How Barcode reader works in background vb.Net -

How can I make vb form work automatically in background when it reads barcode. Search for item in db and add it to datagrudview

You can use threading, or background worker in VB.
you can read this article from dotnetperls


How can i take a screenshot of the webbrowser hidden and minimized

I am trying to make a application the takes screnshots of the webbrowser hidden and minimized and put it to a picturebox or save it as a bitmap. I know that there are drawtobitmap, bitblt, copyfromscreen and some other ways, but no one do the job if the control or the form is minimized or hiddenm background. These functions only work if the form is active and foreground. I tried many and many codes based on many kind of tricks to do this, but no one worked.
How can I proceed?

How can you take a running process and put it into a panel in

Before anyone shouts 'duplicate!', it isn't (afaik)
I'm trying to host a game client inside a panel in I've read this question;
Running process inside a panel in VB.NET
The above does a great job! The only problem is I can't load the program directly by process.start since there is a separate 'user login' program that calls the main game client. Is there a method by which I can grab an already running process and put it into the panel? I can gain access to the process by this method;
Dim Win As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("ClientGame").First
I figured it out myself! It was pretty simpel just a question of setting the process using;
Dim Win As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("ClientGame").First
and then using this to set the parent!;
SetParent(Win.MainWindowHandle, Panel1.Handle)
This can be deleted if people don't think it's useful to keep.

VB.NET Undo/Redo only the text in RichTextBox

I just want to know how to make the undo/redo system in VB.NET's RichTextBox perform only undo/redo operations only on text.. which means it will not include the text formatting.
I am making a code editor and i change the fonts based on the keywords given by the user. When I press undo, instead of undoing the text, it changed the font first, which is not what i want.
I tried using custom undo/redo system using stacks, but it has many bugs.
See this Example It's create Undo And Redo Function For TextBox But it's easy To Change To RichTextBox
Tell Me If it's fit for you.

Can We use the VB6 PictureBox in VB.NET?

I have a Migrated Project which contains PictureBox Events.When it is migrated to VB.NET 2008 some events are converted which are not correct.Because the PictureBox in VB.NET is different to VB6 PictureBox.I want to know one thing that can we use the Same picture box in VB.NET also.I think which may help us to use the same events.Can we do like this ? It contains some events like Picture_paint,AutoRedraw,setPoint etc.It has some Twips and Pixel Calculation also.
Will this help ?Do we have any upgraded control in .NET equivalent to Picture box of VB6?
This is not the right way to accomplish your goal. Try to upgrade to the new PictureBox in VB.Net.
Yes, they are different, but, you can hardly say that the VB.Net version is less capable than the VB6 version.
If you upgrade, do it fully and you will not regret the decision in the future.
This MSDN link exposes the difference between the two controls
Converting from VB6 to VB.Net is not easy process almost all your events will not work you need to find equivalent events in vb.Net
Go with this link
As already mentioned the controls in VB6 and VB.NET work differently so upgrading line for line is not really possible.
As a hlaf way house you could create an ActiveX Control (OCX) in VB6 containing your picturebox which raised the events required to the application and then use this in VB.NET
This tutorial may help you to get started

Print ListBox Control Contents

I have a listbox control (in a WinForms application) that lists a bunch of statistics about records selected from a database.
Is there an easy way using VB .NET to take the contents of this listbox and send it all to the printer, or at least have one of those standard windows print dialogs come up, prompting the user for which printer to send the listbox contents to? Doesn't have to be fancy or anything.
You can take a look here:
The first answer has a solution for printing a panel in Winforms that should be applicable to your situation.
Take a look at this MSDN article:
If you can't use the method shown in the other question, you can always handle the PrintPage event of the PrintDocument object. Particularly look at the pd_PrintPage sub in that example, as it is the sub that handles the PrintPage event. You should be able to modify that sub to use the contents of your ListBox. You will iterate through your ListBox and "draw" each string onto the ev.Graphics object. The only tricky part is deciding how much will fit on one page, but the example covers that also.