How to remove preselected tag in vue-multiselect - vue.js

I need a dropdown that supports tagging and can be styled easily, so I decided to implement vue-multiselect. It works but the problem is that I have a predefined tag in my dropdown when the page loads and I don't what that, how can I remove it? Here is how it looks now:
and here is how I want it to look:
Here is my html code:
<multiselect v-model="value" tag-placeholder="Add this as new tag" placeholder="Assesors" label="name" track-by="code" :options="options" :multiple="true" :taggable="true" #tag="addTag"></multiselect>
and here is my js:
data () {
return {
showAddUserDialog: false,
value: [
{ name: 'Assesors', code: 'as' }
options: [
{ name: 'Assesors', code: 'as' },
{ name: 'Finance', code: 'fi' },
{ name: 'Sales', code: 'sa' }
methods: {
addTag (newTag) {
const tag = {
name: newTag,
code: newTag.substring(0, 2) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000000))

Well, by the <multiselect> configuration you used and the expected behavior your showed...
You have this to become this
I looks like you want to load your page only showing the placeholder, but if you'd like to only show your placeholder, you shouldn't have a value in the value variable, as you have:
data () {
return {
showAddUserDialog: false,
value: [
{ name: 'Assesors', code: 'as' } // <- remove this
options: [
{ name: 'Assesors', code: 'as' },
{ name: 'Finance', code: 'fi' },
{ name: 'Sales', code: 'sa' }
Because the behavior of the component is show your current tags, right?
So if this tag is the placeholder, you can add it to the value when the user submits the form without choosing any other tag.
But if you want to have it there as the value and trickery the component to only show it as a placeholder, I suggest you to deep dive in the docs about custom templating...
Here talks about it
And here talks about the tags slots
Here is an example:


How to show default value in Quill text editor in Vue3

As you can see in the picture, I have a text editor with Quill. this is admin panel in my project and when I write something in my text editor and want to display it, it is working fine. For example, if I want to write a description in bold it goes to the front end like this: Description and I can display it with this code:
<div v-html="product.attributes.description"></div>
But my problem is I want to show this value inside of y text editor. So I want to show bold written 'Description' in my text editor instead of undefined but I couldnt figured out how to do it with Quill text editor. Here is my text-editor component:
<div class="form-control" v-bind:class="inputClasses" ref="editor"></div>
import Quill from 'quill';
import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css';
import 'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css';
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css';
export default {
props: {
modelValue: { type: String, default: '' },
defaultValue: "",
data() {
return {
editor: null,
mounted() {
var _this = this;
this.editor = new Quill(this.$refs.editor, {
modules: {
toolbar: [
[{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, false]} ],
["bold", "italic", "underline", "link", "image"],
theme: "snow",
formats: ["bold", "underline", "header", "italic", "link"],
placeholder: this.placeholder
this.editor.root.innerHTML = this.defaultValue;
this.editor.on("text-change", function () {
return _this.update();
methods: {
update: function update() {
this.editor.getText() ? this.editor.root.innerHTML : ""
If I understood your question properly, you want to set the value of the editor?
If so, I had the same problem and was able to resolve using this answer: How to use v-model in quill editor
<quill-editor v-model:content="modelname" contentType="html" />
Then you can set and retrieve the editor content using the 'modelname' property. Hope it helps!
How I got rid of the undefined value when contentType='html'.
<QuillEditor theme="snow" ref="quill" v-model:content="modelName" contentType="html" placeholder="Type job description here..." style="height: 300px"/>
mounted() {

Nuxt Dynamic V-model

I'm having difficulty binding my custom input to data(). I've tried several combinations to try to get it working and so far only the placeholder seems to work. I created an array called questions and its content is dynamically rendered to the page. On page load, my code determines if this is either a user or business account and then sets the value of the questions array based on the result which works fine. I created a test function to test if the v-model binding is working but I get an empty alert. I find it strange that the placeholder works just fine but not the v-modal bind.
<BaseInput v-for="question in questions"
v-model="question.bind" :placeholder="question.placeholder"/>
<button #click="test"></button>
import BaseInput from '../BaseInput.vue'
export default {
components: {
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
commercialName: '',
businessName: '',
questions: [],
userQuestionsArray: [
{ bind: 'firstName', placeholder: 'First Name' },
{ bind: 'lastName', placeholder: 'Last Name' },
businessQuestionsArray: [
{ bind: 'commercialName', placeholder: 'Commercial Name' },
{ bind: 'businessName', placeholder: 'Business Name' },
methods: {
mounted() {
if(this.$store.state.userType === 'Personal'){
this.questions = this.userQuestionsArray;
}else {
this.questions = this.businessQuestionsArray;
computed: {
userType: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.userType
you cant use v-mode in v-for. you must use wrapper like template or tag over each input.
<form v-for="(question, index) in questions" :key="index">
<BaseInput v-model="question.bind" :placeholder="question.placeholder"/>
<button #click="test"></button>

Vue.js. Render of different kinds of child components according to a list of conditions

I'm new to not OOP, and VUE.JS especially.
I have a list of conditions, according to them I should show on the page several different kinds of components.
How can I render, for example, 2 TextInput components (or 3.. 10) dynamically and read the entered text in parent after clicking a button?
Thank you in advance.
You didn't provide any code, so I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to do.
If you want to display multiple components, just use v-for and specify conditions in v-if, which will detemine whether this particular component will be rendered:
v-for="input in inputs"
<button #click="handleButtonClick()">Button text</button>
data: () => ({
inputs: [
label: 'input 1',
model: '',
show: true
label: 'input 2',
model: '',
show: true
methods: {
handleButtonClick () {
If you don't know the type of component you need to display you can use dynamic components.
In a nutshell this defers the type of component used at runtime based on a value.
Let's assume you have 2 different type of components
You can have a list of items
data () {
return {
items: [
id: 1,
val: 'something',
type: 'TextComponent'
id: 2,
val: 'something',
type: 'ImageComponent'
Now you can iterate over the list and display the component based on type
<component v-for="item in items" :key="" :is="item.type" v-model="item.value />
If type is not the exact name of the component, you can translate it inside the :is condition. Something like this.
And then write the conversion method
methods: {
getComponentFromTag (tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 'text':
return 'TextComponent'
case 'img':
return 'ImageComponent'
For the example above I'm assuming that items look like this:
items: [
id: 1,
val: 'something',
type: 'text'
id: 2,
val: 'something',
type: 'img'

Bootstrap-vue: how can I display the text of a selected item?

I am using Bootstrap Vue to render a select input. Everything is working great - I'm able to get the value and change the UI based on the option that was selected.
I am trying to change the headline text on my page - to be the text of the selected option. I am using an array of objects to render the options in my select input.
Here is what I'm using for my template:
description="Make a choice."
label="Choose an option"
<b-form-select id="mySelect"
Here is what my data/options look like that I'm passing to the template:
data: () => ({
form: {
option: '',
options: [
{text: 'Select', value: null},
text: 'Option One',
value: 'optionOne',
foo: {...}
text: 'Option Two',
value: 'optionTwo',
foo: {...}
methods: {
handleChange: (event) => {
console.log('handleChange called');
console.log('event: ', event); // optionOne or optionTwo
I can get optionOne or optionTwo, what I'd like to get is Option One or Option Two (the text value) instead of the value value. Is there a way to do that without creating an additional array or something to map the selected option? I've also tried binding to the actual options object, but haven't had much luck yet that route either. Thank you for any suggestions!
Thanks to #Vuco, here's what I ended up with. Bootstrap Vue passes all of the select options in via :options. I was struggling to see how to access the complete object that was selected; not just the value.
<h1>{{ selectedOption }}</h1>
description="Make a choice."
label="Choose an option"
<b-form-select id="mySelect"
computed: {
selectedOption: function() {
const report = this.options.find(option => option.value === this.form.option);
return option.text; // Option One
methods: {
Now, when I select something the text value shows on my template.
I don't know Vue bootstrap select and its events and logic, but you can create a simple computed property that returns the info by the current form.option value :
let app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
form: {
option: null,
options: [{
text: 'Select',
value: null
text: 'Option One',
value: 'optionOne'
text: 'Option Two',
value: 'optionTwo'
computed: {
currentValue() {
return this.options.find(option => option.value === this.form.option)
<div id="app">
<b-form-group id="mySelect" description="Make a choice." label="Choose an option" label-for="mySelect">
<b-form-select id="mySelect" v-model="form.option" :options="options" />
<p>{{ currentValue.text }}</p>
Here's a working fiddle.
You have an error in your dictionary.
Text is showed as an option.
Value is what receive your variable when option is selected.
Is unneccesary to use computed property in this case.
let app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
form: {
option: null,
options: [{
value: null,
text: 'Select'
value: 'Option One',
text: 'Option One'
value: 'Option Two',
text: 'Option Two'
Fiddle with corrections

How to delete a dynamically generated form based on the click of the delete button with respect to its ID in vuejs2

I am creating an application using Quasar and VueJS. I am able to generate a dynamic form on click of the add button, but not able to delete any of the newly generated form based on the click of the delete button.Find the code below:
<div v-for="h in htmlList">
<div v-for="r in h" >
<div v-html="r" v-on:click="useRemoveFromProject(1)" v-bind:id="">
* Root component
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
name: 'q-app',
data () {
return {
flag: 0,
htmlList: [],
select: 'fb',
select1: 'fb1',
multipleSelect: ['goog', 'twtr'],
usersInProject: [],
selectOptions: [
label: 'Google',
value: 'goog'
label: 'Select',
value: 'fb'
label: 'Twitter',
value: 'twtr'
label: 'Apple Inc.',
value: 'appl'
label: 'Oracle',
value: 'ora'
selectOptions1: [
label: 'Integer',
value: 'goog1'
label: 'Float',
value: 'fb1'
label: 'String',
value: 'twtr1'
methods: {
useRemoveFromProject: function (id) {
Vue.delete(this.htmlList, id)
identifyMe: function (event) {
alert('hi - ' +
process: function () {
this.flag += 1
let temp = []
temp.push('<div class="card" id="a_' + this.flag + '"> <div class="card-content content-center "> <large id="l4">Expression LHS:</large> <input><br> <large id="l5">Operators:</large> <q-select type="radio" v-model="" :options="this.selectOptions"></q-select><br><large id="l4">Expression RHS:</large> <input><br><large id="l5">Data type:</large> <q-select type="radio" v-model="select1" :options="selectOptions1"></q-select><br></div><button class="cordova-hide circular red " style="margin-bottom:5px; margin-right:30px;" v-on:click="userRemoveFromProject(i)"><i>delete</i></button><input value="click" type="button"> </div>')
let ids = ['a_' + this.flag]
After looking to your code i noticed that you have some errors:
Call function useRemoveFromProject without the 'r' of 'user'
Call userRemoveFromProject when clicking on the element and not only the delete button
Call userRemoveFromProject(i) with a 'i' variable, but what is 'i' ?
Why using a double v-for? The first level is enough.
I propose to you a working example on a fiddle. Please let me know if it's useful for you (and mark it as resolve if it's the case).
EDIT: for Vue.js 2