using case statement in a where clause - sql

Hello I am missing something because my code errors.
select * from ##ScheduleDetail SD
left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
where (ScheduleDate = testdate)
when HF.IsHoliday = 1 then (overtime = 1 and makeup = 0)
(overtime = 0 and Makeup = 0)
DOW = 5
order by ActivityStartTime
I've attempted several combinations and each one errors at either the first equal sign or the second. What am I missing?

The branches of a case expression can only return values, not additional expressions to be evaluated in the where condition. You could, however, simulate this behavior with the and and or logical operators:
select *
from ##ScheduleDetail SD
left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
where (ScheduleDate = testdate) and
((HF.IsHoliday = 1 and overtime = 1 and makeup = 0) or
(overtime = 0 and Makeup = 0)) and
DOW = 5
order by ActivityStartTime
Note that you have makeup = 0 on both branches of the case expression in the question (or both sides of the or in the answer), so you could extract it out of it and simplify the condition a bit:
select *
from ##ScheduleDetail SD
left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
where ScheduleDate = testdate and
makeup = 0 and
((HF.IsHoliday = 1 and overtime = 1) or
overtime = 0) and
DOW = 5
order by ActivityStartTime

If you are still wanting to know how to utilize a CASE Statement Expression in a WHERE Clause the CASE Expression must be compared to a value as that is the syntax understood for conditions contained within a WHERE Clause. See below a mock example.
FROM ##ScheduleDetail SD
LEFT JOIN ##HolidayFilterTbl HF ON SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate
WHERE(ScheduleDate = testdate)
/* If you wish to stick with using a CASE Expression within the WHERE Clause set the the CASE Expression equal to 'something'. I usually stick with 1 or 0 'true/false'.
| You simply have to create your own True/False evaluation. You can add your logic checks within a CASE Expression within
| the WHERE Clause and when your logic is TRUE THEN return 1. Basically you are saying when 1 = 1 then return Record.
1 =
WHEN HF.IsHoliday = 1 AND makeup = 0 THEN
CASE WHEN (overtime = 1 OR overtime = 0) THEN 1 END /* Return 1 here to evaluation to TRUE */
0 /* You can add another CASE here if needed and when the condition you write in evaluations to 1 'true' return record */
DOW = 5
ORDER BY ActivityStartTime;
There are a few reasons I've used CASE Expressions within a WHERE Clause over using AND/ORs. Just one minor reason is it allows me to contain and organize logic in a WHERE Clause inside CASE Expressions rather than having multiple AND/ORs all nested together. I've also found that using CASE Expressions in the WHERE Clause is useful when encountering Dynamic queries that accept variables to be later inserted into the SQL before being sent to the database for processing. In the case of using Dynamic SQL there are times when a CASE Statement MUST be used due to the fact that there could be data that is being compared against in the WHERE clause that is NOT a column.field value but a hardcoded value that is compared to perhaps a user selection or status (as examples)... it might be a static value passed in via the application which is how my web application works that I support which is why I bring it up.
Basically it's good to know how to use a CASE Expression in a WHERE Clause as there are some cases when the ONLY way to evaluate certain data is by using a CASE Expression .
I have no data to test this against and that's not the point. The point of my answer is to simply provide to you an alternative to the existing answer. In my opinion this logic is basic and the already provided answer is the correct one however my answer is to demonstrate how you could go about using a CASE in a WHERE Clause.
If interested see this SO Post for the differences between a CASE Statement vs a CASE Expression however know that this terminology slightly differs between databases.
As an example of this... SQL Server refers to these as Simple vs Searched but refers to all of it as a CASE Expression. Therefore a CASE Expression can either be a Simple or a Searched CASE that can be used within a Statement.


Ignore clauses in where based on if you get a result from the select

I want the following sql statement to give me different results based on whether it finds a result within the specific string or it needs to search the whole parent group (so within the table there are for example:
column 1, column 2
a - 1
a - 2
a - 3
b - 5
b - 7
b - 1
so if it can find the result if i put 1 it will display me
a -1
b -1
. the problem is that in the where clause exist both the parent group and the child group
i have tried to use case and also to simulate an if with ands and ors but it didn't work
select 1,
aapv.aapv_valuecharmin, aap.aap_ident
from a_parameter_value aapv,
a_parameter aap
where aap.aap_ident in (string1,string2,string3)
and aap.aap_ref = aapv.aap_ref
and aap.aap_idento = string4
and ((aapv.Aapv_Keyext1 = 'LaD1' --child clause
and aapv.aapv_keyext1 is not null)
or aapv.Aapv_Area = 'LSDe' --parent clause
and aapv.Aapv_Area is null)
I expect the output to be if the aapv_keyext1 value finds any results then the appv_area is not used at all but either only the child clause is used with the above code or both if i remove the is null clause
Okay, you need to provide more information for us to give you a real answer, but I wanted to point out that this section has some logic problems:
and ((aapv.Aapv_Keyext1 = 'LaD1' --child clause
and aapv.aapv_keyext1 is not null)
or aapv.Aapv_Area = 'LSDe' --parent clause
and aapv.Aapv_Area is null)
The first part is saying aapv_keyext1 = 'LaD1' AND aapv_keyext1 is not null; the second half can never be false, so it's redundant. The second part is saying aapv_area = 'LSDe' AND aapv_area is null. This will never be true. So this whole section is equivalent to:
and (aapv.aapv_keyext1 = 'LaD1')
Which probably isn't what you want. You say you want "if the aapv_keyext1 value finds any results then the appv_area is not used at all". I suspect what you mean is that "if any results exist for aapv_keyext1 in any rows then don't use aapv_area" which is more complicated, you need a subquery (or analytic/aggregate functions) to look at what other rows are doing.
select 1,
aapv.aapv_valuecharmin, aap.aap_ident
from a_parameter_value aapv,
a_parameter aap
where aap.aap_ident in (string1,string2,string3)
and aap.aap_ref = aapv.aap_ref
and aap.aap_idento = string4
and (-- prefer keyext1
aapv.Aapv_Keyext1 = 'LaD1'
-- if keyext1 doesn't find results...
(NOT EXISTS (select 1 from a_parameter_value aapv2
where aapv2.aap_ident = aap.aap_ident
and aap2.aap_ref = aap.aap_ref
and aap2.aap_idento = aap.aap_idento
and aapv.Aapv_Keyext1 = 'LaD1')
-- ... use aapv_area
aapv.Aapv_Area = 'LSDe')
You can also do this kind of conditional logic with CASE statements, but you're still going to need a subquery or something if you want your logic to depend on the values in rows other than the one currently being looked at.
Let me know if I've misunderstood your question and I'll try to update with a better answer.

SQL GROUP BY function returning incorrect SUM amount

I've been working on this problem, researching what I could be doing wrong but I can't seem to find an answer or fault in the code that I've written. I'm currently extracting data from a MS SQL Server database, with a WHERE clause successfully filtering the results to what I want. I get roughly 4 rows per employee, and want to add together a value column. The moment I add the GROUP BY clause against the employee ID, and put a SUM against the value, I'm getting a number that is completely wrong. I suspect the SQL code is ignoring my WHERE clause.
Below is a small selection of data:
hr_empl_code hr_doll_paid
1 20.5
1 51.25
1 102.49
1 560
I expect that a GROUP BY and SUM clause would give me the value of 734.24. The value I'm given is 211461.12. Through troubleshooting, I added a COUNT(*) column to my query to work out how many lines it's running against, and it's giving a result of 1152, furthering reinforces my belief that it's ignoring my WHERE clause.
My SQL code is as below. Most of it has been generated by the front-end application that I'm running it from, so there is some additional code in there that I believe does assist the query.
hrtempnm T000,
qmvempms T001,
hrtmspay T166,
hrtpaytp T175,
hrtptype T177
WHERE 1 = 1
AND T000.hr_empl_code = T001.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T166.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T166.hr_ploy_ment
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T175.hr_ploy_ment
AND T175.hr_paym_code = T177.hr_paym_code
AND T166.hr_pyrl_code = 'f' AND T166.hr_paid_dati = 20180404
AND (T175.hr_paym_type = 'd' OR T175.hr_paym_type = 't')
GROUP BY T000.hr_empl_code
ORDER BY hr_empl_code
I'm really lost where it could be going wrong. I have stripped out the additional WHERE AND and brought it down to just T166.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code, but it doesn't make a different.
By no means am I any expert in SQL Server and queries, but I have decent grasp on the technology. Any help would be very appreciated!
Group by is not wrong, how you are using it is wrong.
hrtempnm T000
inner join (SELECT
SUM(hr_doll_paid) as totPaid
hrtpaytp T175
where hr_paym_type = 'd' OR hr_paym_type = 't'
GROUP BY hr_empl_code
) T on t.hr_empl_code = T000.hr_empl_code
where exists
(select * from qmvempms T001,
hrtmspay T166,
hrtpaytp T175,
hrtptype T177
WHERE T000.hr_empl_code = T001.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T166.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_empl_code = T175.hr_empl_code
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T166.hr_ploy_ment
AND T001.hr_ploy_ment = T175.hr_ploy_ment
AND T175.hr_paym_code = T177.hr_paym_code
AND T166.hr_pyrl_code = 'f' AND T166.hr_paid_dati = 20180404
ORDER BY hr_empl_code
Note: It would be more clear if you have used joins instead of old style joining with where.

Applying the count function within the case function

I am relatively new to SQL and am trying to apply the case function within a view.
While I understand the fundamentals of it, I am having difficulty applying it in the way that I need.
I have 3 columns ApplicationID, ServerName and ServerShared? (true/false).
Each application can have many servers associated to it, while each server only has 1 server type.
I would like to use case to create a further field which can take three values dependent upon whether the values of ServerShared related to an application are all True = Shared, False = Non-shared, Both True and False = Partially shared.
My thoughts were using count function within the case function to set statements where:
if 'count true > 0 and count false > 0' then ServerShared? =
partially if 'count true > 0' and 'count false = 0' then
ServerShared = true and vice versa.
I believe the above logic a way of achieving my result, yet I would appreciate help in both how to structure this within a case statement and any wisdom if there is a better way.
Thanks in advance!
If I get your question right, this should do the trick. Maybe you need to add further columns or adapt the logic. But you should get the logic behind.
SELECT ServerName,
WHEN COUNT(distinct ServerShared) = 2
THEN N'Server shared'
WHEN MIN(ServerShared) = 0
THEN N'Server not shared'
WHEN MAX(ServerShared) = 1
THEN N'Server shared'
END as ServerShared
FROM myTable
GROUP BY ServerName
There are two main ways to do this problem (super generic answer from non expert :D)
less often executed (one off?), slow execution with potential exponential time increases as rows go up:
This is similar to your suggested solution and involves putting other queries in the Select / field list part of the query - this will get executed for every row returned by the main part of the query (bad news generally speaking):
, Case (select count * from table as b where a.applicationid = b.applicationid and shareserver=true)
WHEN 0 then 'Non-Shared'
WHEN (select count * from table where a.applicationid = b.applicationid) then 'Shared'
ELSE 'Partially-Shared' END as ShareType
tabls as a
get all your data once then perform just the comparison row by row. this is what i would use by default.. its basically better as far as i know but sometimes can be harder to think through.
this line is here to fix formatting issue
when sharedservers = 0 then 'Non-Shared'
when totalservers=sharedservers then 'Shared'
else 'Partially-Shared' END as ShareType
(select applicationID, count(*) as TotalServers from table) as a
LEFT OUTER JOIN (select applicationID, count(*) as SharedServersfrom table where sharedserver = true) as b
ON a.applicationid=b.applicationid
these queries are just written off the top of my head let me know if there are bug :/
note also the two uses of case statement. one with CASE *value* WHEN *possible value* THEN .. and the second way CASE WHEN *statement that evaluates to boolean* THEN ..

SQL Query - combine 2 rows into 1 row

I have the following query below (view) in SQL Server. The query produces a result set that is needed to populate a grid. However, a new requirement has come up where the users would like to see data on one row in our app. The tblTasks table can produce 1 or 2 rows. The issue becomes when they're is two rows that have the same job_number but different fldProjectContextId (1 or 31). I need to get the MechApprovalOut and ElecApprovalOut columns on one row instead of two.
I've tried restructuring the query using CTE and over partition and haven't been able to get the necessary results I need.
CAST(dbo.Job_Control.job_number AS int) AS Job_Number,
dbo.tblTasks.fldSalesOrder, dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName,
dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done,
dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 1
END AS MechApprovalOut,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 31
END AS ElecApprovalOut,
dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextId, dbo.Job_Control.Drawing_Info,
FROM dbo.tblTaskCategories
INNER JOIN dbo.tblTasks
ON dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryId = dbo.tblTasks.fldTaskCategoryId
INNER JOIN dbo.Job_Control
ON dbo.tblTasks.fldSalesOrder = dbo.Job_Control.job_number
INNER JOIN dbo.tblProjectContext
ON dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldProjectContextId = dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextId
WHERE (dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Approval'
OR dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Re-Approval')
AND (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 1
END = 1)
OR (dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Approval'
OR dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Re-Approval')
AND (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 31
END = 1)
ORDER BY dbo.Job_Control.job_number, dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldProjectContextId
The above query gives me the following result set:
I've created a work around via code (which I don't like but it works for now) where i've used code to populate a "temp" table the way i need it to display the data, that is, one record if duplicate job numbers to get the MechApprovalOut and ElecApprovalOut columns on one row (see first record in following screen shot).
With the desired result set and one row per job_number, this is how the form looks with the data and how I am using the result set.
Any help restructuring my query to combine duplicate rows with the same job number where MechApprovalOut and ElecApproval out columns are on one row is greatly appreciated! I'd much prefer to use a view on SQL then code in the app to populate a temp table.
What I would do is LEFT JOIN the main table to itself at the beginning of the query, matching on Job Number and Sales Order, such that the left side of the join is only looking at Approval task categories and the right side of the join is only looking at Re-Approval task categories. Then I would make extensive use of the COALESCE() function to select data from the correct side of the join for use later on and in the select clause. This may also be the piece you were missing to make a CTE work.
There is probably also a solution that uses a ranking/windowing function (maybe not RANK itself, but something that category) along with the PARTITION BY clause. However, as those are fairly new to Sql Server I haven't used them enough personally to be comfortable writing an example solution for you without direct access to the data to play with, and it would still take me a little more time to get right than I can devote to this right now. Maybe this paragraph will motivate someone else to do that work.

Running complicated sql query within CASE

I have a new report created in postgres - it should only run if there are 3 completed cases, and then determine an ultimate outcome (pass/fail) based on the individual cases. Depending on if it passes or fails, different information needs to be displayed.
I have the three main queries that I need, but now I'm at a loss of how to combine them into one.
The main query that contains the conditional logic for a case is here:
WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Alloc" WHERE "CodeID" = 1 AND "StatusCodeID" IN (2,6)) = 3
--Determine if case passes based on the 3 individual Assessments
LEFT JOIN "AnswerOption" ansop ON ansop."AnswerOptionID" = ans."AnswerOptionID"
LEFT JOIN "QuestionTextInstance" qtxti ON qtxti."QuestionTextInstanceID" = ans."QuestionTextInstanceID"
LEFT JOIN "Alloc" aloc ON aloc."AllocID" = qtxti."AllocID"
LEFT JOIN "QuestionText" qtxt ON qtxt."QuestionTextID" = qtxti."QuestionTextID"
LEFT JOIN "Code" bcode ON aloc."CodeID" = bcode."CodeID"
WHERE bcode."CodeID" = 1 AND qtxt."QuestionTextID" = 11 AND ans."Value" = 0) >= 1 --At least 2 must have answered 'Yes'
THEN 'Passed' --Execute 'Pass.sql'
ELSE 'Did NOT Pass' --Execute 'NotPass.sql
ELSE 'Report did Not Run'
This runs correctly and gives the correct results based on the conditions. However, within the THEN and ELSE blocks on the inner CASE statement, I need to display different information that includes many columns and many joins (which I currently have in different .sql files) instead of Pass/Did NOT Pass, but I can not find a way to implement this because it seems that any query within THEN or ELSE blocks can only return a single value.
How can I accomplish this?
It can be done in plain SQL in various ways. One is with well known composite / row types:
SELECT (x).*
) sub
Note the parentheses in (x).*. Those are required for a composite type to make the syntax unambiguous.
It's simpler to understand with PL/pgSQL, but you need to understand how to handle composite types. I have posted many related answers ...
IF cond_a_here THEN
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;