Suppress output of SQL statements when calling pandas to_sql() - pandas

to_sql() is printing every insert statement within my Jupyter Notebook and this makes everything run very slowly for millions of records. How can I decrease the verbosity significantly? I haven't found any verbosity setting of this function. I've tried %%capture as written here. The same method works for another simple test case with print() but not for to_sql(). How do you suppress output in IPython Notebook?
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, NVARCHAR
import cx_Oracle
df.to_sql('table_name', engine, if_exists='append',
schema='schema', index=False, chunksize=10000,
dtype={col_name: NVARCHAR(length=20) for col_name in df} )

Inside create_engine(), set echo=False and all logging will be disabled. More detail here:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, NVARCHAR
import cx_Oracle
sid='DB01' #instance is the same as SID
sid = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, sid=sid)
cstr = 'oracle://{user}:{password}#{sid}'.format(
engine = create_engine(
Thanks to #GordThompson for pointing me in the right direction!


sql in spark structure streaming

I am exploring structured streaming by doing a small POC. Below is the code that have written so far. However, I would like to validate some of answers that I could not find in spark documentation(I may have missed it).
Validated so far:
Can we process sql query dynamically or conditionally ? yes, I could pass the sql query as an argument and start the execution.
Can sql query can run in parallel : yes as per (How does Structured Streaming execute separate streaming queries (in parallel or sequentially)?)
Need to validate
what are limitation of the sql query : I found that we cannot perform all type of sql query, as we normally do for relational database for example, partition.
Can execution of particular sql be terminated conditionally ?
Can anyone help me to guide what are the limitation that I need to consider while generating sql queries. I know its very broad question to ask but any guidance will be very helpful that could help me to look in right direction.
The POC code.
Run the example
`$ bin/spark-submit examples/src/main/python/sql/streaming/ \
host1:port1,host2:port2 subscribe topic1,topic2`
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
from pyspark.sql.functions import split
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json, col
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
from pyspark.sql import window as w
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
Usage: <bootstrap-servers> <subscribe-type> <topics>
""", file=sys.stderr)
bootstrapServers = sys.argv[1]
subscribeType = sys.argv[2]
topics = sys.argv[3]
spark = SparkSession\
schema = StructType([
StructField("p1", StringType(), True),
StructField("p2", StringType(), True),
StructField("p3" , StringType(), True)
lines = spark\
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)\
.option(subscribeType, topics)\
.select(from_json(col("value").cast("string"), schema).alias("parsed_value"))\
query="select count(*),p1,p2 from events group by p1,p2"
query1="select count(*),p2,p3 from events group by p2,p3"
query_list=[query,query1] # it can be passed as an argument.
for q in query_list:
Please let me know if my question is still unclear, I can update it accordinlgy.
answering to one part of my own question.
Can execution of particular sql be terminated conditionally ?
yes, spark provides stream query management API to stop the streaming queries.

Spark: How to debug pandas-UDF in VS Code

I'm looking for a way to debug spark pandas UDF in vscode and Pycharm Community version (place breakpoint and stop inside UDF). At the moment when breakpoint is placed inside UDF debugger doesn't stop.
In the reference below there is described Local mode and Distributed mode.
I'm trying at least to debug in Local mode. Pycharm/VS Code there should be a way to debug local enc by "Attach to Local Process". Just I can not figure out how.
At the moment I can not find any answer how to attach pyspark debugger to local process inside UDF in VS Code(my dev ide).
I found only examples below in Pycharm.
Attache to local process How can PySpark be called in debug mode?
When I try to attach to process I'm getting message below in Pycharm. In VS Code I'm getting msg that process can not be attached.
Attaching to a process with PID=33,692
/home/usr_name/anaconda3/envs/yf/bin/python3.8 /snap/pycharm-community/223/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/pydevd_attach_to_process/ --port 40717 --pid 33692
WARNING: The 'kernel.yama.ptrace_scope' parameter value is not 0, attach to process may not work correctly.
Please run 'sudo sysctl kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0' to change the value temporary
or add the 'kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0' line to /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf to set it permanently.
Process finished with exit code 0
Server stopped.
With this package, it is possible to debug rdds running on worker, but I was not able to adjust package to debug UDFs
Example code, breakpoint doesn't stop inside UDF pandas_function(url_json):
import pandas as pd
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, IntegerType,StringType
spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.appName("test") \
.master('local[*]') \
sc = spark.sparkContext
# Create initial dataframe respond_sdf
d_list = [('api_1',"{'api': ['api_1', 'api_1', 'api_1'],'A': [1,2,3], 'B': [4,5,6] }"),
(' api_2', "{'api': ['api_2', 'api_2', 'api_2'],'A': [7,8,9], 'B': [10,11,12] }")]
schema = StructType([
StructField('url', StringType(), True),
StructField('content', StringType(), True)
jsons = sc.parallelize(rdd_list)
respond_sdf = spark.createDataFrame(jsons, schema)
# Pandas UDF
def pandas_function(url_json):
# Here I want to place breakpoint
df = pd.DataFrame(eval(url_json['content'][0]))
return df
# Pnadas UDF transformation applied to respond_sdf
respond_sdf.groupby(F.monotonically_increasing_id()).applyInPandas(pandas_function, schema=schema).show()
This example demonstrates how to use excellent pyspark_exray library to step into UDF functions passed into Dataframe.mapInPandas function

Can't add vertex with python in neptune workbench

I'm trying to put together a demo of Neptune using Neptune workbench, but something's not working right. I've got this block set up:
from __future__ import print_function # Python 2/3 compatibility
from gremlin_python import statics
from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Graph
from gremlin_python.process.graph_traversal import __
from gremlin_python.process.strategies import *
from gremlin_python.driver.driver_remote_connection import DriverRemoteConnection
graph = Graph()
cluster_url = #my cluster
remoteConn = DriverRemoteConnection( f'wss://{cluster_url}:8182/gremlin','g')
g = graph.traversal().withRemote(remoteConn)
import uuid
tmp = uuid.uuid4()
def get_id(name):
uid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, f"{name}")
return str(uid)
def add_sku(name):
tmp_id = get_id(name)
g.addV('SKU').property('id', tmp_id, 'name', name)
return name
def get_values():
return g.V().properties().toList()
The problem is that calling add_sku doesn't result in a vertex being added to the graph. Doing the same operation in a cell with gremlin magic works, and I can retrieve values through python, but I can't add vertices. Does anyone see what I'm missing here?
The Python code is not working because it is missing a terminal step (next() or iterate()) on the end of it which forces it to evaluate. If you add the terminal step it should work:
g.addV('SKU').property('id', tmp_id, 'name', name).next()

Pyspark: Serialized task exceeds max allowed. Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values

I'm doing calculations on a cluster and at the end when I ask summary statistics on my Spark dataframe with df.describe().show() I get an error:
Serialized task 15:0 was 137500581 bytes, which exceeds max allowed: spark.rpc.message.maxSize (134217728 bytes). Consider increasing spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values
In my Spark configuration I already tried to increase the aforementioned parameter:
spark = (SparkSession
.appName("TV segmentation - dataprep for scoring")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "25G")
.config("spark.driver.memory", "40G")
.config("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "true")
.config("spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors", "12")
.config("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "3g")
.config("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max.mb", "2047mb")
.config("spark.rpc.message.maxSize", "1000mb")
I also tried to repartition my dataframe using:
but still I keep on getting the same error.
My environment: Python 3.5, Anaconda 5.0, Spark 2
How can I avoid this error ?
i'm in same trouble, then i solve it.
the cause is spark.rpc.message.maxSize if default set 128M, you can change it when launch a spark client, i'm work in pyspark and set the value to 1024, so i write like this:
pyspark --master yarn --conf spark.rpc.message.maxSize=1024
solve it.
I had the same issue and it wasted a day of my life that I am never getting back. I am not sure why this is happening, but here is how I made it work for me.
Step 1: Make sure that PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON are correctly set.
Turned out that python in worker(2.6) had a different version than in driver(3.6). You should check if environment variables PYSPARK_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON are correctly set.
I fixed it by simply switching my kernel from Python 3 Spark 2.2.0 to Python Spark 2.3.1 in Jupyter. You may have to set it up manually. Here is how to make sure your PySpark is set up correctly
STEP 2: If that doesn't work, try working around it:
This kernel switch worked for DFs that I haven't added any columns to:
spark_df -> panda_df -> back_to_spark_df .... but it didn't work on the DFs where I had added 5 extra columns. So what I tried and it worked was the following:
# 1. Select only the new columns:
df_write = df[['hotel_id','neg_prob','prob','ipw','auc','brier_score']]
# 2. Convert this DF into Spark DF:
df_to_spark = spark.createDataFrame(df_write)
df_to_spark = df_to_spark.repartition(100)
# 3. Join it to the rest of your data:
final = df_to_spark.join(data,'hotel_id')
# 4. Then write the final DF.
Hope that helps!
I had the same problem but using Watson studio. My solution was:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
I hope it help someone...
I had faced the same issue while converting the sparkDF to pandasDF.
I am working on Azure-Databricks , first you need to check the memory set in the spark config using below -
Then we can increase the memory-
spark.conf.set("spark.rpc.message.maxSize", "500")
For those folks, who are looking for AWS Glue script pyspark based way of doing this. The below code snippet might be useful
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf
#SparkConf can be directly used with its .set property
sc = SparkContext(conf=myconfig)
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)

Do I have to specify import when Python script is being run in Ipython?

I am writing a script that I know I will run in Ipython.
I start Ipython as ipython --pylab.
This imports numpy, matplotlib, etc.
So do I have to specify these import statements again in my script?
I did not, and my script did not run.
Thanks for your help.
--pylab imports numpy both as * and np. I always use np. to minimize confusion.
If I need numpy in my script, I include the usual import numpy as np line. This lets me run the script from the shell. I can also run it with run ... from within IPython. I could also do an import in Ipython or some other script.
I've never tried omitting the import numpy line, and I don't see any need to start. It doesn't save any time or space. Make a habit of importing what you need, and don't assume the environment will do it for you.
Functions that you define and edit from with in IPython don't need their own import statements.
just tried this script:
def foo1(x):
return np.sum(x)
def foo2(x):
return x.sum()
Obviously I can load it with 'run'. And foo2(np.array([1,2,3])) works because the array uses its own method. But foo1 produces a NameError: global name 'np' is not defined.