Is there the ability for SQL to take a value, use logic, and result a different value - sql

This may be a silly question, but I'm trying to essentially take a value that's in a field and IF contains "Tele" THEN result Televideo. Or it might be better: IF other than "Office" THEN result "Televideo". <--This might be easier. I know it has to be apart of my select statement, I just didn't know if I could call it out and then get the result to be different than the actual value there.
Other than select location_value from appt_data where appointment_date = '2020-12-04'...can I accomplish the above? I feel like I'd need a CASE statement and probably a =! operator. Any help is appreciated.

You want a case expression:
select t.*,
(case when location_value like 'Tele%' then 'televideo'
else 'Office'
end) as location_grouping
from t;
Or perhaps:
select t.*,
(case when location_value = 'Office' then 'Office'
else 'televideo'
end) as location_grouping
from t;


How to use Decode Function in the case where column has string values

I have a view xxabc_v (shown below), I need to update the "Code" column to Null wherever it is N/A when "Value" column sum (900+(-900)=0) becomes zero for the "field_name" values (Demand A+Demand B) for the "Date" 01-Apr-21.
How can I put the decode logic to code column in the above case?
Table structure and expected output:
You don't want decode() because a much simpler method works:
select nullif(code, 'N/A')
This returns NULL when code takes on the specified value.
If you actually want to change the data, then you want update:
update t
set code = NULL
where code = 'N/A';
I see, you have an extra condition. So, use case:
(case when code = 'N/A' and
sum(value) over (partition by id, date) = 0
then NULL
else code
I assumed that you need date wise id wise sum when to sum(). Please check this out:
select date,id,(case when sum(value)over(partition by date,id)=0 and code='N/A' then NULL
else Code end)code, field_name,value
from tablename

Operator 'is true' for type 'long' not found for oracle sql query

I am trying to run this logic, where i get output as follows,
My code to get the below output field is shown below
select max(dtm) over (partition by name ,id )-current_date from mm
what i want is to run this logic along with 'case when' statement so i tried:
case when max(dtm) over (partition by name ,id )-current_date then 'yes'
else 'No' end as output
from mm
but i get an error as follows, not sure what went wrong in this logic.
Operator 'is true' for type 'long' not found
There are two forms of CASE expression. One is referred to as simple case expression and the other is referred to as searched case expression. The SQL in your question uses the latter, i.e. searched case expression. I believe you probably need simple case expression, i.e.
select case max(dtm) over (partition by name ,id ) - current_date
when -4168 then 'Yes'
else 'No'
end as answer
from mm
case when current_date-max(dtm) over (partition by name ,id ) < 30 then 'yes'
else 'No' end as 'output'
from mm

Select with IF statement on postgresql

I have a code like that:
,COUNT(distinct tbl.project)
,if (tbl.stage like '%SIGNED%') then sum(tbl.value) else '0' end if as test
my_table tbl
group by
And it returns me that error message:
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "then"
I didn't got it. As I saw on documentation, the if statement syntax appears to be used correctly
IF is to be used in procedures, not in queries. Use a case expression instead:
,COUNT(distinct tbl.project)
,sum(case when tbl.stage like '%SIGNED%' then tbl.value else 0 end) as test
my_table tbl
group by
tbl.stage is not part of the group by, so it should most probably be enclosed within the aggregate expression, not outside of it
all values returned by a case expression need to have the same datatype. Since sum(tbl.value) is numeric, the else part of the case should return 0 (number), not '0' (string).
In Postgres, I would recommend using filter:
select tbl.person, COUNT(distinct tbl.project)
sum(tbl.value) filter (where tbl.stage like '%SIGNED%') as test
from my_table tbl
group by 1;
if is control flow logic. When working with queries, you want to learn how to think more as sets. So the idea is to filter the rows and add up the values after filtering.
if (tbl.stage like '%SIGNED%') then sum(tbl.value) else '0' end if as test
sum(case when tbl.stage like '%SIGNED%' then tbl.value end) as test

sql syntax is not working with group by clause

i am writing sql and I am stuck in the following line
select employeeid, (case paidL when'1'
when '0'
end) as 'paidLeave' from Lea order by employeeid group by 'paidLeave'
The above line if giving me error related to 'paidLeave'
Any help to improve the syntax to remove the error will be appreciated
Your case syntax is obviously wrong. But you have another error: Never use single quotes for column aliases. This is an example of an error waiting to happen.
It is best to use column and table names that do not need to be escaped. If they do, use square braces or double quotes.
The query you want should look like this:
select employeeid,
(case when paidL = '1' then 1
when paidl = '0 then 0
end) as paidLeave
from Lea
order by employeeid;
I have no idea what group by 'paidleave' is supposed to do. It is syntactically wrong on two fronts. If you want the sum, then the query would be something like:
select employeeid,
sum(case when paidL = '1' then 1
when paidl = '0 then 0
end) as paidLeave
from Lea
group by employeeid;
I think you need to study up on basic SQL syntax. There are many resources on the web and in books.
Your case syntax is all wrong, use this :
select employeeid, (case when paidL = '1'
Then 1
when paidL = '0'
Then 0
end) as paidLeave
from Lea
order by employeeid
Also, order by comes after group by!
Another thing, quote marks are used for strings, not column names. Maybe you meant ` but you don't have to do this because this is not a reserved word.
This whole query seems wrong, the group by doesn't make any sense if you have more then one employee, maybe you meant to group by emplooyeid and order by paidleave?
Maybe you meant to group by employee id and select the maximm paidLeave? in this case:
select employeeid, max((case when paidL = '1'
Then 1
when paidL = '0'
Then 0
end)) as paidLeave
from Lea
group by employeeid
order by employeeid
The CASE syntax is incorrect, it should follow the form;
WHEN <condition> THEN <result>
... (multiples of WHEN ... THEN ...)
ELSE <result>
END [Alias]
So something like;
WHEN [paidL] = '1' THEN 1
WHEN [paidL] = '0' THEN 0
END [paidLeave]
First of all, to better help you should provide the error. However, at first sight I would say your error is, you do not have included the employeeid column as part of the GROUP BY. Also I won't use a CASE statement for something you can resolve with casting. You could either CAST the paidL column to either INT or to BIT (just if values are only 0/1).
CAST([paidL] AS INT) paidL
CAST([paidL] AS BIT) paidL

How to quickly compare many strings?

In SQL Server, I have a string column that contains numbers. Each entry I need is only one number so no parsing is needed. I need some way to find all rows that contain numbers from 400 to 450. Instead of doing:
...where my stringcolumn like '%400%' or stringcolumn like '%401%' or stringcolumn like '%402%' or ...
is there a better that can save on some typing?
There are also other values in these rows such as: '5335154',', '555-555-5555'. Filtering those out will need to be taken into account.
...where stringcolumn like '4[0-4][0-9]' OR stringcolumn = '450'
You don't need the wildcard if you want to restrict to 3 digits.
Use regex to accomplish this.
...where stringcolumn like '4[0-4][0-9]' OR stringcolumn like '450'
one way
WHERE Column like '%4[0-4][09]%'
OR Column LIKE '%500%'
keep in mind that this will pick anything with the number in it, so 5000 will be returned as well
I would do the following:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
(case when charindex('4', col) > 0
then substrint(col, charindex('4', col), charindex('4', col) + 2)
end) as col4xx
from t
) t
where (case when isnumeric(col4xx) = 1
then (case when cast(col4xx as int) between 400 and 450 then 'true'
end) = 'true'
I'm not a fan of having case statements in WHERE clauses. However, to ensure conversion to a number, this is needed (or the conversion could become a column in another subquery). Note that the following is not equivalent:
where col4xx between '400' and '450'
Since the string '44A' would match.