Select rows where column value is a combination of numbers and letters - pandas

Having a dataset like this:
0 TBH46T
2 5AAH
4 AAB1
5 5556
Which would be the most efficient way to select the rows where column word is a combination of numbers and letters?
The output would be like this:
0 TBH46T
2 5AAH
4 AAB1
A possible solution would be to create a new column using apply and regex in which store if column word has the desired structure. But I'm curious about if this could be achieved in a more straightforward way.

Use Series.str.contains for chain mask for match numeric and for match non numeric with & for bitwise AND:
df = df[df['word'].str.contains('\d') & df['word'].str.contains('\D')]
print (df)
0 TBH46T
2 5AAH
4 AAB1


Single cell string to list to multiple rows

I have a pandas data frame,
Currently the list column is a string, I want to delimit this by spaces and replicate rows for each primary key would be associated with each item in the list. Can you please advise me on how I can achieve this?
I need to copy down the value column after splitting and stacking the list column
If your data frame is df you can do:
df.List.str.split(' ').apply(pd.Series).stack()
and you will get
Primary Key
0 0 a
1 b
2 c
1 0 d
1 e
2 f
dtype: object
You are splitting the variable List on spaces, turning the resulting list into a series, and then stacking it to turn it into long format, indexed on the primary key, along with a sequence for each item obtained from the split.
My version:
0 a
0 b
0 c
1 d
1 e
1 f
With regards to the Edit of the question, the following tweak will give you want you need I think:
df['List'] = df['List'].str.split()
Here is a solution.
df = df.assign(**{'list':df['list'].str.split()}).explode('list')
df['cc'] = df.groupby(level=0)['list'].cumcount()

Need a way to split string pandas to colums with numbers

hi i have string in one column :
s='123. 125. 200.'
i want to split it to 3 columns(or as many numbers i have ends with .)
To separate columns and that it will be number not string !, in every column .
From what I understand, you can use:
s='123. 125. 200.'
0 1 2
0 123 125 200

Split column in hive

I am new to Hive and Hadoop framework. I am trying to write a hive query to split the column delimited by a pipe '|' character. Then I want to group up the 2 adjacent values and separate them into separate rows.
Example, I have a table
id mapper
1 a|0.1|b|0.2
2 c|0.2|d|0.3|e|0.6
3 f|0.6
I am able to split the column by using split(mapper, "\\|") which gives me the array
id mapper
1 [a,0.1,b,0.2]
2 [c,0.2,d,0.3,e,0.6]
3 [f,0.6]
Now I tried to to use the lateral view to split the mapper array into separate rows, but it will separate all the values, where as I want to separate by group.
id mapper
1 [a,0.1]
1 [b,0.2]
2 [c,0.2]
2 [d,0.3]
2 [e,0.6]
3 [f,0.6]
id mapper
1 a
1 0.1
1 b
1 0.2
etc .......
How can I achieve this?
I would suggest you to split your pairs split(mapper, '(?<=\\d)\\|(?=\\w)'), e.g.
split('c|0.2|d|0.3|e|0.6', '(?<=\\d)\\|(?=\\w)')
results in
then explode the resulting array and split by |.
If you have digits as well and your float numbers have only one digit after decimal marker then the regex should be extended to split(mapper, '(?<=\\.\\d)\\|(?=\\w|\\d)').
Update 2:
OK, the best way is to split on the second | as follows
split(mapper, '(?<!\\G[^\\|]+)\\|')
split('6193439|0.0444035224643987|6186654|0.0444035224643987', '(?<!\\G[^\\|]+)\\|')
results in

Extracting a word from string from n rows and append that word as a new col in SQL Server

I have got a data set that contains 3 columns and has 15565 observations. one of the columns has got several words in the same row.
What I am looking to do is to extract a particular word from each row and append it to a new column (i will have 4 cols in total)
The problem is that the word that i am looking for are not the same and they are not always on the same position.
Here is an extract of my DS:
x y z
1 T 3C00652722 (T558799A)
2 T NA >> MSP: T0578836A & 3C03024632
3 T T0579010A, 3C03051500, EAET03051496
4 U T0023231A > MSP: T0577506A & 3C02808556
8 U (T561041A C72/59460)>POPMigr.T576447A,C72/221816*3C00721502
I am looking to extract all the words that start with 3Cand are 10 characters long and then append the to a new col so it looks like this:
x y z Ref
1 T 3C00652722 (T558799A) 3C00652722
2 T NA >> MSP: T0578836A & 3C03024632 3C03024632
3 T T0579010A, 3C03051500, EAET03051496 3C03051500
4 U T0023231A > MSP: T0577506A & 3C02808556 3C02808556
8 U >POPMigr.T576447A,C72/221816*3C00721502 3C00721502
I have tried using the Contains, Like and substring methods but it does not give me the results i am looking for as it basically finds the rows that have the 3C number but does not extract it, it just copies the whole cell and pastes is on the Ref column.
SQL Server doesn't have good string functions, but this should suffice if you only want to extract one value per row:
select t.*,
patindex('%3C[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', col),
), 10)
from t ;

change value (string manipulation) in Pandas DataFrame

I am reading a CSV file to Pandas DataFrame but need to be cleaned up before can be used. I need to do two things:
use regex to filter values
apply string functions such as trim, left, right, ...
For instance, DataFrame may looks like:
0 city_some_string_45
1 city_Other_string_56
2 city_another_string_77
so I need to filter (using regex) for all rows that its value start with "city" and get last two character.
the end result should looks like:
0 45
1 56
2 77
In another word, logic I want to apply is: read value of cell and if starts with city (filtering with regex ie: ^city) and replace the value of cell with its two last character of the cell (eg using right string function)
For a dataframe like this:
No city
0 0 city_some_string_45
1 1 city_Other_string_56
2 2 city_another_string_77
Filter the dataframe to keep the rows with city column starting with city
df = df['city')]
You can use str.extract to extract only the number
df['city'] ='(\d+)').astype(int)
The resulting df
No city
0 0 45
1 1 56
2 2 77