Unable to get Prestashop Bitnami Stack 1.7 working on Windows - prestashop

I am fairly new to Bitnami and Prestashop and having issues getting it running
installed Oracle Virtual Box
Imported the Prestashop 1.7 bitnami file as a new VM only changing the RAM to 2GB ( I did this part a few times )
I made no changes to the network - but I noticed that when I logged in the VM didn't have access to the internet ( does it need to? )
So - everything seemed ok, but when I went to the IP address suggested on the screen of the VM - I got a 500 error. So I put prestashop in dev mode ( edited the config file ) then I got the following error:
// No shop found ... too bad, let's redirect to default shop
$default_shop = new Shop(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'));
// Hmm there is something really bad in your Prestashop !
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($default_shop)) {
throw new PrestaShopException('Shop not found');
$params = $_GET;
$url = $default_shop->domain;
With the line: throw new PrestaShopException('Shop not found'); in Red.
I am not sure why it doesn't just run or how to fix this.

Do you have this file classes/shop/Shop.php? maybe this link can help you if you didn't have the file https://www.prestatoolbox.com/content/33-shop-not-found-at-line-404-in-file-classes-shop-shop-php
Are you upgrade Prestashop or is it a fresh install?
If you upgrade the application check the theme is update right.
You can check the apache log (/opt/bitnami/apache2/logs/error_log) if are anything about this error.


Laravel in Shared Hosting

I am trying to install a Laravel application in Shared Hosting following this tutorial where my server's PHP version is 7.1.17 and my Laravel version is 5.6.15.
When I am trying to browse my application using Chrome I can see only a White page, even no error is there.
I tried to debug the application and found that below code of index.php is not working.
$response = $kernel->handle(
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
What is the solution of this issue?
If there is no error_log or your error log are empty
Check if it's a php version is a latest 7.1 or higher
Make sure YOUR_PATH_DIR are correct
$app = require_once DIR.'/YOUR_PATH_DIR/bootstrap/app.php';
require DIR.'/YOUR_PATH_DIR/vendor/autoload.php';

Moving a PrestaShop website

I have moved my website built using PrestaShop to a new Hosting provider. And now I can access the admin backend and the site looks correct (all the products and pricing and images are loading).
However I am not able to edit the products in the backend, nor any of the carrier or other options. What could be causing this problem?
These are the steps I followed when moving my PrestaShop website:
Created new database
Imported backup database
Edited config file with new DB name, username and password
This is my website: http://wow-maternity-sa.co.za
I am also able to register new users on the site, and they get added to the DB. I think this shows that the site is "linking" to the newly created SQL Db
I tried that, but no luck. I have picked this up in the error log, not sure if it is useful:
[04-Sep-2016 10:23:11 Africa/Johannesburg] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file 'controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/form_ranges.tpl' in '/home/wowmat/public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/c‌​ontrollers/carrier_w‌​izard/helpers/form/f‌​orm.tpl' <-- thrown in /home/wowmat/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_inte‌​rnal_templatebase.ph‌​p on line 129
I was able to fix the “carriers” issue by changing the extension of “.tp” to “.tpl” of this file:
form_ranges.tpl in public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/

Struggling with net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING on production site of my Symfony2+PHP5.6+Apache 2.4.x app

We face the "net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING" errors on our production site and cant find any working solution. StackOverflow is full of questions on this subject and we tried this and that but no working solution found. Our system is based on Symfony2+PHP5.6+Apache 2.4.x running on CentOS7.
Symptoms are that app is working fine when server starts ... but after some time the browser reports "net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING" errors and doest show certain pages (because they are loaded incompletely). Restarting apache fixes this for some time but it appears again soon. StackOverflow contains a lot of different hints that doesnt help us to understand the source of the problem. Can anyone give us some REAL hint here?
After further investigation I found out that server sends incorrect content-lenght information to browser for some reasons and its the source of the error.
To adjust this I have enabled content gzipping by adding 'SetOutputFilter DEFLATE' to Apache config file see details here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_deflate.html . This simple setting caused 'ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING' error to disappear and apps are working correctly for now. Whats more by gzipping the content the bandwidth dropped significantly.
In the context of a Controller in Drupal 8 (works for Symfony Framework as well) this solution worked for me:
$response = new Response($form_markup, 200, array(
'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
$content = $response->getContent();
$contentLength = strlen($content);
$response->headers->set('Content-Length', $contentLength);
return $response;
Otherwise the response header 'Transfer-Encoding' got a value 'chunked'. This may be a problem for some browsers.

Simplepie - A feed with an invalid mime type

I get this error on host with simplepie 1.3.1:
A feed could not be found at http://pop-music.ir/feed. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.
but on localhost(xampp) I can view rss
UPDATED (2013/July/22 - 1:24 PM):
I've uploaded full simplepie files.download My source codes
on this file, in \simplepie\demo\1.php , I set this code:
$feed = new SimplePie();
echo $feed->get_title();
But in the run-time error is not displayed and not RSS is checked!
When I check url rss like this http://pop-music.ir/feed on my script, I get error bu when check this url in demo simplepie (view demo this url) I can view rss!!!!
Help me :(
Ty using force_feed() as suggested and see if it works. http://simplepie.org/wiki/reference/simplepie/force_feed
If this works on your localhost and not your live server then it could be that you have a different configuration setup or modules loaded. I know for me I just didn't have the libphp-simplepie module installed.
If you have ssh access to your host you can install it manually.
sudo apt-get install libphp-simplepie
You will have to confirm the download by typing 'Y'
Then you will need to restart apache for the changes to take effect
This was for an Ubuntu server if you have another server such as CentOS the process could be different. I just haven't tested it on another OS. This worked for me and maybe it will work for others.

Symfony 2.0.6 FOS UserBundle remains in login page

I have two dev environments: one using free MAMP and the other installed MySQL and configured PHP in MacOS Lion.
In the MAMP environment everything is working, however, in the other one it is not. What happens is that when I try to login the browser stays in the same page.
The PHPSESSID is received.
The path set in php.ini entry "session.save_path" is writable (since it rights when I try to login). And "session.auto_start" is set to "0" (I tried it to set to "1" but then I get an error stating that a session is already started and the start_session() function was ignored)
Any idea what must be causing this? I can post my configurations and code if you think it would help...
I Accidentally updated symfony to version 2.0.12 and the FOS UserBundle to latest version. Because of this, the login form needed the parameter "_csrf_token"