ADD combination constraint into a dabase table - sql

I want to make a combination of columns in a table unique which they can not have any duplicates value.
For example, I have a table of Person which contain a name, age, address and phone_number.
I want that the combination of (name, age, phone_number) must be unique.
The table person contain this data:
So the combination (''Name1'' and 22 and 000000) it has to be unique but if only one of them changed for example ("name2",22,000000) it will be permitted to insert data to the table.
How can I manage that with SQL please?

If you want a column or combination of columns to be unique, you can implement a unique constraint or index (they are functionally equivalent for this purpose):
create unique index unq_t_col1_col2_col3 on t(col1, col2, col3);
And for a constraint:
alter table t add constraint unq_t_col1_col2_col3
unique (col1, col2, col3);
Any attempt to insert values into the columns that already exists will result in an error, as will any attempt to update the columns with values in a different row.


UNIQUE Constraint not working? (Postgresql)

I altered my postgresql database table to have a unique constraint like this:
ALTER TABLE my_table
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_values UNIQUE (value_one, value_two, value_three);
I want to not be able to post duplicate values for value_one, value_two, or value_three. So there should only ever be ONE unique value in these columns in the entire database.
But I'm still able to INSERT duplicate values in the value_one, value_two, and value_three columns.
What am I doing wrong?
I have deleted all the duplicate data in the database, but get an error whenever I try to add a unique constraint to individual columns in the table.
Another thing, if I say:
ALTER TABLE my_table
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_values UNIQUE (value_one, value_two, value_three);
I do not get an error. But if I say:
ALTER TABLE my_table
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_values UNIQUE (value_one);
Like with just one value, I get this error:
could not create unique index "unique_values"
If you define a unique constraint over three columns, that means that you cannot insert the same three values a second time. But each of these columns can contain duplicate values. For example, these three rows would satisfy the uniqueness constraint:
(1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 4)
(1, 5, 3)
but you would get an error if you inserted one of these triples a second time.
If you want each column to be unique, you have to define three constraints, one for each column.

Is there an order to how unique constraint violations occur in oracle sql?

Given that we have a table like this,
table name: my_table;
columns: id, a, b, c;
primary key: id;
unique constraints: a, (b, c);
I want to know whether there is an ordering to how the unique constraints would fail.
With this setting, I do the following insert
insert into my_table values (1,2,3,4);
And then I do the same insert once more. Can I be sure that this second insert will fail because of the primary key violation, and not because of the unique key constraints on the other columns?
And then, if I try to do this insert into my_table values (2,2,3,4);, is there a way for me to make sure which unique constraint would fail first (the one on column a or the one on columns (b,c))?

How to insert into a table considering that table has a Primary Key already in it?

I have two tables A and B and need to insert records (few columns not all) from A into B.
Of course I guess I can do:
However, Col1 in table B (named ID) has a type of INT so it is causing this error:
Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'MyDB.dbo.Visitor'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
How can I make SQL Server ignore this column and just insert the data I need?
A primary key must fulfill two conditions:
It must be unique in the table (that is, any row in the table can be identified by its primary key), and
The fields that are part of the primary key cannot be NULL. That's because allowing NULL values in the primary key will make the uniqueness of the primary key impossible to hold, because a NULL value is non-equal to any other value, including another NULL.
Quoting from here:
A unique key constraint does not imply the NOT NULL constraint in practice. Because NULL is not an actual value (it represents the lack of a value), when two rows are compared, and both rows have NULL in a column, the column values are not considered to be equal. Thus, in order for a unique key to uniquely identify each row in a table, NULL values must not be used.
This should work assuming you don't insert duplicates into B:
Set ID column in table B to "auto-increment".
SQL Server will provide automatically unique values for ID column if you define it as IDENTITY
In your case you can calculate the maximum value of ID column and start IDENTITY from the value that exceeds that maximum.
See the accepted answer for SQL Server, How to set auto increment after creating a table without data loss? for such code.
You need to create a relationship between the two tables and do an update statement.
Update table b set valueb = valuea from table a where =
You also need to rethink your design a little bit it sounds like.

Copy data from a table, into the same table with a different key

I was curious if it was possible to take data from a table, and duplicate it but assign a new primary key
for example, I wish to take data that has a column "question_id" which acts as the unique key for the table, and copy all of the data from the table with that question_id to the same table but with a new question_id.
any thoughts as to if this is possible using SQL?
my database is an ingres database
thanks in advance
Sure, something like this should work:
INSERT INTO YourTable (Question_Id, OtherField,...)
SELECT SomeNewQuestionId, OtherField,...
FROM YourTable
WHERE Question_Id = SomeQuestionId
Just replace SomeQuestionId and SomeNewQuestionId with the appropriate values.
It's a simple select query.
insert into mytable
(field2, field3, etc)
select field2, field3, etc
from mytable
where whatever.
This assumes that neither fields 2 nor 3 are the primary key, and that you have an autoincrement table.
Fast forward two years.... :)
I think this is the best and simplest way to do this. Inserting a row of data from the same table with a primary key will result in error because primary keys are unique for each row: Let question_id = 100.
INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT * FROM MyTable Where question_id=100;
In PostgreSQL:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "MyTable_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (question_id)=(100) already exists.
It is very simple to avoid the duplicate key value:
INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT (SELECT MAX(question_id)+1),Column1,Column2,etc FROM MyTable Where question_id=100;
By using MAX(question_id)+1, you are incrementing the maximum value of MyTable's question_id primary key, then add/copy the data to a new row with a unique question_id value.

How to prevent duplicate rows in insert query using Oracle?

I have table A in Oracle that has a primary key (id). I need to insert data into this table.
How do I prevent duplicate rows?
If the id column is marked as the PK you will not be able to insert a duplicate key, the server will throw an exception.
If you will insert duplicate data with different key - that's a logic that you need to deal with (like putting a unique constraint on the actual data) or do a check before you insert.
If you mean that you have rows that are identical (apart from the primary key) and you want to know how to delete them then do:
select col2, col3, ...coln, min(id) from A
group by col2, col3, ...coln
(I.e. select on all columns except the id.)
To get the unique instances do
delete from A where id not in
(select min(id) from A
group by col2, col3, ...coln) as x
to delete all rows except the unique instances (i.e. the duplicates).
First you would create a unique id on this table that has a sequence. Then when you insert into that table, in the insert statement you can use:
in a statement like:
inserti into tableName (id) values (tableName_sn.nextval)
to get the next unique key in the sequence. Then if you use this key you will guarantee that it is unique. However, the caveat to that is if someone just entered a key not using the nextval function you will get primary key violations.