How to get the sum of all values? - google-bigquery

select * from
(select * except(rn) from (select sistema_productivo, cod_mpio, periodo,
has_sembrada,has_sembrada_und, id_cultivo,anio, row_number() over(partition by cod_mpio order by
anio desc) rn from TABLENAME where SUBSTR(cod_mpio,1,2) in("23") and sistema_productivo in("ARROZ
SECANO MANUAL", "MAIZ TECNIFICADO") and periodo in("B")) t where rn = 1 and anio =(select max(anio)
as date_max, from (select * except(rn) from (select sistema_productivo, cod_mpio, periodo,
has_sembrada,has_sembrada_und, id_cultivo,anio, row_number() over(partition by cod_mpio order by
anio desc) rn from TABLENAME where SUBSTR(cod_mpio,1,2) in("23") and sistema_productivo in("ARROZ
SECANO MANUAL") and periodo in("B")) t where rn = 1))
This query returned
How Can I to get the total sum of has_sembrada from "MAIZ TECNIFICADO" and "ARROZ SECANO MANUAL"

select sistema_productivo, sum(has_sembrada) as total from
group by sistema_productivo


how to update all rows except first?

I have this sql query :
update CCUSTOMERINFO set VALIDTO=sysdate where (
select * from (
select row_number() over (order by created desc) rn, customer_id, CCUSTOMERINFO.VALIDTO
where customer_id=100309772 order by created DESC) where rn > 1);
But it say it have some mistake.
This query returns all i want to update :
select * from (
select row_number() over (order by created desc) rn, customer_id, CCUSTOMERINFO.VALIDTO
where customer_id=100309772 order by created DESC) where rn > 1)
Any suggestion how can i do that?
Use it like the below
update CCUSTOMERINFO set VALIDTO=sysdate where rowid in (
select row_id from (
select row_number() over (order by created desc) rn, customer_id, rowid row_id,
where customer_id=100309772 order by created DESC) where rn > 1);

SQL select row with max value or distinct value and sum all

I have the following data that is returned to me. I need to get a distinct or max sum of all the commission by taxid for a single repnbr. The 'qtrlycommrep' column is the value I'm trying to get to, but not able to. For repnbr c590, I need to get the 854.66 commission amount, which is the max for each taxid.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here's what I've tried so far. Using the Row_number
select distinct
, (sub.QtrLYComm) as qtrlycommrep
from (
select distinct repnbr, QtrLYComm
, rn = row_number() over(partition by repnbr order by QtrLYComm desc)
from #qtrly
) sub
where sub.rn = 1
Cross Apply
select distinct
, x.QtrLYComm as qtrlycommrep
from #qtrly
cross apply (
select top 1
from #qtrly as i
where i.repnbr = Repnbr
order by i.qtrlycomm desc
) as x;
inner join
#qtrly.repnbr, #qtrly.qtrlycomm as qtrlycommrep
from #qtrly
inner join (
select maxvalue = max(qtrlycomm), repnbr
from #qtrly
group by repnbr
) as m
on #qtrly.repnbr = m.repnbr
and #qtrly.qtrlycomm = m.maxvalue;
order by row_number
select top 1 with ties
#qtrly.repnbr, #qtrly.qtrlycomm as qtrlycommrep
from #qtrly
order by
row_number() over(partition by repnbr
order by qtrlycomm desc)
You want one value per tax id. You need to include that. For instance:
select q.Repnbr, sum(q.QtrLYComm) as qtrlycommrep
from (select q.*,
row_number() over(partition by repnbr, taxid order by QtrLYComm desc) as seqnum
from #qtrly q
) q
where seqnum = 1
group by q.Repnbr;
However, I would be inclined to use two levels of aggregation:
select q.Repnbr, sum(q.QtrLYComm) as qtrlycommrep
from (select distinct repnbr, taxid, QtrLYComm
from #qtrly q
) q
group by q.Repnbr;

Select Random Values for Grouped Dataset

I'm no whizz at SQL. However I'm using the following query:
select count(*) as countis, avclassfamily
from malwarehashesandstrings
where behaviouralbinary IS true and
avclassfamily != 'SINGLETON'
group by avclassfamily
ORDER BY countis desc
I would like to select 3 random hashes from the malwarehashsha256 column grouped by the avclassfamily column.
The following query works, question over:
select count(*) as countis,avclassfamily from malwarehashesandstrings where behaviouralbinary IS true and avclassfamily != 'SINGLETON' group by avclassfamily ORDER BY countis desc LIMIT 50;
virustotal=# select m.avclassfamily, m.cnt,
from (select malwarehashesandstrings.*,
count(*) over (partition by avclassfamily) as cnt,
row_number() over (partition by avclassfamily order by random()) as seqnum
from malwarehashesandstrings
where behaviouralbinary and
avclassfamily <> 'SINGLETON'
) as m
where seqnum <= 3
group by m.avclassfamily, m.cnt ORDER BY m.cnt DESC LIMIT 50;
If I understand correctly, you can use row_number():
select m.*
from (select m.*,
row_number() over (partition by m.avclassfamily order by random()) as seqnum
from malwarehashesandstrings m
where m.behaviouralbinary and
m.avclassfamily <> 'SINGLETON'
) m
where seqnum <= 3;
If you want this in a column in your existing query, one method is:
select m.avgclassfamily, m.cnt,
from (select m.*,
count(*) over (partition by m.avgclassfamily) as cnt,
row_number() over (partition by m.avclassfamily order by random()) as seqnum
from malwarehashesandstrings m
where m.behaviouralbinary and
m.avclassfamily <> 'SINGLETON'
) m
where seqnum <= 3
group by m.avgclassfamily, m.cnt;

Select only 20 rows of every distinct name

I have a table in which I have over 1000+ rows, in which there is a column "AnaId", values of this column are repeated many times like name 003912 is repeated 85 times, name 003156 in repeated 70 time, I want to select maximum 20 rows of every distinct AnaID. I have no idea how to do it.
SELECT dbo.Analysis.AnaId, Analysis.CasNo, MoleculeId,
SUM(dbo.AnalysisSummary.Area) as TotalArea
FROM dbo.Analysis LEFT JOIN dbo.AnalysisSummary
ON dbo.AnalysisSummary.AnaId = dbo.Analysis.AnaId
WHERE dbo.Analysis.Sample like '%Oil%'
GROUP BY dbo.Analysis.AnaId,Analysis.CasNo, MoleculeId ORDER BY
TotalArea DESC
You can use row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by name order by name) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 20;
With the edits to your question, you can do:
with t as (
<your query here without order by>
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by name order by name) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 20;
If you have another table of names, you can also use cross apply:
select t.*
from names n cross apply
(select top 20 t.*
from t
where =
) t;
Using Rank()
select t.*
from (select t.*, rank() over (partition by name order by name) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 20;
Using Dense_Rank()
select t.*
from (select t.*, Dense_Rank() over (partition by name order by name) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 20;
Using Row_Number
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by name order by name) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum <= 20;
This will help uunderstand usage of each Special Functions
Base Code Credits:-#gordon

Select max and min values at the same SQL query

I have a SQL table with the columns: ID, ADate, XValue and Type. For each "Type" value, I'd like to retrieve the most recent row (per ADate), the least recent row (per ADate) and also the row containing the highest "XValue" value.
Is it possible to be performed through a single SQL query? I've tried a few times with no success.
Using row_number() you could do something like this:
select ID, ADate, XValue and Type
from (
select *
, min_adate = row_number() over (partition by type order by adate asc)
, max_adate = row_number() over (partition by type order by adate desc)
, max_xvalue = row_number() over (partition by type order by xvalue desc)
from t
) as sub
where 1 in (min_adate,max_adate,max_xvalue)
/* --also could be written as
where min_adate = 1
or max_adate = 1
or max_xvalue = 1
Using a common table expression may make it more readable.
;with cte as (
select *
, min_adate = row_number() over (partition by type order by adate asc)
, max_adate = row_number() over (partition by type order by adate desc)
, max_xvalue = row_number() over (partition by type order by xvalue desc)
from t
select ID, ADate, XValue and Type
from cte
where 1 in (min_adate,max_adate,max_xvalue)
select ID, ADate, XValue,[Type]
from (
select *
,row_number() over (partition by type order by adate asc) AS DateSeq
,row_number() over (partition by type) AS TypeCount
,row_number() over (partition by type order by xvalue desc) AS ValueSeq
from t
) as tt
where tt.DateSeq=1 OR tt.DateSeq=tt.TypeCount OR tt.ValueSeq=1
One method uses row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by type order by aDate desc) as seqnum_adate_desc,
row_number() over (partition by type order by aDate asc) as seqnum_adate_asc,
row_number() over (partition by type order by XValue desc) as seqnum_xvalue_desc
from t
) t
where 1 in (seqnum_adate_desc, seqnum_adate_asc, seqnum_xvalue_desc);