'Develop on Kubernetes stopped working since Intellij Update' - intellij-idea

This has been happening ever since I have updated Intellij (IDEA CE 2020.3) to a newer version (today). I am getting this exception from the plugin when running the Develop on Kubernetes Run Configuration that I usually use with my local Minikube instance to get all of the services in the cluster up and running, and able to Debug in debug mode.
My local Minikube instance is fine shown by the following:
(Dev) $ minikube status
type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured
I've tried checking for updates, restarting Intellij, and I am still getting the same thing. It must be something in relation to my Intellij Update but we'll have to see...
The full stack trace is:
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider: io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelProvider not a subtype
at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader.fail(ServiceLoader.java:588)
at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator.hasNextService(ServiceLoader.java:1236)
at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator.hasNext(ServiceLoader.java:1264)
at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader$2.hasNext(ServiceLoader.java:1299)
at java.base/java.util.ServiceLoader$3.hasNext(ServiceLoader.java:1384)
at io.grpc.ServiceProviders.loadAll(ServiceProviders.java:67)
at io.grpc.ServiceProviders.load(ServiceProviders.java:42)
at io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider.<clinit>(ManagedChannelProvider.java:37)
at io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(ManagedChannelBuilder.java:37)
at com.google.cloud.tools.intellij.kubernetes.skaffold.events.SkaffoldEventHandler.newManagedChannel(SkaffoldEventHandler.kt:319)
at com.google.cloud.tools.intellij.kubernetes.skaffold.events.SkaffoldEventHandler.listenEvents(SkaffoldEventHandler.kt:75)
at com.google.cloud.tools.intellij.kubernetes.skaffold.run.SkaffoldCommandLineState$startProcess$1.invokeSuspend(SkaffoldCommandLineState.kt:189)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(Dispatched.kt:241)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:594)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.access$runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:60)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:740)
I am getting the same behaviour in both DEBUG mode and RUN mode.
Environment Info
IDE type: IntelliJ
IDE version: Community Edition 2020.3
Cloud Code version: 20.10.1-202
Skaffold version: v1.14.0
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Any help, suggestions or resolutions would be really appreciated so thank you in advance! Thanks

This issue was fixed with patch release 20.12.1 that was put out shortly after the EAP release. Please try it out and if you run into any other issues feel free to post on our GitHub. – eshaul


IntelliJ IDEA - Remote Development - Backend IDE was not started successfully

I had this error today after updating my IntelliJ IDEA on Windows machine and trying to access project on my remote Ubuntu virtual machine over SSH with JetBrains Gateway.
JetBrains Client 2022.1
JetBrains Gateway 2022.1
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 (Ultimate Edition)
I've removed whole /home/user/.cache/JetBrains folder.
I've resolved my problem by checking logs:
#c.i.i.StartupUtil - JVM options: [-Djava.home=/home/user/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev-IU/...
Line 86164: 2022-04-25 09:40:57,760 [ 288] INFO - STDOUT - This
IDE build has expired. Please download a new build from JetBrains
official site
Since it was remote project on my Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine.
I've removed whole /home/user/.cache/JetBrains folder.
Next time I started my remote project from JetBrains Gateway it downloaded client and other missing files automatically on my Ubuntu machine and then everything worked.
For some reason IDE on Ubuntu side didn't get updated when opening remote project on Ubuntu.
Try switching your login shell on the server to bash.

VSCode WSL - Installing VS Code Server for x64 - FAIL

Can anyone decode the following for me?
WSL was working perfectly on C++ a few weeks back.
Switched to try to run older Python under windows (not WSL) and it seems all twisted up now.
Can't get Win10 nor WSL to run. Keeps trying and failing to update. I re-ran the WSL and updated VSCode on the windows side. I AM behind a proxy but as far as I know, I've update all the files that google searches pointed me at. Pretty frustrated and would appreciate any help there is.
Request downloadRequest failed with message: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND update.code.visualstudio.com. Will try to download on WSL side."
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.374] Setting up server environment: Looking for /home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/server-env-setup. Not found.
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.374] WSL version: 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft Ubuntu-20.04
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.374] Updating VS Code Server to version d6ee99e4c045a6716e5c653d7da8e9ae6f5a8b03
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.374] Removing previous installation...
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.674] Installing VS Code Server for x64 (d6ee99e4c045a6716e5c653d7da8e9ae6f5a8b03)
[2022-02-10 13:51:09.674] Downloading:
[2022-02-10 13:52:43.314] VS Code Server for WSL failed to start. No messages received for 90s
[2022-02-10 13:52:43.314] For help with startup problems, go to
[2022-02-10 13:52:43.314] https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/troubleshooting#_wsl-tips
[2022-02-10 13:52:43.328] WSL Daemon exited with code 0
I'm not 100% which step fixed it however I was able to proceed after.
Launching C++ project in wsl also tried to update and failed. The difference being that the install button did actually install the wsl server update w/o fail. So that error was gone.
I then launched another VSCode session with the Python project and the cmd terminal. I then had to use this help (https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9216#issuecomment-741836058) to adjust the proxy.
I could then proceed to reinstall ipykernel which is what had stopped working and was blocking me.
I'm pretty sure my environments are conflicting with each other. I'm afraid I don't understand VSCode environments well enough and very likely caused this problem for myself.

testContainers and Rancher

I have a Spring Boot application with integration tests that are using testContainers.
Till recently, I used Docker Desktop and was able to easily run the test from within Intellij or from CLI.
Recently I changed my Windows machine to Rancher desktop.
Now when trying to run the integration tests gradle integrationTest I'm getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Previous attempts to find a Docker environment failed. Will not retry. Please see logs and check configuration
at org.testcontainers.dockerclient.DockerClientProviderStrategy.getFirstValidStrategy(DockerClientProviderStrategy.java:109)
at org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory.getOrInitializeStrategy(DockerClientFactory.java:136)
at org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory.client(DockerClientFactory.java:178)
at org.testcontainers.LazyDockerClient.getDockerClient(LazyDockerClient.java:14)
at org.testcontainers.LazyDockerClient.authConfig(LazyDockerClient.java:12)
at org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer.start(GenericContainer.java:310)
Is there an additional configuration that is needed in Intellij or Rancher or Windows to make it work?
UPDATE Feb 2022: As reported here TestContainers works nicely with Rancher Desktop 1.0.1.
Based on the following two closed issues - first, second - in the testcontainers-java github, Testcontainers doesn't seem to support Rancher Desktop, at least officially.
I'm running rancher desktop version 1.0.0 on my windows mashine and could get testcontainers to work just by simple adding 'checks.disable=true' in .testcontainers.properties (located under C:\Users<your user>)
updating Rancher Desktop to version 1.0.1 fixed this issue for me
I got this error because my Rancher was using containerd. If you also use Rancher Desktop try to switch to dockerd under settings, but first back up the data you have just in case.

Intellij -Error running "python_script.py" : com/intellij/docker/remove/DockerCredentialsType

While attempting to debug a very simple python script inside Intellij the following error is intermittently occurring:
I have recently installed Intellij 2018.3 and did not even select Docker support. The program does not do any networking related activity.
Any thoughts on where this error is coming from?
It appears that Docker integration is enabled by default. I have disabled that plugin: let's see if the error above no longer appears.
Update disabling the plugin did not have an effect. Issue has been reported at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-206002

IBM Worklight Failing to start

Configuration: Eclipse (Juno) 4.2.2
IBM Worklight version:
Java version:
java version "1.7.0_71"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)
JDK: jdk1.7.0_71.jdk
Java Compiler: 1.7
My worklight studio was previously working and suddenly stops working after I had to force quit my eclipse. Even after reinstallation of the plugins, the error still recurs.
Here's a screenshot of the initial error log before 'Worklight server failed to start' and 'Failed to deploy application in the worklight server'. Any help to fix this issue will be deeply appreciated. Worklight studio issues like this is starting to get frustrating.
I uninstalled java from my mac. Reinstalled Java (JDK & JRE), new Eclipse (Juno 4.2.2) -> Then installed IBM Worklight Studio plugin. Figured it was the problem with Java as it was throwing the java exception 'unable to read the manifest'. Probably there was some issue after updating to Yosemite.
I had the same problem. You need to set correct IP for Worklight server. It doesn't work with "localhost" or "*".
It looks Java EE got corrupted somehow,
So as suggested the best approach would be to use a fresh Eclipse instance with a new plug-in installation and a new workspace as well. This way it makes sure everything is fresh and new.