Picking directory in react native - react-native

Does anyone know how to select a directory in react-native using react-native-document-picker? I have been using react-native-document-picker to select files of different extensions but I haven't come across yet any functionality in it to select a directory? Please guide me on the problem.

You can use react-native-directory-picker may be help you.
A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select a directory from the device library


How to profile Android React Native projects

I'm trying to use the Android profile on a React Native project, but it seems I can't edit the configuration properly. Could you help me out?
There is no option to add as module
Besides that, I am also unsure if I have to take extra steps.
Thank you!

How to use command line tool like gif2webp in react native?

I want to convert gif to webp file in my react native app to send it to other app for further process. After trying many ways I found that this gif2webp command line can do the job and I can convert the gif to webp using cmd in windwos but do not have idea how to integrate it with react native.
If I want to use it with Java files in react native or other rn modules then how to use it? I tried with Process builder but it says could not find the gif2webp.
I searched for RN modules but could not found any.
It will be great help if you can suggest anything.
Check this out. It contains similar tools
use ffmpeg react native package. It contains libwebp which would do the job

react-native-external-display library is not supporting in expo

react-native-external-display library not supporting in expo app. facing error null is not an object (evaluating 'RNExternalDisplayEvent.SCREEN_INFO'). I would like to use a expo in the device which has two display screens so I need to display my code based on display screen.
. Please support me with your suggestions If any other library which will support my requirement. Thanks in advance.
I have not found any other library that supports an external display for React Native. Therefore using Expo may not be the best choice.
You could eject expo and then add the react-native-external-display library, which may require you to fix some errors. Alternatively you could start a new project without expo and add the library.

How can I download configs and assets on first run in my react native application?

I'm trying to build a game using react native, and I need to have a loading screen in start of application to download latest app configs and assets such as images, fonts,... . I'm wondering how can I achieve that?
is there any library that can help me?
I read about "rn-fetch-blob" and "react-native-fs", are these the only ways? I don't want to get users permission for assets which are going to be used only in my application.
if you cloud please help me with your advice.
You can use remote database like FireBase (Firestore) to handle all your configurations, Paths ... etc
You can follow this tutorial to setup FireStore in your application
Hopefully this answers your question

React native to expo migration issue with ReactLocalization module

I have an existing React-native project which I'm trying to move to expo
I have followed the steps described here to do this. I have complete all the steps in the article, yet when I start the project I run into the following error.
From my research what I understood is that, a libReactNativeLocalization.a file is missing from somewhere.
Here is the library I'm using for localization.
What am I doing wrong?
With Expo, you can't react-native-link custom native modules. You write just JavaScript (unless you eject, in which case you're in a roughly similar situation before you tried to convert to Expo).
The way you can do localization with Expo is to use these functions:
There isn't a way to use the native module you link to without ejecting unfortunately.
Good luck!