How to install lodash.filter using npm? - react-native

I need to install lodash.filter to my Expo (React Native) project.
How should I do it using npm?
npm i -g npm
npm i --save lodash.filter
npm i --save lodash.filter
I do not understand what npm i -g npm (it's updating something, but I think it will destroy my project).

$ npm i -g npm
$ npm i --save lodash
you can use second command.
npm i is the alias for the npm install and -g means gloabal
The -g or --global argument will cause npm to install the package globally rather than locally
npm install (in package directory, no arguments):
Install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder.
Just follow the command that are written in documentation it will be fine
The --save option instructed NPM to include the package inside of the dependencies section of your package.json automatically, thus saving you an additional step.


What is the difference between the following npm install statements?

npm install #uiw/react-monacoeditor --save
npm i #uiw/react-monacoeditor
What is the difference between following npm install statements when to use --save flag?
Currently they will not differ at all. Since NPM 5 packages are automatically saved into package.json dependencies when installed.
npm I is the short version of npm install so that part of the command does not differ at all either.
You can read more about the install command here:
And there is does say “ npm install saves any specified packages into dependencies by default.”

Can't install expo-cli

im trying to install expo-cli for react native project on ubuntu using npm i tried npm install -g expo-cli but it doesn't work for me always the same error :npm WARN deprecated request#2.88.2: request has been deprecated.
First try to clear cache:
npm cache verify
npm install -g expo-cli
Add expo through yarn instead of npm,
npm install -g yarn
yarn global add expo-cli
and you are good to go.

How to uninstall Gulp CLI from NPM globally?

I have the following package installed globally via npm:
+-- gulp-cli#2.0.1 (github:gulpjs/gulp-cli#4782b9a582ce7cc7e009073705a565b57d235332)
I have tried to uninstall it like so...
npm uninstall gulp-cli#2.0.1
But it does not remove it. How can I get this package removed from my global location?
I'm on npm version 6.1.0
Thanks to R. Wanjohi I figured it out for my machine. I had to do the following to get the global version of gulp cli off my machine:
npm rm -g gulp-cli
I was experiencing the same problem but when I used the following code, it worked:
npm rm -g gulp
You need to uninstall it globally (add the -g tag)
npm uninstall -g gulp-cli#2.0.1
Here is the npm docs:
it's pretty simple, to uninstall a global package run
npm uninstall -g <package-name>
to verify run
npm ls -g --depth=0
for short videos

how to update package.json after npm installl in a package

I'm writing a npm package, I'd like the package to update package.json file in the installed folder, say:
npm install mypackage
this installs mypackage, and also read the package.json in the folder where npm install is run, and write some entries, possible?
npm i -g npm-check-updates
npm-check-updates -u
npm install
or for a specific package, you may change dependency version and then
npm update --save

What is the difference between NPM -g (global) install and NPM --save

What is the difference between npm -g(global) install and npm --save?
First gulp install -g and --save first, then for other projects:
npm i gulp --save-dev Can I just use this command?
I don't know the basic difference between them?
npm -g will install packages globally (to npm cached folder), normally in AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules if you're using Windows, while npm --save or --save-dev will install package directly to your node_modules directory in your project and add package to your packages.json for later purpose.