React native with redux is laggy on dispatch - react-native

In my app, I have a function which calls every 2s a bluetooth command to ask the current temperature of a device with a setInterval function.
The bluetooth response is given by monitored function. I use react native-ble-plx library for that.
I have no problem with this process.
The temperature is returned via a property which is dispatched via redux in an action file.
But when I "dispatch" (via redux) the function to my screen, I have a short interrupt which causes a laggy/jerky behavior. In my case, I have a slide to unlock button, and on my device when the dispatch is call, the touch operation is interrupted, and become not intuitive and annoying. It's difficult to explain the problem, but my question is simple, how I have to set react-redux not to be laggy, or not interrupt current user interaction on redux dispatch ?
My app, is based on this project structure (for react-redux with Ble) :
react-native: 0.63.3
react-native-ble-plx: 2.0.2
react-redux: 7.2.1
This is pseudo code of my app (the code is more longer, but I have excluded all other by remove them) :
import stuff[...]
class HomeScreen extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);
render() {
const { value } = this.state
return (
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
temperature: state.temperature,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
readTemp: () => bluetooth.readTemp(),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps())(HomeScreen);
redux's action file : actionBt.js (my file is based on this
(error, characteristic) => {
if (characteristic != null && characteristic.value != null) {
thanks for your help
Update 1
I make a specific version of my app, without bluetooth, just the slide to unlock module and a watcher with setInterval, and still have a laggy behavior, when the state is dispatched. I have done tests with button only, when I tap then show the value via dispatch, it's still the same trouble.
this my test code, index.js (redux action file)
export const readTemp = () => {
return (dispatch, getState, DeviceManager) => {
const state = getState();
console.log("READ TEMP");
dispatch(temperatureSensor( Math.random(0,9) ))
function BLEservices(BLEServices) {
setInterval(() => {
}, 2500);
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
childrenContainer={{ }}
onEndReached={() => {
margin: 8,
backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE",
overflow: 'hidden',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
width: '50%',
<Text style={{color:"#FFF"}}>TEST</Text>
<Text style={{color: "#D5BD9E"}}>unlock</Text>
<Text>Temperature: {BLEServices.temperatureSensor}</Text>
thanks for your advice, and your help
Update 2
Solution found, see my answer below. The problem was type of var user in dispatch and some side effect due to previous test I have done on app and not clean them.

I solved my problem, by finding multiple var who are contains objects. I have a var which contain four attributes, I update and use one of them. And this object was update by my watcher. When I dispatch object to get a part of this object, I have to read the whole object, and this one is fully updated by my watchern which cause laggy render. So i have splitted that, to update only per var.
Another thing I've done, I split my interface elements in multi component, before, I has a lot of code in one screen, because I didn't need to reuse them elsewhere.


React Native on Android focus doesn't open the keyboard

We are facing some very weird issue with opening keyboard on Android device.
It works great on iOS, 90% on Android devices, but on some devices it simply don't work = the keyboard don't show despite the input field has focus.
We tried it with different approaches (with refs, with timeout and without ref either).
All with the same result :/. One of the devices we are trying has API 30, so it even doesn't seem to be an old API problem.
Have anybody facing similar issue? What can cause the issue? Any tips how to debug it?
Here is code:
export const AddNotificationModal: AddNotificationModalT = ({
}) => {
const input = useRef<TextInput>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (visible) {
// 1.
// InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
// if (input?.current) {
// input.current.focus();
// }
// });
// 2.
// 3.
// setTimeout(() => input.current?.focus(), 150);
}, [visible]);
return (
<TextInput autoFocus={true} ref={input} />
<Button dark onPress={() => onConfirm()}>

React Native components seem to be sharing a state

I'm having an issue with React-native where I have a component TouchTimer which uses an AnimatedTimer component. This timer is supposed to start and stop when it is tapped, which it does, however all of the TouchTimer components I add to a page will start and stop whenever any of them are tapped, rather than only affecting the tapped component.
Below is a snippet of my component:
export class TouchTimer extends React.Component<TouchTimerProps> {
state: {
paused: boolean,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
paused: true,
startStop() {
this.setState({paused: !this.state.paused});
render() {
const { time } = this.props;
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.startStop()}>
<View style={styles.timeContainer}>
<Text style={styles.time}>{this.state.remaining}</Text>
And here is a snippet of the screen containing these components:
import { TouchTimer } from '../components/TouchTimer';
export class RecipeDetailsScreen extends React.Component<NavigationInjectedProps> {
{ => (
title={"Step " + step.index}
right={() => (step.time > 0 &&
time={step.time * 60000}
I have tried wrapping the TouchTimer components in a View and changing the paused boolean to a prop, to no avail.
I have also tested to see if this issue appears when the components are not siblings, and when they are not produced as the result of a callback, and the issue still persists in both these cases.
If anybody has any advice or answers on how to make these timers independent I would very much appreciate it!
Curiously that component seems to be implemented with a global pauseFlag that applies to all component instances. See
So I don't think you're doing anything wrong here, this is a limitation of the library code that is coupling all instances of your timer to the same pauseFlag value.

ComponentWillMount only trigger for first time?

tabBarUnderlineStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#5AF158' }}
renderTabBar={() => <ScrollableTab />}>
renderTabHeader() {
return (, i) =>
<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#EEEEEE', flex: 1 }}>
<Content contentDate={date.format('YYYY-MM-DD')} />
Content Component:
class Content extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
console.log('Component Will Mount() ?');
this.props.loadTransactionByDate({ date: this.props.contentDate });
render() {
return (
Basically, in MainComponent there is a collection of tabs. I've noticed something rather weird which Content will be mounted on the first time their tab being click or active?
Meaning for the first time, we can click on Tab index 2 and seeing the console log in componentWillMount, then we switch to another tab and if coming back to Tab index 2 again, componentWillMount will not be triggered anymore?
First I would like to point out you should not use componentWillMount life cycle method since it has been deprecated on last minor update of React 16.3
Heres list of deprecated life cycle methods,
(componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, and componentWillUpdate). You can read more about deprecated life cycle methods here.
Secondary in your example life cycle works as expected. componentWillMount triggers only once since your component will be initial rendered/mounted only one time and that's how React works.
I would work this out with following method.
Add getDerivedStateFromProps life cycle to Content component, which will trigger when component receives new props and as well on initial mount.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
console.log('will log on props change');
if( nextProps.contentDate !== prevState.contentDate ) {
return { contentDate: nextProps.contentDate };
// Notice we return plain object here to update state
return null;
// return null when changes are not needed
This example checks that contentDate has changed and if so pushes it into component -state. And on render method you get it by this.state.contentDate.
render() {
return (
You could achieve similar behaviour with implementing this in componentDidUpdate but then you have much bigger risk to end up with infinite loops and much worse performance. But it's possible just have strong checks that data you have expected has really changed as you would expect. Then you can do setState and component re-renders.

react-native scrollView - scrollToEnd - on Android

I'm trying to call a function that will fire upon onFoucs on TextInput that will scroll the scrollView all the way down (using scrollToEnd())
so this is my class component
class MyCMP extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onInputFocus = this.onInputFocus.bind(this);
onInputFocus() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('done scrolling');
}, 1);
render() {
return (
<ScrollView ref="scroll">
{ /* items */ }
<TextInput onFocus={this.onInputFocus} />
export default MyCMP;
the component above works and it does scroll but it takes a lot of time ... I'm using setTimeout because without it its just going down the screen without calculating the keybaord's height so it not scrolling down enough, even when I keep typing (and triggering that focus on the input) it still doesn't scroll all the way down.
I'm dealing with it some good hours now, I did set the windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize and I did went through some modules like react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view or react-native-auto-scroll but none of them really does the work as I need it.
any direction how to make it done the right way would be really appreciated. thanks!
Rather than using a setTimeout you use Keyboard API of react-native. You add an event listener for keyboard show and then scroll the view to end. You might need to create some logic on which input is focused if you have more than one input in your component but if you only have one you can just do it like the example below.
Another good thing to do is changing your refs to functional ones since string refs are considered as legacy and will be removed in future releases of react. More info here.
class MyCMP extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.scroll = null;
this.keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._keyboardDidShow.bind(this));
componentWillUnmount () {
_keyboardDidShow() {
render() {
return (
<ScrollView ref={(scroll) => {this.scroll = scroll;}}>
{ /* items */ }
<TextInput />
export default MyCMP;
If you have a large dataset React Native docs is telling you to go with FlatList.
To get it to scroll to bottom this is what worked for me
ref={ref => (this.scrollView = ref)}
onContentSizeChange={() => {
this.scrollView.scrollToEnd({ animated: true, index: -1 }, 200);

Opening context menu on long press in React Native

I'd like to have a context menu triggered on long press different places using React Native.
I.e. in a dialer like the default dailer. You can long-click on any contact and get a 'copy number' menu. And also you can long-click on the name of the person once you've opened their 'contact card'.
The straight-forward way needs a lot of copy-pasted boilerplate, both components and handlers.
Is there a better pattern for doing this?
All Touchable components (TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableOpacity etc.) has a property called onLongPress. You can use this prop to listen for long presses and then show the context menu.
To eliminate code mess and doing lots of copy paste you can separate your context menu as a different component and call it when the long press happen. You can also use an ActionSheet library to show the desired options. React native has a native API for iOS called ActionSheetIOS. If you get a little bit more experience in react and react-native you can create a better logic for this but I'm going to try to give you an example below.
// file/that/contains/globally/used/functions.js
const openContextMenu = (event, user, callback) => {
options: ['Copy Username', 'Call User', 'Add to favorites', 'Cancel'],
cancelButtonIndex: [3],
title: 'Hey',
message : 'What do you want to do now?'
}, (buttonIndexThatSelected) => {
// Do something with result
if(callback && typeof callback === 'function') callback();
export openContextMenu;
import { openContextMenu } from './file/that/contains/globally/used/functions';
export default class UserCard extends React.Component {
render() {
const { userObject } = this.props;
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onLongPress={(event) => openContextMenu(event, userObject, () => console.log('Done')}>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onLongPress={(event) => openContextMenu(event, userObject, () => console.log('Done'))}>
<Image source={{uri: userObject.profilePic }} />
Similarly as the previous answer combine onLongPress with imperative control for popup menu - something like
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onLongPress={()=>}>
<View style={styles.card}>
<Text>My first contact name</Text>
<Menu ref={c => ( = c)}>
<MenuTrigger text="..." />
// ...
When it comes to a lot of boilerplate - in React you can do your own components that you can reuse everywhere thus reducing boilerplate (and copy&paste)
See full example on