sir/maam i really need your help in this one i tried to change the platform into x64 but it's effective [closed] -

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Closed 2 years ago.
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sir/maam im just really desperate in here im sorry i really need your help in this one i tried to change the platform into x64 but it's effective i dont know how to solve this i hope you can give me any suggestion im begging.
ERROR: File 'log4net.dll' targeting 'AMD64' is not compatible with the project's target platform 'x86'
enter image description here

It would appear that your project is referencing a specifically 64-bit version of the log4net library. Remove the reference and add back a reference to a version that supports 32-bit applications.


How to integrate AutoUpdate of application in cocoa [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to implement autoupdate of my product for e.g. suppose I am running my old version of app in my mac, if there is a new version of app exist in my server than it will be give a popup for new version is available and download only new feature of application.
I don't want to use iTune framework.
I want to put my updated product in my own server.
please tell me if anyone know about it.
A free software update framework for Mac.

How to setup coding enviornment over the network [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to setup the Team Coding Environment i.e. Two or more people, over the local network can code together on a project (PHP coding). How should I get started...
You really don't want to people to work on the same files.
Let both of them work on their own files (locally or on separate folders on a server) and have them use a VCS such as Git. This ensures conflicting modifications do not simply overwrite someone else's code but have to be properly resolved.
You should consider using any kind of SCM (Git, SVN ...) and an IDE which support this SCM (netbeans, eclipse).
Git and Github seems to be the trend of the moment. You should give it a look

how to post the code to some host [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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how to post my web application and also the source code to a host..i want every one can see my project..i'm just know how to post an to do that?
You can share your project using click here where you can put all your code so that other peoples can also see your project.There is another option also that is GitHub you can also use that but it is having limited space.One thing which very important that is before committing your source code prepare proper documentation for your project because if documentations are not proper then it is of no use for other even if you written best quality code.

Intellij Idea 9 slow response on typing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm using IntelliJ Idea 9 on a windows 7 box - 2GB RAM. I'm facing this strange issue where the response of the editor is very slow. When typing, the characters seem to appear after a delay.. and gets annoying after a point.
However, IDEA 8 on the same machine works perfectly.
Would like to know if someone has faced this earlier.. Or is there any recommended solution..
You should try the 9.0.1 RC build available at, some performance problems were resolved there. Also ensure you don't have third-party plug-ins installed.
If the issue remains, refer to the instructions at
EDIT: IDEA 9.0.1 has been released, please use the latest available release build.
Interesting, in my case the issue was having the Project and Structure windows open, and having scroll to/from source enabled probably didn't help. Closing the palettes sped up editing for me.

Integrate Third Party tool with [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can integrate particular Third party tool with my application
Using Interop you can do Call Shell("tool.exe")
More details are definitely required, if you're still interested, but roughly speaking it depends on whether by 'integrate' you mean just triggering another application from yours or do you actually require back 'n' forth communication between these apps, whatever they are.
I can't remember the VB.NET specifics and I don't have it available right now, but in C# you could simply trigger another application like this:
using System.Diagnostics;
Process.Start("<shell command, e.g. fred.exe>");