I am getting Error "Secure 3d is not configured for version Two" - global-payments-api

I am try to implement 3d secure V2, but when I try to call the method
I am getting error for "Secure 3d is not configured for version Two." Any one has idea about the error?

Found the solution for the above error. While configuring the 3d secure V2 in ServiceContainer do not select Secure3dVersion = Secure3dVersion.Two. I dont know but global payment api not support the Secure3dVersion.Two in the configuiration.
Below is my configuration settings
ServicesContainer.ConfigureService(new GpEcomConfig
MerchantId = MerchantId,
//AccountId = "ecom3ds",
AccountId = "3dsv2",
SharedSecret = SharedSecret,
ServiceUrl = V2ServiceUrl,
ChallengeNotificationUrl = "https://www.example.com/challengeNotificationUrl",
//MethodNotificationUrl = "https://www.example.com/methodNotificationUrl",
MethodNotificationUrl = "https://localhost:44345/ThreeDSecureNotification.aspx",
Secure3dVersion = Secure3dVersion.Any

we also included these
HostedPaymentConfig = new HostedPaymentConfig
Version = "2"
Secure3dVersion = Secure3dVersion.Two,


Kreait : verifySessionCookie() not found

I try to verify a session cookie from the $sessionCookieString = $auth->createSessionCookie($idToken, $oneWeek); which work normally.
But report say that the function is not found.
"Call to undefined method Kreait\Firebase\Auth::verifySessionCookie()"
Didn't understand why.
i have the latest version install.
--- Portion of code below ---
use Kreait\Firebase\Factory;
use Kreait\Firebase\Contract\Auth;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\UserQuery;
use Google\Cloud\Firestore\FirestoreClient;
use Kreait\Firebase\Auth\CreateSessionCookie\FailedToCreateSessionCookie;
public function doLogin() {
$factory = (new Factory)->withServiceAccount($this->ekonysJson );
$auth = $factory->createAuth();
$this->auth = $auth;
$signInResult = $auth->signInWithEmailAndPassword("email#dot", "password");
$idToken = $signInResult->idToken();
$oneWeek = new \DateInterval('P7D');
$sessionCookieString = $auth->createSessionCookie($idToken, $oneWeek);
$verifiedSessionCookie = $auth->verifySessionCookie($sessionCookieString)
refer to doc https://firebase-php.readthedocs.io/en/stable/authentication.html#session-cookies
if you have any idea.... thanks
Solution for this problem

How to enable synchronization 2 when using Vulkan API 1.2?

Up until now, I used the the latest Vulkan API available on my development machine (1.3.201).
VK_CHECK(vkEnumerateInstanceVersion(&_apiVersion)); // returns 1.3.201
After some struggles I managed to use synchronization 2 as a core feature (functions without KHR).
But now, I wish to work with API version 1.2 to be compatible with more devices.
So when initializing VkApplicationInfo I set a lower version to the apiVersion field:
appInfo.apiVersion = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION(0, 1, 2, 0);
In order to use synchronization 2 extension, I pass the following extensions & layers to vkCreateInstance:
And these are the extensions and layers I pass to vkCreateDevice:
This is my device Initialization code:
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures deviceFeatures{ };
VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features features12{};
features12.timelineSemaphore = true;
VkDeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo
.pNext = &features12,
.flags = VkDeviceCreateFlags{},
.queueCreateInfoCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(createDesc.queu_create_info.size()),
.pQueueCreateInfos = createDesc.queu_create_info.data(),
.enabledLayerCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(config.required_layers.size()),
.ppEnabledLayerNames = config.required_layers.data(),
.enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(config.required_extentions.size()),
.ppEnabledExtensionNames = config.required_extentions.data(),
.pEnabledFeatures = &deviceFeatures
Yet, when calling vkCmdPipelineBarrier2KHR I get a validation error:
Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdPipelineBarrier2-synchronization2-03848 ] Object 0: handle = 0x20b77c136f0, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xa060404 | vkCmdPipelineBarrier2KHR(): Synchronization2 feature is not enabled The Vulkan spec states: The synchronization2 feature must be enabled (https://vulkan.lunarg.com/doc/view/

VM creation using terraform in vsphere gives An error occurred while customizing VM

provider "vsphere" {
vsphere_server = "myserver"
user = "myuser"
password = "mypass"
allow_unverified_ssl = true
version = "v1.21.0"
data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
name = "pcloud-datacenter"
data "vsphere_datastore_cluster" "datastore_cluster" {
name = "pc-storage"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id
data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "compute_cluster" {
name = "pcloud-cluster"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id
data "vsphere_network" "network" {
name = "u32c01p26-1514"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id
data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm_template" {
name = "first-terraform-vm"
datacenter_id = data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
count = 1
name = "first-terraform-vm-1"
resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_compute_cluster.compute_cluster.resource_pool_id
datastore_cluster_id = data.vsphere_datastore_cluster.datastore_cluster.id
num_cpus = 2
memory = 1024
wait_for_guest_ip_timeout = 2
wait_for_guest_net_timeout = 0
guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.guest_id
scsi_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.scsi_type
network_interface {
network_id = data.vsphere_network.network.id
adapter_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.network_interface_types[0]
disk {
name = "disk0.vmdk"
size = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.size
eagerly_scrub = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.eagerly_scrub
thin_provisioned = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.disks.0.thin_provisioned
folder = "virtual-machines"
clone {
template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.vm_template.id
customize {
linux_options {
host_name = "first-terraform-vm-1"
domain = "localhost.localdomain"
network_interface {
ipv4_address = ""
ipv4_netmask = 24
ipv4_gateway = ""
The command terraform script throws the below error
Virtual machine customization failed on "/pcloud-datacenter/vm/virtual-machines/first-terraform-vm-1":
An error occurred while customizing VM first-terraform-vm-1. For details reference the log file <No Log> in the guest OS.
The virtual machine has not been deleted to assist with troubleshooting. If
corrective steps are taken without modifying the "customize" block of the
resource configuration, the resource will need to be tainted before trying
again. For more information on how to do this, see the following page:
on create_vm.tf line 34, in resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm":
34: resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
Some how the generated vm "first-terraform-vm-1" doesn't have the connected box checked-in in network settings. While i checked my template "first-terraform-vm" it has network connected box checked-in.
I see similar post in github https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-vsphere/issues/951
But not sure why this issue is still surfacing?
Vsphere version: 6.7
Terraform v0.12.28
provider.vsphere v1.21.0
Is there anything wrong with my template? Or am i missing something? Can anyone help please? Stuck with this for last 2 days.
The problem looks to be with the template that i have used. The linux template should have Network Manager installed and running. It looks like terraform uses the network manager to assign IPaddress for newly created vm.

Access REST API via lua script

Is there way to access rest api with pure lua script
GET / POST both way need to access and display response
i already tried
local api = nil
local function iniit()
if api == nil then
-- body
api = require("http://api.com")
.on_get(function ()
return {name = "Apple",
id = 12345}
In linux , mac we can easily install luarocks , and then we can install curl package. It's easiest way to unix like os.
-- HTTP Get
local curl = require('curl')
url = 'api.xyz.net?a=data',
httpheader = {
"X-Test-Header1: Header-Data1",
"X-Test-Header2: Header-Data2",
writefunction = io.stderr -- use io.stderr:write()
In windows i faced several problems. Cant install luarocks correctly. then luarock install command not work correctl, etc..
In first dwnload lua from official site, and then create structure like (below web site)
then i download lua luadist
then i got same structure luadist extracted folder and lua folder.
merged luadist folder and lua folder
Finaly we can use http.soket
local http=require("socket.http");
local request_body = [[login=user&password=123]]
local response_body = {}
local res, code, response_headers = http.request{
url = "api.xyz.net?a=data",
method = "GET",
headers =
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
["Content-Length"] = #request_body;
source = ltn12.source.string(request_body),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response_body),
if type(response_headers) == "table" then
for k, v in pairs(response_headers) do
print(k, v)
print("Response body:")
if type(response_body) == "table" then
print("Not a table:", type(response_body))

Zend Framework: Multidb fails to initialize

This used to work but after some modifications by the other programmers it just fails to work. I have this code on my Bootstrap:
protected function _initDatabase ()
$resource = $this->getPluginResource('multidb');
Zend_Registry::set('gtap', $resource->getDb('gtap'));
Zend_Registry::set('phpbb', $resource->getDb('phpbb'));
Upon loading, this error shows up:
Fatal error: Call to a member function init() on a non-object in
/var/www/gamebowl3/application/Bootstrap.php on line 105
My php.ini has this entry on tis include_path:
and the i can see that multidb.php is located in:
Can somebody tell me what causes the error? Thanks!
I just found out that the problem is in application.ini. Added a newly-introduced setting to the usual set of configs. Here it is:
;Gtap Database
resources.multidb.gtap.adapter = "PDO_MYSQL"
resources.multidb.gtap.host = "localhost"
resources.multidb.gtap.username = "root"
resources.multidb.gtap.password = "letmein1"
resources.multidb.gtap.dbname = "gtap"
resources.multidb.gtap.isDefaultTableAdapter = true
resources.multidb.gtap.default = true
;Forum Database
resources.multidb.phpbb.adapter = "PDO_MYSQL"
resources.multidb.phpbb.host = "localhost"
resources.multidb.phpbb.username = "root"
resources.multidb.phpbb.password = "letmein1"
resources.multidb.phpbb.dbname = "phpbb"
resources.multidb.phpbb.isDefaultTableAdapter = false
Also, make sure you have the latest Zend Framework Library and add it to PHP's include path. That should fix everything up.