Limiting column width in datagrid for command button columns - react-admin

in React-Admin I want to limit the width of the columns that show edit, show buttons in the datagrid
I know I can use styles to set the width of other cells like TextFields, but cant find a way to do this with buttons
enter image description here

Inside Datagrid you can use the headerClassName cellClassName props to style both the cell in the header row and in body rows as described in the docs under section Datagrid/CSS-Api
Obviously this approach doesn't work when using typescript, probably a bug - you can work around it in this way:
const usePostListActionToolbarStyles = makeStyles({
toolbar: {
alignItems: "center",
display: "flex",
marginTop: -1,
marginBottom: -1
const PostListActionToolbar = ({ children, ...props }) => {
const classes = usePostListActionToolbarStyles();
return (
<div className={classes.toolbar}>
{, (button) => cloneElement(button, props))}
and then inside your Datagrid:


How can you style/theme an element of just one type in react-native-elements?

I'm trying to throw together a simple phone app mockup using React Native & React Native Elements as a set of UI components. I want to set the styling of various elements to a common theme, so I'm following the example in the documentation:
But the trouble with the example there (as it says in the docs), it sets the style of all buttons. What I'd like to do is to set the background colour of only the solid buttons for example, leaving the clear buttons, clear! Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to do this?
Current snippet (trimmed to save space):
const myTheme = {
Button: {
buttonStyle: {
borderRadius: 4,
backgroundColor: '#03E0EE',
titleStyle: {
color: '#180D43',
<ThemeProvider theme={myTheme}>
<View style={styles.footerContainer}>
<Button title="Primary Button"/>
<Button title="Secondary Button" type="clear" />
Create a wrapper component for SolidButton and or ClearButton. Make this wrapper components consuming the myTheme context with style props (e.g. ButtonSolid\ButtonClear). AFAIK there are no selector capabilities like in css.

How to not leave button in selected state after click - fluent-ui (office ui fabric)

Using DefaultButton currently. This remains selected when clicked, which property can be used to revoke selection once clicked.
Alternatively, is there any styling that needs to be done for selection?
You can use DefaultButton checked property for that scenario and control it with onClick event:
const [isButtonChecked, setIsButtonChecked] = React.useState(false);
onClick={() => {
rootChecked: {
backgroundColor: '#f00',
color: '#fff',
Default Button
Use styles property to modify button styles when button state is checked: rootChecked, rootCheckedHovered etc.
Codepen example.

how to order inputs horizontally within ArrayImput and SimpleFormIterator

Is it possible to order inputs horizontally within ArrayImput and SimpleFormIterator? I know that the default is vertical. Thanks
See image of vertical inputs inside ArrayInputs here. Can the inputs be arranged horizontally? Thanks
Yes you can, the ArrayInput is made using material-ui which comes with its style way. For instance, you can play with elements root, form etc...
const useIteratorStyle = makeStyles(() => ({
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'row',
form: {
width: '100%',
line: {
border: 0,
const iteratorClasses = useIteratorStyle();
<ArrayInput {...props}>
<SimpleFormIterator classes={iteratorWithIndexClasses}>
Gives me something like
You can override each property of the useStyles object defined in the SimpleFormIterator:
Inline prop has been introduced in version 4.3. It should work like that
<ArrayInput {...props}>
<SimpleFormIterator inline>

How to show the index and end of the Flatlist by 15 items on every click

I need to show the index and bottom of the list while click on the up and down button.
Is any option to show only 15 items up or down If I click on the up or down arrow.
For Eg) Consider a list has 500 items. It has an up and down arrow. If I click on the down arrow once I need to show only 15 items for the first time and If click on the down arrow next need to show the next 15 items.
Also If I click on the up arrow it needs to show 15 items above not all
In this usecase I need to move up and down of the screen. Any option to modify the scrollToIndex and scrollToEnd in Flatlist to achieve this use case
upButtonHandler = () => {
//OnCLick of Up button we scrolled the list to top
this.ListView_Ref.scrollToOffset({ offset: 0, animated: true });
downButtonHandler = () => {
//OnCLick of down button we scrolled the list to bottom
this.ListView_Ref.scrollToEnd({ animated: true });
You can slice the data provided to the FlatList every time a button is pressed.As the FlatList is a pure Component you need to pass a extra prop to re render the FlatList after button is pressed
Maintain a state variable such as section which describes which part of data to display like (0,15),(15,30),...
Update this variable inside the up and down buttons,taking care of the boundaries so as not to get bad results.This is easily solved by wrapping setState inside a if condition so it will look roughly as
updateSectionLow = () => {
const { section } = this.state;
if (section > 0) {
section: section - 1,
updateSectionHigh = () => {
const { section, data } = this.state;
if (data.length > (section + 1) * 15) {
section: section + 1,
and the FlatList looks like this
renderItem={({ item }) => {
return (
<View style={styles.row}>
Here is a working expo demo
After having discussion with the OP person,i have changed my code little bit.
Get the offset after scroll,
for a vertical list
onMomentumScrollEnd={e => this.scroll(e.nativeEvent.contentOffset)}
Inside the handler
index: Math.floor(offset.y / (ITEM_HEIGHT+SEPARATOR_HEIGHT)),
if there is no separator then you can put SEPARATOR_HEIGHT to be 0
and it is only matter of using scrollToOffset with ref as follows
for going down the list by ITEMS_DISP(like 15)
for going top the list by some ITEMS_DISP
Updated demo link

Specify/Set width and height on a react-boostrap modal

How can I apply a dynamic width and height to a react-bootstrap modal window?
I have checked the react-bootstrap docs here but could not figure out how to do that.
Actually the value of width and height props would be dynamic (could be any values) as this will be a reusable component in my app (to be used on many pages) thus can't apply width/height through some CSS class.
'bsSize' property as mentioned in docs also not working, although predefined sizes of xs, md, lg is not what I exactly want, rather I need width and height to be set on modal via props.
Here is my sample JSX code:
var MyWindow = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return { show: true };
close() {
this.setState({ show: false });
open() {
this.setState({ show: true });
save() {
render: function () {
var Button = ReactBootstrap.Button,
Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal,
ModalBody = ReactBootstrap.ModalBody,
ModalHeader = ReactBootstrap.ModalHeader,
ModalFooter = ReactBootstrap.ModalFooter,
ModalTitle = ReactBootstrap.ModalTitle;
return (
<Modal show={} onHide={this.close}>
<ModalHeader closeButton>
<ModalTitle>My Cool Window</ModalTitle>
<h4>Text in a modal</h4>
<p>Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus</p>
<Button onClick={this.close}>Cancel</Button>
<Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={}>Save</Button>
React.render(<MyWindow width={700} height={400} />, mountNode);
According to its documentation, you have to customize your own css class to achieve the style you want via modal's prop dialogClassName.
So we might have my.jsx code below:
<Modal dialogClassName="my-modal">
With my.css below:
.my-modal {
width: 90vw /* Occupy the 90% of the screen width */
max-width: 90vw;
Then you will have your custmized modal!
min-width: 50%
Works for me!!!
The other mentioned solution only works for setting the width.
For editing the height, you need to add your custom css class to the contentClassName attribute.
For Example:
<Modal contentClassName="modal-height"></Modal>
Css Class:
.modal-height {
height: 70%;
For editing the width you need to add your custom css class to the dialogClassName attribute.
For Example:
<Modal dialogClassName="modal-width"></Modal>
Css Class:
.modal-width {
width: 70%;
Possible Issues:
Sometimes you will have to use !important to over-ride bootstrap imposed CSS, so experiment with that as well.
Credits: Found the solution here.