What is the syntax to finish off this /execute gamemode command? It's exactly like the Status Effect command that works - minecraft

I can give a player a status effect when they enter a certain area and remove it when they leave no problem, but when I try to do the same thing with the game mode, nothing happens. In my mind these are the same thing. I can get the game mode to change for everyone or one person when I flip a switch, but not in a certain area. See below. I’m running Forge for 1.16.4 and putting these commands in Repeating Command Blocks buried in the ground, in the area they affect.
Why does this NOT work:
execute if entity #p[x=94,y=50,z=85,dx=26,dy=33,dz=27] run gamemode adventure #p
When this does?
execute if entity #p[x=10020,y=80,z=10142,dx=30,dy=20,dz=43] run effect give #p minecraft:jump_boost 1 10 true
So much for minecraft’s “autofill guided prompts” which says it’s valid in like 10 different iterations, but then it just doesn’t do anything. It prompted me to put the #p at the end but I don't know why it's there and it won't let me add any target selector arguments to it, which makes me feel it's superfluous. I've tried adding:
as #p
at #p
to the front, and back, and still nothing. What am I missing or putting too much of?

I have been testing that command and works perfectly fine. There is only one problem, the area of effect is inverted for the destination cords (I don't really know why). Try inverting destination cords, like this:
execute if entity #p[x=94,y=50,z=85,dx=-26,dy=33,dz=-27] run gamemode adventure #p


Variable increasing by 3 instead of 1

In Scratch I have a variable that is supposed to change by one every time a broadcast is recieved, however in testing it changes by three per broadcast and I can't find why. The button used to send the broadcast has 3 clones of it but each have a different function and sending the broadcast depends on the "button selected" variable being set to "fight" so don't think that would effect the outcome.
I looked through all my code and it's not duplicated, theres nothing else changing the variable, and the broadcast is only being sent once at a time. It even works perfectly fine if I click the blocks to run them myself, but when it does it as the function in-game it changes it by three and I can't understand why.
The code for changing the variable is:
When I recieve "attack"
Change "attacktimes" by 1
The code for sending the broadcast is this:
When key "z" pressed
if "enemy turn" = "0"
if "button type" = "fight"
broadcast "fight"
Does anybody know a solution?
Also here is the shared project, it is incomplete though.
My project
Steps for recreating the bug are listed in the instructions
Broadcasts are a powerful mechanism, but they can be hard to control,
especially in a project that uses clones.
I looked through all my code and it's not duplicated
That's irrelevant. It's all in the name: broadcasts go everywhere.
What may seem like a single action when looking at the (static) code, may explode in all directions at runtime.
In general, be very careful when cloning a sprite that has a 'when I receive' message handler.
The message handler will be triggered for every clone, as well as the original sprite.
In your case, sprite 'Error404 Sans' has two clones. Together with the original sprite, that's a total of three objects.
When message 'Attack' comes in, the 'when I receive Attack' script will be executed for each of the three objects.
Since variable 'AttackTimes' is a global variable, it will be incremented three times.
So how to fix this? In this case, the easiest way is to move the whole 'when I receive Attack' script to the stage, to a dummy sprite or any other sprite that is not cloned.
It's cute to have a Sans sprite made up of three parts, giving him that 'breathing' look.
But that is already a big responsibility for a sprite; better implement the 'attacking' part elsewhere.
Otherwise, you'll find yourself being attacked independently by Sans's head, torso and legs.
A more clumsy solution would be use an 'if-then' block to ensure only one specific clone will proceed with the attack.
For the 'if' condition, you will need a 'for this sprite only' variable or anything else that is clone-specific (e.g. position, costume name).

Why is the value of variable different when using CCLog and using print in debug mode?

The strengthbar in my game doesn't work well after playing at least once of the level. So I wrote a method using CCLog to log out some variables and call this method in update: method. And I also set a breakpoint, when this problem appears it gets into debug mode of Xcode, then I use print to check the variables. However it appears that the values are different between using CCLog and using print command. Here's a screenshot that explains everything.
Here is my screenshot:
Does it have something to do with Multithreads(which I know nothing about)? I've checked the declaration of each logged variables, to make sure they're not declared several times using the same name.
OK, problem is solved.
When I wrote some delegate I used "Strong" which causes some retain cycles. Now I changed them all to Weak, and also changed the deployment settings to iOS 5 (or above).
The reason that the values of the variable are different is because in CCLog, the value belongs to the new scene, however there're more than one scene at the same time receiving my touches because of the retain cycles. Nothing wrong about XCode or Cocos2d, or CCBReader :-p
Hope this answer would help others. And many thanks to #Cy-4AH.
Because it was changed after it was printed. In the breakpoint you are lookng at new value.

Objective-C: Trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView

I am working on trying to make a splitview based application. I am trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView example code
I have never really used example code like this (I usually just atart from scratch). All i did was copy the code into the correct classes of my app, but when I try to run it on the simulator the app doesn't open.
I feel like I am maybe forgetting something obvious, since I didn't code it myself.
The usual debugging technique applies. Put a breakpoint somewhere early in the program -- the first line of main() for instance, and debug from there. Do you hit the breakpoint? If yes, move forward through the code until you find the line that causes the problem. If no, try to back up even further if you can, and also look for any clues as to what's going wrong. If the app is running at all, there should be some sort of error message in the console output.
"...the app doesn't open" doesn't tell us nearly enough to help you. Something like "the app delegate is instantiated, but it's window and splitViewController properties are nil" goes much further toward getting to the root of the problem.

GLKBaseEffect prepareToDraw GL ERROR: 0x0501

So ive been doing some iphone development with some OpenglES in it, but i am getting a rather weird error when i call prepareToDraw on my effect. My program in short simulates dice rolling (trying to learn objective-c and opengl). The program works fine for the most part, i can use everything ive programmed my app to do (with its bugs in the physics but ill fix that later). The problem comes in after ive used the part that contains the OpenGL.
The program contains 2 menu's you have to go through in order to reach the screen that is using OpenGL, once you have used the apps OpenGL part and go back to the previous menu, then try go back to the OpenGL part again, i get a print out saying GL ERROR: 0x0501. ive narrowed it down to be caused by the prepareToDraw method from my effect. The other weird part about it, is if i go back, then forward again, the OpenGL works again, and can be repeated again and again for it to be working and breaking every second time you go into the OpenGL part.
I've been searching around for similar problems to mine, but each time its got something to do with loading textures that are not a power-of-two texture, which doesnt help me because im not even using textures yet, just colored vertices.
ive pastebin'd my two code files where the problem should lie
Dice.m: http://pastebin.com/ze1DEEzs
in the draw method you'll see my printouts have narrowed down where the problem lies, which is the prepareToDraw method. (line 308)
RollViewController.m: http://pastebin.com/VycwAh3R
this file is where i setup the effect and the context etc, so i must be doing something wrong in here to cause the prepareToDraw method to mess up every 2nd time i run the OpenGL part of the program. i have a feeling it has something to do with not letting go some kind of resource to do with the context and the effect, but i cant find anything about deleting context and effect (probably because you dont need to but im not sure).
I hope there is someone out there that has run into the same problem and can answer my question and i hope its not just a silly mistake because ive been trying to solve this for a while now :)
After much pain and suffering i finally found a fix to the problem. Im not exactly sure why this is a problem, but creating the context within the OpenGL part (aka RollViewController.m) is not the way to do it. Instead you should create it once throughout the lifetime of your program and just set your current context for your glkview to be the context you have made. Maybe someone can enlighten me why recreating the context is a bad idea.
In my code i have a profile object that gets passed around between views and menu's so that they can all communicate with the same data, so i just defined a public context within my profile object so that everything can get access to the context instead of creating their own (and breaking).
The error seems general and might be because of different issues. I avoided it(for now) by not using mipmaps. I commented the following code I had and don't have the error anymore.

Problem with QSqlTableModel -- no automatic updates

After setting up a table model in Qt 4.4 like this:
QSqlTableModel *sqlmodel = new QSqlTableModel();
the content is displayed properly, but editing is not possible, error:
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
I can confirm that the bug exists exactly as you report it, in Qt 4.5.1, AND that the documentation, e.g. here, still gives a wrong example (i.e. one including the removeColumn call).
As a work-around I've tried to write a slot connected to the beforeUpdate signal, with the idea of checking what's wrong with the QSqlRecord that's about to be updated in the DB and possibly fixing it, but I can't get that to work -- any calls to methods of that record parameter are crashing my toy-app with a BusError.
So I've given up on that idea and switched to what's no doubt the right way to do it (visibility should be determined by the view, not by the model, right?-): lose the removeColumn and in lieu of it call tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true) instead. This way the IDs are hidden and everything works.
So I think we can confirm there's a documentation error and open an issue about it in the Qt tracker, so it can be fixed in the next round of docs, right?
It seems that the cause of this was in line
After commenting it out, everything work perfectly.
Thus, I'll have to find another way not to show ID's in the table ;-)
I've said "it seems", because in the example from "Foundations of Qt development" Johan Thelin also removed the first column. So, it would be nice if someone else also tries this and reports results.
I use Qt 4.6.1 in PyQt and the problem is still here. Removing "removeColumn(0)" solves the issue.