How can I store a code block in a variable and call it and get its return value whenever needed? - smalltalk

I'm making a little text adventure in Smalltalk. It's made up of "screens" that have their texts and choices for other screens included. Since I want the game to be dynamic, I also want to include branching. For instance, if the player is at a blacksmith and wants to buy an axe, the screen the player goes to immediately checks if the player has enough money and jumps to one of two other screens based on that.
I already have this working: The screens (classes named Place) have a list where the first item is the function and the following items are the arguments. However, I have it done in a very ugly way: the first item is a string that is then compared against in a big "action" method, so it looks something like this:
game data method:
blacksmith := Place new.
blacksmith choiceText: 'I would like an axe.';
blacksmith action add: 'money'; add: 20; add: blacksmith_good; add: blacksmith_bad.
action method: (currentScreen is also a Place; the class also contains a BranchMoney method that does the actual decision making)
(currentScreen action at: 1) = 'money'
ifTrue: [
currentScreen := (currentScreen BranchMoney)
That's obviously not ideal, and I would like to compact it by doing something like this:
game data method:
blacksmith action add: [blacksmith BranchMoney]; add: 20; add: blacksmith_good; add: blacksmith_bad.
action method:
currentScreen := (currentScreen action at: 1)
So that instead of string checking the game would just directly proceed with the method I want it to do.
However, it doesn't seem to work - I've tried different changes to the code, and the problem seems to be that the currentScreen := (currentScreen action at: 1) line just replaces the contents of currentScreen with the code block contents – it doesn't calculate the block's contents and use its resulting value that is of type Place.
I've tried using round brackets in the game data method – that throws a list out of bounds exception, because it tries to calculate the expression immediately, before other arguments have even been added. Changing the first item name in game data method to currentScreen BranchMoney doesn't seem to make a difference.
I've also tried adding a return in the game data method, like this: blacksmith action add: [^blacksmith BranchMoney], so that it would have a value to return, no luck. Doing something like currentScreen := [^currentScreen action at: 1] in the action method doesn't work either.
For some shots in the dark, I tried the ExternalProcedure call and call: methods, but that failed too.

In Smalltalk every block is a regular object that you can store and retrieve the same you would do with any other object:
b := [self doSomething]
stores in b the block (much as b := 'Hello' stores a string in b). What I think you are missing is the #value message. To execute the block do the following
b value "execute self doSomething and answer with the result"
In case your block has one argument use #value: instead
b := [:arg | self doSomethingWith: arg]
later on
b value: 17 "execute the block passing 17 as the argument"
(for two arguments use #value:value:, for three #value:value:value: and for many #valueWithArguments:.)
Note however that this approach of using blocks and Arrays of arguments doesn't look very elegant (or even convenient). However, to help you with some better alternative we would need to learn more about your game. So, go check whether #value (and friends) let you progress a little bit and feel free to come back here with your next question. After some few iterations we could guide you towards a clearer route.
b := [:m | m < 20 ifTrue: ['bad'] ifFalse: ['good']].
will produce
b value: 15 "==> 'bad'"
b value: 25 "==> 'good'"


Why do I need to touch Hash if assigned via map?

When I do this it works (these are the last 4 lines before the end of a method TWEAK. However, my first attempt had no line #3 and failed because %!columns was empty...
constant #alphi = 'A'..Inf;
1 if ! %!columns {
2 #alphi[0..^#!data.first.elems].map( {%!columns{$_} = $++} );
3 %!columns #<== have to "touch" %!columns to avoid empty hash
4 }
I am cool that the issue is fixed by "touching" the attribute ... but seems like magic ... can anyone explain why?
Without the %!columns on line three, the call to map is lazy and thus never gets evaluated (the %!columns call wants to check the current value of columns, which implies eagerness).
To more explicitly invoke eagerness, either use the eager statement prefix (shown below) or switch to a for loop, which is eager by default.
I think this code will behave the way you want it to:
if ! %!columns {
eager #alphi[0..^#!data.first.elems].map( {%!columns{$_} = $++} );

PLC Object Oriented Programming - Using methods

I'm writing a program for a Schneider PLC using structured text, and I'm trying to do it using object oriented programming.
Being a newbie in PLC programming, I wrote a simple test program such a this:
IF okFlag THEN
// it's ok, go on
// error handling
aMethod must perform some operations, wait for the result (there is a "time-out" check to avoid deadlocks) and return TRUE or FALSE
This is what I expected during program execution
1) when the okFlag:=myObject.aMethod(); is reached, the code inside aMethod is executed until a result is returned. When I say "executed" I mean that in the next scan cycle the execution of aMethodcontinues from the point it had reached before.
2) the result of method calling is checked and the main flow of the program is executed
and this is what happens:
1) aMethod is executed but the program flow continues. That is, when it reaches the end of aMethod a value it's returned, even if the events that aMethod should wait for are still executing.
2) on the next cycle, aMethod is called again and restarts from the beginning
This is the first solution I found:
imBusy: BOOL
METHOD aMethod: INT;
aMethod:=-1; // result of method while in progress
<rest of code. If everything is ok, the result is 0, otherwise is 1>
and the main program:
CASE (myObject.aMethod()) OF
0: // it's ok, go on
1: // error handling
// still executing...
and this seems to work, but I don't know if it's the right approach.
There are some libraries from Schneider which use methods that return boolean and seem to work as I expected in my program. That is: when the cycle reaches the call to method for the first time the program flow is "deviated" somehow so that in the next cycle it enters again the method until it's finished. It's there a way to have this behaviour ?
generally OOP isn't the approach that people would take when using IEC61131 languages. Your best bet is probably to implement your code as a state machine. I've used this approach in the past as a way of simplifying a complex sequence so that it is easier for plant maintainers to interpret.
Typically what I would recommend if you are going to take this approach is to try to segregate your state machine itself from your working code; you can implement a state machine of X steps, and then have your working code reference the statemachine step.
A simple example might look like:
stepNo := 0;
IF (start AND stepNo = 0) THEN
StepNo = 1;
(* there's a shortcut unity operation for resetting this array to zeroes which is faster, but I can't remember it off the top of my head... *)
ActiveStepArray := BlankStepArray;
IF stepNo > 0 THEN
IF StepComplete[stepNo] THEN
stepNo := stepNo +1;
ActiveStepArray[stepNo] := true;
Then in other code sections you can put...
IF ActiveStep[1] THEN
(* Do something *)
StepComplete[1] := true;
IF ActiveStep[2] THEN
(* Do Something *)
StepComplete[2] := true;
(* etc *)
The nice thing about this approach is that you can actually put all of the state machine code (including jumps, resets etc) into a DFB, test it and then shelve it, and then just use the active step, step complete, and any other inputs you require.
Your code is still always going to execute an entire section of logic, but if you really want to avoid that then you'll have to use a lot of IF statements, which will impede readability.
Hope that helps.
Why not use SFC it makes your live easier in many cases, since it is state machine language itself. Do subprogram, wait condition do another .. rince and repeat. :)
Don't hang just for ST, the other IEC languages are better in some other tasks and keep thing as clear as possible. There should be not so much "this is my cake" mentality on the industrial PLC programming circles as it is on the many other programming fields, since application timeline can be 40 years and you left the firm 20 years ago to better job and programs are almost always location/customer or atleast hardware specific.

How do I animate a morph without using step?

I want to animate a dice being rolled, but don't want to use the Morph>>step methods because I want more control over when the roll finishes. I know that I can use Delay>>wait within a forked block to see my animation, but then how should I call this method from other methods to ensure I get the final numberRolled?
Here's my roll method:
| n t |
numberRolled := nil.
t := 10 + (10 atRandom).
t timesRepeat: [
n := 6 atRandom.
self showNumber: n.
(Delay forSeconds: 0.1) wait.
numberRolled := n.
] fork.
So if I call this from a method like guessLower the roll method returns instantly because the real work is completed in the forked process.
previousNumberRolled := numberRolled.
self roll.
"this next line is called before the dice has finished rolling"
self checkWin: (numberRolled < previousNumberRolled)
My current solution is to modify roll method to take a block, which that executes after the rolling has finished e.g. rollAndThen: aBlock but is there a more elegant / simpler solution?
In Morphic it is a Really Bad Idea to use Delays and explicit looping.
But it is really simple to make the step method do what you want: Inside you simply check if it should continue rolling or not. Then you do self stopStepping. self checkWin: ....

Handling player on turn with Objective C

I'm creating a simple app which has a list of characters and a list of (4) players, the players is simply a reference to a playable character.
I'm stuck on how to do the following:
Make a reference to the current player on turn
Find out who the next player on turn is
Handling the last player so that it will return to the first player on turn.
Ideally, I would like to be able to do AFTER, FIRST, LAST BEFORE commands on a NSMutableArray, of these I'm able to do lastObject, but there is no firstObject, afterObject, etc.
I believe you can fake BEFORE,AFTER,FIRST commands with objectAtIndex; but ideally I do not want to rely on numeric references because it could be incorrect -- also if its mutable, the size will always change.
Typically, I would be able to do the following in Pseudocode.
Global player_on_turn.player = Null //player_on_turn is a pointer to the player object
; Handle next player on turn
If (player_on_turn.player = Null) Then Error("No player on turn assigned")
If (sizeOf[playerList]==0) Then Error("There are no players in the game")
If After player_on_turn = null Then
; We reset it
player_on_turn.player = First player
; Move to the next player on turn
player_on_turn.player = After player_on_turn.player
End If
With this in mind, what is the best strategy to help handle a player on turn concept as described in the 1-2-3 example above.
It probably doesn’t matter what data structure you’re using - at some level you will have to rely on a numerical index (except if you are using linked lists). And this is alright. If you don’t want to use it in your main game implementation that is alright, too. Just create a class that encapsulates those things. First think of the operations you need it to support. My guess here would be those:
- (PlayerObject *) currentPlayer;
- (void) startNextTurn;
If you have this you can write your game using those primitives and worry about how to best implement that later. You can change those at any time without breaking your actual game.
My recommendation would be something like this:
- (PlayerObject *) currentPlayer; {
return [players objectAtIndex: currentPlayerIndex];
- (void) startNextTurn; {
if (currentPlayerIndex >= [players count]) {
currentPlayerIndex = 0;
Using the index there is OK, even if the array is mutable. If you have methods that change the player array they also can take care of the necessary changes to the currentPlayerIndex.
Having this object makes it easy to write unit tests. The global variable you suggest in your pseudo-code makes it impossible to write meaningful unit tests.
Use a State Pattern for the main runloop of the software. Draw it out as a diagram and create variables to control which state the system is in.
You should use a circular list of the players to return current, next, and previous players.
This is also a great question for GameDev on the Stack Exchange.
CocoaHeads puts out a relatively nice set of data objects, including a circular buffer.

How to properly return a value from a method and have it available immediately after application loads?

first post here so sorry for the length of it. I've been lurking and learning a lot so far but now I have to step in and ask a question. I have read numerous posts here as advised in the FAQs, but I couldn’t find exactly the answer I’m looking for.
Before anything else, let me just say that I'm a total beginner in programming (let alone Objective-C) so please excuse me for any misuse of the terminology. Same goes for any funny english as english not my native language.
I'm building an unit conversion application with a main window containing (among other stuff) two popUpButtons. I'm using indexOfSelectedItem from both popUpButtons in order to calculate a float value (I'm getting the indexes initially in the AwakeFromNib and later in the pop up buttons controller method, when the user change selection).
My problem consists of two parts: first, the code for calculation of that float is pretty massive as I'm comparing every combination of the two indexes of selected items. And second, I would need to have the calculated float value available immediately after launch as the user might want to perform a conversion before using any of the window popUpButtons (otherwise I would put the calculation code in a -(IBAction) method).
So, I'm trying with the following code for calculation of the float value:
#interface MyClass: NSObject
float calculatedFloat;
#implementation MyClass
-(void)setCalculatedFloat:(float)calcFl {
calcFl = 1.0; // I'm simplifying, this is where I'd like to perform calculation
-(float)calculatedFloat {
return calculatedFloat;
Now, for the first part of my problem, when I use the calculatedFloat in another method, say:
-(void)printIt {
NSLog(#"Calculated float equals: %.2f", calulatedFloat);
all I receive in Debugger is 0.00.
First question would be: if this is not working, how do I properly access this value from within another method?
For the second part of the problem, I'm using -(void)AwakeFromNib; to set up popUpButtons etc. right after the launch but I really wouldn't like to put all of the float calculation code in it only to repeat it somewhere else later.
So the second question would be: is this even possible what I'm trying to achieve? Further more, do I need to move this calculation code to another class? If so, how can I make that other class aware of the indexOfSelectedItem from a popUpButton?
Sorry for the lengthy post and possibly confusing and silly questions. I hope you didn't have to cringe your teeth too much while reading! :)
-(void)setCalculatedFloat:(float)calcFl {
calcFl = 1.0; // I'm simplifying, this is where I'd like to perform calculation
This doesn't show up when you print it later because you assigned to the variable holding the new value, not the variable for the value of the property. You need to assign to your calulatedFloat instance variable.
(You typo'ed that variable name, BTW.)
You should move the calculating into another method, and send yourself that message from awakeFromNib and from anywhere that needs to cause recalculation. That method should call setCalculatedFloat: with the calculated value—i.e., setCalculatedFloat: should be just a simple setter. Once you make that change, you could replace your custom accessors with a #synthesize statement and let the compiler write the accessors for you.
My problem consists of two parts: first, the code for calculation of that float is pretty massive as I'm comparing every combination of the two indexes of selected items.
You might see whether you can create custom objects to set as the menu items' representedObject properties, in order to cut out this massive comparison tree. It's hard to be more specific about this without knowing what your comparison tree does.