Is there a way to generate random numbers between 0 and 500, but if first number is 300 not to deviate more than 20 for the next? - labview

Is there a way to generate random numbers between 0 and 500, but if first number for example, is 300, not to deviate more than 20 for the next? I don't want 500 then 0 then 399 then 1. Thanks.

Just plug the first random number back into the "Random Number (Range)" built-in VI.
Use a shift register to find a new random number within range of the last random number:

Previous answer refers to usage of minimal LabVIEW version 2019.
OpenG Numeric Library has similar function for generation of random number is the specified range, and supports earlier versions of LabVIEW.
Also, based on task description - if I've understood correctly - anyway random numbers should be in range 0 - 500; so we need to do additional check whether +/- 20 offset would not cause number "overflow".
Let me attach snippet of the solution which implements it. Note, that Select functions I've used just in order to show all the code on one snippet (instead of having Case Structure with pages).


X and Y inputs in LabVIEW

I am new to LabVIEW and I am trying to read a code written in LabVIEW. The block diagram is this:
This is the program to input x and y functions into the voltage input. It is meant to give an input voltage in different forms (sine, heartshape , etc.) into the fast-steering mirror or galvano mirror x and y axises.
x and y function controls are for inputting a formula for a function, and then we use "evaluation single value" function to input into a daq assistant.
I understand that { 2*(|-Mpi|)/N }*i + -Mpi*pi goes into the x value. However, I dont understand why we use this kind of formula. Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value of -M*pi. Also, I don`t understand why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i. And finally, why need to add -Mpi again? If you provide any hints about this I would really appreciate it.
This is just a complicated way to write the code/formula. Given what the code looks like (unnecessary wire bends, duplicate loop-input-tunnels, hidden wires, unnecessary coercion dots, failure to use appropriate built-in 'negate' function) not much care has been given in writing it. So while it probably yields the correct results you should not expect it to do so in the most readable way.
To answer you specific questions:
Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value
We don't. We can just move the negation immediately before the last addition or change that to a subtraction:
{ 2*(|Mpi|)/N }*i - Mpi*pi
And as #yair pointed out: We are not assigning a value here, we are basically flipping the sign of whatever value the user entered.
Why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i
This gives you a fraction between 0 and 1, no matter how many steps you do in your for-loop. Think of N as a sampling rate. I.e. your mirrors will always do the same movement, but a larger N just produces more steps in between.
Why need to add -Mpi again
I would strongly assume this is some kind of quick-and-dirty workaround for a bug that has not been fixed properly. Looking at the code it seems this +Mpi*pi has been added later on in the development process. And while I don't know what the expected values are I would believe that multiplying only one of the summands by Pi is probably wrong.

fitting a number within two bounds

I'm working on a program that generates pseudorandom numbers for a user based on their inputted seed, start and end range. I've written my own modulus based generator based on Lehmer's random number generator algorithm. YES I KNOW modulus based random calculations are biased, but for it's use this method is more than adequate.
Anyway, whilst I can generate a string of random numbers from the given seed in VBA, I can't find anything online with a formula or code showing how that number can be scaled down to fit within the supplied upper and lower bound. I'm hoping someone here knows a formula for this, or knows of a website I've missed that covers this sort of process (I don't even know what it would be called - scaling?)
Thanks for your time! In case it's useful or anyone's interested, here's my VBA code generating the seed-based number:
random = ((CDec(1664525) * t1) * seed + 1013904223) 't1 is the incremental count for each requested number
random = random - (Int(random / 2 ^ 23) * 2 ^ 21)
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: Just to point out, the 'scaling' cannot use the rand function, which I've seen done before, since the final numbers need to be the same each time that seed is used!
#Kevin is right I just need to add:
Linear interpolation for range change
so if you have number x on interval <x0,x1>
and want to change it to y on interval <y0,y1>
then use this formula:
it is the formula for 2D line and also base for DDA algorithms ...
What if your x range is unknown ?
then simply bound it to something known
for example x&65535 will change the x range to <0,65535>
of coarse only if the original x range was higher then that ...
What if dynamic x range is smaller then dynamic y range ?
ie |x1-x0|<|y1-y0|
the equation still works but you will be missing certain numbers in y range
so the interval will have gaps
to avoid that you have to increase effective range of x
for example like this x=(rand()&255)|((rand()&255)<<8)
so you will use more random numbers per each call
do not worry the seed stuff will be still working ...

Fibonacci sequence with other qualifications such as a limit and no shift functions

Does anyone have any tips on how I can start the assembly for this program?
Write a program to find and print a Fibonacci sequence of numbers. The Fibonacci sequence is
defined as follows:
Your program should prompt the user to enter a limit, print the sequence up to the limit, and then
indicate what is the greatest power of 2 that the final number printed is divisible by. Note: You
are NOT allowed to use the divide function or any shift functions. If the number is odd, then the
greatest power of 2 would be 20
= 1. Assume user input will be between 1 and 4096.
Assuming that you have no problem in finding the fibonacci number in the given limit. Let it be n
I guess % should not be used as it is closely related to /.
Now you can tr this (based on boolean properties)
Take a number t=1 and another ctr=0;
In a loop take n&t. if (n&t==0) {ctr++;t*=2;}else break the loop;
The final ctr value should be your answer

Why are the outputs of this pseudo random number generator (LFSR) so predictable?

Recently I asked here, how to generate random numbers in hardware and was told to use an LFSR. It will be random but will start repeating after a certain value.
The problem is that the random numbers generated are so predictable that the next value can be easily guessed. For example check the simulation below:
The next "random" number can be guessed by adding the previous number with a +1 of itself. Can someone please verify if this is normal and to be expected.
Here is the code I used for the LFSR:
module LFSR(
input clock,
input reset,
output [12:0] rnd
wire feedback = rnd[12] ^ rnd[3] ^ rnd[2] ^ rnd[0];
reg [12:0] random;
always # (posedge clock or posedge reset)
if (reset)
random <= 13'hF; //An LFSR cannot have an all 0 state, thus reset to FF
random <= {random[11:0], feedback}; //shift left the xor'd every posedge clock
assign rnd = random;
The location of the bits to XOR are picked up from here: The table page 5
LFSR only generates one random bit per clock. It doesn't generate a new (in your case) 13-bit number each cycle. The other 12 bits in rnd are just the old random values, so it will not appear very random.
If you need a 13-bit random number, then you must either sample LFSR every 13 cycles, or put 13 LFSR in parallel with different seeds, and use the 13 zero bits as your random number.
An LFSR is most certainly not 'random' in any real sense whatsoever. To quote Von Neumann "Any one who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin." I haven't looked up whether the feedback terms you've chosen are maximal, meaning that they'll provide a sequence with a length equal to the number of bits in your LFSR, but that's the best you can do.
So yes, the next value in your LFSR is extremely predictable. If you need something more securely 'random' you need to look into cryptographic methods, these depend on a secret key of course, and are also much more computationally intensive than an LFSR. You 'get what you pay for' though.
Incidentally, a system where you get predictable 'random' numbers is highly useful in it's own right. Usually for simulation purposes.

How to make rand() more likely to select certain numbers?

Is it possible to use rand() or any other pseudo-random generator to pick out random numbers, but have it be more likely that it will pick certain numbers that the user feeds it? In other words, is there a way, with rand() or something else, to pick a pseudo random number, but be able to adjust the odds of getting certain outcomes, and how do you do that if it is possible.
BTW, I'm just asking how to change the numbers that rand() outputs, not how to get the user input.
Well, your question is a bit vague... but if you wanted to pick a number from 0-100 but with a bias for (say) 43 and 27, you could pick a number in the range [0, 102] and map 101 to 43 and 102 to 27. It will really depend on how much bias you want to put in, what your range is etc.
You want a mapping function between uniform density of rand() and the probability density that you desire. The mapping function can be done lots of different ways.
You can certainly use any random number generator to skew the results. Example in C#, since I don't know objective-c syntax. I assume that rand() return a number tween 0 and 1, 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. It should be quite easy to understand the idear and convert the code to any other language.
/// <summary>
/// Dice roll with a double chance of rolling a 6.
/// </summary>
int SkewedDiceRoll()
// Set diceRool to a value from 1 to 7.
int diceRool = Math.Floor(7 * rand()) + 1;
// Treat a value of 7 as a 6.
if (diceRoll == 7)
diceRoll = 6;
return diceRoll;
This is not too difficult..
simply create an array of all possible numbers, then pad the array with extra numbers of which you want to result more often.
Obviously when you query that array, it will call "1" the most, followed by "4"
In other words, is there a way, with rand() or something else, to pick a pseudo random number, but be able to adjust the odds of getting certain outcomes, and how do you do that if it is possible.
For simplicity sake, let's use the drand48() which returns "values uniformly distributed over the interval [0.0,1.0)".
To make the values close to one more likely to appear, apply skew function log2():
log2( drand48() + 1.0 ); // +1 since log2() in is [0.0, 1.0) for values in [1.0, 2.0)
To make the values close to zero more likely to appear, use the e.g. exp():
(exp(drand48()) - 1.0) * (1/(M_E-1.0)); // exp(0)=1, exp(1)=e
Generally you need to crate a function which would map the uniformly distributed values from the random function into values which are distributed differently, non-uniformly.
You can use the follwing trick
This example has a 50 percent chance of producing one of your 'favourite' numbers
int[] highlyProbable = new int[]{...};
public int biasedRand() {
double rand = rand();
if (rand < 0.5) {
return highlyProbable[(int)(highlyProbable.length * rand())];
} else {
return (int)YOUR_RANGE * rand();
In addition to what Kevin suggested, you could have your regular group of numbers (the wide range) chopped into a number of smaller ranges, and have the RNG pick from the ranges you find favorable. You could access these ranges in a particular order, or, you can access them in some random order (but I can assume this wouldn't be what you want.) Since you're using manually specified ranges to be accessed within the wide range of elements, you're likely to see the numbers you want pop up more than others. Of course, this is just how I'd approach it, and it may not seem all that rational.
Good luck.
By definition the output of a random number generator is random, which means that each number is equally likely to occur next (1/10 chance) and you should not be able to affect the outcome.
Of-course, a pseudo-random generator creates an output that will always follow the same pattern for a given input seed. So if you know the seed, then you may have some idea of the output sequence. You can, of-course, use the modulus operator to play around with the set of numbers being output from the generator (eg. %5 + 2 to generate numbers from 2 to 7).