Tableau How to color a chart based on two fields, one continuous and other discreet - data-visualization

I have a data set from Kaggle and here is what it looks like:
Now I want to plot a map using Tableau which illustrates the advantage/disadvantage of Republican/Democrat. Just picture this, because I have already had the total votes of each party in every single county, it is easy to compare which party won a county. My idea is depicting this fact: if a county is won by Republican, then it should be in red; if by Democrat, it would be in blue; otherwise it would be white if being won by minor parties (I am not sure whether there was such a case).
Note that if the more overwhelming a party is within a county, the darker should the color be. For example, if a Republican won a county tinily by 0.1%, it should be light red; if a county is won by Democrat with a landslide, say 30%, then it should be deep blue.
My problem now is that with the given data, I have no ideas about how to demonstrate the gap of votes between different parties. I guess I might need to create a calculated field that shows the vote difference with a county. But is it the right solution?
---- EDIT----
I found an example:!/vizhome/ElectionResults_5/Dashboard1, it looks good to me. It is just uncertain what its data source looks like.

The example you have shown is perhaps not related to chart as you want. It shows only one measure. Please proceed like this.
Step-1 Create a calculated field win margin in percent with the following calculation
IF [Won] = TRUE then ([Total Votes] -
{FIXED [State],[County] : MAX(
IF [Won] = FALSE then [Total Votes] END )})/
{FIXED [State],[County] : SUM([Total Votes])}
Step-2 Convert it to dimension (by right clicking it).
Step-3 simultaneously create a group on party field as desired.
Step-4 select both fields in dimension pane and create a new hierarchy (party-group first and win margin second). Drag this heirarchy to marks card. Convert both to colors. The following gif may help
I think this serves your purpose. Good luck


Index for trivial pursuit game's spaces

I'm trying to code a trivial pursuit game. I want to give an id for every space of the board in order to use them for the movements. I need to know for every space which is next to which/match with each other.
But because of the geometry of the board(extern circle + radii), I didn't find the right logic behind this.
I am thinking of an ID based on 7 numbers (for the 6 radii + the circle). For example :
//this is not my code, i'm just trying to show example of IDs
center = [0][0][0][0][0][0][-2]
one on the "2nd radius" = [0][3][0][0][0][0][-2]
one the circle and the "3rd radius" = [0][0][6][0][0][0][22]
one on the circle = [0][0][0][0][0][0][21]
I have no idea if it's gonna work or if it's optimal, i will try and see.
If some of you have any better idea for name the ID, i would be happy to listen to them.
Here is an image of the board.
enter image description here
Thank you for helping!
OK, seeems you are inventing some coordinate system for this wheel for easy addressing and easy transtions between cells. System with many indices looks too complex.
Perhaps two-index scheme would be appropriate. Resembles polar coordinates:
The first index 0..6 as distance from the center.
The second one 1..42 - angular position.
So center cell is A[0][0] (the second index is not defined, we can choose any)
It's neighbors are A[1][1], A[1][8], A[1][15] ..A[1][36] (marked with 1 at your picture)
Similar for the next cells at the rays A[2][1], A[2][8], A[2][15] ..A[2][36] and so on
Wheel cells are A[6][1], A[6][2]..A[6][42]
Now neighbor cells have coordinates where one index differs by 1 (except for central cell, extra case)
Is this scheme suitable?

How to add points in order along a stream reach in ArcGIS?

I have a stream network in ArcGIS - i.e. a series of polylines, and along each stream part I have added points. For each of the points I have extracted the height and flow from underlying rasters and I have also extracted data from the intersecting polylines including minimum, mean and max height of the polyline, the HydroID and the nextdownID. The points also have their own ID but I have noticed these are not in order.
What I would like is to add stepID to each of the points, where at the beginning of each river reach (each polyline) the first point is step 1 and this increments upwards until the end of the reach. So if there were 10 points along a polyline, the first point would have a stepID value of 1 and the last point would have a stepID value of 10.
This sounds quite easy but not sure how to do it. Any help would be great.
You can construct points along the line at specific intervals using the construct points tool/function.
Click the Edit tool Edit Tool on the Editor toolbar.
Click the line feature along which you want to generate points.
Click the Editor menu and click Construct Points.
To automate the numbering, you might look into flipping the lines so all the tails point in one direction - up or downstream. Double click on a line, then right click to see the "flip" command. If you use the points set up from the method above, it might order from tail to head.
Another option is to create your own field for the stepID. Create a attribute join to the stream segment, and give each joined record a unique number. Go through your records selecting each group of ten, then sort by FID (check these are in order) then calculate value for stepID = FID - x
where x = the lowest FID in the stream segment's stepID. This thought might help you figure out how to coax the numbers out correctly.
I had this problem before and solved it this way. It is NOT a pretty solution. Would love to hear if there is a more elegant way of doing this
For clarity I'll call the pointdataset you mention the 'inputpoints'.
Step 1: getting the points in the right order
If your inputpoints are sometimes far away from the lines, first project them to your lines.
Give your lines a unique line number and join it to the closest inputpoint features
Generate points along lines: use your polylines and genarate a lot of points on them. I'll call this dataset the helperpoints. Fill in a distance that is smaller then the smallest distance between two of your inputpoints.
Make sure your polylines have the right 'direction'. You can check it by using a symbology with arrows, and if needed correct it with the flip editing tool.
Add an IDfield to your helperpoints, type float or double, and create sequential idnumbers in it (
Spatial join: the inputpoints are your target, the helperpoints the join features. Keep all the target features. You only need to join the IDfield from the helperpoints. Right click the IDfield in the field map, and make the merge rule 'Mean'. Set the Match option to 'within a distance', and make the search radius 1.5 x the distance that you used in the generate points along line step.
Use the sort tool and sort your spatial join output on the IDfield you just added, then on the lineID you you added on step one. If you have the advanced licence you can do it at once.
Step 2: Generating the StepID
Add a new field to your sort output, and call it StepID
Use the field calculator to fill it. I used this code to make the numbering restart every time there is a new line.
oldid = -1
def autoIncrement(lineid):
global rec
global oldid
pStart = 1
pInterval = 1
if rec == 0 or lineid!= oldid :
rec = pStart
rec += pInterval
oldid = lineid
return int(rec)
Expression: autoIncrement( !lineID! )
Expression type: Python
It might still mess up if you have lines very close to each other, or have weird curls on the end. But for the rest this should work!

How can I measure the length of my tissue in an image sequence automatically with ImageJ?

I have multiple sequences of images from my micropipette aspiration experiments that look somewhat comparable to this:
Now I would like to track the length of the tissue within the pipette automatically for all the different images in the sequence.
Does anyone know how this can be done?
You could probably do it with a macro: first, you manually draw a line in the middle of the channel to define the direction. Then, for each image of the movie, you try to find the edge of the pipette and the interface. To do that, you can try to use the "Process>Find Edges" function. Depending on the quality of your images, you might need several steps. Finally, you just need to find the distance between these two points.
Here is a quick-and-dirty macro which kind of gives a not-too-wrong result with the Youtube video:
run("Clear Results");
run("Duplicate...", "title=Stack-1 duplicate range=1-5");
run("Find Edges", "stack");
waitForUser("Please draw a line and click OK.");
//makeLine(402, 238, 170, 221);
//for each frame of the movie
print("max at: "+maxProfile[1] +" "+ maxProfile[0]);
print("Slice "+s+" the difference is: "+diff+" px");
I tested it on five frames from the Youtube video (available here for about 1 month, 6MB): it gives almost consistent results, but it's very approximative and could be easily improved. I think the main idea is correct.

Threshold in Sharepoint Dashboard Designer For Percentage KPI

I have got a SSAS cube, that has a KPI which has a Value as a percentage. I also have a Goal which is also the target percentage to keep the Value below.
I create the KPI fine, but when I import it into the dashboard designer and set the scoring pattern and indicator ( I used tick, exlamation mark, cross - which gives 2 thresholds). It always shows the tick even though its way over the goal.
I have set it to be that decreasing is better and the banding method is "Band by stated score", but it always shows on the scorecard as being On Target.
This is the threshold I currently have.
Is it something to do with having the goal as a percentage? Can anyone explain how Dashboard Designer thresholds work with percentages please??
Update : Seemed to get it to work by setting the thresholds against the actual values in stead.
The percentage works in terms of decimal.
0 = 0%
0.5 = 50%
1 = 100%
In your scenario, you can use -0.01, 0.8, 1, 1.01
I eventually found the answer to this for anyone who wants to know still.
I did indeed need the "Band by stated score" banding method, the thing I was missing was where does the score come from? This is not immediately obvious but it is in the "Specify the worst value" section when editing the banding settings.
This needs to be set correctly against the threshold values.

Markov decision process - how to use optimal policy formula?

I have a task, where I have to calculate optimal policy
(Reinforcement Learning - Markov decision process) in the grid world (agent movies left,right,up,down).
In left table, there are Optimal values (V*).
In right table, there is sollution (directions) which I don't know how to get by using that "Optimal policy" formula.
Y=0.9 (discount factor)
And here is formula:
So if anyone knows how to use that formula, to get solution (those arrows), please help.
Edit: there is whole problem description on this page:
Rewards: state A(column 2, row 1) is followed by a reward of +10 and transition to state A', while state B(column 4, row 1) is followed by a reward of +5 and transition to state B'.
You can move: up,down,left,right. You cannot move outside the grid or stay in same place.
Break the math down, piece by piece:
The arg max (....) is telling you to find the argument, a, which maximizes everything in the parentheses. The variables a, s, and s' are an action, a state you're in, and a state that results from that action, respectively. So the arg max (...) is telling you to find an action that maximizes that term.
You know gamma, and someone did the hard work of calculating V*(s'), which is the value of that resulting state. So you know what to plug in there, right?
So what is p(s,a,s')? That is the probability that, starting from s and doing a, you end in some s'. This is meant to represent some kind of faulty actuator-- you say "go forward!" and it foolishly decides to go left (or two squares forward, or remain still, or whatever.) For this problem, I'd expect it to be given to you, but you haven't shared it with us. And the summation over s' is telling you that when you start in s, and you pick an action a, you need to sum over all possible resulting s' states. Again, you need the details of that p(s,a,s') function to know what those are.
And last, there is r(s,a) which is the reward for doing action a in state s, regardless of where you end up. In this problem it might be slightly negative, to represent a fuel cost. If there is a series of rewards in the grid and a grab action, it might be positive. You need that, too.
So, what to do? Pick a state s, and calculate your policy for it. For each s, you're going have the possibility of (s,a1), and (s,a2), and (s,a3), etc. You have to find the a that gives you the biggest result. And of course for each pair (s,a) you may (in fact, almost certainly will) have multiple values of s' to stick in the summation.
If this sounds like a lot of work, well, that's why we have computers.
PS - Read the problem description very carefully to find out what happens if you run into a wall.