Right-left CP comparison in SELECT? - abap

I have a table has a column "A" which has values contains "*". I want to search a word which like column A.
Table1 Example;
index ColumnA
1 New*
2 *york
3 Cat*
4 *ew*
#search = "Newyork"
I want to create a select statement search "Newyork" in column A. So the search will return to me index 1,2 and 4.
CP is useless because I want to search opposite direction.
data: lf_search(10) value 'Newyork'.
select * from Table1 where ColumnA CP lf_search.
Is there any way to select table has pattern value in its column?
Many thanks.

There is no direct way to do this.
I would approach this way:
first to get all the table content
then compare one by one and delete
SELECT ColumnA " Avoid SELECT *
FROM table1
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_table1). " Add a where clausule if possible to avoid getting all the table
LOOP AT lt_table1 INTO DATA(wa_table1).
IF lf_search NP wa_table1-ColumnA. " NP = NOT (... CP ...)
DELETE lt_table1 INDEX sy-tabix.
If you really need to make this process thru database. I think there is a possibility, very unusual. First create a table by copying the table1 (let's call it table1_bis).
* Delete entire table1_bis db tab
DELETE FROM table1_bis.
* Insert the search item in the table
DATA(wa_table1_bis) = VALUE table1_bis( ColumnA = lf_search ).
INSERT table1_bis FROM wa_table1_bis.
SELECT a~ColumnA
FROM table1 AS a
INNER JOIN table1_bis AS b
ON b~Column1 CP a~Column1
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_table1).
(this is a guess... please check, I'm not truly sure this works as is)

You can also loop the DB table, which is just another flavor of what #cape_bsas suggested:
DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF table1-ColumnA.
SELECT ColumnA, 'Newyork' AS pattern
FROM table1
INTO #DATA(line).
CHECK line-pattern CP line-ColumnA.
APPEND line-ColumnA TO itab.


I need to create a VIEW from an existing TABLE and MAP an additional COLUMN to that VIEW

I am fairly new to SQL. What I am trying to do is create a view from an existing table. I also need to add a new column to the view which maps to the values of an existing column in the table.
So within the view, if the value in a field for Col_1 = A, then the value in the corresponding row for New_Col = C etc
Does this even make sense? Would I use the CASE clause? Is mapping in this way even possible?
The best way to do this is to create a mapping or lookup table
For example consider the following LOOKUP table.
---- -----
Then you can have a query like this:
This is what DimaSUN is doing in his query too -- but in his case he is creating the table dynamically in the body of the query.
Also note, I'm using a JOIN (which is an inner join) so only results in the lookup table will be returned. This could filter the results. A LEFT JOIN there would return all data from A but some of the new columns might be null.
Generally, a view is an instance of a table/a replica provided that there is no alteration to the original table. So, as per your query you can manipulate the data and columns in a view by using case.
Create View viewname as
Select *,
case when column=a.value then 'C'
FROM ( Select * from table) a
If You have restricted list of replaced values You may hardcode that list in query
select T.*,map.New_Col
from ExistingTable T
left join (
) map (Col_1,New_Col) on map.Col_1 = T.Col_1
In this sample You hardcode 'A' -> 'C' and 'B' -> 'D'
In general case You better may to use additional table ( see Hogan answer )

SQL: How to update an empty column with pre-defined set of values

I have a table with, let's say, 100 records. The table has two columns. The first column (A) has unique values. The second column (B) has NULL values
For 4 elements from column A I'd like to associate some earlier defined values, and they are unique as well.
I don't care about which value from column B will be associated with the value from column A. I'd like to associate 4 unique values with another 4 unique values. Basically, like I'd cut and paste a block of values from one column to another in excel.
How can I do it without using cursors?
I'd like to use one Update statement for ALL rows instead one Update statement for EVERY row as I do now.
Try this:
SET ColumnB = BValue
FROM Table t
SELECT 1 AValue, 'Mouse' BValue UNION
SELECT 4, 'Wolf'
) PreDefined ON(t.ColumnA = PreDefined.AValue)
Use any number you want in the 'PreDefined' table, as long as they are unique and within the range of values in columnA of your original table.
If you are only trying to fill a table for testing purposes, I guess you could:
A) Use the value from Column A itself (as it is already unique).
B) If they are to be different, use some function on the column A's value to obtain a column B value (something simple, like (ColumnA * 10), and this would give youA)
C) Create a temp table with a "dictionary" setting a B value for each possible A value, and then update the rows desired on your table looking up from values on this dictionary table.
Anyway, if you explain a little further your purpose it will be easier to try suggesting you a solution.
if your animal data is already in a database table, then you can use a single update statement like this:
update target_table t4
set columnb = (
select animal_name
from (select columna, animal_name
from (select rownum rowNumber, animal_name from animal_table) t1
join (select rownum rowNumber, columna from target_table t1 where columnb is null) t2
on t1.rowNumber = t2.rowNumber
) t3
where t4.columna = t3.columna
this works by selecting a sequence number and animal name from the source table, then selecting a sequence number and columna value from your target table. by joining those records on the sequence number you guarantee you get exactly 1 animal name for each columna value. you can then join those columna-to-animal records to your target table to do an update of columnb.
for more background on updating one table from values in another, you might consider the solutions presented here: Update rows in one table with data from another table based on one column in each being equal. the only difference is that in your example, you do not have any column that matches between your target table and your animal names table, so you need to use the rownum to create an arbitrary 1-to-1 matching of records.
if your unique options are in a text file or spreadsheet, then you can format them into a fixed-width space-padded string and pick the one you want using the rownum index like so:
update table_name
set columnb = trim(substr('mouse cat dog wolf ', rownum*6-6, 6))
where columnb is null;

Compare comma separated list with individual row in table

I have to compare comma separated values with a column in the table and find out which values are not in database. [kind of master data validation]. Please have a look at the sample data below:
table data in database:
id name
1 abc
2 def
3 ghi
SQL part :
Here i am getting comma separated list like ('abc','def','ghi','xyz').
now xyz is invalid value, so i want to take that value and return it as output saying "invalid value".
It is possible if i split those value, take it in temp table, loop through each value and compare one by one.
but is there any other optimal way to do this ??
I'm sure if I got the question right, however, I would personally be trying to get to something like this:
ELSE "invalid value"
data AS D
INNER JOIN badNames B ON b.Name = d.Name
--as SQL is case insensitive, equal sign should work
There is one table with bad names or invalid values if You prefer. This can a temporary table as well - depending on usage (a black-listed words should be a table, ad hoc invalid values provided by a service should be temp table, etc.).
NOTE: The select above can be nested in a view, so the data remain as they were, yet you gain the correctness information. Otherwise I would create a cursor inside a function that would go through the select like the one above and alter the original data, if that is the goal...
It sounds like you just need a NOT EXISTS / LEFT JOIN, as in:
SELECT tmp.InvalidValue
FROM dbo.HopeThisIsNotAWhileBasedSplit(#CSVlist) tmp
FROM dbo.Table tbl
WHERE tbl.Field = tmp.InvalidValue
Of course, depending on the size of the CSV list coming in, the number of rows in the table you are checking, and the style of splitter you are using, it might be better to dump the CSV to a temp table first (as you mentioned doing in the question).
Try following query:
SELECT SplitedValues.name,
CASE WHEN YourTable.Id IS NULL THEN 'invalid value' ELSE NULL END AS Result
FROM SplitedValues
LEFT JOIN yourTable ON SplitedValues.name = YourTable.name

access sql appending column

I have a table that I need to Update by adding a new field.. I can alter the table and update each row . but is there a way of appending the result of a query to the table? ( I know that the result will have the same number of rows)
EDIT: So let me make it clear
I have
table1 | col1,col2
I generate another single column table
table2 | col1
I want
table3 | table1.col1,table1.col2,table2.col1
By the way table1 & table2 have no common fields so I cant join them meaningfully.
I think so. I haven't tested this, but what I can find it seems that you can use a SubQuery to do something along the lines of
UPDATE Table1 SET Column1 = Column1 & (SELECT Column2 FROM Table2 WHERE xxxx)

Matching two columns in MySQL

I'm quite new to SQL and have a question about matching names from two columns located within a table:
Let's say I want to use the soundex() function to match two columsn. If I use this query:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE SOUNDEX(column1)=SOUNDEX(column2);
a row is returned if the two names within that row match. Now I'd also like to get those name matches between column1 and column2 that aren't in the same row. Is there a way to automate a procedure whereby every name from column1 is compared to every name from column2?
Thanks :)
p.s.: If anyone could point me in the direction of a n-gram/bi-gram matching algorithm that is easy for a noob to implement into mysql that would be good as well.
If your table has a key, say id, you can try:
select A.column1, B.column2
from tablename as A, tablename as B
where (A.id != B.id) and (SOUNDEX(A.column1) = SOUNDEX(B.column2))
You can join the table to itself on that relationship as such:
SELECT * FROM tablename t1 JOIN tablename t2
ON SOUNDEX(t1.column1) = SOUNDEX(t2.column2);