Types of url arguments when linking via <a> tag in django template - django-templates

What is the difference between these linkings?:
Some Page
Some Page .
I've worked with the first one, and can't understand why we need to write like title='title' in the second one.

For the second you are passing 'title' as a string literal to the url parameter title, so this will work if your path looks like:
path('entry/<slug:title>/', some_view, name='entry')
for example. If the path looks like:
path('entry/<slug:slug>/', some_view, name='entry')
the name of the parameter is thus slug, not title. Regardless if you want to pass the value of the title variable, you should use:
Some Page
or in case the URL parameter is slug:
Some Page


Dot.NET Core Routing and Controller Processing discrepancy

I am trying to use the asp-route- to build a query string that I am using to query the database.
I am confused on how the asp-route- works because I do not know how to specifically use the route that I created in my cshtml page. For example:
If I use the old school href parameter approach, I can then, inside my controller, use the specified Query to get the parameter and query my database, like this:
If I use this href:
then, in the controller, I can use this:
The above approach works and I am able to work with the parameter. However, if I use the htmlHelper approach, such as:
<a asp-controller="Report" asp-action="Client" asp-route-id="#ulsin.ID">#ulsin.custName</a>
How do I get that ID from the Controller? The href approach does not seem to work in this case.
According to the Anchor Tag Helper documentation, if the requested route parameter (id in your case) is not found in the route, it is added as a query parameter. Therefore, the following final link will be generated: /Report/Client?id=something. Notice that the query parameter is lowercase.
When you now try to access it in the controller as HttpContext.Request.Query["ID"], since HttpContext.Request.Query is a collection, indexing it would be case-sensitive, and so "ID" will not get you the query parameter "id". Instead of trying to resolve this manually, you can use a feature of the framework known as model binding, which will allow you to automatically and case-insensitively get the value of a query parameter.
Here is an example controller action that uses model binding to get the value of the query parameter id:
// When you add the id parameter, the framework's model binding feature will automatically populate it with the value of the query parameter 'id'.
// You can then use this parameter inside the method.
public IActionResult Client(int id)

Is there a named routes and default params equivalent for Razor Pages page routes?

I have a JobPosts/Index page with multiple GET parameter bindings to allow filtering: let's take CityId and IsRemote for example. I don't want these to be passed as query string parameters, instead I want to use friendly routes for them. So I have defined these:
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "cities/{cityId}/jobs");
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "remote-jobs");
options.Conventions.AddPageRoute("/JobPosts/Index", "jobs");
The routes work just fine when I type them in the browser and the CityId one is bound properly, but two things are missing.
First, there is no way to specify a default value for my IsRemote param, which I want to set to true ONLY when using the remote-jobs URL.
And second, when trying to generate a URL like this:
<a asp-area="" asp-page="/JobPosts/Index" asp-route-cityId="#Model.CityId"></a>
I get the following URL:
When what I actually expect is:
So it looks like the tag helper or the part responsible for constructing the URL doesn't look at all at the different routes to try and get a best match based on the list of parameters. Actually, it will always use the last page route defined for that page.
Nor do I have the option anywhere to specify a route name for the page route and then use asp-route to explicitly say which route I want.
Any ideas how to achieve that? Or if it's something that's on the roadmap for Razor Pages?
EDIT: Hardcoding the href is not an option. I want this to go through the proper routing services as there are other things to be done as well, like generating culture-specific URL for non-english users (eg. {cultureId}/cities/{cityId}/jobs - this is done through route conventions. Hardcoding the href would obviously bypass that.
There is a easy way to set IsRemote default value.
public bool IsRemote { get; set; } = true;
This tag asp-page will link to Page /JobPosts/Index.csthml directly,
= https://localhost:44391/JobPosts/Index?cityId=2265885
If you are looking forward the URL https://localhost:44391/jobs?cityId=2265885
you could try this a tag to request.
Go to JobPosts
Using a middleware to handle /remote-jobs
app.Run(next => async context =>
if (context.Request.Path == "/remote-jobs")
return View with default IsRemote

In Yii, is there a way to have urlFormat => path but still pass query params with an ampersand?

Currently (in Yii 1.1.13) all createUrl methods put extra params in the 'path style', which means I cannot then override them by submitting a form, because they take precedence over those that come in a query string. Is there a way to always pass extra parameters in query string but still have the url look normal and not butt-ugly like with the get urlFormat?
You can set appendParams to false in your urlManager component configuration.

Comparing current URL with result of createURL in Yii

I need to compare the current url with a url obtained from createURL.
Keep in mind that createURL can be called like this:
array('mycontroller/mypage', 'view'=>'myviewonmypage')
and also keep in mind that this can (and will) return a URL matching the rewrite rules from Yii's config.
So, my question is: How can I check if the current URL is matching a URL create with createURL.
I have tried
but this will return only the controller and the action part, so it won't match as the view part is ignored.
You can compare using $_SERVER variable like this:
if(Yii::app()->createUrl('test/test') == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']){
echo "YES!";

Displaying parsed HTML output using Velocity

i have a velocity template...
It contains the following tag:
The "itemname" variable contains this:
<i>Some</i> <b>Example Title</b>
The source of the outputted page has this:
<b>Example Title</b>
So, the user sees the actual HTML tags:
<i>Some</i> <b>Example Title</b>
What I want them to see is:
Some Example Title
Where am I going wrong?
If I see right from your snippets, the problem is not with the velocity template, but with the mime type encoding of the HTTP Response your user is receiving. It should be "text/html", but I suspect it's something else, and so, the browser is showing the tags instead of "rendering" them to what they represent.
Of course, I don't know what your #field() macro does, so the problem might be something else, e.g. that macro might generate a wrapping PRE tag or a Text Area, and this might be the cause you why the those B and I tags are displayed as they are instead of being rendered.