Multiple conditions in SELECT Statement - sql

I am checking my database to see if there are any overlapping appointments. It works for ADDing appointments, but when I go to UPDATE my SQL counts the record I am updating as an overlapping appointment when I try to change it. Here is the SQL I am using in the UPDATE statement.
"SELECT * FROM appointments " +
"WHERE ('" + start + "' BETWEEN Start and End OR '" + end + "'
BETWEEN Start AND End OR '" + start + "' > Start AND '" + end + "' < End AND
Appointment_ID <> " + id + ")";
This still pulls the record with the appointment id that I'm giving it. Anyone have any suggestions on how to exclude any appointments that have the id I'm updating but still meeting the other criteria.

currently, you are only checking for the id of the appointment to update when the third clause you have chained with ORs triggers because of the order of operations for OR and AND. Your query fetches a result when the start date is overlapping with the appointment OR your end date is is overlapping with the appointment OR it has a different ID and the dates are encapsulating the appointment.
Also, you shouldn't need to have brackets around your whole WHERE clause but you can use the opening bracket and move the closing bracket to make sure that the condition with the id is always evaluated like so:
"SELECT * FROM appointments " +
"WHERE ('" + start + "' BETWEEN Start and End OR '" + end + "'
BETWEEN Start AND End OR '" + start + "' > Start AND '" + end + "' < End) AND
Appointment_ID <> " + id;


SQL Union not working when one table is empty

Hi I am trying to read data from different tables with a SELECT statement and want to use UNION to get one dataset in the end. It is possible that one table does not (yet) contain data. In this case I can read the data from the first two successfully but once I use UNION to combine it with the data from the empty table the resulting dataset will be empty as well, even though it contained data from the first two datasets before.
My problem is, data is shifted between these tables irregularily so there is no way for me to know in which of the three tables I will find the data and in any case usually I have to combine results from more than one table to get the entire dataset I need (one contains data only 3 months back, the other two contain data for the last and the current year - depending on the period I need the data for it is possible that I have to look in all the three of them to collect all the data I need).
Do you know how I can check out all three tables and read data to collect the entire dataset I need?
I also tested if everything works in case all the three tables contain data, et voila it worked and I retrieved all the data I needed. So the statement itself should be OK, just not applicable to the special case where one table does not contain data.
I am using Python to connect to the database and retrieve the data via an sql statement.
So my sql statement currently looks like this:
sql_stmt = (
"select " + sql_param+" from " + db_table +
" where datum>=" + season_start_sql + " and datum<" + season_end_sql +
" and statnr="+str(statnr) +
" union" +
" select " + sql_param+" from " + db_table +
" where datum=" + season_end_sql + " and stdmin<=" + season_end_time_sql +
" and statnr="+str(statnr) +
" union" +
" select " + sql_param + " from " + db_table + "_" + str(season_start.year) +
" where datum>=" + season_start_sql + " and datum<" + season_end_sql +
" and statnr=" + str(statnr) +
" union" +
" select " + sql_param + " from " + db_table + "_" + str(season_start.year) +
" where datum=" + season_end_sql + " and stdmin<=" + season_end_time_sql +
" and statnr=" + str(statnr) +
" union" +
" select " + sql_param + " from " + db_table + "_" + str(next_year) +
" where datum>=" + season_start_sql + " and datum<" + season_end_sql +
" and statnr=" + str(statnr) +
" union" +
" select " + sql_param + " from " + db_table + "_" + str(next_year) +
" where datum=" + season_end_sql + " and stdmin<=" + season_end_time_sql +
" and statnr=" + str(statnr) +
" order by datumsec")
This statement is simply untrue:
once I use UNION to combine it with the data from the empty table the resulting dataset will be empty as well, even though it contained data from the first two datasets before.
If one of the components of a UNION is empty, then you will still get the results from the other tables.
Note: If one of the tables does not exist -- which is quite different from being empty -- then the query returns an error, but not an empty result.
I will note that in general you should be using UNION ALL instead of UNION, to avoid the overhead of removing duplicate values. And your code is wide open to SQL injection attacks and to unexpected syntax errors. I would question whether your application can be designed so you don't have to use dynamic SQL for this purpose.

Why Group by is working unexpectedly in JPQL eclipseLink?

Here is my query (jpql-eclipseLInk) -
"SELECT NEW com.nrbwlko.officeprojectmaven1.dao.ProjectProgressDao(c.projectMemberFk.projectMember,"
+ "COUNT(c),"
+ "CASE (c.materialDetailFk.materialType.materialType) WHEN 'plate' "
+ "THEN SUM(c.componentLength*c.componentWidth*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty*c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.unitQty)/1000000 "
+ "ELSE SUM(c.componentLength*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty*c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.unitQty)/1000 END, "
+ "CASE (c.materialDetailFk.materialType.materialType) WHEN 'plate' "
+ "THEN SUM(c.componentLength*c.componentWidth*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty)/1000000 "
+ "ELSE SUM(c.componentLength*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty)/1000 END, "
+ "CASE (c.materialDetailFk.materialType.materialType) WHEN 'plate' "
+ "THEN SUM(c.componentLength*c.componentWidth*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.fabricatedQty)/1000000 "
+ "ELSE SUM(c.componentLength*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.fabricatedQty)/1000 END, "
+ "CASE (c.materialDetailFk.materialType.materialType) WHEN 'plate' "
+ "THEN SUM(c.componentLength*c.componentWidth*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight)/1000000 "
+ "ELSE SUM(c.componentLength*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight)/1000 END) "
+ "FROM CuttingList c "
+ "WHERE c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.projectId.projectId = :id "
+ "GROUP BY c.projectMemberFk.projectMember"
First Sum is the Total sum (consisting of groups by members obviously) --- which is not equal to the sum of individual row . When i group by individual row id ( Total is 28193 (which is correct value i checked it manual calculation) But when i group it by member value is 28103.
I tried various combination and unless each row is individual total value is always less than actual value. It's part of my android app backend, all work is done except this data mismatch which makes my last 6 month work useless. I desperately need help.
One more information i would like to share that if i group it by Material (query provided below) then Total value is again correct, for example
Here is another query from same table Giving correct Total Material Weight but this time it grouped by material and not by member
"SELECT NEW com.nrbwlko.officeprojectmaven1.dao.MaterialSummeryByProjectDao(c.materialDetailFk.materialName,COUNT(c),"
+ "CASE (c.materialDetailFk.materialType.materialType) WHEN 'plate' "
+ "THEN SUM(c.componentLength*c.componentWidth*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty*c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.unitQty)/1000000 "
+ "ELSE SUM(c.componentLength*c.materialDetailFk.unitWeight*c.projectMemberFk.memberQty*c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.unitQty)/1000 END) "
+ "FROM CuttingList c "
+ "WHERE c.projectMemberFk.projectUnitIdFk.projectId.projectId = :id "
+ "GROUP BY c.materialDetailFk.materialName"
giving me material grouped in 4 type and total is 28193 (correct value)
(Count(c) in both case is correct which is 6 nos)
here is the result when i grouped by material -- (Total is correct)
I can provide more information if required.

Operator IN VBA excel

Could you help me please? I have tried to solve my problem for about 6 hours.
I have one table and there are 4 columns.
Nio ,checked,date,time
I need to get data from the first and second columns, where I have to compare it by date and time.
I wanted to use the operator IN but excel gives me the error
Incorrect syntax near the keyword
Thanks for help.
strQueryQ7DrLeftElox =
"((Select nio,checked
FROM q7_dr_left_elox_incoming_inspection
where date >= '" & sDateFrom & "' AND date <= '" & sDateTo & "') IN (Select nio,checked from q7_dr_left_elox_incoming_inspection WHERE time = '19:55:06'))"
Both select statements query the same table, so simplify it by adding one more condition in the 1st query's WHERE clause:
SELECT nio,checked
FROM q7_dr_left_elox_incoming_inspection
WHERE date >= '" & sDateFrom & "' AND date <= '" & sDateTo & "'
AND time = '19:55:06'

Timestamp query in mysql

WHat is the issue with my DATE / Timestamp query?
Please point out.
I am filtering the data based on the date, filter as greater than a timestamp and less than another timestamp.
I tried using :
Select *
where DATE_FORMAT(ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i') > '" +
2018-01-19T11:11+ "'
&& DATE_FORMAT(ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i') < '" +
2018-04-01T01:01 +"';
AND this one also -->>
Select *
where DATE_FORMAT(ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i') > '" +
2017-01-10T11:52:12.000Z + "'
&& DATE_FORMAT(ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i') < '" +
2018-05-10T11:52:12.000Z +"';
neither of them work
What is the "+ ? MySQL should recognize ISO standard formats for date/times.
The following should work in MySQL:
Select *
where ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP > '2018-01-19T11:11' and
ORIGIN_TIMESTAMP < '2018-04-01T01:01';

My C# SQL Select statement is not picking up any records in my table

I have 4 records in my SQL table that and I'm doing a SQL select statement to select records based on a certain criteria but I'm not picking any records up. Can someone please help?
Here is my SELECT statement:
string Sql = "";
Sql = #"SELECT * FROM " + _dtlName + "
WHERE Shipper_No = '" + sidNo + "'
AND Job_Code != '" + "R" + "'";
I have 3 records that have a Null for Job_Code and 1 record that has an R.
Based on that, I should pickup the 3 records with the NULL Job_Code but it returns 0 records.
I suspect the problem is that a comparison between any non-null value and a null value doesn't return a value of true or false, but null. So your query should probably be:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + _dtlName + " WHERE Shipper_No = #ShipperNo " +
"AND (Job_Code IS NULL OR Job_Code != 'R')";
(Note that I've extracted a parameter for Shipper_No - you shouldn't be including values directly in your SQL like that. Obviously you'll need to then set the parameter value in the SQL command.)
Also note that <> is more common in SQL to represent "not equal to", but I believe T-SQL allows either form.
Sql = #"SELECT * FROM " + _dtlName + " WHERE Shipper_No = '" + sidNo + "' AND Job_Code NOT IN ('R')";
I think your query should be more like this since you want to select the NULL values.
string Sql = String.Format("SELECT * " +
"FROM {0} " +
"WHERE Shipper_No = {1} AND " +
" Job_Code IS NULL",
_dtlName, sidNo)