How to add an existing form to an existing VB Project -

I am trying to add an existing form to a VB project(Ctrl-D) when I locate and copy the 3 files into the project the designer.vb form name appears with a small "VB" logo attached and the form is blank but has the correct filename/form name.
The code behind the form is correct and intact.


add new form to desktop app VB.NET VS 2019

This is my first application using VB.NET.
I am trying to add new windows form to my application. I followed the tutorials too but can't add the new form .
I am trying to add new form by right clicking in my project -> add -> Form (Windows Form). But this form does not show designer.vb code. I do not know what am I doing wrong. I just want to create a new windows form like the default form created in the project. The default form created in the project has designer.vb and resx file.
When I try to add new form via Project menu, I can't find any of the icons that resemble to the icon of the default form Form1.vb.
Please see the attached image for details.
You can do this two ways:
Add->new->new item. You see this:
Then you get this:
So, from above, you select Form (windows form)
but, since creating a new form is "common"
Then you can use what you choose:
right click, add->Forms (windows form)
that will then launch the SAME screen as above, but WITH the forms already selected - hardly saves you much effort and time - but either way, you can then type in the form name - BUT BE CAREFULL!!! - WHAT you type in, if you change the extension, you will wind up creating somthing VERY differnt.
So, ONLY edit the name part, so when I do above, and choose forms (windows form), then I get this:
But ONLY edit the text "form1" and do NOT change, or mess with the .vb that follows.
So, I can chose (set) the form name to MyCoolForm like this
So, don't put spaces in the name, and LEAVE alone the .vb part. That is also imporant.
Now, hit add,
and you should see this: adding file to existing project

Sorry to bother you with the same problem.
I use Visual Studio for my small project. I'm a newbie.
I created separate project(s) Dailycount form & LiquorCount form.
I'm trying to bring the forms from both the project (using copy and Add Existing Items in solution explorer) to a Combined Project.
But when I open the forms in Design View. I just get the Blank form. when I build the application only 1 form is generated and another one is still blank form.
Files copied are:
Trying to find the solution to this for the last 2 weeks and it's frustrating.

How can I recreate a designer.vb file?

I have a windows forms application in which one of the designer.vb files is missing and has apparently been missing for years (checked all my backups). When I right-click on the vb file in Solution Explorer and select "View Designer", nothing happens. The Windows form designer generated code is still in the vb file, and the form shows up fine when the application runs. Is there any way to recreate the designer file so I can edit the form?
Create a new Form and copy the code from the InitializeComponent method of the old form into the same method in the ".designer.vb" file of the new Form (and replace the existing code in this method.). Also copy the designer generated variable declarations.
Since InitializeComponent creates all the controls and sets all the form properties, this copies the whole design of the old form to the new form.
You will have to copy your own code (containing Load and Click methods and so on) from the old ".vb" file into the new ".vb" file as well.

Copy A form to use in the same project

I need to have 8 forms of the same format within the same project
I dont really want to specifically place all the buttons etc in each of them
Is there a way i could copy and paste the format and then change all the button names etc?
The program is a flight booking system so for different flights on the same plane type i need multiple forms
To duplicate a Windows Form, you have to do these simple steps :
1- Open the folder project in File Explorer.
2- Copy the three files, .vb, .Designer.vb, .resx of the form that you want to copy.
3- Rename the files with the name you want.
4- Open the file with a text editor for example Notepad++.
5- Modify the Class name in the .vb and .Designer.vb file.
6- Include those files in the project.
Below an example demo :
Ok you can do copy past from your form1 ,a form CopyOfForm1 shoud be created .
you change name "form2" instead of "CopyOfForm1"
Change name of class "form2" instead of "CopyOfForm1"
In CopyOfForm13Desiner.vb you must also change name of class "form2" instead of "CopyOfForm1"
Have a look at this Gif picture :

Adding same second Form2 to same project but same style as template vb net

I have made some borderless Form1 in my solution, now I want AboutBox will have same design and also I need more 2,3 Forms but same style.
If I click "add new item" or "existing" it add the main Form like default Visual Basic has :'(
How should I proceed?
In fact, all the design of the form is stored in the Form.Designer.vb! file.
You can simply copy the properties you wish to apply to the added forms and past it in their designer accordingly.
Check image below to see the designer.
Modify the form as you wish them to be.
Once done, save the changes
Open the designer and copy all the codes
Add another form.
Open its designer and paste all codes
Change the name of the form
The form will be a duplicate of the previous one and you can adapt your changes.