How to configure orangefs save the file into the same server, not split it? - file-io

One of my friend tell me that orangefs could save the file into the same server and not split it, but i could not find any configuration info on
Does anybody know it? Thanks.

i find how to do it:
setfattr -n "user.pvfs2.num_dfiles" -v "1" /mnt/orangefs


Automic: How to implement Error-Handling in Script

I want to check a file in Unix via Automic. If the file doesnt exist it should switch the host and check if the file is there.
The problem is, that I dont now how to implement a error handling.
Everytime the script object is processing and cant find the file the skript aborted. I need a new starting point in the skript but "ON_ERROR" or ":RESTART" doesnt work.
How can I implement a logic like this: IF the script aborted due to the error-massage 'No such file or directory'start the script from here instead.
Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards
I have solved it. Use the function PREP_PROCESS_FILENAME to check if the file exists in the folder!
You have to start the task twice in the same workflow. The task-job checks if the script exists otherwise nothing to do.
if [ -f "/path/to/script" ]
bash /path/to/script
echo "Script not found"
In Post-Script you can modify the state for the empty task with :MODIFY_STATE. Depend on report or returncode

is there any way to splitting Variables in VSCode?

I wonder there is any way to splitting some variables in VSCode?
my example will explain my question better:
I have an exe file in such path C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\project.exe
my cpp source path that will create exe file is this C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\test.cpp
I want to create a task in tasks.json but my oder of variables does not give me the right path
as you understand:
${workspaceFolder} is C:\path\to\workspace
${fileDirname} returns C:\path\to\workspace\main\project
and ${relativeFileDirname}.exe returns main\project.exe
and combination of "${fileDirname}\\${relativeFileDirname}.exe" as a command will return C:\path\to\workspace\main\project\main\project.exe that is wrong.
so I wanted to know there is any other variable that just return the parent of current file or not?
if not can we split variables with \ ?
I hope it makes some sense
Add new fileDirnameBasename variable
${fileDirnameBasename} is being added to vscode v1.52 which I believe is what you are looking for.
You can use the extension Command Variable
Use the commands:
btw, as an workaround, this worked for me
but need a variable for getting parent folder of current open file
any idea?

How to use csvSeparator with jpexport (jprofiler)?

I am using jprofiler to make some tests about the memory usage of my application. I would like to include them in my build process. All the steps should work in command like.
On step exports csv file from jps file with a command like:
~/jprofiler7/bin/jpexport q1.jps "TelemetryHeap" -format=csv q1_telemetry_heap.csv
On my local machine (widows), it is working. On my server (linux) the csv file is not well formatted:
"Time [s]","Committed size","Free size","Used size"
They is no way to distinguish the comma of csv format and the one of the numbering format.
According to the documentation, I need to change the value of -Djprofiler.csvSeparator in the file bin/export.vmoptions.
But I fail. I also try to change this value in jpexport.vmoptions and in jprofiler.vmoptions.
What should I do?
Thanks for your help
This bug was fixed in JProfiler 8.0.2.
on a new line in bin/jpexport.vmoptions should work in JProfiler 7, though.

How to split sql in MAC OSX?

Is there any app for mac to split sql files or even script?
I have a large files which i have to upload it to hosting that doesn't support files over 8 MB.
*I don't have SSH access
You can use this :
Use this command to split the sql file
split -l 5000 ./path/to/mysqldump.sql ./mysqldump/dbpart-
The split command takes a file and breaks it into multiple files. The -l 5000 part tells it to split the file every five thousand lines. The next bit is the path to your file, and the next part is the path you want to save the output to. Files will be saved as whatever filename you specify (e.g. “dbpart-”) with an alphabetical letter combination appended.
Now you should be able to import your files one at a time through phpMyAdmin without issue.
More info
This tool should do the trick: MySQLDumpSplitter
It's free and open source.
Unlike the accepted answer to this question, this app will always keep extended inserts intact so the precise form of your query doesn't matter; the resulting files will always have valid SQL syntax.
Full disclosure: I am a share holder of the company that hosts this program.
The UploadDir feature in phpMyAdmin could help you, if you have FTP access and can modify your phpMyAdmin's configuration (or are allowed to install your own instance of phpMyAdmin).
You can split into working SQL statements with:
csplit -s -f db-part db.sql "/^# Dump of table/" "{99}"
Which makes up to 99 files named 'db-part[n]' from db.sql
You can use "CREATE TABLE" or "INSERT INTO" instead of "# Dump of ..."
Also: Avoid installing any programs or uploading your data into any online service. You don't know what will be done with your information!

SQL Server Database Attach error. The system cannot find the file specified

When im trying to attach database get such error Does Anyone have an idea what can be problem?
On your first picture, I see the med_log.ldf file. On second picture you trying to attach med.ldf. Try to change the name of file in line 3 to med_log.ldf.
Your error message states that it is looking for Med.ldf, not Med_log.ldf.
You need to change the filename in the second part of your restore command to match this filename.
The name of the Log file seems to be incorrect. it should be "Med_log.ldf" instead of "Med.ldf"