Subscribe to data store changes in Workers KV - cloudflare

Cloudflare Workers KV is an eventually consistent data store. You can write values assigned to keys, and you can read values by key from it. But is there any possibility to listen to some key's value?
In a regular relational DB you can subscribe to changes of an individual row, but are there any similar options for KV?

There is currently no built-in listen.
You could poll keys for changes, which would probably only make sense if you had a small number of keys. (You can list keys to iterate over them.)
But, since you're the owner of your KV namespace, the best option is probably to wrap your write operations so that you notify some other service/queue that a change has been made.


Query multiple keys in Redis in Cluster mode

I'm using Redis in Cluster mode(6 nodes, 3 masters, and 3 slaves) and I'm using SE.Redis, However, commands with multiple keys in different hash slots are not supported as usual
so I'm using HashTags to be sure that certain key belongs to a particular hash slot using the {}. for example I have 2 keys like cacheItem:{1}, cacheItem:{94770}
I set those keys using ( each key in a separate request):
this works fine,
but now I want to query key1 and key2 which belongs to multiple hash slot
above will fail and throws an exception because those keys belong to multiple hash slots
while querying keys, I can't make sure that my keys will belong to the same hash slot,
this example is just 2 keys I have hundreds of keys which I want to query.
so I have following questions:
how can I query multiple keys when they belong to different hash slots?
what's the best practice to do that?
should I calculate hash slots on my side and then send individual requests per hash slot?
can I use TwemProxy for my scenario?
any helps highly appreciated
I can’t speak to SE.Redis, but you are on the right track. You either need to:
Make individual requests per key to ensure they go to the right cluster node, or...
Precalculate the shard + server each key belongs to, grouping by the host. Then send MGET requests with those keys to each host that owns them
Precalculating will require you (or your client) to know the cluster topology (hash slot owners) and the Redis key hashing method (don’t worry, it is simple and well documented) up front.
You can query cluster info from Redis to get owned slots.
The basic hashing algorithm is HASH_SLOT=CRC16 (key) mod 16384. Search around and you can find code for that for about any language 🙂 Remember that the use of hash tags makes this more complicated! See also:
Some Redis cluster clients will do this for you with internal magic (e.g. Lettuce in Java), but they are not all created equal 🙂
Also be aware that cluster topology can change at basically any time, and the above work is complicated. To be durable you’ll want to have retries if you get cross slot errors. Or you can just make many requests for single keys as it is much much simpler to maintain.

Redis : How to prevent this race condition

I have a hash in redis in which one the field has value as stringified array, whenever user register for an event,
Fetch this stringified array from redis
Parse in backend and add the user's username in the array
stringify the array and store back to hash
There is a potential race condition possibility here if two users register at close enough time.
Race condition could be like this that the both users get the same stringified array from redis and then they modify, and only one update will happen as one will be overwritten by other.
Is there a way to prevent this race condition like transactions in SQL. I have read about multi, but it does not allow to do computation between commands on server.
Or storing stringifying array and storing as hash field is a bad idea, and I should use a normal list for this on redis.
The solution is to use atomic operations where you can. You have several options:
use real Redis lists that support handy commands such as LPUSH
do everything inside a Lua script (they are atomic by definition)
use Redis transactions and the WATCH command to track changes
The typical WATCH usage involves attempting to execute the transaction until it succeeds. You can do this with a simple loop, however it's possible that your connector has a special convenience method exactly for that.

How to find Keys with specific member value?

I'm new in Redis and use Redis 2.8 with StackExchange.Redis Libarary.
How can I write a KEYS pattern to get all keys with specific Hashed member value?
As I use StackExchange.Redis and want to get Keys with a pattern like this (when username is a member for a key): KEYS "username:*AAA*".
database.HashKeys("suggest me a pattern :) ")
I will call this method many times on HTTP user request to find out user's session data stored in Redis database, do you suggest a better alternative solution for this approach?
This simply isn't a direct fit for any redis features. You certainly shouldn't use KEYS for this - in addition to being expensive (you should prefer SCAN, btw), that scans the keys, not the values.

How to list all Memcachier's keys on Heroku?

Is it possible to list all memcachier keys of a Rails app? My app used just 3 keys and there are more than 30 on Memcachier app's page.
Use this script:
And we can used in our apps~
You can't list all keys in memcached. memcached is a cache, not a database– if you need to consistently retrieve all keys, then memcached is probably not the tool you want to use.
With that in mind, 2 things:
It's actually possible to retrieve the first meg or so of keys: . Your prod server should not depend on this.
You could setup a system where you keep a key in memcached (named for example index), that has for its value a list of all the keys stored. Every time you're adding/deleting a key, you would also update index's list of keys. You can just retrieve index to get a list of all the keys. However, keep in mind that memcached can evict keys before they expire, so your app shouldn't rely on this technique for critical stuff.

Redis set vs hash

In many Redis tutorials (such as this one), data is stored in a set, but with multiple values combined together in a string (i.e. a user account might be stored in the set as two entries, "user:1000:username" and "user:1000:password").
However, Redis also has hashes. It seems that it would make more sense to have a "user:1000" hash, which contains a "username" entry and a "password" entry. Rather than concatenating strings to access a particular value, you just access them directly in the hash.
So why isn't it used as much? Are these just old tutorials? Or do Redis hashes have performance issues?
Redis hashes are good for storing more complex data, like you suggest in your question. I use them for exactly that - to store objects with multiple attributes that need to be cached (specifically, inventory data for a particular product on an e-commerce site). Sure, I could use a concatenated string - but that adds unneeded complexity to my client code, and updating an individual field is not possible.
You may be right - the tutorials may simply be from before Hashes were introduced. They were clearly designed for storing Object representations:
I suppose one concern would be the number of commands Redis must service when a new item is inserted (n number of commands, where n is the number of fields in the Hash) when compared to a simple String SET command. I haven't found this to be a problem yet on a service which hits Redis about 1 million times per day. Using the right data structure to me is more important than a negligible performance impact.
(Also, please see my comment regarding Redis Sets vs. Redis Strings - I think your question is referring to Strings but correct me if I'm wrong!)
Hashes are one of the most efficient methods to store data in Redis, even going so far as to recommending them for use whenever effectively possible.
Use hashes when possible
Small hashes are encoded in a very small space, so you should try representing your data using hashes every time it is possible. For instance if you have objects representing users in a web application, instead of using different keys for name, surname, email, password, use a single hash with all the required fields.
Use case comparison:
Sets provide with a semantic interface to store data as a set in Redis server. The use
cases for this kind of data would be more for an analytics purpose, for example
how many people browse the product page and how many end up purchasing
the product.
Hashes provide a semantic interface to store simple and complex data objects in the
Redis server. For example, user profile, product catalog, and so on.
Ref: Learning Redis
Use cases for SETS
We have to enforce our application to make sure every username can be used by one single person. If someone signup with a username, we first look up set of usernames
SISMEMBER setOfUsernames newUsername
Creating relationships between different records:
Imagine you have Like functionality in your app. you might have a separate set for every single user and store the ID's of the images that user has liked so far.
Find common attributes that people like
In dating apps, users usually pick different attributes, and those attributes are stored in sets. And to help people match easily, our app might check the intersection of those common attributes
SINTER user#45:likesSet user#34:likesSet
When we have lists of items and order does not matter
For example, if you want to restrict API addresses that want to reach your app or block emails to send you emails, you can store them in a set.
Use cases for Hash
Redis Hashes are usually used to store complex data objects: sessions, users etc. Hashes are more memory-optimized.