(global_model_at_clients, trained_clients))
# Perhaps we wish to not use raw KL divergence as the weight, but rather
# some function thereof; if so, we map a postprocessing function to
# the computed divergences. The result will still be clients-placed.
mean_weight = tff.federated_map(postprocess_divergence, kl_div_at_clients)
# Now we simply use the computed weights in the mean.
return tff.federated_mean(trained_clients, weight=mean_weight)
More flexible tool: tff.federated_reduce
TFF generally encourages algorithm developers to implement whatever they can 'in the aggregation', and as such exposes some highly customizable primitives like tff.federated_reduce, which allow you to run arbitrary TensorFlow "in the stream" between clients and server. If the above reading of the desired algorithm is incorrect and something more involved is needed, or you wish to flexibly experiment with totally different notions of aggregation (something TFF encourages and is designed to support), this may be the option for you.
In TFF's heuristic typing language, tff.federated_reduce has signature:
<{T}#CLIENTS, U, (<U, T> -> U)> -> U#SERVER
Meaning, federated_reduce take a value of type T placed at the clients, a 'zero' in a reduction algebra of type U, and a function accepting a U and a T and producing a U, and applies this function 'in the stream' on the way between clients and server, producing a U placed at the server. The function (<U, T> -> U) will be applied to the partially accumulated value U, and the 'next' element in the stream T (note however that TFF does not guarantee ordering of these values), returning another partially accumulated value U. The 'zero' should represent whatever 'partially accumulated' means over the empty set in your application; this will be the starting point of the reduction.
Application to this problem
The components
Your reduction function needs access to two pieces of data: the global model state and the result of training on a given client. This maps quite nicely to the type T. In this application, we will have something like:
T = <server_model=server_model_type, trained_model=trained_model_type>
These two types are likely to be the same, but may not necessarily be so.
Your reduction function will accept the partial aggregate, your server model and your client-trained model, returning a new partial aggregate. Here we will start assuming the same reading of the algorithm as above, that of a weighted mean with particular weights. Generally, the easiest way to compute a mean is to keep two accumulators, one for numerator and one for denominator. This will affect the choice of zero and reduction function below.
Your zero should contain a structure of tensors with value 0 mapping to the weights of your model--this will be the numerator. This would be generated for you if you had an aggregation like tff.federated_sum (as TFF knows what the zero should be), but for this case you'll have to get your hands on such a tensor yourself. This shouldn't be too hard with tf.nest.map_structure and tf.zeros_like.
For the denominator, we will assume we just need a scalar. TFF and TF are much more flexible than this--you could keep a per-layer or per-parameter denominator if desired--but for simplicity we will assume that we just want to divide by a single float in the end.
Therefore our type U will be something like:
U = <numerator=server_model_type, denominator=tf.float32>
Finally we come to our reduction function. It will be more or less a different composition of the same pieces above; we will make slightly tighter assumptions about them here (in particular, that all the local functions are tff.tf_computations--a technical assumption, arguably a bug on TFF). Our reduction function will be along the lines (assuming appropriate type aliases):
#tff.tf_computation(U, T)
def reduction(partial_accumulate, next_element):
kl_div = compute_kl_divergence(
next_element.server_model, next_element.trained_model)
weight = postprocess_divergence(kl_div)
new_numerator = partial_accumulate.numerator + weight * next_element.trained_model
new_denominator = partial_accumulate.denominator + weight
return collections.OrderedDict(
numerator=new_numerator, denominator=new_denominator)
Putting them together
The basic outline of a round will be similar to the above; but we have put more computation 'in the stream', and consequently there wil be less on the clients. We assume here the same variable definitions.
def round_function(...):
trained_clients = tff.federated_map(training_fn, clients_placed_arguments)
global_model_at_clients = tff.federated_broadcast(server_model)
# This zip I believe is not necessary, but it helps my mental model.
reduction_arg = tff.federated_zip(
# We assume a zero as specified above
return tff.federated_reduce(reduction_arg,


Learning parameters of each simulated device

Does tensorflow-federated support assigning different hyper-parameters(like batch-size or learning rate) for different simulated devices?
Currently, you may find this a bit unnatural, but yes, such a thing is possible.
One approach to doing this that is supported today is to have each client take its local learning rate as a top-level parameter, and use this in the training. A dummy example here would be (sliding the model parameter in the computations below) something along the lines of
#tff.tf_computation(tff.SequenceTyoe(...), tf.float32)
def train_with_learning_rate(ds, lr):
# run training with `` ds and learning rate lr
#tff.federated_computation(tff.FederatedType([tff.SequenceType(...), tf.float32])
def run_one_round(datasets_and_lrs):
return tff.federated_mean(
tff.federated_map(train_with_learning_rate, datasets_and_lrs))
Invoking the federated computation here with a list of tuples with the first element of the tuple representing the clients data and the second element representing the particular client's learning rate, would give what you want.
Such a thing requires writing custom federated computations, and in particular likely defining your own IterativeProcess. A similar iterative process definition was recently open sourced here, link goes to the relevant local client function definition to allow for learning rate scheduling on the clients by taking an extra integer parameter representing the round number, it is likely a good place to look.

Calculate average and class-wise precision/recall for multiple classes in TensorFlow

I have a multiclass model with 4 classes. I have already implemented a callback able to calculate the precision/recall for each class and their macro average. But for some technical reason, I have to calculate them using the metrics mechanism.
I'm using TensorFlow 2 and Keras 2.3.0. I have already used the tensorflow.keras.metrics.Recall/Precision to get the class-wise metrics:
metrics_list = ['accuracy']
metrics_list.extend([Recall(class_id=i, name="recall_{}".format(label_names[i])) for i in range(n_category)])
metrics_list.extend([Precision(class_id=i, name="precision_{}".format(label_names[i])) for i in range(n_category)])
model = Model(...)
However, this solution is not satisfying:
firstly, tensorflow.keras.metrics.Recall/Precision uses a threshold to define the affiliation to a class, while it should use argmax to define the most probable class, if class_id is defined
Secondly, I have to create 2 new metrics that would calculate the average over all classes, which itself requires to calculate the class-wise metrics. This is inelegant and inefficient to calculate twice the same thing.
Is there a way to create a class or a function that would calculate directly the class-wise and the average predicion/recall using the TensorFlow/Keras metrics logic?
Apparently I can easily obtain the confusion matrix using tf.math.confusion_matrix(). However, I do not see how to inject a list of scalar at once, instead of returning a single scalar.
Any comment is welcomed!
It occurs that in my very specific case, I can simply use CategoricalAccuracy() as unique metric because i'm using a batch_size=1. It this case, accuracy=recall=precision={1.|0.} for a batch. That only partially solve the problem. The best solution would be to update the confusion matrix using argmax at each batch end, then calculate the Precision/Recall based on that. I don't known how it is possible to do that yet, but it should be doable.

Machine learning: why the cost function does not need to be derivable?

I was playing around with Tensorflow creating a customized loss function and this question about general machine learning arose to my head.
My understanding is that the optimization algorithm needs a derivable cost function to find/approach a minimum, however we can use functions that are non-derivable such as the absolute function (there is no derivative when x=0). A more extreme example, I defined my cost function like this:
def customLossFun(x,y):
return tf.sign(x)
and I expected an error when running the code, but it actually worked (it didn't learn anything but it didn't crash).
Am I missing something?
You're missing the fact that the gradient of the sign function is somewhere manually defined in the Tensorflow source code.
As you can see here:
def _SignGrad(op, _):
"""Returns 0."""
x = op.inputs[0]
return array_ops.zeros(array_ops.shape(x), dtype=x.dtype)
the gradient of tf.sign is defined to be always zero. This, of course, is the gradient where the derivate exists, hence everywhere but not in zero.
The tensorflow authors decided to do not check if the input is zero and throw an exception in that specific case
In order to prevent TensorFlow from throwing an error, the only real requirement is that you cost function evaluates to a number for any value of your input variables. From a purely "will it run" perspective, it doesn't know/care about the form of the function its trying to minimize.
In order for your cost function to provide you a meaningful result when TensorFlow uses it to train a model, it additionally needs to 1) get smaller as your model does better and 2) be bounded from below (i.e. it can't go to negative infinity). It's not generally necessary for it to be smooth (e.g. abs(x) has a kink where the sign flips). Tensorflow is always able to compute gradients at any location using automatic differentiation (,
Of course, those gradients are of more use if you've chose a meaningful cost function isn't isn't too flat.
Ideally, the cost function needs to be smooth everywhere to apply gradient based optimization methods (SGD, Momentum, Adam, etc). But nothing's going to crash if it's not, you can just have issues with convergence to a local minimum.
When the function is non-differentiable at a certain point x, it's possible to get large oscillations if the neural network converges to this x. E.g., if the loss function is tf.abs(x), it's possible that the network weights are mostly positive, so the inference x > 0 at all times, so the network won't notice tf.abs. However, it's more likely that x will bounce around 0, so that the gradient is arbitrarily positive and negative. If the learning rate is not decaying, the optimization won't converge to the local minimum, but will bound around it.
In your particular case, the gradient is zero all the time, so nothing's going to change at all.
If it didn't learn anything, what have you gained ? Your loss function is differentiable almost everywhere but it is flat almost anywhere so the minimizer can't figure out the direction towards the minimum.
If you start out with a positive value, it will most likely be stuck at a random value on the positive side even though the minima on the left side are better (have a lower value).
Tensorflow can be used to do calculations in general and it provides a mechanism to automatically find the derivative of a given expression and can do so across different compute platforms (CPU, GPU) and distributed over multiple GPUs and servers if needed.
But what you implement in Tensorflow does not necessarily have to be a goal function to be minimized. You could use it e.g. to throw random numbers and perform Monte Carlo integration of a given function.

taking the gradient in Tensorflow, tf.gradient

I am using this function of tensorflow to get my function jacobian. Came across two problems:
The tensorflow documentation is contradicted to itself in the following two paragraph if I am not mistaken:
gradients() adds ops to the graph to output the partial derivatives of ys with respect to xs. It returns a list of Tensor of length len(xs) where each tensor is the sum(dy/dx) for y in ys.
A list of sum(dy/dx) for each x in xs.
According to my test, it is, in fact, return a vector of len(ys) which is the sum(dy/dx) for each x in xs.
I do not understand why they designed it in a way that the return is the sum of the columns(or row, depending on how you define your Jacobian).
How can I really get the Jacobian?
4.In the loss, I need the partial derivative of my function with respect to input (x), but when I am optimizing with respect to the network weights, I define x as a placeholder whose value is fed later, and weights are variable, in this case, can I still define the symbolic derivative of function with respect to input (x)? and put it in the loss? ( which later when we optimize with respect to weights will bring second order derivative of the function.)
I think you are right and there is a typo there, it was probably meant to be "of length len(ys)".
For efficiency. I can't explain exactly the reasoning, but this seems to be a pretty fundamental characteristic of how TensorFlow handles automatic differentiation. See issue #675.
There is no straightforward way to get the Jacobian matrix in TensorFlow. Take a look at this answer and again issue #675. Basically, you need one call to tf.gradients per column/row.
Yes, of course. You can compute whatever gradients you want, there is no real difference between a placeholder and any other operation really. There are a few operations that do not have a gradient because it is not well defined or not implemented (in which case it will generally return 0), but that's all.

Inference on several inputs in order to calculate the loss function

I am modeling a perceptual process in tensorflow. In the setup I am interested in, the modeled agent is playing a resource game: it has to choose 1 out of n resouces, by relying only on the label that a classifier gives to the resource. Each resource is an ordered pair of two reals. The classifier only sees the first real, but payoffs depend on the second. There is a function taking first to second.
Anyway, ideally I'd like to train the classifier in the following way:
In each run, the classifier give labels to n resources.
The agent then gets the payoff of the resource corresponding to the highest label in some predetermined ranking (say, A > B > C > D), and randomly in case of draw.
The loss is taken to be the normalized absolute difference between the payoff thus obtained and the maximum payoff in the set of resources. I.e., (Payoff_max - Payoff) / Payoff_max
For this to work, one needs to run inference n times, once for each resource, before calculating the loss. Is there a way to do this in tensorflow? If I am tackling the problem in the wrong way feel free to say so, too.
I don't have much knowledge in ML aspects of this, but from programming point of view, I can see doing it in two ways. One is by copying your model n times. All the copies can share the same variables. The output of all of these copies would go into some function that determines the the highest label. As long as this function is differentiable, variables are shared, and n is not too large, it should work. You would need to feed all n inputs together. Note that, backprop will run through each copy and update your weights n times. This is generally not a problem, but if it is, I heart about some fancy tricks one can do by using partial_run.
Another way is to use tf.while_loop. It is pretty clever - it stores activations from each run of the loop and can do backprop through them. The only tricky part should be to accumulate the inference results before feeding them to your loss. Take a look at TensorArray for this. This question can be helpful: Using TensorArrays in the context of a while_loop to accumulate values